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Michael and alicia are now at a mexican restuant eating

"You know you really didnt have to take me out to eat you know?" Michael said. "Dont worry bout it, its the least i could do to make up for being a bitch." Alicia said. "Hey sometimes you being a bitch is a good thing." Michael replied. "How?" Alicia asked. "Well lets see remember when Diane was pregnet with rose and Mary tricked Diane by going into her trailer and videotaped her talking about me and posted the video on tmz, remember how i was so quick to jump on conclusions that Diane used me and everything and you literally cussed me out when i came to talk to you." , "Yea i remember why?" Alicia asked. "Well if you hadnt have done that i may have not gotten Diane back." Michael said. "I see your point." Alicia said in agreement

The next day.....

"Well looks like the stage is finally finished" Frank said to michael as they walked out onto the stage. "I would say so." Michael said in agreement. "Well the dancers are ready when you are." Frank replied. "Ok everyone lets get to work, what dance do you guys wanna rehearse first?" Michael asked. Nobody said anything. "Ok we'll take a vote raise your hand if you want to do bad?" only two people raised their hands. "How many want to do "The way you make me feel?" only 1 raise his hand. "How about "Beat it?" Six raised their hand. "Who wants to do "Jackson 5 melody?" Almost everyone raised their hand. "Ok jackson 5 melody it is, places everyone." Michael said. They began to rehearse the jackson 5 melody, About half way through they were interrupeted by frank. "Sorry to interrupt but we have a new dancer, and i thought you guys would like to meet her." Frank said. "Well who is she?" Michael asked with his back turned. "Her name is Jenna" Michael felt his heart stop. Alicia who was standing next to him, her month fell open. "Is Frank serious?" Michael whispered to alicia. "Yep and if your wondering it is your ex fiance." Alicia said. "I kinda figured that Alicia why do you think i havent turned around yet." Michael said. "Hey michael" Jenna said happily. "Hey jenna." Michael said without turning around. "Long time no see huh...i really missed dancing with you...and im sorry about what i did to you...i don't know what i was thinking but,i want to tell you that im sorry...and i was hoping i could make it up to you." Jenna said. Michael was about to say something but not before alicia cut him off. "If you mean that you and michael are going to get back together your dead wrong honey, michael is happily married with two daughters, so i sugguest you back the hell off." Alicia said coldly. "Well i see that the little bitch here is still the same as she was when we were together, always telling you and others what to do." Jenna said rudely. "Hey dont you talk to my friend that way!" Michael commanded as he stood right in front of alicia. "I just did, what are you going to do about it?" Jenna said rudely. "You want to be out of a job?" Michael said rudely getting right in her face. Jenna said nothing and backed away. "Yea you better back you you little slut!" Alicia exclaimed. "Who you calling a slut you little bitch?!" Jenna shot back at Alicia. "Alicia stop it!" Michael exclaimed as he held alicia back. "You're the slut!!! at least i wasnt the one who cheated on her soon to be husband and got pregnet!" Alicia exclaimed. "So i made one fucking mistake...that gives you no reason to be a bitch!" Jenna shot back. "Oh so im guessing you never told michael you were going to marry him cause of his money!" Alicia shouted. Suddenly everyone got quiet including michael,who gave Jenna the most evilest look you could ever give anyone. "Is that true Jenna?" Michael asked coldly. "N...n...no its not" Jenna studdered. "Bull if it wasnt true you wouldnt be stumbling over your words." Alicia said. "Alicia stay out of this now, i can handle it." Michael said. Without a word Alicia backed away, but not before giving Jenna a dirty look. "Jenna im going to ask you again and this time i want the truth...did you just want me for my money?" Michael asked trhough his teeth. Jenna swallowed hard. "Answer me Jenna" Michael commanded. "Yes..yes i did, are you happy now." Jenna said. "Yes i am." Michael said coldly. "May i go now?" Jenna asked. "Yes...but before you leave let me give you some pointers here, if your here to try and get me back, im warning you its not going to work, i have a woman who is 10x better than you, a woman like you does not deserve a man like me, and if you want a man as good as me stop acting like a damn streetwalker then maybe you'll find you one, but bottom line, im taken, im happy and your not because you decided to do something stupid, now get out of my sight before i fire your ass." Michael said coldly as he stormed off, leaving Jenna standing in the middle of the stage.

After the whole scuffle,rehearsal went on as planned. Finally it was time to call it a day, Michael and alicia made their way back to the trailer. "That bitch had some nerve." Alicia said still upset about the scuffle that happened eariler. "Hey its over and done with, calm down." Michael said. "How can i? after what she did to you, she's completely heartless!Argh! why did frank even hire her??? doesnt he know what happened between you guys?! i mean seriously!" Alicia protested. "Alicia for the love of god would you please just calm down." Michael pleaded. "Arrgh!!!! i just want to hit that bitch!"Alicia shouted. "Alicia! please!" Michael commanded. "Ok i'll shut up now, before i really get started." Alicia said throwing her hands up into the the air. "Thank you." Michael said...........................

Part 9 coming soon............. trust me you dont wanna miss it. ;)
even though alot of jurnalist thought that they could acutally get through to michael by trying to ask question after question about him not having a childhood and then trying to sugar coat it by saying aw you didnt have a childhood and after the interview they would bash him about it they just didnt and wont understand what its like not having a childhood and wondering if you could find it alot of people thought that they could just try to comfort him by telling him how they felt about it or tried to say some words that he wanted to hear just so he wouldnt kick them out of his house for intance...
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my family is the same way i have the dvd of michael's vision and i was watching his music videos on it and my mom walks in the room and looks at the tv and says why are you watching this freak i told her that michael is not a freak he's very sweet and kind leave him alone! my brothers always tease me about saying oh you will get out of this michael phase and stop liking him and saying that your a fan this is what i say to them NEWS FLASH I WILL NEVER STOP BEING A FAN OF MICHAEL JACKSON! HE'S AMAZING AND HE'S VERY SEXY AND TALENTED THIS IS NOT A PHASE I LOVE MICHAEL I DONT CARE IF HE'S A 54 YEAR OLD DEASSED MAN EVEN THOUGH IM 21 DONT MEAN I CANT BE IN LOVE WITH HIM I DONT CARE IF MICHAEL IS THREE TIMES MY AGE AGE IS NOTHING BUT A NUMBER alot of ohter people tend to stare at my michael shirts and frown at them but i dont care if they dont like it its my shirt if the dont like it then GET OVER IT PEOPLE
posted by mjkingofpop1
The next day came by so quick for Janelle and she was on her way to the Motown Studio to pick up her plane ticket. She never gave Martin Scorsese her number, but he told her that he had another thing for her to get while she was getting her ticket. She couldn't wait to go to New York City for rehearsals. She was excited to be able to have gotten the part and be able to work with the one and only Michael Jackson.
She soon arrived at the studio and went inside, having to make turns here and there, to find the sound room again since she hadn't been there since yesterday. She made her way to the...
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posted by mjjanet
Siedah Garrett new single “Keep On Lovin’ You” – a tribute to Michael Jackson

Siedah’s new single, “Keep On Lovin’ You” from her forthcoming album, is now available for purchase! Siedah wrote on her website: “At last, the long-awaited first single from my forthcoming cd, my personal tribute to Michael Jackson and answer to our duet “IJCSLY”, just in time for the release of the BAD25 re-release and documentary.”

The song is a personal tribute to Michael Jackson and answer to their duet “IJCSLY.”
Interesting program note: ABC will air a Spike Lee documentary on Michael Jackson's epochal "Bad" — which turns 25 Aug. 31. Not a lot of detail here yet — notably airdate, length, etc. — but the network indicates this should hit the air on Thanksgiving. Lee has presented this already at some film festivals in Toronto and Venice.

The details, via ABC's release:

The Estate of Michael Jackson and Legacy/Epic Records, carefully culling The Estate’s archives for rare and never-before-seen footage for the film which focuses on the creative forces that pushed Jackson to make the “BAD” album...
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*Nine Months Later*

"Good job, you guys! That was an amazing show!" I said to all my brothers as we gave brotherly hugs before we were to end the night. I was exhausted but I had to stay up long enough to get to my hotel room and call Taylor. "You too, Michael. You were amazing. Good job, lil' bro. You did good." said Tito. We all stood in a circle and gave one big group hug for the night and then we went our separate ways to go to our hotels. For some reason, and I don't understand, we are all staying in separate hotels. I don't get it but I honestly don't care. All I cared abou was getting...
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It was 9am when Kasey Metts awoke to her alarm clock blaring in her ear. Kasey slowly got out of bed, as she did she remember that today was her checkup at the doctor. Kasey then walked to the bathroom and took herself a nice warm shower. Afterward she got dressed put on her makeup and headed out the door to her car.

Once Kasey arrived to the doctors office she signed in and sat in the waiting room. While waiting Kasey picked up a magazine that was on the small coffee table in front of her. The whole front of the magazine was talking about Michael's jacksons new bad tour. Kasey never understood...
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New York, NY – Epic/Legacy Recordings in collaboration with the Estate of Michael Jackson today announced the highly anticipated track listing for the September 18th release of Michael Jackson BAD25 that celebrates the legendary album and record breaking BAD tour. Featured in the deluxe package, are three CDs, two collectible booklets, and the first ever authorized DVD release of a concert from the record breaking BAD World Tour – the July 16, 1988 sold out Wembley Stadium show in London.

Filled with previously re-mastered versions of iconic hits and un-released recordings from the King...
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Jermaine Jackson -- a major ringleader in the Jackson family rebellion against the MJ Estate -- has officially defected from a family letter criticizing the Estate ... but still has "deep reservations" about the executors.

Jermaine just posted a long letter on his Twitter account, writing, "I rescind my signature from the letter which was sent to the Estate, and which should never have gone public."

"I still hold deep reservations about many issues involving the Estate, and I will continue to bring scrutiny and a resolute voice wherever we have cause for concern. But the way to address such...
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When michael got out to the front gate, he saw nothing but fresh tire marks. Also the officers who were assigned to keep watch were nowhere in sight. Michael began to make his way back inside when the officers pulled up. Angry michael stormed over to them. "Where the hell were you guys?" michael demanded. "We went to go get lunch...do something happen?" one officer said. "Yes! someone was parked outside here once again and i just got another threating phone call." michael said angerily. "Mr. Jackson please just calm down." another officer said calmly. "Calm down?You expect me to calm down...
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although michael did have a rare skin disease of course the media and the press didnt believe him of it they did everything in there power to try and come up with something that was bizzare and untrue some people believed them which is crazy how something people think that it was true michael faught and faught to tell people the truth about his life and illnesses as time and years went by michael continued to stay strong and continued to right music as mihcael wrote music and started to come out with music videos such as in the closet and the strong conseversial song they dont care about us...
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The executors of Michael Jackson’s estate have barred a number of the late singer’s siblings, including Janet Jackson, from the California home where their mother, Katherine, is raising the late singers three children.

The details of who is and isn’t allowed onto the Calabas, California is detailed in an email obtained by CNN’s Roland S. Martin.

Howard Weitzman, who represents John McClain and John Branca, sent the email Wednesday to Charles Schultz, an attorney for Mrs. Jackson.

Weitzman writes that after the drama over the last two weeks, which including allegations that Katherine Jackson...
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after michael signed the contract into doing a tour with his brothers michael was excited to have dinner with brooke shields after 20 shows of touring with his brothers michael was so excited that he would get to have dinner with brooke sheilds a girl who he's been crushing on for years after michael starts to just think about it and just wonder what are they going to talk about and what is he going to wear to the dinner after a few short mintues after thinking michael starts to have questions about this dinner date so he decides to call brooke to see if she know's about it so michael scrambles...
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The family of the late pop star icon Michael Jackson has been in the news all over for the past two weeks because some of Michael’s siblings are claiming that the will of the pop icon was fake and fraudulent. According to Randy Jackson, Michael’s youngest brother, claims in a interview call on MSNBC's "Politics Nation” on Tuesday afternoon. That the will was forged by the estate's executors, John Branca and John McClain. The family is also questioning the date it was signed.

Also in the interview with randy he’s says that in the will the date that it was signed is inaccurate too. He...
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Michael and I got up the next morning and we started packing again. Our honeymoon was definitely gonna be different. No married couple had ever even wanted to tour the neighboring states for their honeymoon. What shocked me even more...was that Michael said that he was gonna drive for the first time since he was 18. He said that he recently got his license renewed and was always thinking of driving to give Bill a break. This time, he did get a break. Once we finished packing, we put our stuff in the car and headed back inside and made ourselves something to eat. We actually had pancakes again...
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posted by mj231
''Let's get out of here michael'' she sweetly said, kissing the palm of his hand and laying her head. ''Yeah,I'm tired'' said with a wink and holding her hand as they walked out the club ''I had a lovely time with you Michael'' Nesha said opening the door to the house letting them in. Michael looked on his left side and saw a Pearl Jam record 'Soldier of Love' and picked it up then played it on her recordplayer.

''Nesha,you remember this song'' he said standing behind her kissing her neck ''You always knew my sensetive parts when it came to making love.'' she said as she sat on the counter,...
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"What?...Michael,what does he mean?My...parents...are...dead?...You...You killed...my...parents...?",she was saying hardly speaking..Michael saw her crying and down on her knees and this made him so angry and frustrated he hit Mark and released,then came to her.Mark let him go,thinking he can only make it worse.Michael changed into his human form and said:"Rose,I didn't mean to,it was an accident,I was trying to defend myself and I..."."You tried to defend yourself and you...you killed...my parents?",she said shocked."Not only he put someone in danger in order to defend himself,he knew we were...
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posted by 2468244
(Tonight’s story is somewhat unique and calls for a different kind of introduction
A monster has arrived in the village
The major ingredient of any recipe for fear is the unknown
And this person or thing is soon to be met
He knows every though, he can feel every emotion
Oh yes, I did forget something didn’t I? I forgot to introduce you to the monster)

You’re fearing me ‘cause you know I’m a beast
Watching you when you sleep, when you’re in bed I’m underneath
You’re trapped in halls, and my face in the walls
I’m the floor when you fall, and when you scream it’s ‘cause of me
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posted by I-luv-MB2012
One day,Michael and his wife,Janessa,were coming from the hospital with their newborn baby,Alexis(that's me!)."Michael..."said Janessa."Yes?"Michael said."Should we go to your parent's house and show them the new baby?" "I think that's a great idea."Michael said.He kissed Janessa.She kissed him back.

When they got there,Michael's brothers were there."Mike!"Jermaine said hugging Michael and Janessa."Guys,We have a surprise for you."Michael said as the rest of his family came downstairs."What's the surprise Michael?"Janet asked.Janessa and Michael smiled.There was a baby carrier in Michael's...
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posted by 2468244
Butterflies… ah… oooooooah
All you got to do is walk away and pass me by
Don’t acknowledge my smile when I try to say hello to you, yeah
And all you got to do is not answer my calls when I’m trying to get through
Keep me wondering why, when all I can do is sigh
I just wanna touch you

I just wanna touch, to kiss
And I wish that I could be with you tonight (You give me)
‘Cause you give me butterflies inside, inside and I

All I got to say is that I must be dreaming, can’t be real
You’re not here with me, still that I can feel you near to me, ah
I caress you, let you taste us just so blissful...
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