Percy Jackson & The Olympians Books Club
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posted by lauren777222
To my demigod friends:Blake,Kade,Ty,& Thorian.
I woke up on a ferry boat.I do not know why I was on the bpat or how I even got there."Right over there is an albino alligator."said a tourguide,pointing to a white reptile.Over to my right was a lady that was at least in her her fifties.For some reason,I felt the same about her.On either side of me were a boy& a girl.
While we were getting off,I saw a sign that said,"Don't disturb wildlife."Apparently,that was not flying with two large jocks that were throwing the lunch,hamsandwiches at a heron.
"Hey Cecelia,liked the trip?"asked the boy from the boat."Yea,I guess."I replied."Hey Kenndel,over her,and bring Cece with you!"yelled the girl from the boat."Okay,Arylynn!"Kenndel said.He nudged me up and we walked toward a happy girl.She had brown eyes and hair.Kenndel had green eyes and brown hair."Hey,Cece,look at Will. "Arylynn said.I looked up and saw a big nerd glaring at me."His been giving you the eye for a week!"Kenndel explained."First of all."I said."Where am I?"I asked."Well,we belong to an ADHD school."Kenndel explained."Yea,but right now,we are on a science field trip at Florida's marshes."Arylynn put in.That really sumed it up.We got on the bus and returned to school.Arylynn and I got into our nightwear and went to sleep in our shared dorm.
The next day,I got up and ready for breakfeast.On my way down,I ran into Will."Hey,Will!"I said."Stop playing your mind games demigod!"he yelled in a voice defintly to deep to be his.Right before my eyes,he broke his body into two!What was inside was a large orge.
"Your an orge?"I asked with half a whimper."NOO!!!"he yelled in my face.Spit and the stintch of flesh rose to my face and nose."I'm a cannibal giant!"Will said.With that,he jumped down the outdoor stairwell and into the teachers parking lot.Will picked up a boulder& threw it at me.It missed me by at least a centimeter!He came up to me and I was cornered with nowhere to go.Suddenly,two kids came riding on what looked like large winged horses.They were tricked out with armor and swords.Will yelled something foreign and charged the other two.The other two slashed and dodged for what felt like hours.
"Are you alright?"A boy asked me."Yea."I replied."Who are you?"I asked.They took off their helmets and introduced themselves."I'm Whitney!"the girl said."Yea,and i'm Nico."the boy said."And i'm Cecelia!"I put in."Say,do you know anybody here named Kenndel or Arylynn?"Nico asked."Yea,follow me!"I replied.With that,we walked to the messhall.We grabbed plates despite we were not hungry.I scanned the messhall.There was Kenndel and Arylynn,waving& beckoning to me.
"There!"I told Whitney and Nico.We sat down and Whitney did all the speaking.Minutes passed where I just was not listening."And thats sorta why we need you to come."Whitney said."Sure,we will go [ack our bags!"Kenndel and Arylynn replied.Arylynn looked at me so apparently,I had to go,too.
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