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posted by -_-PopPixie-_-
Scene: Bus Stop
Sonny: Hey, last one on the bus is a rotten egg!
Fuzz: You're on!
Tina: Stop pushing!

Scene: Bus
Cyrus: Stop that. Every morning, it's the same start.
Sonny: I won! Hand over your snack!
Fuzz: Aww.
Sunny opens the sandwich and tentacles emerge from it. It attacks Sunny.*
Sonny: What the...
Piff yawns.*
Piff: I'm tired.
Tina: Don't yawn. Something bad could happen.
Piff's yawns infect the entire school bus.*
Scene: Bus Stop
Pixie #1: I hope they get me a good grade on today's art exam.

Scene: Molly Moo
Caramel: It took three days of hard work to make my new enchanted fruit cake.
Ants try to get Caramel's cake.*
Caramel: No, you can't have my masterpiece!
One of the ants jump to get the cake. Caramel sees the bus*
Caramel: Yikes! Oh no!
Caramel flies out of the way. The cake is on top of the bus*
Caramel: Whew. My enchanted fruit cake!
Pixie #2: Hey, slow down!

Scene: Pixieville
Caramel chases after the schoolbus, and then it suddenly changes the route. Caramel has to dodge it*
Caramel: I'll catch you yet, road hog!!

Scene: Bus
Piff: Hey, where are we? Help! We're gonna fall in!

Scene: River
Pixies scream.*
Caramel: They're heading for the waterfalls! I have to save them before they go over!

Scene: Bus
Tina: What'll we do? What'll we do?!
Cyrus: *muffled* To eat ear!!!
Fuzz: What's Mr. Cyrus trying to say?
Cyrus: *muffled* Oer ear! Oer ear!
Piff: I know what he's saying. Everybody sit on his seat!
Mr. Cyrus then hits an emergency button and everyone is pushed out of the bus.
Scene: River
Caramel: They made it!
She catches the cake*
Caramel: That was close. Now to the rescue!

Scene: Forest
Tina: Where are we and how will we get home?
Piff: Oh, look at the mess my yawns got us in.
Cyrus: Uh, I...
Piff: Don't worry. I'll get you out of this forest safe and sound!
Tina: I've heard terrible stories about enchanted forests. And this one must be full of danger and fierce creatures.
Sonny: I love danger. Danger is my middle name. Come on!
Cyrus: Ook... ouw... oer... er!
Sonny: Does anybody understand him?
Piff: I think he's saying to watch out!
Sunny falls into a web*
Scene: Spider Pit
Sonny: Don't worry, I'm fine. Seriously! I'll be... right with you.
Piff: Sonny needs help. You take Fuzz, I'll take Mr. Cyrus.
Buzz and Mr. Cyrus fall on the web. More spiders come out*
Tina: Piff, do something! Put them to sleep!
Piff: I can't. I don't feel sleepy.
Tina: Oh no...
Piff: Scissors! Hang on.
Tina hands Piff the scissors and she uses them to cut the web*
Sonny: Thanks but I didn't need your help. I could've freed myself.
Caramel: The scream came from down there!
Caramel sees the spiders and gets attacked by them and she drops her cakes. The ants take her cake again.*
Caramel: I thought I told you to stay away from my cake! Come back, thieves!
Caramel gets her cake back*
Scene: Forest
Caramel: Where are they? Oh, there they are. A wormwolf! If I don't stop it, it'll devour them all in one bite! Fire!
Caramel conjures some berries to hit the wormwolf. The ants steal her cake.*
Caramel: I can't take this...
She fights the ants and re-obtains her cake.*
Caramel: Now where was I?

Scene: Berry Forest
Tina: Now we're lost. What'll we do?
Fuzz: I say... we eat!
Sonny: Bet I get a berry before you do!
Sonny sees a cave full of fruits. Fuzz tries to pick a berry and the wormwolf tries to bite him but Piff stops him so it bites its tongue*
Piff: Stop, Fuzz! Don't! Those are poisonous berries. If you touch them, you'll get very itchy. And then, the more you scratch, the the itchier you'll get until it's so unbearable you're jumping all over the place!
Sonny: Hey guys, look what I found in the cave.
A dragon shows up behind Sonny. It then attacks him for stealing. Piff uses her magic to levitate a watermelon to stub the dragon's toe.*
Sonny: Hold on tight, Mr. Cyrus!
Piff: Cyrus, hold on!
Tina: A wormwolf! Help!
Caramel arrives.*
Fuzz and Tina: Caramel!
Caramel: You'll never believe what I've been through to rescue you. But first, I'll take care of him.
Caramel fails to fight the wormwolf and falls to the ground unconsciously. The cake is stuck in the tree. The dragon rushes to the cake and pushes Cyrus aside. Cyrus is able to speak in full sentences again.*
Cyrus: I can talk!
Caramel: Don't you dare eat that!
Piff: You keep your slobber mouth away from that cake!
As Piff dodges the dragon, Caramel joins in to fight and starts to feel sleepy.*
Piff: Missed me! Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! Missed again!
Caramel: This dragon is tougher than I thought.
Piff: Yawns are contagious, remember? Keep yawning, Caramel!
Caramel and Piff yawn, and it affects the dragon, thus making it fall asleep. All cheer.*
Scene: Tree of Life
Narrator: When a Pixie uses her talent for good, the Tree of Life gives her a MagicPop, a magical sphere that turns a pixie into a PopPixie! Piff, the PopPixie of Sweet Sleep.

Scene: Berry Forest
Caramel: Hooray! You got your MagicPop! Good work, Piff.
Tina: You got your MagicPop!
Caramel picks her cake up. The wormwolf wakes up, but Piff makes it fall asleep again.*
Scene: School
Tune: Where is that bus? School started hours ago.
They arrive on wormwolf ride*
Tune: I hope you have a good explanation!
Piff: It's a long story, but we're friends now.
Tune: Caramel, what are you doing here?
Caramel: That's an even longer story. The whole world tried to ruin my enchanted fruit cake. First, ants tried to eat it, then the school bus nearly hit it head on. Then there was the waterfall, the spiders, oh, and the ants again, and last but not least, the dragon. But I managed to keep my cake from being destroyed...
She falls asleep and smashed her cake.*
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added by -_-PopPixie-_-
added by -_-PopPixie-_-
added by -_-PopPixie-_-
added by -_-PopPixie-_-
added by -_-PopPixie-_-
added by -_-PopPixie-_-
added by -_-PopPixie-_-
added by -_-PopPixie-_-
added by -_-PopPixie-_-
added by -_-PopPixie-_-
added by -_-PopPixie-_-
added by -_-PopPixie-_-
added by -_-PopPixie-_-
added by -_-PopPixie-_-
added by -_-PopPixie-_-
added by -_-PopPixie-_-
added by -_-PopPixie-_-
added by -_-PopPixie-_-
added by -_-PopPixie-_-