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what he usually wears around the house.
what he usually wears around the house.
Once Jackie had gotten them back to Michael's house, he waved goodbye and drove off, them waving at him. Once he was out of sight, they walked back into the house, Michael holding Aislinn up. She was so dead from walking and running so much that her legs gave out on her for an hour. "I'm so sorry I'm making you carry me, Michael." She apologized. He chuckled. "It's no problem, Aislinn. Don't worry about it." He realized when he first picked her up that she was as light as he was, maybe even lighter. 'Maybe she's gone days without eating...' Michael thought to himself. 'I've done that before, that's for sure.' He felt her shivering and got her into his private library and put her on a couch next to the fire place. He covered her up with a blanket and started the fire. He stood up and looked at her. "I'll get you some hot cocoa, ok?" She nodded and he went out of the library and into the kitchen to make hot cocoa for the both of them.
She looked around the library and found a book right next to her. She picked it up and looked at it. "Moonwalk, huh?" She opened it up and started reading it. She was so into reading it that she didn't realize Michael came back in with the hot cocoa and sat next to her, placing one of the mugs in front of her on the coffee table. He held his mug and smiled. "You like my book?" She jumped slightly. "Whoa, when did you get here?" He chuckled at her reaction. "Just a few seconds ago, Aislinn. Your hot cocoa is right there." He pointed to her mug on the coffee table. She placed the book down gently on the table next to her and grabbed her mug and took a sip of the cocoa. Her eyes went wide and a smile crept on her face. "This is really good, Michael." "Thanks. Its homemade from regular cocoa powder, sugar, marshmallow minis, and coffee creamer." She took another sip and savored the taste. "It's really good. I love it. Mother never made anything like this before." Michael smiled and placed his arm around her shoulder, pulling her closer to him. "Your mother must have been nice at some point, right?" Aislinn giggled. "Yeah...I loved her so much...it makes me sad to know that she and my father are gone...and have been gone for 13 years..." Michael placed his hand on her head and placed her head on his shoulder, moving his head onto hers. He placed his mug on the table next to him and grabbed the remote. He pressed the 'on' button and it turned on the television. He clicked 2 times to turn it to the movie 'Jaws'. Aislinn looked at Michael after placing her mug down on the coffee table. "I've...uh...I've never seen this movie before." He looked at her. "You scared, Aislinn?" "N-Not really, but..." "Look, if you get scared, hold onto my hand, ok?" She looked at him and nodded nervously. He smiled and placed his arm around her shoulder yet again, pressing 'play' on the remote.
About 30 minutes into the movie, Aislinn grabbed his hand. He realized she hated seeing attacks like that. So he whispered in her ear, "If you need to, you can cover your eyes." She looked at him. "How would I do that?" He chuckled. "Just turn your head away, bury your head in my shoulder. Whatever you feel like." She nodded and then continued watching the movie. When it got to a really scary part, she both held his hand and buried her head in his chest. He placed a hand on the back of her head and patted her head softly, running his fingers through her hair.
Once the movie ended, she was calm, but she kept seeing things. They realized that it was about 9 pm and started getting ready for bed. Once they were ready, they slid into bed and pretty soon, Michael fell asleep. Aislinn, on the other hand, was having a hard time sleeping. Because of 'Jaws', she kept moving around. Until..."AH!" she woke up, scared out of her mind. She panted like crazy. Michael woke up a bit after and looked at her. "You alright, Aislinn?!" She looked at him and buried her head in his chest and started to cry. He held her closely to him, running one hand up and down her back and the other hand rubbing the back of her head. "Sh...calm down, Aislinn. It's going to be alright." She was shaking and he could tell. She was so frightened. "Don't like sharks, huh?" She looked at him. "I love sharks, Michael, but...shark attacks freak me out, to be honest. My nightmare consisted of a shark attack while I was swimming out in the ocean...I'm scared. Don't let them eat me, please???" She buried her head back into his chest. He continued comforting her. "I won't even let them touch you, Aislinn." He kissed her head and they laid back down and fell asleep, Michael letting her sleep on his chest with his arms around her.
The next day, that is, after rehearsal and McCauley went home tired, Michael got an idea. "Hey Aislinn, wanna go out into Neverland?" Her head shot up when she heard 'Neverland'. "Neverland? Really? You'd take me out there?" He smiled and nodded. "Of course. You haven't seen Neverland before, have you?" She shook her head no. "No I haven't. I'd love to see it, though." He smiled and led her to the golf cart he had behind the house and they drove off into the theme park. She looked at everything and smiled. "This is Neverland? It's even better than I imagined!" He smiled even more. "You can act like a kid all you want here. I come in here sometimes to get away from the stresses of work." "And John?" Michael giggled. "Yep, and John. Well, here we are." He stopped the golf cart and they got out in front of the theater. Aislinn saw a bridge that was over a lovely river. She ran towards the bridge and looked at Neverland. "Wow, its so beautiful here. It must have cost a lot to build this place." Michael soon joined her, putting his hand on her hip. "Yeah, a whole $17 million. And kids have asked me if I still had money." Aislinn giggled. "I love it here already. If I was a kid again, I would never want to leave Neverland. Ever." She leaned her head against his shoulder. "You know what, Michael?" "What?" "Sometimes, when I was real little, I wished I could go to Neverland to get away from my family and to never grow up. I didn't like the way my older sister ended up...and I never wanted to be the same way. Now she's been married 5 times, still on the 5th husband of hers." "5 times? Wow...you don't mind if we talk about yesterday for a minute?" "Not at all." "What did Cory tell you before Jackie and I showed up?" Aislinn looked down at the water. "She asked me if I ever felt like I was in love with you. I told her about how my parents would tease me for, not only being 2 years younger than you, being in love with you when I knew almost nothing about you." "Do you still feel like you know almost nothing about me now?" She looked at him and he looked at her. "No. I feel as if I've known you for a long time...I remember a time when I was about 4 that I heard music coming from a house down the street. Every night, I'd listen to them practice and it lulled me to sleep." He thought it sounded familiar. "If you don't mind me asking...where were you born?" "Gary, Indiana." He was taken back. "You were that little girl a couple grades behind me?" Now that she thought about it, she remembered a boy she met that long while back. "Yeah, I guess I was. I was just a preschooler, but...I guess I..." "You guess you what?" She looked at him. "I guess you can say I had a crush on you since I was very little. I just never realized it until now." Michael smiled at her. Now he found out who that little girl was that always came over to his house in Gary to play with Randy while his mom and her mom talked, and while Joseph was out of the house. The wind blew her hair back and he was getting attracted to her a lot more. He put his left hand on her cheek and turned her head toward him. "I guess you can say that I had a crush on you, too, Aislinn." He hugged her and held her close, not wanting to let go. She hugged him back. They pulled a part for a few seconds and looked at each other in the eyes. Michael leaned in, closing his eyes and Aislinn closing hers, and kissed her. This time, she wasn't shocked or anything. The sparks came back and she finally realized...they were good sparks.
(pretend there's a river hiding near the park rides with a bridge over it)
(pretend there's a river hiding near the park rides with a bridge over it)
The next day Michael woke up and he took a shower and change hes clothes he got some to eat. Michael was sitting on sofa just doing nothing so he turn on the fox news was on and he turn the sound up so he could hear it. This Man name Usher got kill yersterday night well we don't know who the killer is. Michael say to himself i am not tell nobody what happen not even janet so he stay home and thats what happen sorry if its short i dont have alot ideas to come up with. yea I don't relly so can you plz give me some ideas plzzzzz
posted by michaeljsgirl
Sorry this took so long. I was having a hard time writing, but i finally finished part 3. Enjoy!!

Driving home, there was little interaction between Michael and Chloe. When he did try to talk to her, she'd clam up and she bore a strange expression as she sat nearly frozen in place. Figuring it to be stress related, Michael thought nothing of it. He couldn't have been farther from the truth. When they arrived home, Chloe seemed to snap out of her trancelike state, but the strange expression on her face remained. As she proceded to get out of the car, a sudden weakness came over her and she nearly...
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posted by 123pixie

“What............................there must be something wrong!” she blurted out.
“No....unfortunately not. “He said wounded by her words
“For what”
“I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings when i said something must be wrong, I was thinking why you would want to be my father not I didn’t want to be your daughter!”
“Well why wouldn’t I wouldn’t I want to be your father?”
“Past complications that’s all” she said softly
“Well just for your peace of mind, I do wish to be your father!”
“Thanks, but can I ask you something?”
“Anything!”He said...
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posted by 123pixie
As the car came to a stop, I opened the door sliding my feet out and gently placing them on the ground. I looked around deserted but of course no comes to grave yard at six in the morning.

I stand up and close the door behind me; I take deep breath in smelling the morning air, one more glance and walk to the front of the car to pay the driver.
“Hey girli you said someone was going to be here with you!”
“I lied.”
“Well then I can’t just leave you out here!”
“And why is that?”
“Well for starters you are only six!”
“True, but what if I paid you doubles the amount?”
He hesitated...
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The next day at the Hopsital : Michael woke up and he look all around the room and Michael saw nurse Michael say " when can I get out of this hospital " nurse say " in 2 days" Michael say " WHAT? IN 2 DAYS" nurse say " yes you want me get you something" Michael say " No" then nurse came in with Usher Michael say " what u doing here?" Usher say " well I didn't have to kill you and let's make a deal i will leave you alone IF you come with me to do job ?" Michael say " ok I do it" Usher say " well done my brother " Michael say " but I have to stay here in 2 days" Usher say " No you don't " Usher...
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posted by Applehead123
The next day Michael was pissed off for some reason then he gets a phone by a emo boy name Trent and Michael say " what? do u want Trent?" Trent say " I want job" Michael say " you hire get ur butt down here now!" Trent say " yes sir" Ti comes in and says " we need talk serious stuff" Michael say " what???? NOW !!" Ti say" we take down brad pitt now" Michael say " i know and i have a plan and let
do this " Ti say " lest kill them all" Michael say " yes" Michael and boys and went to kill the boss and bad team and they won yea so the cops story is over sry.
posted by flinn123jacko
The next day, brittanny was working on michael’s costume until midnight, she was totally forget about going to Michael’s house.

And Michael was waiting for brittanny at his house like forever, and he worried about her, so he decided that he’ll go to the studio to see brittanny if she is there, and he is right

She fell asleep on her designs. And when Michael looked at her designs he was surprised. It was gorgeous, and when Michael looked at the designs brittanny suddenly awake

“what…what are you doing here??”asked brittanny

“looking for you” Michael said

“oh. Oh my god. I totally...
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The Michael Jackson estate has dropped the hammer on the man who famously crank called MJ in 2007 ... claiming he has NO RIGHT to sell the recording because it contains MJ's REAL voice.

The call was made by legendary prankster Ralphige -- who has fooled the likes of Donald Trump, Paris Hilton, and Chris Brown.

During the MJ call, Ralphige pretended to be Akon ... and he teased Michael about molesting children. MJ claimed Ralphige was NOT talking to the real Michael Jackson ... but merely an impersonator.

Now, the MJ Estate is acknowledging that the King of Pop REALLY WAS was pranked -- because...
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posted by yoyojackson
pic says it all
pic says it all
I figured out Steven was gone for a week to help his grandma with lung cancer. So it'll be just be me, Michael, and Oliva. I ordered KFC, I cleanned the house, and I got Oliva in a nice dress.

At dinner
When i was done with the dishes, I turnned around and I saw Michael. "What an unexpected surprise." I said. "Unexpected surprise?" He said. "Yup." I said and lead him to the dinning room. "Tada." I said. He sat down like he was rich. (Wait, he's a singer so he is rich.)"KFC,mmmm, you read my mind." He said. Dinner was so silnet. But Michael broke the silnce.

"Oliva, how old are you?"
"I'm 4." She...
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Michael Jackson — Wanna Be Startin’ Somethin’ lyrics
I Said You Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'
You Got To Be Startin' Somethin'
I Said You Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'
You Got To Be Startin' Somethin'
It's Too High To Get Over (Yeah, Yeah)
Too Low To Get Under (Yeah, Yeah)
You're Stuck In The Middle (Yeah, Yeah)
And The Pain Is Thunder (Yeah, Yeah)
It's Too High To Get Over (Yeah, Yeah)
Too Low To Get Under (Yeah, Yeah)
You're Stuck In The Middle (Yeah, Yeah)
And The Pain Is Thunder (Yeah, Yeah)

[1st Verse]
I Took My Baby To The Doctor
With A Fever, But Nothing He Found
By The Time This Hit The Street...
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posted by natasajackson
Told me that you're doin' wrong
Word out shockin' all alone
Cryin' wolf ain't like a man
Throwin' rocks to hide your hands

You ain't done enough for me
You ain't done enough for me
You are disgustin' me, yeah yeah
You're aiming just for me
You are disgustin' me
Just want your cut from me
But too bad, too bad

Look who just walked in the place
Dead and stuffy in the face
Look who's standing if you please
Though you tried to bring me to my knees

Too bad too bad about it
Why don't you scream and shout it
Too bad too bad about it
Why don't you just scream and shout it
Too bad too bad about it
Why don't you scream and...
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posted by natasajackson
She dances in the sheets at night
She dances to his needs
She dances ’til he feels just right
Until he falls asleep
She dances at the crack of dawn
And quickly cooks his food
She can’t be late, can’t take too long
The kids must get to school
[Chorus: (2x)]
She’s a slave to the rhythm
She’s a slave to the rhythm of
She’s a slave to the rhythm
She’s a slave to the rhythm of
The rhythm of love, the rhythm of love
She dances for the man at work
Who works her all the time
She dances so, and she says so
“I must be home tonight”
She dances to the kitchen stove
Dinner is served by nine
She says this food is the power
She must be out her mind…
She works so hard, just to make her way
For a man who just don’t appreciate
And don’t know it takes
And was all in vain

She danced the night
That they fell out
She swore she’d dance no more
But then she did, she did not quit
And she ran out the door
posted by theonlyking
"Little Susie"

Somebody killed little Susie
The girl with the tune
Who sings in the daytime at noon
She was there screaming
Beating her voice in her doom
But nobody came to her soon...

A fall down the stairs
Her dress torn
Oh the blood in her hair...
A mystery so sullen in air
She lie there so tenderly
Fashioned so slenderly
Lift her with care,
Oh the blood in her hair...

Everyone came to see
The girl that now is dead
So blind stare the eyes in her head...
And suddenly a voice from the crowd said
This girl lived in vain
Her face bear such agony, such strain...

But only the man from next door
Knew Little Susie and...
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Planet Earth, my home, my place
A capricious anomaly in the sea of space
Planet Earth are you just
Floating by, a cloud of dust
A minor globe, about to bust
A piece of metal bound to rust
A speck of matter in a mindless void
A lonely spacship, a large asteroid
Cold as a rock without a hue
Held together with a bit of glue
Something tells me this isn't true
You are my swweetheart soft and blue
Do you care, have you a part
In the deepest emotions of my own heart
Tender with breezes caressing and whole
Alive with music, haunting my soul.
In my veins I've felt the mystery
Of corridors of time, books of hisotry
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posted by luvauntrosienmj
Michael and hes family live after all Michael Joseph Jackson live son 44444444444444 ever in our hearts and forever be in heaven heeeheeehee

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<2435465762353t7236y75758383573753783474854874385787534748703885783463975693598739249656539863334636893698689536895386539865396853968539868936459848660878-89=-879-896850834276344569-0=337343890321-= free randomnz4324643662438774238742387423784823757234587234578234578243578234572347423527488234237834752347432785234753754374235234752345423523475723234782387234752347582347824387572432438752834787235752347852437584237824375423772347243243
posted by realwriter002
we rid another plane to los angles, we reached to our home, all i did was empting my stuff ,then i got tired ,but i couldn't sleep tightly ,i remebered his soft voice was like butterfly ,i missed his touch , i didn't even shake his hand i was shit stupid,I mean it was my chance ,then i decided to listen to radio there,suddenly the cut it off and the interviewer said "there's someone special ,we make this intewrview with It's who?" "Michael jackson" "oh god " I jumped up down a lot and a lot ," hello ,mike!" "hello" "how are you man?" "i'm fine and you ,how are you?" "ahem ,I'm fine thanks"...
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posted by luvauntrosienmj
The next day Michael said " Hannah sweetheart wake up" Hannah didnt wake up Michael said " Hannah wake up" Michael said " baby Isabella wake up" Isabella said " yes what happen?" Michael said " Hannah isn't waking up" Isabella said " baby take Hannah take her to hospital" Hannah said " daddy daddy" Michael OMG Hannah what happen?" Hannah said " i had a bad dream daddy" Michael said " what happen in the dream" Hannah said " Daddy i saw monsters trynna to get me" Michael said " it be ok Hannah me and Isabella are here ok you don't have to worry about ok Hannah" Hannah said " ok Daddy" so the rest of the day was fun family time together it was nice and sweet then Hannah was fast sleep and Michael said " so baby what do u want do tonight u want watch a movie" Isabella said " idk " Michael said " ok i am go sleep " Isabella said " alright baby " kiss goodnight . to be contuine
posted by realwriter002
Chapter1 Come home
in 2002
I was in journey with my parents to italy it was so fun and tired and we went home (united states)but I had been so excitied about two weaks ago to go to italy , but my parents had to work there ,but they loved travling like me ,then when we finished we rid the plane and i was so frightened as usual ,"mom ,i want to go to bathroom ,where is it?" I asked " at the end of passage " "thanks mom" i ran then suddenly i hit someone's arm " sorry" and i ran to bathroom ,i ended up my stuff ,and i was going back my hand bag fell down in front of the same person , he picked it...
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posted by flinn123jacko
after chatting, they have dinner and talk about how things after she moved to LA, after that, they have a super soaker fight.

and when all of the people in the house are allready go out from the house,

suddenly michael jackson see a letter inside joshephine's bag, and he start to readingit. then he surprised that inside the letter that said:

" dear joshephine, i know that your mom and dad is on the way to indonesia, but is hard to tell me that both of your parents didn't make it, they bought die in a plane crash. that make all of the crue and passenger died, so as hard that i have to tell you that, i have to send you to los angeles with your aunt, to start all over with a brand new life.

hope you understand me, that i am very sorry about your lost.


michael is so surprised because of that, and knowing josephine is an orphan now.
posted by flinn123jacko
one day, there's a girl name josephine, who just moved to LA with her aunt. after moving in, she goes to an acting school. the same school with michael jackson kids.

and at the first day at school, it seems like 4ever 4 her.after school, she goes home to her house that only 4 bloks away from neverland.
and at the next day, she goes to the same class with paris. then, paris and her group is planning to prank josephine.

she planned that at p.e, when it's dogeball time, they all gonna beat joshephine. then, that all happen with only a split of minute.

because of that, josephine have to go to th nurse room.

but the next day, is the worst day for paris. paris almost always fail her math. but, as the teacher see that josephine is really really good at math, the math teacher told josephine to tutor paris.

for joshephine, it's really ok. but 4 paris, it was the worst day and the worst felling ever...