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What Do You Envision For Your Future?



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27-5 said:
U see Possibilities In Ur Future

Five years from now, you could be doing any number of things. You're setting yourself up for an interesting future.
You aren't ruling anything out, but you're still being proactive. You welcome any number of possibilities.

Ten years from now, you will have made some interesting choices. And you'll still have a few key decisions to make.
No doubt about it, your life is headed in an amazing direction. What exact direction is up to you.
posted over a year ago.
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Vixie79 said:
You See Love in Your Future
Five years from now, you will have deeper and more satisfying love in your life.
Whether you're in love now or not, you are on a path to having your love grow exponentially.

Ten years from now, you will have more people you're close to and deeper friendships.
You bond easily with others, and you will meet people that you connect deeply with.
posted over a year ago.
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You See Love in Your Future
Five years from now, you will have deeper and more satisfying love in your life.
Whether you're in love now or not, you are on a path to having your love grow exponentially.

Ten years from now, you will have more people you're close to and deeper friendships.
You bond easily with others, and you will meet people that you connect deeply with.
posted over a year ago.