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What Does Your Home Mean To You?



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Your Home Means Serenity

You like your home to be a sanctuary. You keep it as close to an oasis as possible.
Highly sensitive, you are not a fan of too much chaos, noise, or clutter.

You can be a wallflower at times. You find it peaceful to sit back and observe.
Your home is the most calming place that you know of. You have made sure of it.
posted over a year ago.
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lucy32 said:
Your Home Means Simplicity

You start every day fresh. You are optimistic about what's to come.
You like your home to be functional but not fussy. More stuff just means more cleaning.

You believe in taking it easy. Whenever possible, you don't set yourself up for failure.
You rather do less and have less because it means you'll be happier. You are a proud minimalist.
posted over a year ago.
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big smile
Your home means simplicity

You start every day fresh. You are optimistic about what's to come.
You like your home to be functional but not fussy. More stuff just means more cleaning.

You believe in taking it easy. Whenever possible, you don't set yourself up for failure.
You rather do less and have less because it means you'll be happier. You are a proud minimalist.


I actually work hard at school... but most of it fits ^^
posted over a year ago.
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Your Home Means Adventure

You often think of the future, and you are always working toward your ideal life.
You love having a home, but you don't keep it too ordinary or stable. You like to mix things up.

You are cultured, knowledgeable, and worldly. You have a deep understanding of things.
You are constantly rearranging and decorating. Nothing stays in one place for too long - including you!
posted over a year ago.
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AlOoOosh said:
You often think of the future, and you are always working toward your ideal life.
You love having a home, but you don't keep it too ordinary or stable. You like to mix things up.

You are cultured, knowledgeable, and worldly. You have a deep understanding of things.
You are constantly rearranging and decorating. Nothing stays in one place for too long - including you!
posted over a year ago.