Rosario Vampire Club
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Kane has released a Seal that he had all along. Everyone discovered that Ruby had a older bother also. Back out at the house all the girls are having fun.


Kurumu-Again....Thats the third time in this game.

Scarla-I guess she just lucky?

Yukari-Can we play poker now?

Vela-Soon enough....

Kokoa-Wheres Ruby?

Elith-She is laying down with the babies....Someone is coming....

Mizore-*looks out a window*Its Jeans van but its all messed up....

Jean's van is cut up and with holes. The girls see the guys running and holding up Calus and Kane. They come in holding both of them.

Bled-Call Ellie! NOW!

Scarla-Alright....*calls Ellie*

They put Calus on kitchen floor and the same for Kane.

Kurumu-What happen?

Halghast-We fought a Juggernaunt......

Mizore-Wheres my cousin?

Jean-K.I.A. or M.I.A.

Mizore-No.....Lier....*starts to hit Jeans chest*

Yukari-Wheres Scort?

Tsukune-He betrayed us and killed Charles.

Then Ellie gets the house.

Ellie-I'm here! Where are they?

Kraven-Over here....*shows where Calus and Kane*

Kokoa-What happen to Kane?

Kraven-He broke his seal....We can explain more but we got to save them.

For many minutes they try to keep Calus and Kane from leaving to the other side. After for 2 hours they final got them to a stable condition.

Ellie-Just keep them from moving around alot and fighting.

Kraven-Thank you.....

Ruby-Will they be okay?

Kraven-Yeah...but they don't need to moe alot.

Moka-Let us everthing....

Tsukune-We were betrayed by Scort.

Helghast-Plus we fought a Juggernaut and it was Rubys older brother.

Ruby-My brother......Ovin?

Bled-Yes....He is tough to fight.

Mizore-Why did my cousin have to go?

Jean-We don't know if he's dead or alive.

Kokoa-What happen to Kane and everything?

Kraven-Kane broke is rosario seal, Scort killed Charles and a Mistriss that controled Rubys brother.

Moka-He had a rosario seal?

Bled-Yes but its different then yours.

Yukari-How is it different?

Kraven-Its tattooed on him, it was on his arms. To brake it, he had to cross over his arms.

Kokoa-So the Vampire blood had a seal on it.

Bled-Yes....Now both the Werewolf and Vampire blood are released, his power can surpass even the most pure bred Vampire.

Elith-Why did Scort betray us?

Tsukune-Because Scort is a Son of Sacrifice.

Kurumu-He is.....Which one?

Voice-Son of Destruction....

Ruby-Calus....Don't move around.*holding up Calus*

Calus-We need to find the Son of Salvation.....*sit down*

Tsukune-Who can it be? We don't have time.

Vela-Why? Whats going on?

Kane-Scort is going to release Ovin to kill everything in the was and Scort is going for the "Machine".

Scarla-Whats the "Machine"?

Bled-The "Machine" was made to end everything.

Kurmur-But how will you fight a Juggernaut and a machine that can end everything?

Kane-You guys can fight the machine.....I will fight Ovin myself.

Ruby-Please don't fight him....Let me talk to him.

Kane-I will let you talk to him, if I fail.

Tsukune-How can you win? He's a Juggernaut.

Kane-There is a way....*pulls out a surange*This will make me a Juggernaut again. If you got a plant ot metal chamber to put me in it will work better.

Kokoa-No....I won't let you.

Kane-Why? This is the only way to fight Ovin.

Kokoa-I can't let a person like you go...


Kokoa-I love you.....*holding Kane*I love you....*crying*

Kane-Thank you but I will return for you.

Kraven-I will help you....What you need and to do?

Kane-Follow me....

Kane and Kraven leave.

Elith-How much time we got?

Helghast-About 5 days tops to get ready.

Jean-Yeah.....Those assholes are going to pay for repairs to my van.

The next day everyone sees a metal cage cylinder in the basement.

Bled-What is this thing?

Kraven-Its Kanes seal cage.....I had to put him inside to help the stuff work. The surange had to go in his spinal cord.

Kokoa-How long will it take?

Kraven-Soon I hope.


Helghast-What was that?

Everyone goes up and sees that a whole is blown open in the house and someone is taking Elith; a flying type creature.


Bled-I'm coming....*tries to keep up with winged creature*

Then the winged creature is tooken out of the sky by a frost bolt. Bled catches Elith before she hit the ground.

Bled-That attack....*looks over*Frostkin!

Frostkin-Hey....I told you I will be back.

Bled-Why are they here?

Frostkin-Its going to kill us so we can't fight back.

Elith-Lets go back....

They head back to the house and see everyone.

Tsukune-What happen?

Frostkin-A flying creature was trying to take Elith...


Then a boom hit the ground. A person is on the ground covered in metal and spikes.

Metal covered peson-I'm Drav andI'm here to fight you all.*then put a barrier on everyone except Scarla*I want to fight the Phoenix first.

Scarla-You will burn for this.....

Drav-Try me....Fire Bird.....

Scarla-I'm not a normal Phoenix....*transforms*I'm a Scarlet Phoenix or know as a Royal Phoenix.

Drav-What.....That's impossible!

Scarla attacks Drav so hard that he goes int eh air and uses a finishing move. She puts her fire wings around him and goes flying out.

Frostkin-Thast her main attack...The Fire Rose Dance.

Then Scarla put Drav into the ground where there is only glass. The barriers come down.

Yukari-Thats girl power!

Vela-Thats whats up....

Then Elith is grabbed by a shadow ball and vanished.

Bled-NO!*digging in the ground*No...No......NOOOOOO!

Calus-Why are they after her?

Helghast-Her power is great....She can see others lifes or pass life....

Tsukune-Scort is going to use her power to find the other Sons of Sacrifice.

Helghast-Yes. We got 4 days so we need to get ready.

For many days they got ready to for the fight till on the news.

News Man-I moments ago a gaint machine that came out of nowhere appeared. Right now a Sighn Helicopter is going to see if they can communicate with it.*the machine is covered in dirt plants, metal with markings; it has 2 arms still in the ground, a body and a head*

News Woman-Whats going on at the building behind you?

News Man-People are partying to show their respect to it, as to that is from the Lord.

Bled-Those fools are going to be killed.

Then the machine opens up a green light appeares and shoot down the helicopter, then starts shooting everything in range.

Mizore-What the fozen world?

Kraven-Scort is attacking now?

For about 3 hours Scort attack everything in its range.

Ruby-Its over now...*trying to stop her babys from crying*

Tsukune-We need to attack soon.


Bled-Alright.....Jean? You got that Scav-copter?

Jean-Yeah! Why?

Bled-I got a plan.

What is Bleds plan? The time of waiting is over and for battle. Scort has started the machine and ready to fight. Now the battle can begin. Wait and read the battle Part 5-Power of 2 Souls, Sons and Races.
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