Novi Stars Club
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*Learning the Ways of the thingy*

"Well?"Una asked.
"I don't know where did you even get this?!"questioned Allie,she poked the thing to make sure it wasn't alive
"I don't know a store perhaps?"answered Una sheepishly
"W-well whatever it i-is I don't like it."stuttered Mae as she too poked it and got scared when it wobbled a bit
"Mae be careful you don't know if that has some gas like poison in it."yelled Una
"Girls we don't know what this is and I don't trust it so...let's get rid of it."
"But what if it's alive?"whimpered Ari
"Ari that is not alive it would of freaked out by now."Allie said and poked it again to prove her point.

"Well maybe it's sleeping."said Ari

"Just do something with it!"Una urged already getting flustered.

"Okay okay."Allie said and she slipped on her gloves,taking the object carefully she walked over to the trash located at the kitchen and dumped it in.Pulling off the gloves she wiped her hands in victory,"There problem solved."

Ari pouted."We still don't know if it's alive."

"Ari it's not alive it's a weird human object and none of us new what it was called.We had to get rid of it for our safety.Okay?"Allie spoke softly

Ari nodded."I guess your right I mean we didn't even know where in the galaxy Una got that..thing."

"Yeah Una where exactly did you get it?"Allie asked looking at her sternly.

Una huffed,"Ugh fine.I was shopping for those giant cookies we loved so much at the store and when I was finished I went over to the big metal thingy and paid for it and then the cute teen boy who worked there offered me it and said I would really need it and then winked.I smiled back and paid for the thingy and walked out of the story.The end."

"So a teen boy gave this too you?"asked a unsure Allie.

"Yep and he was OUT OF THIS WORLD cute he had blonde hair and THE most beautiful blue eyes-well not as beautiful as mine but a close second and his smile was mesmerizing and you should of seen his muscle it was like-


"What?"asked a now annoyed Una.She just really hated being interupted.

"What if this was prank?"Allie said fear in her eyes as she began to pace back and forth.

"Pshh!Really Alls a prank?That boy looked way to old to even do that and...wait.. what's a prank?"

"A prank is a cruel trick people do to other's for a good laugh,the Earth girls told me about that right before they said boys were imature."

"So he wasn't flirting?"

"I'm afraid not Una."

"Uuuugh!I wasted a good smile on that boy!"the blue alien suddenly shouted.

"Calm down Una there will be plenty of boys to smile at later on,okay?"reassured Ari

"I guess your right."Una said accepting defeat.
The girls turned their attention to the trash basket once again.

"So...What will we do"Ari asked looking at the basket rather thoughtfully.

"Well tomorrow we should do some research on it."Allie said

"A-and what if it d-doesn't work?"Mae stuttered.
"Well than we should ask a human."Allie suggested.

"Ooh oooh!Una can we meet that boy?"a excited Ari asked as she finished her last jump in the air.

"I suppose but don't think he'll get any smiles from me!"the blue alien declared and 'hmphd'for good measure.

"Okay then it's settle we'll do that if research doesn't work.Now come on everybody bed time it's all ready eleven at night and I'm kinda *yawn* tired.Goodnight."Allie waved goodbye then sleepily walked to her room

"*yawn*I'm kinda tired too goodnight everyone."Una announced and with that she went to her room too,after the door shut we heard to little 'click' signaling Una locked the door.

"Yeah Mae I'm going to bed too,you?"Ari asked,her eyes already drooping.

"W-well there's n-no point in -s-s-staying up if nobody's here with me so...yeah."Mae said as she and Ari made their way to the hallway together.Once in the middle of the hall they said their good nights and went to their different rooms.
"Find anything Una?"asked a hopeful Allie.They had been up since eleven and it was now going to one and they still hadn't found anything.The green skined alien looked down in sadness as Una shook her head no.

"I c-c-can't understand what this website is s-s-saying!"cried a tired and fustrated Mae.All three NOVI's looked at their robotic's friend computer.

"That's because the website isn't in english Mae,it's in Spanish."


"Does it have a English version?"Ari asked her eyes looking at the weird words before her.

"Let me check *clicks of the mouse and keys being tapped*..nope all Spanish."

"Well that was useless."Una mumbled.

"Allie let's just go ask the human boy I'm sure he knows what that is if he's the one that gave it too her on purpose."Ari said already shutting down her computer.

Allie sighed and hung her head."Fine,fine.We'll go I just hope I don't light up in front of him."

"Don't worry,he's not even that cute."Una said,flipping her hair over her shoulder.

"T-t-then why you freak over one s-s-smile?"Mae asked her lips forming into a smirk
"Because I chose to not waste my smiles when I could be giving them too cute boys.And Allie said he was pranking me!I do not smile at boys who prank me."

"Riight."Mae said and she and the other's started to giggle.

"Alright alright you had your fun now let's go,somebody get that thing from the bag and let's jet."she said pushing her sunglasses up.

"I will!"yelled Ari as she rushed to get it.Few minutes later she came with it in hand.She giggled it's still new."she announced

"That's because we didn't put anything else in it."Una said."Oh...well still it's new."

*cue Una's facepalm*

"Alright alright,everyone let's get this done and over with."Allie said halfway to the door.
The other's followed suit.
"C-cool D-door!"Mae said as it opened without her help.
"I know and look at these metal things they're fun to roll."piped in Ari
"Guys focus we're on a mission,finding what this thing is."
"Right."Ari stopped rolling the metal things .
"Yeah."Mae stopped messing with the door.
"Good now come on,Una lead us to him."Allie ordered.
Una nodded and took the front walking off into all sorts of direction with the rest of the NOVI'S following close behind.Suddenly the white hair girl stopped.The rest weren't expecting this and bumped into her.Mae groaned,"UNA!"she yelled. Una turned and smiled sheepishly,"Oops sorry but I found him over there by the metal thingy."she pointed over to him so they know.

All eight pairs of eyes followed the hand of Una till they caught sight of a boy checking out a older woman's food and drinks
"That's.."Ari started

"H-him!"Mae finished.

Una nodded,"Yeah that's him now let's go give him a piece of my mind."and got ready to march off to confront him but Allie held her back.

"Now's not the time Una first we have to get info bout this stick thingy first"

Una pouted."Fine then can we give him a piece of my mind?"

Allie smiled."Sure but wait till we get info if you yell at him now he might get angry and not give us the info we need."

"Alright let's do this I wanna really hand it to this prank loving human boy."she made a fist to show how serious she was but the NOVI'S knew better than to believe she ever beat up somebody.

All four girls walked over to the man.Seeing them he smiled as he set up for another customer,"Yes ladies?How may I assist you?"he flashed his charming smile.

"Yeah you can help us,came Allie's voice,"We're trying to figure out what this..thing is and what it does."she held the stick thing up for him and he eyed it carefully.He then smiled and came around back so that he wasn't behind the metal thing anymore.

He bent down and whispered the name of the thing so only they heard.There was chorus of 'Ooohs'.

"But wait what does it do?"asked Ari because she REALLY wanted to know what she was worried about for the past two days.He smirked then told them in hushed tones.All their faces turned red but for Allie her blush turned from pink to orange to all kind of colors.

They were so embarrassed.The boy smirked at this finding and walked back to his post.
All the girls mumbled a thank you and left the store.They all stood their outside the entrance locked in a trance.

"So that...."Allie started off

"I...."continued Ari who at this moment was feeling rather sick."I was cuddling a p-plunger?!"she shrieked suddenly trying to wipe off all the icky off her.

The end.

-this was the first short story of the Novi Stars,sorry if their personality seem off I really tried my best though and I think I did pretty good and yeah a plunger bet you all weren't thinking that huh?
love and stars,
BratzDolly11 :)
added by -MissRarity-