Renesmee Carlie Cullen Club
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posted by LoveTwilight_xx
I turned around and buried my head into Emmett’s chest. I tried my very best not to but I burst into tears, Emmett stroked my hair and told me it was going to be okay but I couldn’t believe him. How could I? My own dad just pushed me away. I looked over to him and Alice who’s eyes had turned black. How the heck could they have turned black, they have just hunted, and they should be that gorgeous golden colour.
Just then I went blind. I couldn’t see or smell or even hear a thing. What was happening? Where’s Emmett and Jasper and Alice and Dad? Where is Heidi and Felix and Demetri and Chelsea and Alec? Alec! He did this. Oh no. I could still feel Emmett’s arms around me so I suppose that was a good sign. I felt my hearing coming back and I whispered to Emmett. “What’s going on?”
“I don’t know.” He replied, “I can’t see a thing.”
“Me either. I am scared.”
He just hugged me tighter. Then I could smell again. I smelled the scent of mountain lions and elks. And even a few hikers. Oh good I could feel my sight coming back. I took in all my surroundings. The five Volturi members have reformed their V but this time Chelsea looked normal not concentrated. And then I looked at my dad and Alice. They now, hand in hand walked over to them and were handed two cloaks. They put them on without a fuss. I looked at Jasper, who looked, sad, worried, angry and depressed all rolled up into one strange emotion he glanced back and walked over and stood beside us. Heidi walked forward, “Thank you. We have come for what we required. We will leave now.”

“No!” I yelled at the top of my voice. “You can’t take my dad. You can’t just saunter into this forest and take my dad and my aunt from me!”
I wanted to run up to them and rip off their heads but I had a feeling that it would be hard.
“What was that? Did the little Renesmee just try and stand up to us?” Demetri laughed. Then they all joined in. I felt so stupid yet so brave at the same time. “I just want my dad and my aunt back. Please” I pleaded my voice seemed to be getting quieter with each word that I said. “Please.” I whispered again.
“I am afraid we can’t do that kiddo, and besides your aunt and your dad will be much happier with us. Trust me.” Felix laughed.
They all turned and began walking away. What would Alice do now? Jasper was standing there. He was her soul mate. She wouldn’t just leave him. Would she? They walked slowly but Alice turned around and looked jasper in the eye. She looked really sorry and her coal black eyes made her look sad. Then she turned and walked after the rest of them. Emmett let go of me then. I wanted to run after them but my legs wouldn’t move. I turned my head and looked at Jasper. He was just staring after them and looked really sad. I felt so sorry for him. He and Alice have been together for ages. They were they best couple ever! How could she just get up and walk away from that?
“Renesmee come on.” Emmett shouted.
I turned around to realise that Emmett and Jasper had began heading back to the house.
I felt another burst of tears roll down my cheeks and my legs were about to give way on the rest of my body. Jasper ran back to me and lifted me up into his arms. I rested my head on his shoulder and never even realised when we walked into the house. He set me down so that I could flop onto the couch. I put my head in my hands and started crying again. Esme ran in and put her arm around me and tried to comfort me. “What happened?” Carlisle asked walking through from the hallway, Rosalie was right behind him.
“Chelsea loosened the bonds between us and Edward and Alice and got them to join them.” Emmett filled him in.
“So what your saying is that Edward and Alice are...Volturi members?” Rosalie shuddered.
“Robes and all” Jasper commented.
“I can’t believe they left me.” I said, Mum put her arm round me which was awkward because Esme’s arm was also around me. “It’ll be okay. We will get them back even if it means going to Volterra and dragging them out by their ear.” She said.
Emmett liked that part. “Can we go? Please? I wanna go and get me some Volturi Vampire.” A big grin spread across his face.
I held out my hand directing it up at Jasper. He put his face to my hand and I showed him my thought of how Alice would look with the bright crimson eyes and the big hooded cloak. He swallowed hard and said “that’s exactly what I was thinking.”
How do we get them back?” he asked anxiously.
“Hmm. We could always go over to Volterra and reason with the Volturi.” Carlisle suggested.
“Carlisle.” Emmett said, “We are not all as patient as you, so we probably couldn’t see them without ripping off their heads.”
“That’s a good point.” Carlisle remarked.
I looked round the room trying to take in people’s emotions. I looked at Jasper and noticed he was now curled up in a ball on the far away chair. His face looked blank, like Alice when she has a vision. I wonder if Jasper and mum can still communicate with Alice and dad. With them being soul mates and all. I must remember to ask Carlisle that.
“How bright were their eyes?” Carlisle asked me.
I held up my hand and showed them the picture of the five of them in my head.
“I see. That is a good thing.”
“It is?” I was pretty confused.
“Yes. They were very bright so they have just drank. They probably won’t have another meal for about a week, so Alice and your father won’t be forced to have human blood until then.” Carlisle explained.
“So, your saying that we have a week to get Alice and Edward back or else they will be 100% Volturi?” Emmett inquired.
“Yes.” Carlisle answered.
“Kay.” Emmett said, uneasily.
“Do you think that maybe Jasper, you could phone Alice and try and convince her to come home?” Rose asked.
He looked over at her, staring hard, and held his hands into a cup shape. Rose threw him his cell phone and he caught it perfectly. He slid it up and pressed the number 1 and pressed call. Then got up and walked out the room. I didn’t hear very much of it as his voice was quiet but from what I gathered she seemed to listen to him. I also heard him say something about me. He walked back though the door and everyone turned to stare at him.
“Well, what did she say?” Emmett asked.
“I asked her, what she was doing, she said she was going to live with the Volturi. I asked if she was happy with that and she said no. She wants to come home but is afraid to leave them and she doesn’t trust you.” He paused, “She also said they tried to get her and Edward have some human blood but both refused.”
“That’s a good sign. That means the vegetarian in her is strong, we may have more time than we thought.” Carlisle said.
“But what did you say about me? I am pretty sure I heard you mention my name.” I questioned Jasper.
“Oh that. I was just asking her if she trusted you and would speak to you.”
“And what did she say?”
I felt heartbroken. My aunt just told her soul mate that she wouldn’t speak to me. What was going to happen now? How were we going to get them back? I had so many questions but everyone looked so sad that I couldn’t bring myself to ask them.
“I say that we keep trying to call them and get them to trust us again.” Esme said.
“Good idea. But I really miss Alice.” Emmett moaned.
“Why do you miss Alice?” I asked,
“She is the funnest out of you all to give bear hugs to cause she is the smallest.” He laughed.
“Renesmee, we should get you back to the cottage so you can get to sleep, you look shattered.” Mum said.
“No. I amn’t tired honestly.” I argued.
She just gave me a look with one eyebrow up.
“Well, how about I sleep here tonight, on the couch. So you can work out how to get Alice and Dad back.” I protested.
“Renesmee, you can’t just invite yourself round here, it’s not ours.” Mum said.
“Oh yeah. Your right, Esme, can I please stay over here tonight so mum can stay here and help you figure out how to get them back.” I asked her with a small grin playing on my lips.
“Certainly, sweetie. You can stay here anytime you like.” Esme told me grinning.
“Thank you.” I grinned back at her and turned to my mum, still grinning. “See I am allowed to stay here.”
“okay.” Mum gave in.
“What time will Jasper phone Alice next?” I asked Carlisle.
“Bout 6 in the morning.” He answered almost immediately.
“Well, maybe you should go to bed now if you want to be up for Jasper phoning Alice.” Mum said.
“Kay. Where should I sleep?” I turned to Esme.
“You can sleep on the couch in either our room or Alice’s room.” She replied.
“Okay. Thanks” I bounded up the stairs and looked into the two rooms. I chose Esme’s room but I wanted to go to Alice’s room in case I never saw her again. So I got up and walked slowly into Alice’s room. I noticed a photo album on her couch so I took it off and got nice and comfy on her couch. I flicked through the book and felt kind of nosey but continued anyway. There were pictures from my mum’s eighteenth birthday party, when I was a little baby, her and Jasper on their wedding day, and my mum and dad on their wedding day. There was a lovely picture of her and Jasper together.
I must have fallen asleep while looking at the pictures because when I woke up, my mum was sitting on the arm of the couch with the pictures in her hands looking at them. I glanced at my watch and noticed it was ten to six. I sat up and swung my legs around. My mum looked up then. She put the pictures down and smiled at me and held out her hand. I took it and she helped me up. We went down stairs and sat on the loveseat in silence. Everyone else was already there and Jasper had his phone in his and, he was dialling slowly. He looked up and my mum nodded. He pressed the call button and held the phone up to his ear.
“Hello.” He said into the phone quite quietly, “How you doing?”
There was a short pause.
“Yes. I’m fine too. Are you enjoying Volterra?”
Another pause, it was slightly longer than the first one.
“Okay honey. Why don’t you just come home?” his eyes looked sad, “Well of course he can come too. We want you both to come home.”
This was a really long pause. I couldn’t help but fidget. I was so nervous.
“No of course it’s not just me and Bella. Everyone wants you to come home.” He looked quite angry all of a sudden. “No. That is not true, Alice they are just lying to you. Come home to us.” His eyes turned sad again. “Okay. Bye. Love you.” And with that, he hung up.
“Well?” Emmett asked.
“She said that they are both well, Neither of them are enjoying it over there, she doesn’t seem to believe that everyone wants them to come home. Apparently the Volturi told her and Edward that we only liked them for their abilities.” His voice had faded away to a whisper by the last word.
“I am going to kill them!” Mum seethed.
“Get in line.” Emmett muttered.
“What did she say when you told her that they were lying?” I asked him nervously.
“She said that she wanted to believe me but wasn’t sure that she could. She was going to have a chat with Edward and see what he says and is going to call me back in about an hour.”
“Okay. How can we prove that we still love them?” Rosalie asked.
“Not sure. Maybe we could try and get her to talk to one of us on the phone.” Carlisle suggested.
“Who?” asked Mum.
“What about Renesmee?” Emmett said, I turned to look at him with a strange expression on my face, “I mean if she lets people in and no one can resist her then how will Alice act.”
“It’s a smart plan. What do you say Renesmee?” Carlisle asked turning to look at me.
“Okay. But if I hang up on her or give you the phone back don’t be surprised.” I said turning to Jasper.
“Okay, that’s fine.” Suddenly his phone rang. That hasn’t been an hour. Has it? I look at the clock and it was only half past six.
“Hello. Yes. That wasn’t an hour.” Jasper said casually.
“Well, what did Edward say?” he looked sad again.
“Will you talk to Renesmee? She really misses you please just talk to her.”
“Thank you. And I will be right beside Renesmee so if you want me back on just tell her, okay?”
He handed me to the phone and I put it to my ear. I never took my eyes off him and I think he was maybe keeping me calm.
“Hello.” I said into the phone quietly.
“Hello” Alice said back. She sounded so different.
“So, how are you?” I asked trying to make conversation.
“Okay. Thanks.” She said bluntly.
“Okay. Look Alice. I really miss you and I really want you to come home.” I wondered if I had made a mistake saying that but oh well. What is done is done.
“I don’t know if I believe that Renesmee.” She said it all in one tone, like she was being controlled.
“But it is true Alice.” I felt the tears sting in my eyes and I tried desperately to blink them back.
“Well. I actually had some news for Jasper so could you please put him back on.” She said slowly. As if weighing out her words.
“Okay.” I said and handed the phone back to Jasper.
I curled up in my seat and Mum came over to me and hugged me fiercely. The tears poured down my cheek. Had I just made things worse between us? I was beside myself with misery. When my mum let go of me I got up and ran off upstairs. Mum ran after me but Emmett put his hand out to stop her. I ran into her room and curled up on her couch crying my eyes out. It felt good to get all the bottled up pain out that for some reason I had kept bottled up. After a while a heard a soft knock on the door. Then Jasper walked in. He came and sat on the couch beside me and put his arm around me. I could sense his trying to calm me and I could also sense that it wasn’t working. “Your mum sent me up to tell you what Alice has said.” I lifted my head and rested it on my knee.
“She says that she misses you but doesn’t trust you. She also said that she believes what I said but only because it came from me and she trusts me a lot. When I told her that you had ran up to her room crying, she felt awful. I think that these phone calls are building the bonds back up between her and everyone else. But there’s the bad news. The Volturi figured that out too and have stolen her and Edward’s phones.” He stopped talking and watched my reaction. My face went from sad and upset to still sad but really mad. I felt like I could explode.
“Can I pretty please go and kill the Volturi?” I asked him. He laughed at me.
“Trust me Renesmee. We all want to kill them.” He assured me.
“Can we at least go to Volterra and try and get them back? We could see if the Denali coven would help us. They owe us for that time when that Victoria person was after my mum.” I suggested. “And I want to see Carmen again.” I smiled at that last thought.
“Well come downstairs and we can ask Carlisle and see what he says okay?”
“Kay.” I answered. He helped me to my feet and we ran swiftly down the stairs.
When we got down mum ran and hugged me tightly. When she let go, I went and sat beside Jasper on the loveseat.
“Renesmee thinks that she might have a plan to get Alice and Edward back.” He announced.
“What do you think of the plan Jasper?” Carlisle asked.
“I think that it could work, if we act quickly.” He answered smiling at me.
I smiled a small smile back.
“Well. Renesmee, what is your plan?” Carlisle asked me.
“I thought that maybe we could go to Volterra and try to get them back, with some help with the Denali coven. I remember you telling me a story a little while ago about this Vampire Victoria and how the Denali coven never helped you when you asked. That means they owe you.” I got quite embarrassed and started blushing. Emmett looked at me and a massive grin spread across his face, he loves it when I blush.
“That is a smart plan, but we can’t ask the Denali coven to come to Volterra with us. It could be a death sentence to us all. I don’t even think you should come.” Carlisle said.
“No. You have to let me come. I want to go and save Alice and my dad.” I argued.
“But you may die.” Carlisle pointed out.
“I am well aware of that, and I am prepared to risk that to make sure they are safe.” I said.
“You are very brave, young one.” He noted.
I grinned.
“Please can I come with you?” I asked him.
“It’s not up to me. It’s up to your mum.” He said. I swallowed hard and turned to face her.
“Please.” I looked at her with begging eyes hoping she would take pity on me.
“Renesmee I would really rather you stayed here, or even in La Push with Jacob.” She answered.
“No!” I yelled at the top of my lungs, mum flinched, I brought my voice down to a more human level. “Please, mum, please. I just want to help. I want to be there for Alice and Dad.” I stared at her with my begging eyes again.
“Fine,” she sighed. “But you do only as I say, do you understand?”
“Perfectly” I said and saluted her. Emmett chuckled behind me.
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