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posted by australia-101
100 Best Things to Do

1) Walk up to a small child that resembles you, and tell them that you are them from the future.

2) Point at someone and shout "Your one of them!" Run and pretend to trip. Crawl away slowly.

3) Swear to do the next random thing no matter how ridiculous or stupid.

4) Throw something at Justin Beiber. Do it. Now.

5) Call someone to tell them you can't talk right now.

6) Thumbs up if your bored.

7) Put a walkie-talkie in a gnome and shout at people when they walk by!

8) Fill water balloons with soap and water and wash your car.

9) Go to McDonalds and ask for a happy meal with extra happy.

10) Buy a hamburger and give it to a homeless person.

11) Draw disturbing faces on all the eggs in the fridge, make them look scared!

12) Actually do the 2 next random things you see after this.

13) ACTUALLY do the next 3 things that it tells you to do.

14) Write your number on a helium balloon and set it free. See if anyone calls you.

15) Throw something spiky and sharp at justin beiber.

16) Super glue a quarter to the floor and see how many people try to pick it up.


18) For all the Hetalia fans out there: Jump out of a plane screaming "VODKAAAAAAAA!!!!!"

19) Promise yo do the next Random Thing To Do that shows up, no matter how ridiculous.

20) Put a walkie talkie in your mailbox and shout at everyone who walks by.

21) Keep on reading these things until you've seen them all.

22) Melt Starbursts in microwave, smush several together, freeze them on a stick like a popsicle, and enjoy!

23) I double-dog dare you to do the next thing this website says for you to do.

24) With a serious face, order a diet water whenever you go out to eat.

25) Put a dora doll in the middle of Kmart. When someone tries to pick it up yell "SWIPER NO SWIPING".

26) Find a fruit and an air pump. Stick the pump in the fruit and pump it till it EXPLODES!

27) In the middle of a serious conversation, announce what color your toothbrush is.

28) Say "only on tuesdays" to every question someone asks you.

29) Connect a whole bunch of straws together, then drink a soda from across the room.

30) Actually do the next thing! No backing out no matter what it says!

31) Buy a pair of XXXL sweatpants and try to see how many people you can fit into them.

32) Draw pictures in total darkness and see how they turn out...

33) Ask people on the street what year it is, and look scared when you get the answer.

34) Get an audio recorder and leave it hidden somewhere for a day.

35) Put plastic wrap on a doorway and wait for people to walk into it.

36) Dare someone to do the next 5 random things on this site.

37) In a crowded area, shout 'Heads Up!'. See how many people react.

38) Put a slinky on an escalator. Slinky+Escalator=Infinite Fun!

39) Super glue a quarter to the sidewalk and watch from a distance to see if anyone tries to pick it up.

40) Do the next thing on here 4 times.

41) Put a bunch of water balloons on a trampoline and c how long it takes to get soaked.

42) Buy some gummy bears and gummy worms and make them fight each other in a great war.

43) Put a stick note on a drive thru microphone that says "speaker broken. please yell." the watch..

44) Hide a walkie talkie in your tree and scream when people walk by.

45) Put a letter in the post box addressed to "Mr. Postman" thanking him for all his hard work.

46) Save a life.

47) Empty out a stapler. then go up to someone and fake staple their chest.........watch the result!

48) Drink 10 energy drinks really fast and sit in a chair. See how long you can try not to move.

49) Go to Hungry Jacks and ask them for directions to McDonalds.

50) Get caught passing a note that says the teacher is great! See what happens.

51) When someone says "Have a nice day!" stare at them and say, "Don't tell me what to do!"

52) Go into the middle of a crowd and call out a random name and see who replies.

53) Give as many high fives at Kmart as possible. (Keep track and make high scores!).

54) Give your left over food from a restaurant to a homeless person that doesn't have anything to eat.

55) Try to sell your stuff to telemarketers when they call you.

56) Set up a fake stop sign in front of your house and see how many people fall for it.

57) Make a list of 100 awesome things, do all of them on 1 day with friends.

58) Video tape someone eating a piece of pizza, then play it backwards in slow motion.

59) Find a small child that looks like you and tell them that you are them from the future.

60) Tell Kmart you found a lower price on a TV on ebay. See if they match it

61) Super glue a penny to the ground in a public place watch the results. (try to video tape it).

62) Build a house out of gummy bears.

63) Walk into McDonalds, go up to the counter, and ask where the nearest McDonalds is.

64) Buy a pack of M&Ms, look at the ingredients, and try to make your own.

65) Out of the next 8 things do 5 of them.

66) Go swimming in a pool of gummy bears.

67) Go to hot dollar shop and yell "WHY ARE THESE ITEMS SO FRIGGEN EXPENSIVE ! ".

68) Make a fort, create a constitution and become an individual country (you may need a civil war).

69) Type a story with your nose then print it without correcting it and make everyone read it.

70) Make a massive cake.

71) Point into the sky and say "look a dead bird" and see how many look.

72) Grab 10 of the same items at woolworths and put them in random peoples carts.

73) Go to sub way and order a foot long, one received take a ruler and measure the exact length.

74) Find 5 things off this site and then actually do them.

75) Glue coins to the ground and laugh as people try to pick them up.

76) Point to the sky in a public place and see how many people look up to where you're pointing.

77) Text everyone in your phone at 3 a.m. and ask them how to make macaroni and cheese.

78) Put hot sauce in a squirt gun and aim at someone's face, whom you don't like.

79) At the end of someone sentence, repeat and add .com to the end. This gradually annoys people.

80) Actually attempt to do some of these ridiculous things people say to do.

81) Hang out in an elevator, wait for people, never get off (invite friends to increase weirdness).

82) Ducktape your friend to the wall as they sleep.

83) Sell penny to a drunk guy for 100 dollars.

84) Stand in the middle of a crowded place and point up. Everyone will look.

85) Get friends and fill up balloons with paint and have a war.

86) Call your best friend and try to have a conversation using only song lyrics.

87) Put blue gatorade in a bottle of windex (fully cleaned, mind you) and drink it in public.

88) Go buy the same tv as your neighbor and stand outside and change the channel.

89) Wait until it snows, place a snowball in a freezer and throw it at someone in the summer.

90) Tell a small child (that looks kind of like you) that your them from the future.

91) Put vaseline on the colored dots of a twister mat and watch people try to play it.

92) Go into a store and yell marco and see if anyone yells polo back.

93) Walk through a store calling out marco and see how many polos you get back.

94) When a classmate raises there hand to ask a question. highfive them.

95) At 11:12 everyday randomly start laughing and then at 11:13 stop and act like nothing happened.

96) Change your name on peoples phones to GOD ! text them and see what happens.

97) Yell "Hey you with the pants!" really loud in a crowed area and see how many people turn around.

98) Pick up a pack of Skittles, look at the ingredients, then try to make your own.

99) When a telemarketer calls you, try to sell THEM something!!

100) Point and stare at the ceiling and see how many people look up.
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