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posted by Renegade1765
Gotts catch 'em all!
Gotts catch 'em all!
I personally wanted to do this list but I wasn't in the mood for it,but now that I am,let's start.
A lot of you know that my favorite franchise of all time is Pokemon,a series dearly beloved by many.Few games claim to harness it's gravitational pull.This golden goose has soled millions upon millions of copies,spawned countless varieties of merchandise and touched the hearts of multiple kids and adults alike.How many franchises do you know the bridged the generational gap?
The creatures in the game are huge part why I love it.There have been hundreds of Pokemon introduced over the years and currently there are 721 Pokemon introduced,each of them with their own identity and characteristics.
Because of that,I'm making this article as a true fan of the franchise.About everyone has made a list of their favorite and now I'll give it a shot.It was very hard to narrow down my favorite Pokemon to a list of just 10,but I found a final conclusion to which Pokemon I love the most.
First,I won't include any Mega Evolutions.Even though they are awesome,they don't count as separate Pokemon because even though they do look like evolved forms of the originals,they change back after the battle,so technically it doesn't count as an evolution.So I won't include them.
Second,these are my favorites.These aren't the best,just my favorites.I will include Pokemon that mean a lot to me,have impacted me in some way or another,or I had fun memories with them.
Without any further ado,let's start:

10.Glaceon (Ice-type).
I'll be honest here,I don't like Ice-types,and I only like a few.Ice-types were usually one of my least favorites because I never found anything ice-related that interesting,I always preferred Fire-types.And apart from 5 Ice-type Pokemon,the rest feel like a wasted potential,or don't do it for me.I also wasn't a fan of the Eeveelutions.
However,back in October when I re-watched Disney's Frozen,I realized just what a great movie it was,even if some things annoy me.Most of the elements of the movie amount to a really great classic.That is except for one element that sets this film beyond anything I ever thought Disney was capable of in an animated film is Elsa.Never in my wildest imagination,did I think a character like her could exist.If you read any of my articles then you know that Elsa is my favorite Disney character.
Because of that,when I looked at the Eeveelutions line-up,I noticed how much Glaceon resembles Elsa.I also think Articuno has a lot in common with her,but Articuno isn't really my type,so I chose Glaceon.
Sure,Glaceon isn't that great of a Pokemon,but because of how much she reminds me of Elsa,I wanted to put her on the list.
I even used a Glaceon on one of my teams from Pokemon Showdown! and she was pretty great.I also like it's design,its elegance and artistic icy nature totally fits Elsa's character.
So I personally really like this Pokemon.She's not that amazing,but she's useful and she reminds me of my favorite Disney character,so I'm satisfied with putting her on my list at least as Number 10.

9.Yveltal (Dark/Flying-type).
Back in 2012,when I first saw the trailer for Pokemon X and Y,I was really excited.It said that it will be released worldwide and I was so happy because I could have had my first Pokemon game in my hands.I could only play them by downloading them on an emulator.And when it was released I knew which one of the two I would get and that was Y.Yveltal I though it looked awesome.
But because I live in Romania,I was so disappointed to find out that they don't have any.I was incredibly disappointed.However,that didn't stop me from liking it.While Gen 6 can be bland sometimes,it has a really big charm to it.And one of my favorites was Yveltal.
I love its design.It looks like a bird that arose from a pool of blood.It was veins all-over its body and it makes it look even more menacing.My two favorite colors are Red and Black,and seeing a Pokemon designed like that gives it a menacing looking design.I also loved the fact that Yveltal is the Pokemon of death and destruction.I'm a peace-loving person,but I love villains.And I think Yveltal is perfect for a villain.And I think it's a bad ass feature,even though I despise violence.
I like the fact that it's blind but can see the souls of others.Almost like a Grim-Reaper Pokemon.
I also like the name of his signature move,Oblivion Wing,which I think sound intimidating.
My only issue with Yveltal is that,while Dark-types are one of my favorite types,I was expecting Yveltal to be a Ghost/Flying-type Pokemon.I mean this is the Pokemon that can take away the lives of others and live even longer.So I was expecting it to be more of a Ghost/Flying-type than a Dark/Flying-type because we barely have any Ghost/Flying-types,aside from Drifloon and Drifblim.
While it's not as strong as Xerneas in battle,Yveltal is and always will be the more interesting of the two.

8.Tyrantrum (Rock/Dragon-type).
When I was a little boy,I LOVED Dinosaurs.I had a lot of Dinosaur toys and I loved collecting rocks while going home with my grandfather from kinder-garden.I once removed some of the furniture's in my room and placed the rocks and pebbles I collected as well some grass to look like a valley where Dinosaurs live.Then I placed my Dinosaurs in different areas and it resembled a valley.
Dinosaurs still fascinate me.I can even tell other Dinosaurs apart from each other because I did research about them.
I always found Fossil Pokemon to be very fascinating.I like the fact that there were Prehistoric creatures even in the Pokemon Universe.I always loved Dinosaurs and the fact that there are Prehistoric Pokemon I found very interesting.My personal favorite Dinosaur of all time was always the Tyrannosaurus Rex,and seeing a Pokemon based on one brought a smile to my face.
I absolutely love Tyrantrum's design.He looks exactly like how I think a Tyrannosaurus Rex Pokemon should look like.That jagged skin,the crimson and orange coloring,the bulky,menacing look.I think he's awesome.
What I also love about it is its typing.Its typing is Rock/Dragon.That's right,a Tyrannosaurus Rex that's a dragon.Two of my favorite things in one Pokemon.And it's very useful too,it has the highest defense of any non-legendary Dragon-type Pokemon,an with it's high attack power,makes it a good tank.
What more can I say,it's a Tyrannosaurus Rex that's a Dragon,has an awesome looking design an it's a very useful Pokemon to use.

7.Zoroark (Dark-type).
You may not know this,but Gen 5 is by far my favorite Pokemon generation.The Pokemon look very creative,the music is amazing,the story of Black and White is the best story I've seen in a video game,and the characters were well-developed.When I first saw Zoroark Master of Illusions,I was amazed by Zoroark.I've never seen a Pokemon like this in my life,so I was surprised.Zoroark is the Pokemon that introduced me to Gen 5 and I thank him for that.
I also love it's design,it's an anthropomorphic dark fox with a cool looking crimson mane and I already told you people that I my favorite colors are red and black and I think Zoroark has the best combination of those colors on him.And I also like the fact that even though he's a fox,he look a lot like a werewolf and werewolf were always interesting to me.
I really like the ability that it has that it can make really powerful illusions,even from far away.When I saw the movie I thought that it has the ability to turn into anything like Ditto,but it turns out that they were nothing but illusions.It actually reminds me of a magician that can make illusions to trick people.
I also like his name,Zoroark.Zorro was one of the inspiration for his name.Which I think is really fitting.It's also very useful with it's ability to trick your opponent with which Pokemon your using.
It's Pokedex entry from Black 2/White 2 states:
"Stories say those who tried to catch Zoroark were trapped in an allusion and punished." Which I find disturbing but also cool.Though I'm not a fan of the cruelty.
So I think he's an awesome Pokemon.Has a great design,is very useful and it was the Pokemon that introduced me to my favorite game of all time.

6.Lucario (Fighting/Steel-type).
Lucario is one bad ass but also interesting Pokemon.He was the star of the 8th Pokemon movie,which was one of my favorite Pokemon movies,he made it into Super Smash Bros. Brawl which is an awesome game and he was a powerful addition to my teams on Pokemon Showdown!.
Lucario has pretty unique typing of Fighting/Steel,making him resistant to Psychic-type and Flying-type attacks.However the Steel-typing comes with a bit of a price that he can be easily hurt by Earthquakes.
I also love his design.He's based off of Anubis,the Egyptian God of mummification and the afterlife.That's probably why Lucario has the ability to control aura,being a center-point of his design.
He has a good balance of Physical and Special attack stats,making him good to punch his opponent with his fists,or blast them away with his aura.
And in Lucario and the mystery of Mew,he was a very interesting and complex character.
For all these reasons,Lucario earns the number 6 spot on this list.

5.Hydreigon (Dark/Dragon-type).
I find Hydreigon to be an awesome Pokemon for many reasons,some of them being personal.
For instance,I'm a very big fan of mythologies and legends because they're very fascinating to read.Hydreigon is based off of the Hydra,one of my favorite mythological creatures,which grows two heads when it loses one.So I think it's really neat that they made a Hydra-Dragon Pokemon.
Hydreigon has an awesome design,with three heads and two of them are his hands.His design reminds me of a dragon that rose from the dead and wants nothing but destruction.Or a dragon that was born from darkness itself.Which kind of reminds of Yveltal,and I'm still not a fan of the violence.
Hydreigon was actually one of the Pokemon I used in my Pokemon Black playthrough and he was a fun Pokemon to use.I caught a Deino in Victory Road and when I started my post-game,I brought my Deino on my journey and I tried to level up tirelessly.It was frustrating,but it was worth it.
I really like Hydreigon's name.It's derived from Hydra-Drei(German for three)-Dragon.
When I first saw it,I thought it was one of the most awesome Dragon-type Pokemon out there,and it truly was for me.Both in the games and competitively.
Also,his Pokedex entry from Black/White says:
Black:"This brutal Pokemon travels the skies on its six wings.Anything that moves seems like a foe to it,triggering it's attack."
White:"The heads on their arms do not have brains.They use all three heads to consume and destroy everything."
Both of these entries basically tell us that this is an extremely violent beast,and why I don't like violence,I think this makes him even more awesome.And I like the fact that the heads on his arms do not have brains,which is quite fascinating.
He's by far my favorite psuedo-legendary Pokemon and I'm glad to have him on my list in the Top 5.
What else can I say but,HAIL HYDRA!(sorry if that sounded stupid)

4.Darkrai (Dark-type).
A lot of you may not know this,but Rise of Darkrai is actually my favorite Pokemon movie.Mostly because it's very emotional and it reminds me of a Disney movie near the end.
In the film,just like Lucario,he was a very interesting and sympathetic character.I really like the fact the all this time he was trying to protect the city but every one thought that he was the cause of all that trouble and that he's evil.Which reminds me of Elsa.
I think he has a very cool looking design.Almost like a living shadow.
Darkrai has a really cool ability to put his victims to sleep and cause nightmares,but he can also take that to a new level.
Take the Black/White ghost-girl.In Black/White there's a girl that will occasionally appear and disappear into thin air at The Marvelous Bridge.Not much is known about her,except that an old lady at the end of the bridge mentioned that the girl loved Abra.Maybe she's teleporting with one?Wrong,she's definitely dead.But what makes her the darkest ghost of them all is that she actually reveals her method of death,Darkrai.In Black 2/White 2 in The Strange House,we hear her ghost say the following:
"An everlasting dark dream...
And endless dream of darkness...
Where are you...?
In the dark dream...
I heard my dad's voice..."
Darkrai:"Forget about The Lunar Wing...
Please stay here with me...
"Oh...The Lunar Wing...
I can't take it now...
But it'll be okay...
Please return the wing to the Pokemon...
I was waiting on the bridge so I could return it myself..."
The Lunar wing of Cresselia is said to be the strongest cure for dispelling nightmares.This poor girl couldn't get the wing in time,accepted her fate,and fell into Darkrai's insidious nightmare.
So Darkrai literally killed an innocent girl by constantly making her have terrible nightmares and then kidnapped her when she turned into a ghost.
Oh my God,how cruel! And I thought the other three were brutal.This shows that sometimes,Pokemon can be very dark and brutal.And I also think it's fitting,because he is based off of The Boogeyman.
So yes,Darkrai is literally the darkest Pokemon in the franchise by far,but he will always be one of the most interesting too.

3.Reshiram (Dragon/Fire-type)
When I first saw Gen 5,I instantly fell in love with it,but my favorite of them was,is and always will be Reshiram.
Let's start with the fact that before Mega Charizard X,he was the only Pokemon that had the typing of Dragon/Fire.Dragon-types and Fire-types are my favorite Pokemon types and for good reason.And seeing a Dragon-type be half Fire-type,which instantly made me fell in love with it.
The theme of Gen 5 was the conflict between truths and ideals.And personally I'd go with the truth because I'm daown-to-earth,a level-head as well as being quite intelligent.
I love Reshiram's design.A Wyvern with beautiful,white feather's and a very elegant look.
It's Pokedex entries say that with his tail-turbine he can scorch the earth or change atmosphere and the weather where ever he goes.
My favorite entry of his is from Black 2/White 2,where it says:
"This legendary Pokemon can scorch the world with fire.It helps those who want to build a world of truth."
True,it does sound like something that a man with a God-complex would say,but let me explain why this entry means a lot to me.
Ever since the beginning,the children and the teenagers around me found me weird and a creep.When really I was the only justified student.If I could teach those immature bullies a lesson with divine vengeance,I wouldn't because I'm not a monster,but I do want them to see the truth.
So basically,even though I will sound redundant and I'm sorry for that,Reshiram is the embodiment of the truth that I want others to see.

2.Charizard (Fire/Flying-type).
When I was a boy,even though I didn't play the games when I was young,Charizard was my favorite Pokemon.I just loved of how much of an awesome Pokemon he was.
Now don't get me wrong,I'm aware that before he got his Mega Evolutions,he didn't age well,being outclassed by other more useful Fire-type Pokemon like Ho-oh.But due to how useful Mega Charizard X and Y are,Charizard is again the awesome dragon I've known him to be.Yes I'm aware that he's not a Dragon-type,but he's still dragon in my eyes.
When I was a boy,before I became an introvert,I was very imaginative,and I always imagined that Charizard was my partner.Every time he was on the show,I was hyped.I was even more hyped last year when they brought him back in one of the episode of the 16th season.
I also really love both of his Mega Evolutions.
Mega Charizard X is Fire/Dragon-type and I was amazed that they finally decided to make him one.I love his design and he's a very useful Physical attacker.
Mega Charizard Y,my favorite of the two,while it keeps it's Fire/Flying-typing,he makes up with it with great Special-Attack and Speed stats.With his ability Drought,when he's sent out to fight,he makes a sunny weather which not only increases Fire-type attacks,but also it allows you to use Solerbeam much faster and make Water,Rock and Ground-types weak against it.
Charizard is the Pokemon of my childhood,and he always will be.He was awesome then,and he's still awesome now.

1.Mewtwo (Psychic-type)
The reason why I put Mewtwo at Number 1 is because of his appearance in the show,as well as in the first movie and in the special Mewtwo Returns.
If you remember my "Getting to know Renegade1765 (Updated Version)" article,then you saw that I put Mewtwo from the movie on my Top 10 Favorite characters list.
Mewtwo is by far my favorite character in the whole show.
Mewtwo's presence represents something terrifying,mysterious,ruthless and so powerful that he wipes out entire Pokemon teams at once.The show develops the plot of the mysterious Mewtwo as a rouge weapon commissioned by Team Rocket that escapes.Who will eventually become the sinister and philosophical Mewtwo,that I've come to know and love from the film,Mewtwo Strikes Back.Many know the story of Mewtwo in the first film so I won't go too deep into it,but perhaps the most interesting thing to come out of that film is a ten minute short that serves as an introduction.This short is by far my favorite element of the Pokemon anime period,and it's called "The Birth of Mewtwo" in Japan.We'd later get it as a DVD bonus for a future film in the U.S.A under the title "The uncut story of Mewtwo's origin".
Crazy enough,before this was an anime short,it began as a radio-drama that aired in Japan,leading up to the premier of the first movie."The Birth of Mewtwo" serves as backdrop of it's creation.
Doctor Fuji is a tragic figure,he attempts to clone his deceased daughter in the English Dub,and is nearly driven mad in his attempt to resurrect her.His wife leaves him,and ends up working with Team Rocket on the Mewtwo experiment,using the funding to revive his daughter on the side.
The short focuses on a young Mewtwo in a test-tube,and has telepathic interactions with the other clones.
It's a highly emotional and cereal experience,and unlike anything you'll find in the anime today.
Mewtwo begins his life as curious and naive,very much like the Mew we see in the first film.When the other clones perish in the experiment,we get a taste of the ragging power within Mewtwo,possibly lowered when he was injected with a drug by the team.Without this short,his loathing for humanity and destruction of the scientists that created him makes him feel like a generic villain.But the short in a strange way,humanizes him.And while the movie didn't execute the message well,the message that Mewtwo taught me is that it doesn't matter how you were born or where you came from,but it's what you do with your life is what determines who you are.Making him one of my favorite characters.
I really love his design,being a cat,alien,mutant,Pokemon hybrid with anthropomorphic features.
Mewtwo also possesses Ultimate Telekinesis,which is by far my favorite superpower.
Mewtwo is also considered to be the strongest Pokemon in the game.While other Pokemon became less special over time,Mewtwo actually got stronger over time.And thanks to the help of his Mega Evolutions,he became the strongest in term of the stat ratting's.
Mewtwo has consistently been one of the strongest,if not the strongest Pokemon in the game for every generation.Something no other legendary or Pokemon from any generation period could compare with.
For all these reasons and more,if I even needed more,Mewtwo is my all time favorite Pokemon.

So there you have it,my personal favorite Pokemon of all time.Now if you were to think that one of these Pokemon are overrated or weak,you should remember that these are my favorites,and that even though I might disagree with you,I still respect you as people.
As always,Smell ya' later!
Awesome Poster.
Awesome Poster.
My favorite Pokemon of all time is also one of my favorite characters of all time.
My favorite Pokemon of all time is also one of my favorite characters of all time.
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