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Michael finished another day of dressing up as Spider-Man, at kids' birthday parties. Although he enjoyed dressing up as his favorite Marvel hero, he was starting to get tired of it. He sighed, while getting into his car and heading home.

Michael drove home. After tossing his costume into his room, he ran to the fridge and started checking out what food was in there. There was barely any food in there, so he angrily sighed and started driving to Grant's house, so he could take some of Grant's food. Michael and Grant had a strong friendship, so Grant had given Michael a key to his house. Michael used to the key, to get inside.

Michael went into the kitchen and saw Mahan. He had a confused look on his face, while saying, "Mahan, what are you doing here?"

Mahan ate a bunch of chips before saying, "I came to Grant's house, so I could have some snacks."

Michael folded his arms and smirked, while saying, "Well, it seems like you're a questionable friends, to Grant. Instead of doing nice things for your buddy, you break into his house, so you can take his snacks. You ought to be ashamed of yourself, Mahan."

Mahan gave Michael a disapproving look and replied, "Come on, bro. I know you came to Grant's house, so you could take his food."

Michael replied, "I hate to admit, but you know me pretty well, Mahan. For the record, I have a very good reason, for wanting to break into Grant's house and take his food."

Mahan looked amused, while saying, "Oh really? If that's the case, inform me of your reason, Mr. Medina."

Michael said, "I had an exhausting day at work."

Mahan replied, "I had a pretty rough day."

Michael tried to look concerned, while asking, "Really? What did you deal with?"

Mahan looked a little upset, while replying, "My Jupiter Ascending DVD is full of scratch marks. I don't know how that happened." He turned to Michael and said, "Wait a minute."

Michael replied, "As you wish." Michael and Mahan stood around, for a moment of awkward silence.

After that was over, Mahan said, "I let you borrow my Jupiter Ascending DVD, because you wanted something to make fun of. You got the disc scratched, didn't you?"

Michael replied, "I didn't try to get it scratched."

Mahan responded, "But you did scratch my Catwoman DVD, on purpose."

Michael giggled and replied, "Yeah, but scratching a cat-themed disc was something I had to do. Plus, that movie sucked."

Mahan responded, "That film was decent, but it wasn't as meaningful and creative as Jupiter Ascending."

Michael pointed at Mahan and said, "Start getting good taste, when it comes to films."

Mahan said, "Anyways, I need the details, of what happened to my Jupiter Ascending DVD."

Michael said, "Well, I was watching it with Howard. Since I'm a superhero fan, I had to make Howard the Duck jokes. Howard didn't like the jokes, so he pinched me and scratched some of my DVDs." Mahan giggled, so Michael frowned at him.

Mahan replied, "I have fifteen other copies, of that film, so I'm going to forgive you." Michael and Mahan high-fived each other and started stuffing junk food down their throats.

An hour later, Grant come home. He looked around and saw several messes on the floor. He stared at Michael and Mahan, who had eaten chips, cookies, donuts, gummies, and chocolate. Grant asked, "What's going on?"

Michael said, "Um, foodfights."

Mahan smiled and replied, "Speaking of foodfights, have you seen the film Foodfight? It stars Charlie Sheen and Christopher Lloyd. It's pretty good."

Michael screamed, "Are you kidding me?! You have no class!"

Mahan replied, "I haven't had any classes, since high school."

Michael angrily glared at Mahan and asked, "Do you think you're funny?"

Mahan answered, "I know obvious things, such as that. I'm super funny, bro."

Michael replied, "Jupiter Ascending was a piece of garbage." Mahan got angry at Michael, for mocking that film, so he started throwing things at Michael, that came from Grant's trash can. Michael opened a bag of sugar and poured it on Mahan's head. Mahan grabbed some pizzas out of the freezer and threw them at Michael.

Grant said, "You two need to cut it out. I don't like the idea, of you hipsters roaming around my kitchen. Jasmine's going to give you guys a time-out, if you don't acting like immature goofballs."

Michael looked amused, while replying, "Give me a break, Grant. We're adults, so she can't send us to our rooms."

Grant talked to Jasmine about the situation, while Michael and Mahan continued throwing food at each other. Michael started opening up soda cans, so he could pour soda on Mahan. Mahan opened a carton of milk and started pouring it on Michael.

Grant returned to the living room and said, "Jasmine and I talked about your misbehavior. Because of what you did, you boys are going to the guest room."

Michael asked, "Are you kidding me?"

Grant said, "If you don't go to your time-out, you won't be allowed to visit my kitchen, living room, or bathroom."

Michael and Mahan went into the guest room. They were ordered to stay there, for an hour. Michael grabbed some Spider-Man comics, out of his jacket and started reading them.

Mahan had a confused look on his face, while asking, "Why are you reading a Spider-Man comic?"

Michael answered, "Because I love Spider-Man."

Mahan replied, "If that's the case, how come you made such a fuss, about having to dress up like him?"

Michael responded, "Don't get me wrong. I love dressing up as Spider-Man, but it gets tiresome at times."

Mahan replied, "I think I have an idea, that'll help you out."

Michael raised an eyebrow and asked, "You want to help me?"

Mahan said, "Look, we may have some petty arguments, but you're still my friend and I wanna help you out."

Michael replied, "I don't wanna admit it, but I'm glad you feel that way. You're a decent friend. So, what's your idea?"

Mahan said, "The Sam Rami Spider-Man trilogy is playing at our local theater, tomorrow. How about you skip a day of work, so you can watch your hero on the big screen?"

Michael thought about it and replied, "That sounds pretty fun." Michael got out his cellphone and cancelled his plans of going to a birthday party.

The next day, Michael, Grant, and Mahan went to the theater, so they could watch the Spider-Man trilogy. Michael and Mahan owed Grant a lot of money, for all the groceries they took and all the messes they made. Because of that, they had to pay for Grant's movie tickets, for a very long time.

Michael looked around and saw Ron, who was walking by. Michael tapped his shoulder and asked, "What's going on?"

Ron sighed and said, "I've got a problem."

Michael replied, "You actually don't have that many flaws, aside from talking too much about Ghostbusters."

Ron responded, "A close friend of my kid has a birthday party today. The kid's dad was going to hire a guy, to dress up as Spider-Man. However, whoever they hired cancelled. The dad doesn't want to spend hundreds of dollars, to get a Spider-Man costume, so he's planning on wearing a Booster Gold costume, that he got at the dollar store. I think the kids are going to be disappointed. I wish I could help them."

Grant looked at Michael and asked, "Can I talk to you, for a minute?"

Michael replied, "No offense intended, but this isn't the best time. I don't even wanna miss the opening credits, of the film."

Grant responded, "With all due respect, this is important."

Michael and Grant sat on a bench, while Mahan paid for his ticket and started rushing into the theater. Grant looked at Michael and said, "I know you want a day off and I don't blame you. However, I don't think you picked the best day. The party, that you decided to skip, sounds pretty important. After all, it's a friend of Ron's kid."

Michael replied, "Yeah, but I don't think it's that big of a deal, if I skip the party. After all, the kid's dad is going to wear a superhero costume. The kids probably wouldn't even notice that many differences, between Spider-Man and Booster Gold."

Grant asked, "Are you kidding me? Would you be okay, if you were a kid and you had Booster Gold, as your superhero guest, instead of Spider-Man?"

Michael answered, "No, Booster Gold sucks."

Grant replied, "This party needs a Spider-Man and you can be that Spider-Man."

Michael responded, "No, I've been dressing up as Spider-Man, for long enough." Michael started heading into the theater. However, his mind started becoming filled with guilt. Instead of pretending to be Spider-Man, to give the kids a special, memorable day, he was avoiding his responsibilities. He felt he couldn't do such a thing. Michael looked underneath the shirt he was wearing and realized he was wearing his Spider-Man costume underneath. He realized it was his responsibility and destiny, to dress up as Spider-Man, to give the kids the hero they need. He started rushing out of the theater.

Mahan had a confused look on his face, because he didn't know why Michael was leaving. However, Grant knew, so he raised his thumbs in approval.

Several minutes later, Michael showed up at the party, while wearing his Spider-Man costume. He went inside. Ron was there, along with the kids and their parents. Michael faced the crowd and said, "I'm sorry I'm late. I can still be the superhero at your party, if that's cool."

The kid's dad, who was wearing a Booster Gold costume, said, "That's nice and all, but since you cancelled your appearance, a real superhero decided to step in."

Michael replied, "Booster Gold's not much of a hero." Michael took the Booster Gold off of the kid's dad. The kid's dad was wearing his pajamas underneath, so he nervously giggled, while Michael started entertaining the kids, with his knowledge about Spider-Man's history.

A few minutes later, Ron walked up to Michael. Even though Michael was wearing a Spider-Man mask on his face, Ron knew who it was. Ron nudged Michael and said, "I'm proud of you."

Michael replied, "Well you shouldn't be. After all, I almost skipped this party."

Ron responded, "That may be true, but you came to the party, after all. You know what? You remind me of Peter Parker."

Michael said, "I really do appreciate that, but I don't deserve that sentiment. Peter Parker always does the right thing."

Ron replied, "That's not true. Peter Parker is often tempted, into doing questionable things. After all, he could of saved his uncle that one time, but he didn't. Making mistakes doesn't stop you from being a hero. Making mistakes, but still doing the right thing makes you a hero, that's relatable. That's what Peter Parker's like, but more importantly, that's what you're like."

Michael smiled and responded, "With great power, comes great responsibility."

Five minutes later, it came time to sing the birthday song. Michael sang the theme song of the 60s Spider-Man cartoon, which the kids loved hearing. Afterwards, the birthday kid grabbed a slice of cake and handed it too Michael. The birthday cake said, "Thank you for coming to my birthday, Spider-Man."

Michael replied, "You're welcome."

Ron looked at Michael and asked, "Are you disappointed, that you're missing the Spider-Man movie marathon?"

Michael answered, "You know what? There's nowhere I'd rather be, than here. Being a superhero for the kids is more important than I thought. Spider-Man was my childhood hero, so if I can become a hero to these kids, I couldn't ask for anything better. This job may be tiresome and exhausting at times, but there's no job I'd rather have. Nuff said."