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And this is the moment……….Here it is a great interview with some really passionated and mostly REAL fans of Michael…….I will write their answers exactly how they’ve wrote them….no corrections no changes………….I hope you enjoy and may share your thoughts in comments…..!!!!!!!
This is The second part

I'll change it a bit...First I'll give you the questions and then for each fan the answers...all together...

The choosen are
1.tatajackson ->the lucky MJ fan
2.House 34 ->the peaceful MJ fan
3.aitypw ->the loving MJ fan
4.depp-fan ->the artistic MJ fan
5.LostChild ->the caring MJ fan
6.mariafan ->the cute MJ fan
7.Lovetreehill ->the lovely MJ fan
Luv you all...

The questions

1:Did you like This Is It?
2:What do you love about HIM?
3:Since when are you a fan of Michael?
4:Do you believe that he was killed on purpose or accidental?
5:Do you own any CDs,posters,movies etc of Michael Jackson?
6:What do you have to say to those who blame Michael ?
7:Would you like Neverland to be an open theme park?
8:Do you think he should be buried in Neverland?
9:Tell something about Michael which comes from your heart and you wanna share with us!!!!!

The answers


1. sooo mucchoos. :) It was INCREDIBLE!! I cried, I laughed, I danced in my seat, I cheered and I wasn't alone. The entire audience responded the same way I did. Oh, and me and every other girl in the audience couldn't help but uncontrollably respond to Michael's sexiness,WE WERE JUST "OWWWHHH...." . Wow, even at 50 the man was HOT - those moves - and lollipop! It was the most amazing footage I have ever seen of Michael. He was joking, laughing, smiling, and telling everyone that he loved them. ♥♥♥"I LOVE YOU MORE MIKE!!!"♥♥♥

ok,it will never gonna end to make a list of "what i do love about him"
for me he is not just a BIG LEGEND and GENIUS MUSICIAN but he also THE SWEETEST HUMAN BEING EVER. thats why i do love him :)

3.hmm,i do know mike since i was 6,but to be a fan,it was after he died.maybe im the late one,but i do love him like a 50 years old fans or even more ;p

4.hmm.. i dont really know much about the truth. all i can say is that murray is surely the most idiot doctor ever. i hope the law will be FAIR enough for this case.

5.yeap,i have his cd,TII DVD and mike t shirt. and i have a plan to buy the BIG mike's poster ever. HEE-HEE!

6.Are you jealous or what?

7. Neverland should become what it was supossed to be, a haven for Children. God knows the world needs it! A place for unwanted children to grow up, like an orphanage but better,a place where sick kids come to heal, learn and grow.lets teach them to live in spirit and give them love, life lessons and make possitive change like Micheal did.I think it should be preserved and turned into something for children without completely destroying the community around it like a amusement park would.

8.Elvis is buried at Graceland. So why can’t they make an exemption for Michael Jackson so that he can be buried at the only home he ever knew “NEVERLAND”.its full of glory the way he truly meant to be. It would be so fitting for Michael, with him buried there, or at least a museum. We will need a place so badly to come visit, feel a sense of closeness to him, really remember him.
A tribute to a true loving humanatarian.

9.i... still missing him... :'(
It sounds whiny maybe. but smtms its hard to hear his voice,and watch his videos and realize that he already gone.
But michael,thank you for everything. You are more than just a great singer and the sweetest human being ever. You are prodigy,you are my teacher of life. I try to imitate how pure you are,how patient you are over your big problems you still share your sweet smile to us. words fail me for this. michael,everybody in every religion and belives,pray for you.... we love you mike!


1.I love it

2.I love everything about him. He was very kind. So kind.. I love that I have so much to learn from him. He was an amazing human being. The greatest I know..a great father(..I love his kids so much) and brother (despite how his family treated him). He inspired me and now I just try so hard to do good to everybody and think of what he would have done in my case and really really try to love everybody and help them. I love Michael's big heart. Also, I love his music, which keeps me alive and strong and his moves..there will never be another person to move like Mike and to practice so hard for his fans. Never.

3.I remember when I was 12 I used to listen to him.. my parents don't really love him.. mom just knows some of the J5 songs (dad still doesn't care about Michael)..so they didn't support me in any way to like Michael. I found out about him on my own.. and I used to love dancing on Thriller and ..then on You rock my world..I just used to like some of his songsat first..until highschool when I fell in love with Man in the mirror..loved the lyrics..

4.I don't think his doctor said..okay..tonight I want to kill Michael. But that doesn't mean MJ died accidentally. His doctor did an awful job helping him and taking care of him. All the time he spent with MJ. It was no accident. It didn't happen like..for no reason..The doctor killed him giving him pills and .. we killed him.. asking so much from him.. he did so many things..he gave so much.. so much effort..in This is it you can see he is really..God.. he gave us so much..that it killed him..

5.Yes. Tones. And I will keep them no matter what my frineds say and any other persons. I will keep him in my heart forever but I like having things reminding me of him.

6.Michael Jackson is much more than a singer and a dancer. He is not a pedofile, he is not crazy..STOP BELIEVING THE MEDIA. Please !! Please !! Don't judge ! Don't be mean. Look at yourself and understand that we are all the same. Some just care more

7.An opened what ?
I think Neverland's purpose was to be a place where everything is possible. Where there is love and joy and magic and sun and it's a place for kids to have fun and Now that Michael is..not here..Neverland is not dead. It shouldn't be transformed in a park..a museum..or anything.. Michael would have wanted for Neverland to still be a place for children..a happy place. The place it was before his death.


9.I am trying every day to be a better person. And he is there every step of the way. Thank you Michael ! I love you forever.
God bless you all !


1:I love it!!!

2:More about him i love his voice,his dance and his appearance.I like almost everything about him.

3:I learned him after his dead.So i am a fan of him from 25 of June 2009.

4:I believe that he killed by his doctor on purpose.

5:I have all his CD's and four DVD's the Moonwalker , This Is It and the other are talking about his life.Also i have two books that are talking about his life.

6:I don't have to say something.It depends about what they are saying for him.

7:I think Neverland should be like a museum.And they should put all Michael's costumes there and all the furniture whatever MJ had.So the people could go and see the house and all the personal things of the King Of Pop.

8:I don't have a problem where Michael would buried.But i think that wherever he have been buried the people and all his fans could go to see him.Because he love his fans and i am sure that his fans love him the same way and this thing that they forbid to his fans to go at the cemetery is not right.This is my opinion.

9:I don't know what to say.The only that i would like to say is that from the time that i learned him my personality have change.In the pass(before i learned MJ)i didn't like black artists,but i think that they are bette than the white one.


1.OH YES!!!I LOVE THIS IS IT,i mean it was really nice to see his normal life :)

2.he loves children and his voice was AWESOME

3.when he died.....i know its strange but thats true.i really felt soooooooooo sad when he died and i started to listen his songs all day long and my mind was not prepare to hear this that he is no more in this world and then i prayed for him alot....and now i feel like i m HUGE fan of MJ THE BEST

4.i m not sure about this........it dosent matter it was accident or purpose the only thing i know that he is not among us...... :'(

5.yes i have CDs but i dont have any posters but i have too many pics in my pc...hehe



8.I don't know....

9.YOU WILL ALWAYS LIVE IN OUR HEARTS........MISS YOU SOOOOOOOOO MUCH....PLEASE COME BACK!!!!!!!! say something to GOD anything,anything and get back in this world PLZZZZZZ :'(


1:Of course, I loved it!

2:His music, talant, his loving nature, helping nature, modesty, innocents, and his amazing Ideas

3:since I was 12 I am 29 now

4:he did not kill himself...WHY WOULD HE DO THAT!!!!

5:Plenty, alot, when your a MJ fan there is no such thing as to much MJ stuff!

6:They can go to hell!!

7:Yes, but children get everything for free

8:No, he didn't want to be. after the rade he hated that place. Don't put someone where they don't want to be

9:This might be long. Michael now that you are gone, I don't know what to feel, what to do, or what to think. I miss you and I love you. Ever since I heard my first MJ song, Billie Jean, I feel in love everything was perfect, the voice, the beat, and the looks, I've loved you ever since, I will never stop loving you.I really don't know what to say, I feel the feelings, but I cannot put it in to words, the feelings I have for Michael is extavagant, amazing, fantsic, the most awsome feeling ever, some people might call me crazy for even saying his name, I don't care, i love him and that will never change, I love you michael, I'm sorry for all the people who reject you. Miss you, alot!! Rest in peace. God bless you and you most loving, and wounderful heart! Goodbye michael.


1:I loved it! It was such a great movie and i think the concerts would be great too!

2:Everything! Whatever he does(did)..

3:I used to like his music for many years but after his death i bacame a "fan".

4:I'm not sure..

5:A few.

6:To think more before they blame someone who has do so many great things and has helped so many people...

7:Yes, it's a good idea.


9:I'll never forget him..♥


1.Yes I love THIS IS IT, Michael is so true in this movie : natural, profesional, funny and so nice with others.

2.I love all about Michael, his voice, his dance, his songs who are so meaningful. I love how he stand up so many time against injustice, violence, hate, racism, destroyed nature, needed people and children. I love his big heart.

3.I'm fan of Michael since 31 years.

4.I can't say anything about his death, but Michael took so many medication. I really don't know.

5.I have all his albums, all his DVDs (movies, concerts and video clips) but no posters

6.Nobody in this world is allowed to blame others. I love Michael, he lives in me forever and I don't care about others and what they can tell about him. Nobody will change my love for him.

7.Yes I'd love to go there and be where Michael lived so many years and see his magical tree !

8.He left Neverland, then I don't know if he wanted to be buried there...

9.Michael, you give me a lot during more than 30 years, I grew up with you. I lived all your eras with you. You wanted heal the world and now we must do this for you, you learn to the worl how peace and love is important. Rest In Peace Michael, I hope from the bottom of my heart you are happy now, and never forget you are not alone, I will be there all my life for you ♥

Thank you for joining my interview and for helping my creating this wonderful article about Michael through our...actually your...eyes!

I also want to thank everyone who read this interview.You may share your thoughts in comments.I want also to say sorry to those you I didn.t ask to join,but you're so many...so I had to choose some of you...

posted by mjfanforever22
try to take a walk in michael's shoes while being on tour imagine thousands upon millions of fans trying to grab at you and trying to say a couple of words to you at least i love you or michael your awesome or grabbing at your hair or you hands or shirt pretty much what they can grab on to try being falsy accused of something that you didnt do and then going on tour in a foreign countrie that's a million miles away from home and trying to go to sing and people turn out to not want to even see your concert just because news reached where you live and you start to be soo shocked at it and not...
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posted by mjfanforever22
im a fan of michael jackson not because of who he is its because of his wonderfull music that he sung i can identify with some of his music like for instance i can idenify with childhood ive had a childhood but i can idenfiy with that im misunderstood some people may think they understand me completly but they dont at all some of my friends would look me in the face and say the know me like a book but they dont at all they dont understand not one thing about me i also idenfity with the one friend that actually understand me and knows where i am coming from most of the time i also identify with...
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alot of us fans know michael as a caring loving person that wouldnt harm anybody or anything he taught us to love one another no matter what even though we know michael but do they the other people no they dont michael was soo misunderstood by them even if they werent fans and even if they were fans he still was misunderstood by them they thought that they loved him and liked his music and tried to go to the concerts of his and even tried to be a fan but do they really understand his music do they really understand what he was coming from many people thought they knew him many said michael...
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posted by mj231
It was the start of 1992,the year that Michael went back on tour,help out at charities,go to award ceremonies,and Sani was right there with him every step of the way. "Thank you! Goodnight!!" it was five o'clock in the morning,Michael dripping in sweat with everyone talking to him at once while he was thinking about Sani and her beautiful smile with her lovely dress on with matching diamond earrings with some flip flops as the finishing touch,he loved that. He walked inside his dressing room and exhaled "Alone in my own little corner of the world,finally." he changed into his regular style...
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Janet Jackson's lawyer is defending her regarding a report claiming that the Estate of Michael Jackson filed documents in the probate court requesting that the estate be permitted to "foot a portion of the bill on Janet's mortgage on her posh Las Vegas condo."According to her lawyer Blair Brown, Janet's Las Vegas home, which is not a condo, has never even had a mortgage, and she purchased the home outright 10 years ago for her mother Katherine Jackson's use. Furthermore, Janet has "provided financial support unconditionally to her mother before and after Michael's death and will continue to...
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posted by mjfanforever22
michelle askes michael if they could take a walk around neverland for a little while after the movie michael says sure of course after the movie was over michael and michelle took a walk around neverland and they started to talk about there favorite things and hobbies that they have michael told her and showed her his favorite rides around neverland and funny stories that happend on each ride michelle told michael that she's liked him and loved for as long as she's been a fan of him michael told michelle that he knew he found love when he first saw her he saw butterflys and hearts when he saw...
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Katherine Jackson has no plans to press charges against her own children over her recent "trip" to Arizona ... a lawyer for the Jackson family matriarch tells TMZ.

As TMZ first reported, Jackson's declaration following the Arizona spa ordeal -- which came as part of her bid to obtain co-guardianship over Prince, Paris, and Blanket -- seemed to suggest she was tricked into going and had no idea MJ's kids were worried about her. As part of the declaration, Jackson said, "At the time, I trusted the people I was with to be honest with me."

But Katherine's attorney, Perry Sanders, tells TMZ she has "absolutely" no plans to press charges over the incident, telling us, "This chapter of chaos is closed and we are supportive of family unity in spite of recent events and arguably poor decisions."
“Orphan! Orphan, come quick!” a tall blond woman shouted from her room. She was delicate and full of grace. But despite her beauty, her soul was dark and heart was cruel. Many people would just stop and look at her, most especially the men in town. She had a lot of suitors and they would just fall head-over-heels for her but when they stare deeply into her bright blue eyes, one would realize that she was hiding something from that shy smile. Something cruel and mean…
“Orphan! Where are you?! I’m waiting here!” she called once more. “I’m coming Anna” a soft voice replied back....
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posted by mjfanforever22
many people questioned michael on how could children be safe at his 27,000 acre ranch for instinces martin bashir he came into michael's life as a trustworthy person somebody that michael could share some of his personal life with but as the interview went on martin was making some side comments behind michael's back saying how could children be safe in this 27,000 anger ranch and that he was scared for there safety as time went on michael watched the interview when it aired on tv after viewing it he was left devastaed and angry at such horrible remarks from somebody he trusted and spoken to after the horrible nightmare came to an end michael again had nobody to trust completly many interviews that michael has given they tried to break him down by trying to bring up the past about the allegastions againt gavin and jordie they thought that they reached a breaking point in him a point to were they thought that they won too be continued
after michael signed the contract into doing a tour with his brothers michael was excited to have dinner with brooke shields after 20 shows of touring with his brothers michael was so excited that he would get to have dinner with brooke sheilds a girl who he's been crushing on for years after michael starts to just think about it and just wonder what are they going to talk about and what is he going to wear to the dinner after a few short mintues after thinking michael starts to have questions about this dinner date so he decides to call brooke to see if she know's about it so michael scrambles...
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A family source tells FOX411 that the Jackon family's mind-blowing row comes down to one motivator: access to the late Michael Jackson’s estate.
“Michael’s siblings want money and from day one, [their mom] Katherine wouldn’t side with the siblings on their mission,” a closely connected Jackson family insider told FOX411’s Pop Tarts column.
So why then is Janet Jackson, herself worth $100-$150 million, right in the middle of things? Unlike her brothers, who haven’t had much musical success since their childhood days in the Jackson 5, Janet is rolling in it, plus, her boyfriend of...
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1) When TJ asked my mother if he should ask for temporary guardianship, my Mother told TJ NO – twice.

2) The Estate denied Rebbie, Janet and Jermaine access to the house when they returned to home to Calabasas with a letter written by Howard Weitzman, attorney for the Estate, who is not a resident of the home.

3) The Estate is trying to isolate my Mother from her family JUST LIKE THEY DID TO MICHAEL, in order to propagate their lies, financial agendas and to protect a fraudulent will.

4) The same people that are trying to manipulate my mother are the same people that were involved with my brother...
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posted by mjfanforever22
michael's love for children was sweet and innocent and pure even though michael hung out with children and played with them doesnt mean that it was innappropriate things went on like the press thinks it did when it didnt at all it was all out of love that michael would never harm a child like he's said over a million times before he'd slit his own wrist before harming a child michael hung out with children to love them and to show them that its alright to just be a kid and have fun while being a kid its just not right now the press too it out of order just because michael loves children doesnt...
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posted by mjfanforever22
its not fair how everytime michael writes a song about how the world is treating us or how we should make it a better place he gets teased for it or sued for it like for instance they dont care about us prison version michael wrote the song and also put a video out what happends they banned it because they said that michael was saying racist slurs in the song so michael had to do a whole new video in a different country without the slurs they thought it was racist michael had to sit down with the excutives just to prove his innocence in the slurs another video that they banned was in the closet...
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The Next Day
I just woke up and saw that Michael was holding Kiara in his arms and playing with her. She was giggling and having fun, which was good. At least she would have some time with her daddy. She was already such a daddy's girl and it made me giggle. Yet it also made me smile because it was so sweet how Michael already adapted to being a father. I was expecting visitors today and Michael told me that it would be my family and his family coming to see us. Only thing is that his family would have to take turns, considering how big his family was. I didn't mind it at all. Although, I never...
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Weeks have now gone by and things have pretty much been the normal work day for michael and diane. And of course Beth is back to babysitting the girls, but she hasnt tried anything. She has in fact been quite friendly with Diane, which in a way worries Diane......

Diane arrives home to see Beth and the girls watching Tv. "Mommy!" they exclaim as they rush to give her a hug. "How are my girls?" Diane asked happily as she hugged them. "We're fine we had a good day." Lizzie said. "Well that's good to hear." Diane said. Just then Beth walked up to Diane with her purse in hand. "Hey Diane can i ask...
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posted by 2468244
I am your joy
Your best of joy
I am the moonlight
You are the spring, our love’s a sacred thing
You know I always will love you

I am forever
I am the one who came when you fell down
I was the only one around (The only one)
When things would hurt you
I am forever
Wasn’t it I who said that you are free
When living seemed so hard to be
And things would hurt you

I am forever, I am forever
We are forever, we are forever

I am your friend
Through thick and thin
We need each other
We’ll never part
Our love is from the heart
We never say I don’t need you

We are forever
I am the one who said that you are free
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posted by 2468244
Uh huh, aay
This time I’m gonna do my best to make it right
Can’t go on without you by my side, hold on
Shelter come and rescue me out of this storm
And out of this cold I need someone, oh why, oh lord, why, why
If you see her tell her this for me all I need is

One more chance at love
One more chance at love
(One more)
One more chance at love
One more chance at love
(See, one more)
One more chance at love
One more chance at love
(One more)
One more chance at love (Aay)
One more chance at love

Searching for that one who is gonna make me whole
Help me make these mysteries unfold, hold on
Lightning about to...
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posted by 2468244
Ooh… ooh
My life will never be the same
‘Cause girl you came and changed
The way I walk, the way I talk
Now I cannot explain
These things I feel for you
But girl you know it’s true
So stay with me, fulfill my dreams
And I’ll be all you need

(Ooh) Feels so right (Girl)
I’ve searched for the perfect love all my life (All my life)
Ooh, feels like I (Like I)
Have finally found a perfect love this time
(See, and I finally found now come on girl)

You rock my world, you know you did
And everything I own I give (You rock my world)
The rarest love, who’d think I’d find
Someone like you to call mine (You...
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posted by 2468244
Hold my hand, feel the touch of your body cling to mine
You and me, makin’ love all the way through another night
I remember you and I walking through the park at night
Kiss and touch, nothing much, let it blow just touch and go

Love me more, never leave me alone by house of love
People talk, people say what we have is just a game
Oh, I’ll never let you go, come here girl
Just got to make sweet love ‘til the break of dawn

I don’t want the sun to shine I wanna make love (Oh, break of dawn)
Just this magic in your eyes and in my heart (Break of dawn)
I don’t know what I’m gonna do (I don’t...
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