Mind Of A HighwayCreature Club
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posted by Cherry9090
I sit on the wooden floor hugging my black lace pillow.
I sit and I stare off in my own world.
A world that contains so much love.
So much wonder.
A world where I am in the arms of my beloved.
The fleids are full of sunflowers.
The breeze is light.
His arms are strong and warm.

I jerk awake my face wet my arm sore.
I touch my face.
When I look at my finder it is smeared with black wetness
I sigh and mumble about my eyeliner running and mixing with my tears.
I look at my arm red near blood from my hand.
I sigh which doesn't help my tears.

I am a dreamer my mind in a world that is not real.
My mind that fonders off thinking of my beloved
Knowing that what I did was wrong.
A promise I was suppose to keep.
I broke because of the pain I was in at the time.
I start crying again.

I am a dreamer I dream of a wonder world.
Where people are kind to each other.
Where people love eachother.
No hate
No blood
No abouse
A place where I am excepted no matter what.

I lay now on my bed dreaming but the reality is weighted down on me.
Sad to the brink of darkness.
Hearing the voice in me.
Telling me to do stuff.
I'm afraid to me alone.
Afraid to face this a lone.
But I must so I don't bring down the ones I love.

This pain.
This alonelessness I feel
All of this feelings inside me
Will be faced a lone
I am scared yes
But it must be done

This is notba mythollogical poem this is one where I am laying on my bed at the moment crying and no way to release it no one to open to without hurting someone so I will share the only way I know....
posted by Cherry9090
So lost.
So alone.
In this cold dark world.
Scared to breath.
Terrified of what will happen to me.
He says it everyday.
Im stupid.
Im ugly.
I do not deserve to live.
I should be dead by now.

No will love me.
No one needs me.
They say I care.
They say I'll never leave u.
But I know they will.
Dads right.
I should be dead.
I am alone.
All I ever do is cuz pain
I am a black rose.

I am not specail.
I am no pretty.
I am useless.
A no body.
Not worth anything.
Noe will want me when they find out.
NO one wants me anyway so who cares.
I care.
I am hurting.
A black rose.

I am not innocnent.
I am not...
continue reading...
posted by Cherry9090
I look out my window.
I prey for a worl full of love.
A world that would welcome me.
With open arms.
Not a world full of hate.
The tought of a hareful world.
Makes me die inside.
Makes me wish I was never born.

Sad lonely world.
A world that makes people kill eachother.
A world that makes people hate eachother.
A world I want nothing to do with.
I thought I found everything I need.
A love.
A family.
A home.
Even though it was threw a website.
I had it.
I had everything.

The light of a beatiful sun.
It was gone.
I was left.
I was alone.
I was deing inside.
Everything I loved and cared for was...
continue reading...
added by Astralwing
This is a music video by Within Temptation. They sing about how much power Mother Nature has and we are so miniscule to her. It's beautiful. :)
music artist
posted by Cherry9090
I sit on the wooden floor hugging my black lace pillow.
I sit and I stare off in my own world.
A world that contains so much love.
So much wonder.
A world where I am in the arms of my beloved.
The fleids are full of sunflowers.
The breeze is light.
His arms are strong and warm.

I jerk awake my face wet my arm sore.
I touch my face.
When I look at my finder it is smeared with black wetness
I sigh and mumble about my eyeliner running and mixing with my tears.
I look at my arm red near blood from my hand.
I sigh which doesn't help my tears.

I am a dreamer my mind in a world that is not real.
My mind that fonders...
continue reading...
They are behind the barricade. They're practicing civil disobedience. They should not be being abused. The cop who does this is fucking nutty. 80 people have been arrested so far.