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posted by nejiten2
Just because it say " Cold Hearted " Doesn't mean it's JUST sad. This one contains funnies. Ha-ha! I can see well not really...That teenagers can be mature! But some NOT, like me. But I hope you people who are 13 or older will enjoy this story and laugh. Besides this story starts to FUNNY then Love. In the End. You might crack your head.

Shikamaru was very smart. Blah,blah.
Temari was always by his side,sense Naruto said "Are you guy's on a date or something?". Temari was sensing something strange growing in her heart. But what could it be? In days Temari wanted to get the feeling off. Everyday she hangs out with Shikamaru, she blushes,be sometimes silence. But what could it be? What made her blush and be silent, when she's around with Shikamaru?

Shikamaru wonders why she has been acting weird lately. So he asked her...

Shikamaru- Temari,what is up with you these days?
Temari- Wha? Oh nothing. Why?
Shikamaru- You've been silent these times. It's not like you.

Temari- What do you mean? I've been fine lately?
She said with a soft smile.

Shikamaru- man, Your troublesome. You made me be curious about you.

Sakura- Shikamaru!
Shikamaru- What?
Sakura- Tsunade has something for you?
Shikamaru- Please don't let it be TonTon's crap again.

Temari was just looking at him all weird.
Sakura- uhh...No. She has a mission for you and Temari.

Temari- Let me guess. Chunin Exams.
Sakura- Kinda. But...You have to train these kids. Name Anomi,Tsukiyo,and Kino.

Shikamaru- They have weird names.
Sakura- Don't make fun of them Shikamru!
Shikamaru- Okay. See ya.

Sakura- uh. Yeah.
Temari- Well tell you when we need help.
She said while putting her hands on her hips.

Shikamaru- Moron.
he mutterd.

Sakura- Did you say something Shikamaru?
Shikamaru- No. Loser.
He mutterd again .

Sakura- Ha-ha! Alright. See ya.

Shikamaru- Bitch.
He mutterd once again.

Sakura-okay! I herd that one!
Shikamaru- Shut up and leave!
Sakura- Grrrr....

Temari giggled. She thought Shikamaru wasn't funny but he his.

Shikamaru- ?. uhh...Well. Let's go.
Sakura- I'll get you later!

Shikamru- Riiight.
He said when he walked away. He didn't CARE about Sakura. Not one bit.

Temari- Hey. It's been a while sense we haven't gone in the Chunin Exams.
Shikamaru- More like 3 weeks.

Temari- Being a Jonin is such hard work.
Shikamaru- Well. Being Human and having your health. That's the most important thing.

Temari- Hey, sense when do you start saying that?
" Being Human and Having Your Heatlh." Hmph.

Shikamaru- It's true. Don't make fun of it.

Temari- I know.

They arrived of the Chunin Exams and saw the 3 kids they have to train.

Shikamaru- Alright. I'm going to give you nick names. Anomi you nick name is...Butt Head, Tsukiyo, your nick name is Bozo Head, and Kino,yours is , Hippo's Butt.

Temari- Aren't ...Aren't those bueatiful names.
Shikamaru- I know.
Temari- Your made them cry.
Shikamaru- That means they like there nick name.Ok! Let's go! Get up u 3!

Anomi- You Jacka**
Temari- OMG, a 6 year old saying that. That's big.
Shikamaru- Do as I say! Or your dead!

3 hours later they trained and trained! But they do it like Gai Sensei's training.

Temari- Mission Complete.
Shikamaru- Let's report this to Tsunade.
He said while kicking a kid who is tired and about to die in 3 secounds and so is the others.

They died.

Temari- Do you think you trained them tooo hard?
Shikamaru- Nope. All I ask them is to do 6 push ups and it took em like 3 hours just to to 6.

Temari- Well . Were done.

The mother of the 3 kids arrived.

" My Son! Oh-no!"
" Anomi! Are you okay?"
"Tsukiyo! Please! Not now!"

Shikamru whistled and walked away.

In the Hokage's mansion...

Sakura- Yes. Tsunade. I will report his to everyone and-


Shikamaru opened the door and she got hit.

Shikamaru- Were done.
Tsunade- Sakura, oh whatever. Nevermind. Just don't poke her or anything while she's bleeding.
Okay! So your done?

Shikamaru- Yes, Milady.
Temari- We have completed it.

Tsunade- Ahh. Good. Did you kill em?
Shikamaru- uhhh....No ma'am.
Tsunade- Why? They were brats!
Shikamaru- AS the matter of fact. I lied! Yes we did kill em.

Temari- Were not lying to ya.
Tsunade- Okay. Good. Guess what? I planed. That were going to have a Konoha...Beach/Dance party.
Everyone has to come. If not, I will kill you, or be your wrost nightmare. Either way, but if you come. So...I was thinking I should start with you first , sense Sakura is hurt and still bleeding on the floor. Ew, Sakura is gonna clean that up when she's awake. Ha! Well anyways...Can I ask you guys a question?

Shikamaru- Yes.
Temari- Yes ma'am.

Tsunade- Cool! Alright. I'll start with Shikamaru. Shikamaru! Who are you going to the dance with?

Shikamaru- uhhh...If I have one. Why would if mean any of your buesniuss? * misspelled that*

Tsunade- Don't back sass me! Tell me!

Shikamaru- Alright. I dunno. Gosh. You have to wait. I can't just choose one right now I-
Tsunade- I'll do it for ya. uhhh....Ha! Got one for ya. She's right next to ya. Woo-hoo! That was easy to find.

Shikamaru- Wait, What? Temari is going to be my date?
Temari - You got to be kidding me.

Tsunade got up from her chair and slam the table.
Tsunade- Ahem! What does the table say.

Shikamaru- It says " Tsunade Rules!"
Tsunade- Oops. Why did Sakura put that. Dammit. That idiot. It was suppose to say " Tsunade is stronger and awesomer than anyone in the Village."

Temari- That's a false, right there.
She mutterd.

Tsunade- Anyways. It says Tsunade Rules, or whatever, if you disobey me. Oh I'm going to kill you two, and give you nightmares, and kick you out of the village and -

Temari- I don't live here! Why do I have to do this.
She inturpted.

Tsunade- Well. Hmph. I told Gaara and Kankuro that your in a vaction here for about... A week or two.

Temari- What? Where will I sleep?
Tsunade- Shikamaru's house silly!
Temari- No!
Tsunade- Alright want to live in Boxes or with Shikmaru It's your choice.

Temari- unh... Alright. I'll sleep with...Shikamaru.
Tsunade- There you go. Now. You can go. See ya. I'm going to make people choose there dates. Asta Vinaina * that's spainish*

Shikamaru- Damn. Okay. How about this you sleep in my closet.
Temari- Eww no!
Shikmaru- Or the bath tub. Either way.
Temari- I rather sleep in the floor. Good thing I brought my sleep bag.

Shikamaru- Okay. Fine. In the floor.

Tsunade- Aren't you leaving?
Shikamaru- Sorry ma'am.

They left.

Tsunade got a base ball bat and hit Sakura to wake her up.
Tsunade- Wake up! Dammit wake up!

Sakura- unh...Tsunade?

Tsunade- Morning! Now clean the blood up!
She yelled while throwing Sakura a broom.

Then Tsunade headed off to tell people who to date.

Naruto- Why do I have to go with Hinata?
Hinata- ...
Tsunade- Do as I say!
Naruto- Alright.
Tsunade- Say the words!
Naruto- Hinata. Will you like to be my date?
Hinata- Naruto-kun...

Neji- With Tenten?
Tenten- Neji. Don't worry. Were not going to do anything romancy.
Tsunade- Yes you are! Now kiss!
Neji- !!! No!
Tenten- I'm not ready for that.
Lee-C'mon...I'll take a picture!

Shikamaru- Yawn! Good night!
Temari- It's just 10:00pm.

She was letting go of her 4 pony tails and let her hair go.

Shikamaru snored loudly. Temari threw a pillow at him. He was still sleeping. Then she hit him with the pillow. And then agian and again and again.
And he was still sleeping.

Shikamaru- Zzz....
Temari- unh... Heavy Sleeper. Well ...... A sleep does sound nice right about now.

When Temari layed down she just started at the cealing. Then shikamaru rolled off his bed and fell on Temari, but he feel on Temari's chest.

Temari- ..... Damn it! He's fat.
Shikamaru- Zzz...

It was the next moring and Shikamaru was suspicious on what he was laying on.

Shikamaru- Yawn...hmm...
Temari woke up all angry.

Shikamaru- Sorry!
Temari smacked him.

Ding Dong.
The door bell rang.
Shikamaru- Come in .

Naruto- Hey Shikama-ma-ma-ma-ru...ARE you BUSY ?
Shikamaru- ...No.
He was laying on top of Temari. She smacked him but more harder.

Naruto- Heh-heh. Looks like your having ...Se..x.

Shikamaru- unh...We are not.
Temari- Look! I did not have sex with this...idiot! He fell on me. And he couldn't get off for the past 20 hours.

Shikamaru- Your really are troublsome.
He said with a smirk on his face.

Naruto- Welll....have fun with While I'll...BE SPREDING RUMORS ON YOU TWO!

Temari- Naruto!
Shikamaru- Naruto!

They both grabbed on Naruto's back shirt and fire grew on the back of them.

Shikamaru- We weren't havin sex you moron!
Temari- He FELL on me!! Were to young to have sex.

Naruto- Ayy. Ongata, Ongata. Heh-heh.I was just kidding. That's all.

Temari- You better! You idiot!
She smacked him.

Naruto- Ow!
He fell on the ground, and Hinata was on her feet.

Hinata- Naruto-kun...Are you okay?
Naruto- Ooow. Temari hit me!

Temari- That's what you get!

She closed the door loudly.

Naruto- Geez...
Hinata- Na-Naruto-kun, you need some rest. Your mind looks so loopy.

Naruto- unh...maybe some ramen will cure me.

Hinata- Alright. I'll get you some ramen. There not munch price are they?

Naruto- ....No....
Hinata draged Naruto and headed to the Ichiraku Ramen.

Temari- Sigh...
Shikamaru- Well C'mon. We have t go shopping. Tonight is a big day.

Temari- Sense when do you ever say to go to a mall when it's a special day?

Shikamaru- Well. To get it over with.
Temari- I understand. Welll...Were just going to have to do what the others do.

Shikamaru- ....Yeah...We could.
Temari- Then we won't have to worry.

Shikamaru- Yup. Alright. Let's go.
Temari did a little smile at him and he smiled back.
Temari- He-he.Alright. Let's get to it.

Shikamaru- Right.

They went to the mall and Temari was in a shop with Kimono's in it. There was a Sora kimono and it was so pretty.

Temari- Uh...Excuse me ma'am. How munch for this kimono?

Lady- About 500 ryn.
temari- Damn it! I only have 400 ryn.
Shikamaru- If you want I can pay it for you.

Temari- You will? I mean...Why? That would be so nice of you...
Shikamaru- Here 100ryn.

Temari- Oh. Thank You. I'll pay you back.
Shikamaru- Nah. You don't have to.
Teamri- I will. Now where is your shopping bag?
Shikamaru- Yawn. Right here.
He was hiding it from his back.

Temari- Ha-ha. Not to mention I think you will look good in that.
Shikamaru- .....You ...You think?
Temari- Yes.
she giggled.

It was finally night and it was the Dance night.
Everyone in Konoha was there. Naruto and Hinata,Neji and Tenten, Sasuke and Sakura, Temari and Shikamaru and the others...yeah.

Temari was all dressed up and she saw Shikamaru all handsome. She blushed that moment and couldn't took his eyes off.

Shikamaru- Let's get this prom over with.
Temari- Yeah.

They went in the prom and saw the others holding and girls grabbing there arms and boys grabbing there waist. Even for so Neji has to pretend to date her and so are Naruto and Hinata. Shikamaru and Temari looked at eachother. Temari just grabbed his arm and he grabbed her waist.

Shikamru- Geez what a nightmare.
He mubbled.

Temari- Hey. I didn't know Ino and Kiba are together.

Ino- Hmm?

Ino took a evil glare when Shikamaru and Temari walked past by.

Ino broke a glass cup. She felt some jeaulosy tinto her body.

Temari- ....

Kiba- Hey. Let's go.
Ino- Grr....

She threw the whole punch at Kiba.

Kiba- Damn it! Why did you do that?
Ino- Shut it!

Later at the dance everyone was slow danceing espically Shikamaru and Temari. Shikamaru was enjoying it with Temari. it was actullay relaxing with her. Then later in minutes love came by in his heart. Temari looked so smoking hot to him, that he never wants to let's her go. As so with
Temari, she already loved him so munch in her heart.

Shikamaru- To say....I'm enjoying this.
Temari blushed a little.

Temari- Well...I am too.
Shikamaru- !

He saw Hinata kissing Naruto. And then Neji just grabbed Tenten by the waist more roughly. And Sasuke making a move on Sakura. He was trying to kiss her.

Temari was only left. Shikamaru was looking at her looking at the others all romantic. To him, maybe just making a move like normal romance won't be such a bad thing to him. He did felt bad for her.

Temari looked back at Shikamaru.

Temari- You'll be alright.
His lips were trembling and he grabbed the back of Temari and started getting closer.

She was confused why. A kiss? Already?

Temari grabbed his cheeks.
Temari- That's pointless of you. Not now,Shikamaru.

Shikamaru- ...
Temari- I'm sorry.

Ino can by and pushed Temari. She fell and her dress was rueioned.

Temari- !! Damn!
Ino- Shikamaru! Hi. UH welll....wanna dance?
Shikamaru- uh..What about-
Ino- Oh. Yeah... Forgot one more taste.

She got a cake and threw it at Temari.
Which her dress was more awful.

Ino- Stay away!
Shikamaru- Ino! Are you drunk?
Ino- Please be with me? Not that tacky lady.

Temari- ......

Ino- Dance,a nice dinner, or a...kiss?
Shikamaru- Wha?
Ino-C'mon. Temari stopped the kiss. She lost her chance. got me?

Shikamaru- !! I'm going to save my lips for Temari.

Tenten- Temari are you okay?
Sakura- OMG! Come with me. I'll find you another dress.

Ino- She left. So now it's... me and you.
Shikamaru- Ino. Stay away. I like Temari.

Ino- Really? Why didn't you took her to a nice dinner? Or why didn't you tell her you love her?
But.....if you want to kiss her. Then you can practice on me!

Shikamaru- What?
Ino- C'mon! Practice. The kiss will be better on Temari. Besides...sense you said you like her. I want to "help" you.

Shikamaru- No!

Ino- C'mon! One kiss.

Sakura- There. It's perfect.
Temari- That was fast.

Tenten- You look great!
Temari- You really think so?
Tenten and Sakura- Yeah.

Hinata- C'mon. Shikamaru must be waiting for you.

Temari came out with her new lovly Kimono that was Green and Yellow.

When she came out. Ino and Shikamaru were kissing.

Temari- unh! ....No-...No way.
Sakura- That Ino pig is always so selfish.

Tenten- ....

Temari- That jerk!

Temari went up to Shikamaru and Ino. She pulled Ino off and she got her dress and hair all ugly.

Ino- No way! You Idiot!

Temari- Shut up.
Ino- You stole my guy and you stole my-
Temari slapped Ino at the face hard. To make her shut up for what you did.

Shikamaru- Temari! It's not what it looks like. I was.

Temari- Forget it you idiot! I was going to give you a chance! But you didn't say the 3 words. I-love-you. I didn't hear none of that from you. If you liked Ino you shouldn't told me.

Shikamaru- Temari, you said we don't actualy have to date.

Ino- Ahhh. So you weren't dating for real. Wow...
Shikamaru- Temari!
Temari- Just say it. Do you want to be with Ino or me?
Ino- He wants to be with me.

Temari- Don't lie!!!! He doesn't you slut!
Ino- !!...What did you just call me?

Temari- Shut it!
Ino- Grr. You gonna get it!

Temari just stabbed her with a knife.

Ino- unh.....

She died.

Shikamaru- Where did you get the knife.
Temari- You still haven't said it....

Shikamaru- Temari wait!
Temari- Leave me alone!

Shikamaru- .... unh...Temari!

She just ignored him and went off home.

Naruto- You got in her in a bad mood.
Shikamaru- What ever. She's a jerk.

Naruto- Why did you say that? She was in love with you.

Shikamaru- No she isn't.
Naruto- Yeah she is in love with you. Till now. You let it all down.

Shikamaru- How do you know she likes me?
Naruto- Tenten,Sakura,and Hinata told me.
Shikamaru- .....
Naruto- I already knew Tenten loved Neji.
Shikamaru- How?
Naruto- Tenten kept wearing mini skirts in front on Neji and Neji couldn't stop looking at her bottom.

Shikamaru- He turned to a pervert. Great.
Neji- What? Me?
Naruto-Nothing neji.

Shikamaru- Yawn. I'm going to bed.
Naruto- Hey! What about Temari.

Shikamaru- I'll deal with it later or tomrrow.

Naruto- but-
Shikamaru- Leave me alone.

Naruto- Alright...

He went home and the door was locked Temari had locked it. But not the back door. He went in and saw Temari crying. He felt bad.

Temari- ...
She was all sad and sobbing on a table.

Shikamaru- ....
He came up to her. He was about to touch her back. But then she grabbed his hand really quickly.
Temari- What are you doing?
Her eye liner was leaking on her cheeks.

Shikamaru- Temari...
Temari- Why?

Shikamaru- Why what?
Temari-Why did you kiss Ino? I thought tonight might be the chance....but no....Shikamaru I love You!

Shikamaru- ....
Temari- You don't know how t even FEELS for losing a guy like you, I didn't even expect another girl to kiss you!

Shikamaru- Listen! We were kissing for practice.
Temari-.....FOR PRACTICE!!! your insane! You could've kiss me even if you don't even know how too! I...I...hate you! Why? Why would you do such a thing! I love you and you kiss Ino! i wanted to take your FIRST KISS. but Ino took it away.....!! wait.... From the looks of it.....It looked like Ino was dragging to kiss you...then...WHY DIDN'T YOU PULL BACK!!

Shikamaru- She was gripping my back to hard.
Temari- Hmph. Ino-Ino-ino. I'm going to kill her!
Shikamaru- uuh. You just did. Remeber the kinfe?
Temari- ooh right.

Shikamaru- Looks I'm sorry. I didn't mean too...

Temari- I dunno...what to do with you...
Shikamaru- Please...Temari don't leave me...I'll ...I'llbe VERY lonley! I need you! Withot you...everything will be completey empty to me...

Temari- Shikamaru....
Shikamaru- If you were dead. I'll die with you. If you were no where to be found. I'll find you alll day and never give up. If you were with another person...then...I'll just live like a heartless man.

Temari ws crying. She was sniffing.

Temari- Nara Shikamaru....That is the most wonderful thing you ever said to me.

She hugged him tightly like a cuddle bear.
Temari- わたしは、あなたを愛しています ( I love you)
Shikamaru-私もあなたを愛して ( I love you too)

She giggled with happiness and she kept huggin him.
Temari- 私はあなたが行くようにしたいこと ( i never want to let you go)

Shikamaru-あなたは私のバラと成長し続けて、それは明るい日です (You are my rose and sun that keeps growing and that is bright)

Temari- Shikamaru...Can we...go outside?

Shikamaru- Sure...

They went outside and looked at the stars.

H went up close to her and Temari just grabbed his shoulder and kissied him like crazy.

Shikamaru- .....

Temari- ...
She giggled and kissied him again. There was nothing more then just kissing him all day.

The End

Wait no! The story is not over yet! Here is a peek of what Sakura and Tsunade is up to!

Tsunade- Sakura!
Sakura- yes milady?

Tsunade got up from her chair and shoot her with laser guns.

Sakura- Ahhhh...

She fell.
Tsunade- That will teach you a leasson to not touch my Dumplings.

Sakura- Why you!
Tsunade- Eeep!

She shooted her again! But Sakura keeps getting up.

Tsunade- Mother F***er why won't you die?
Sakura- .... I'll never die.

She said in a deeply manly voice.

Tsunade- Oh Shit.



Thanks Guys! Hope ya'll love it! Ha-ha! It's really long!
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