Nightmare Before Christmas Club
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posted by Sallytheragdoll
Once there was a pumpkin king who stole christmas. this is after that story.

18 years later
"Sally?"came the voice in Maria's , their duaghter, room. "Yes dear?" came the voice from the kitchen. "Do you know where my pumpkin king outfit is?" Jack had been searching day and night for that outfit since it was a week tell halloween. "I saw it with Maria." He went to the play room where she was watching a horor movie although she was 11. She was studying the outfit to make herself an outfit for halloween since she only had the special one sally made out of the fabric that made Jack's regular outfit. She was just about finished making the outfit when jack came in.

"Hi dad" Maria said without looking up. "Maria, you know I need that since halloween is only a week away.""Well I'm getting ready. You promised you'd take me this year so I decided I might as well get an outfit.""What about the other one you always wear for halloween?""I want something new." Jack stood there and gave out a loud sigh. "Fine. When will you be done.""About a hour more then I'm finished." Jack gave out another loud sigh and left the room.

He went into the kitchen and sat down. "I think it's you who needs the new outfit" came the reply from Sally as she stirred the pumpkin patch soup mix for dinner. "Well all I have is the black one, My Sandy Claws outfit, and my pumpkin king outfit. Since we had a kid you never had time to help me with a new outfit.""That is true. So you want anything extra in your soup tonight dear?""Like usual, a little extra pumpkin and less sugar..." Jack let out a big sigh again. Sally stopped stirring. "Something wrong dear?""No I'm fine."

"Mom?" Came the sweet but bitter voice in the play room. "I'm cooking Maria..." "Dad?" "Comming." Jack came in to see that Maria had blood on her finger, but of course this is maria we're talking about so she was not crying, but she had blood on her finger and also accadently stitched the out fit into her finger. I guess this is when Jack had a reason for having this long but tiny fingers. He got her a bandage and got the stitch out some how. No one knows how though.

Jack sat back down at the table with one of those *Somethings wrong* looks. Sally stopped stirring completely and sat down in the chair across from Jack. Jack looked up from the table and looked at Sally. "Your hiding something..." She said in a singy sweet voice. "Ok! Fine! Somethings wrong! just don't bother me!" Sally took his hand. "Ok then. If you don't want to." She let go and got back up to stirring. Jack left to his room and thought about the good old days like when he once stole christmas. This thought brought a bit of happiness, but not much.

A few hours later the pumpkin patch soup was done. When Jack got to the table he still looked unhappy. Maria sat down and looked at dad. He again had one of those *somethings wrong* looks. "Dad, is some...""Maria, I already tried asking, but he just wants to be left alone. " Maria looked at him with one of those *something is very wrong with you* looks. She understood right away and took her soup into the play room and left Jack and Sally alone in the kitchen.

Jack ate his soup in silence intell Sally asked what Maria was needing her or Jack for."Oh she had accadently sewed her outfit to her finger""I was wondering what that big bandage was for" They both went back to silence. He stopped eating and stood up. "I...uh....need to go check on the doctor's assignment. I....I'll be back." All he really wanted was some silence. He walked alone, even without Zero and his pups. He walked very slowly to Doctor Finkelsteins. If he had lied he wouldn't of gone to Doctor Finklesteins, but Jack's not a lier.

When he got there, he put on his best smile and tried to act like nothing was wrong so that he wouldn't be asked again. He knocked on the door and it was answered by Igor in less then a minute. "Uh...May I talk to Doctor Finklestein, Igor?""Master is Jack... Jack, the pumpkin king..." Once Doctor Finklestein heard the news, he wheeled over, in his wheelchair, faster then a bullet."Jack my boy, come on in! What do you need today Jack?"" to check on your halloween assignment."Jack tried to have his best smile on, but it doesn't look right when he's not happy and Doctor Finklestein noticed that a while ago. Of course Doctor Finklestein knows Jack so he didn't dare to ask. He just left him alone with one of those *I wish I could help* looks.

He took one look and then replied "I...I'd better get going." Jack went through the grave yard like he usually does when he's bored of everything. He got to the holiday trees and looked at the christmas tree door. *Now that was a night to remember* he thought to himself. He had a big grin on after that and went home. When he got home he took one look at Maria and smiled. She was in her new outfit for halloween. She also hadn't done any damage to his pumpkin king outfit. Last time she made an outfit she ripped his black outfit and it took a week to fix. This brang him lots of joy for that he wouldn't have to wears his pajamas for a week again.

"Feel better now?" Asked Sally as he walked into kitchen. "After a refreshing walk like that, who wouldn't?" Jack repied. "Well good.""Dad?""Yes darling?""Is mom busy?""Honey, are you busy?""No, What does Maria need?""If she's not busy can she come in here please?""Coming." When Sally got in there she asked "Can you help?""With what?""I need some help with the hair bow.""What do you want for the hair bow today?""Pumpkin.""Good choice" Sally sat for about a hour sitting with Maria sewing that nice pumpkin hair bow.

That night, when they went to bed, all was silent while the hours ticked away. Everyone fast asleep in there pajamas except Sally since she only has the rag doll dress. When dawn broke. Nobody was up intell about 9:00 A.M. They got up and started working on halloween. Maria's freinds were having a party for her since she got to go with Jack this halloween and it was at her house so they had to get it ready.

At the party there was everything you could possibly think of. Cake, presents, pin the tale on the donkey, you name it, they had it. The party didn't go very well though. Pin the tale on the donkey was a disaster since they pinned the tale to Sally. The cake got everywhere. The presents actually didn't make a mess. But the rest of the party was a disaster. It took the whole day to clean it up then it was the halloween party.

"Why so late?"The mayor asked as they got there. Jack pointed at where Maria should've been, but she was already off with her freinds. The party worked out quite well, actually. When the party was over and they were home, they fell into there beds and fell asleep in less then a minute.

The next morning was Wednesday, so of course they were almost there. Halloween was on friday so they were close to halloween. Halloween came pretty fast and today was the day.The mayor went to Maria and asked her the same thing he always does. "Don't let the same mistake your dad made happen 18 years ago happen again."

Halloween was pretty succeccful since Maria was here. It was more succeccful then last year. This was the best halloween that Jack had ever had.


Come back later to see The Nightmare Before Christmas 3.
added by kathiria82
added by kathiria82
added by kathiria82
added by kathiria82
added by kathiria82
added by pumpkinqueen
added by ToastedRabbits
Credit to: j2o454 at
nightmare before christmas
oogie boogie
sped up
If anybody says Danny Elfman has a bad voice or is a bad composer I'm punching right in the face.
added by october_song
added by punksoup
added by kathiria82
added by kathiria82
added by kathiria82
added by kathiria82
Source: Tim Burton
added by kathiria82
added by Ikuto_is_hot021
added by agata88
added by pumpkinqueen
added by pumpkinqueen
added by deedeeflower
Source: deedeeflower