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posted by Broody_4_Cheery

“Nathan! This is crazy” Brooke yelled, following him out of the house, she grabbed for his arm but he ripped it away from and turned to face her, “look, either get in the car or go back inside” he screamed at her and started back towards the car, Brooke stood for moment before running after him.

“So, if you’re not doing it for Dan, then why are you doing it?”

“You wouldn’t get it” he shot at her as he slipped into the vehicle, and Brooke followed, taking the passenger seat she immediately faced Nathan “maybe it doesn’t matter if he plays on the team”

“What’s with the change of attitude?”

“I just don’t think you should be threatened by him”

“I am not threatened” Nathan stated, sending her death glares for even daring to suggest it.

“Then why?” she demanded “who cares if he loses or wins? What does he get out of it?”

Nathan looked up fiercely from the steering wheel and snapped his cool blue eyes to Brooke, there was no humour in his tone “he gets you” and Brooke was too shocked to do anything but fall back into her seat as Nathan started the car and drove off.

Tonight the river court was crowded, Lucas stood in the middle of the court waiting, for what he wasn’t exactly sure. There was dozens of eyes on him as midnight got closer and closer.

Mouth and Jimmy sat on their usual bench, this time with real microphones. Mouth looked over the ever growing number of observers “Just moments before the stroke of twelve and still no Nathan Scott”

“The natives are getting restless” Jimmy added on, just as a car drove through the crowd and parked right next to the court, as close as it could. Nathan Scott got out and slammed his door behind him as the crowd started chanting his name.

“Hope you don’t mind, but I told a few people” Tim whispered into Nathan’s ear before fading back into the crowd.

Brooke abandoned the car as well, wrapping her arms around her body, to keep out the late night chill and the nerves.

“And it looks like Nathan Scott has arrived, not a minute to spare” Jimmy spoke and Mouth added on with a large grin “so good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to an historic night of basketball as Nathan Scott and Lucas Sawyer face each other for the first time. I’m Mouth McFadden, along with my partner, Jimmy Edwards – and, Jimmy, what do you think we’re in for tonight?”

Jimmy tilted his head and replied enthusiastically “we’re in for a treat, for sure, and who doesn’t love a treat, Mouth? I know I do – s’mores, ice cream, cake”

“Okay, folks, here we go. Fifteen by ones. Make it, take it, win by one” Mouth paused and looked over the spectators that were screaming for Nathan “and you can feel the intensity in the air”

In the middle of the court Nathan and Lucas came face to face, “you ready for this?” the brunette brother asked.

“Why not?”

“It’s your life”

Lucas smirked “yeah, it is”

Brooke walked through the teenagers, pushing her way to an open space so she could watch, she found herself next to a bench where two boys sat with microphones and a laptop, she went to the side of the small skinny boy with ears as big as his smile “hey, do you mind if I sit here?”

Mouth gulped as he looked into the beautiful face with flawless porcelain white skin “uh, sure”

Brooke sat down, putting her hands in her lap “so, I’m Brooke Davis”

“I know” he nervously got out “I, uh, I, uh, I uh, they call me, uh, Mouth”

Jimmy rolled his eyes “when my friend here stops flirting with the pretty girl we can get this game started”

“Sorry Jimmy, okay, on the count of three!”

One, two, three, and the game began.

The speed of the game was amazing as they made shot after shot, Nathan was ahead by one point but he was exhausted and impressed with how good Lucas really was, he was starting to get worried. In a desperate move Nathan elbowed Lucas in the face to steal the ball, and quickly made another shot. The crowd gasped, Brooke shut her eyes tightly, and when Lucas stood up he looked straight at Nathan as he yelled out above the noise “No foul. Basket counts” but then quieter he said walking by Nathan “besides… you won’t score again”

Brooke opened her eyes, paying attention to the game again, but she remained speechless.

“Oh, the basket counts, and its fourteen-twelve, game point for Scott. He could win it all right here. Nathan for the win… Holy crap! Did you see that?”

“An amazing block by Lucas Sawyer”

“Someday men will write stories about that block. Children will be named after it. Argentinean women will weep for it… Luke gets a basket”

“And he’s down by one”

Nathan smirked at Lucas, beginning to really enjoy himself, right now it was just the two of them, two great players lost in the game, they weren’t brothers, they weren’t even enemies, just players “ you’re down by one, man. Don’t choke now”

“Like I said, you won’t score again. Feeling it yet, Scott?”

“Trust me Sawyer, that ball is mine”

“Prove it, come on”

“Another dagger, and it’s all tied up! I think I’m gonna puke. Fourteen all”

“This is it, folks. No going back. The next basket wins it”

Nathan lost the ball to Lucas, but he wasn’t going to just let him get that basket “he’s never mentioned you, not once in all these years”

His heart thumping faster Lucas merely smiled “this is for my mom” and he somehow managed to pass Nathan, running to the other side of the court, the ball safely in his possession, and then he was in the air letting go of the basketball and watching it soar high.

For that moment the crowd went dead silent, and then it swished in.

“Luke for the win! It’s good, can you believe it, it’s good. Lucas Sawyer takes it fifteen-fourteen, and there is bedlam and delirium and felicity for all”

Brooke jumped off the seat and stood as the rest of the spectators went wild, some in anger, some in disbelieve, some just lost in the adrenaline of the win, Brooke was silent, her eyes met Nathan and he shook his head, she made her way again through the crowd, breaking a pathway in the mass of people that had suddenly taken over the court, until she finally reached Nathan “I’m sorry”

“So am I” and with his head down Nathan side stepped her and walked away, Brooke turned her head to watch him and when she faced her front again Lucas was standing there, the ball in his hand.

She eyed him suspiciously, her mind going back to Nathan’s earlier words “so, what did you bet?”

“I win, Nathan stays on the team”

“I don’t understand”

Lucas shrugged, “because it’s the last thing he wants. And anyway, it’s not about him” and he threw her the ball.

Catching it in her hands Brooke looked up at him with wide eyes, “Brooke!” Nathan called out to her and she looked over her shoulder to see him waiting for her impatiently, her hands still on the ball.

“This is it, you know, the moment it all changes” she whispered quietly, facing Lucas again, she went to throw him back the ball but he held up his hands and shook his head, “you keep it” and with a small smile, showing off his own dimpled left cheek Lucas stepped back, the crowd engulfing him.

Walking by Peyton’s room Lucas looked up as she switched on her light to reveal herself sitting cross legged on the bed, “who won?” she asked.

Lucas’ lips twitched “nobody”

There is a tide in the affairs of men.
Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune;

Sneaking in through a back window Brooke fell onto the floor, she stumbled back up and was drawn towards a soft glow coming form inside, and she followed it only stopping when reaching the lamp which stood as it always did, next to the library’s couch. With a gentle smile Brooke bent down and took the book from Keith’s slack grip, placing it onto the side table, next she lifted the thick brown blanket that hung atop the couch and carefully placed it over her stepfather. Brooke watched him for a moment, and then she bent down and kissed the top of his head. Brooke let out a sigh and quietly made her way to her bedroom. Once the door was shut behind her Brooke dropped the basketball to the ground and fell onto the bed, curling her knees up to her chin.

Omitted, all the voyage of their life
Is bound in shallows and in miseries.

Nathan walked inside and began to walk up to his room, but he stopped at the bottom of the stairs and turned his head. Dan waited in the living room, a blank expression on his face, Nathan cracked a smile, there was little happiness in it “don’t worry, dad. Your dreams are still safe” and he quickly looked away, taking the rest of the steps and rushing to the room where he could shut the door and close off the rest of the world, at least for one more night

On such a full sea are we now afloat,
And we must take the current when it serves,

Reaching his bedroom Lucas stripped off his clothes and fell onto his bed, something scratched at his back, he leaned over and turned on his bedside lamp, and with the little light it afforded him Lucas took the piece of paper that had interrupted his comfort. He lifted it up into the light, and there in black and white was a sea of identical faces, one in the middle differed with yellow hair and a red shirt, written at the top in Peyton’s bold handwriting THEY ARE NOT YOU.

Or lose our ventures.

The gym doors opened wide as Lucas walked in, all eyes looked, up, Whitey watching from afar as the team stopped what they were doing, Nathan the stillest of them all as he locked eyes with the brother he’d never acknowledged. Peyton stood among the cheerleaders, all dressed in their warm up gear, she looked through her pale curtain of curls to stare at her step brother as he made his entrance into a different world. At the front of the cheerleaders Brooke was apprehensive as she spotted the newest raven, what she saw was the boy she’d always seen, the one person she’d never wanted in her family or in her world, yet here he was. For all of them, here he was.
added by Broody_4_Cheery
Source: oth
added by Broody_4_Cheery
Source: oth
added by Broody_4_Cheery
Source: oth
added by Broody_4_Cheery
Source: evan rachel wood & anton yelchin
added by Broody_4_Cheery
Source: oth
added by Broody_4_Cheery
Source: oth
added by Broody_4_Cheery
Source: oth
added by Broody_4_Cheery
Source: oth
added by Broody_4_Cheery
Source: oth
added by Broody_4_Cheery
Source: anyone in the pic
added by Broody_4_Cheery
Source: oth
added by Broody_4_Cheery
added by Broody_4_Cheery
Source: oth
added by Broody_4_Cheery
Source: oth
added by Broody_4_Cheery
Source: oth
added by Broody_4_Cheery
Source: oth
added by Broody_4_Cheery
Source: oth
posted by Broody_4_Cheery
For a moment Brooke Davis truly believed she was finally getting everything she ever wanted, for a moment before all she believed fell apart, she thought it was her turn to finally be the girl who got the baby and the boy, and then she was just left with the bitter truth that she was getting neither.

The baby that never existed, a late period due to stress and nothing more, was a harsh reminder of everything Brooke had once dreamed about, and for a while had put aside. For a year Brooke had pushed that urge to be a mother deep down, buried it beneath all the distractions of her busy everyday...
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added by Broody_4_Cheery
Source: oth