Saturday Night Fever Club
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Scene where Tony and Stephanie have lunch

At the dance studio, Pete teaching several people to dance.

Pete: Come on, honey, higher with the arms.
Yeah, that's it. Yeah, do it to me!

Tony walks to the entrance to ask Pete about Stephanie.

Tony: Pete, she come in?

Pete: I told you on the phone, she comes in on Tuesday.

Tony: I know. So, did she come in or what?

Pete: And what is it today, huh?

Tony: It's Tuesday.

Pete: Yeah.
Hey, Ton! Watch it, man. That one's practicing to be a bitch. Come on, people! Good, yeah. Oh, that's good. You're doing great. Yeah.

In another room, Tony watches Stephanie practicing and gets in the groove and repeats her moves.

Tony: Hello, Stephanie Mangano. I'm Tony Manero.
We both got the same last initials. How do you like that?

Stephanie: Wow. We get married, I don't have to change the monogram on my luggage, huh?

Tony: Somebody told me you was practicing to be a bitch. Is that true?

Stephanie looks at him as he does a little dance walk.

Stephanie: All right, Mr. Manero. What do you want to ask me?

Tony: I would like to take you out to coffee. Would that be good?

Stephanie: That's it, huh? You want me to have coffee with you?

Tony: I think you're a very good dancer. You know that 2001 Odyssey, they got a dance contest now.
And I think that we could be a dynamite team together.

Stephanie: How old are you, huh?

Tony: I'm 20. Well, I'm 19 at the moment, but I'll be 20 very shortly.

Stephanie: What I think is this. There's a world of difference between us, you know? Not just chronologically, but emotionally, culturally, physically, every which way. And this world would get much bigger and much worse with every passing week.

Tony: What kind of shit is that? Coffee, not sex.

Stephanie: Just coffee, huh?

Down a street, where the Verrazano-Narrows bridge is seen, Tony and Stephanie walk to a diner for lunch.

Stephanie: See, look, where I work, the people are very remarkable. They're not like these here Bay Ridge people at all.

Tony: You mean snobs instead of slobs, right?

Stephanie: What?

Tony: Nothing. Hey, you know, Bay Ridge ain't the worst part of Brooklyn. You know what I'm talking?
I mean, you know, it ain't like a hellhole or nothing.

Stephanie: Yeah, well, it ain't Manhattan. It isn't Manhattan. You got no idea how it changes, you know. Just right over there, right across the river,
everything is different, completely different.
It's beautiful, just beautiful. The people are beautiful, offices are beautiful. The secretaries, you know, they all shop at Bonwit Teller.

Tony: Oh, yeah?

Stephanie: And, like, the lunch hours are beautiful, too. Like, you know, they'll give you, like, two hours for lunch to do something that's related.

Tony and Stephanie walk in the diner and sit at a table.

Tony: Oh, yeah?

Stephanie: Like we've seen Zeffirelli's Romeo and Juliet.

Tony: Over here. Romeo and Juliet, yeah? I read that in high school. That's... That's Shakespeare, right?

Stephanie: No, it's Zeffirelli, the director of the movie. You know, the movie? Film.

Tony: Yeah. You know what? What I never understood about that Romeo and Juliet, I never understood why Romeo, he took the poison so quick, you know? I feel like he could have waited or something.

Stephanie: Well, that's the way they took the poison in those days.

Tony: Hey, you gonna eat? Here, look at a menu.

Stephanie: No, no. I'll just have tea. Tea with lemon.
I started drinking tea recently, you know. It's really a lot more refined.

Tony: Oh, yeah?

Stephanie: Yeah. All those women executives in my office, they all drink tea with lemon.

Tony: Oh, yeah?

Stephanie: Yeah. And you notice that I do, too.

Tony: I like coffee, you know? I drink coffee.

Stephanie: Yeah. You see, like, I've only been at this agency a really short time, but already I'm functioning in a, kind of, public relations capacity, you know. I fill in for the agents when they're elsewhere. Like, this week, you know, I had... I had business lunches with Eric Clapton at La Cote Basque and Cat Stevens at Le Madrigal.

Tony: Oh, far out.

Stephanie: Yeah. You heard of those restaurants, huh?

Tony: No, I don't know those exact restaurants. I know the type.

Stephanie: Yeah, but you must have heard of the artists.

Tony: No, I... Not... I don't know... You know. Not really.

Stephanie: So what did you say "far out" for, huh?

Tony: 'Cause it sounded, like, far out. Wasn't it? I mean...

Stephanie: Well, yeah.

Tony: We'd like a lemon with some tea now. And I'd like a cheeseburger and some coffee.

Stephanie: Hey, you know who came in the office the other day?

Tony: Who?

Stephanie: Laurence Olivier.

Tony: Who's that?

Stephanie: Who's Laurence Olivier? You don't know who he is? Laurence Olivier, man! He's the greatest actor in the whole world. Oh, come on, you know who he is. He's the English actor, the one on television who does all those Polaroid commercials. You know, Laurence Olivier.

Tony: Oh, him. Oh, he's good. He is good.

Stephanie: Yeah. Well, anyway, he comes in the office, right? So, I just do a few errands for him.
So, he goes around, he tells everybody in the entire office, he says I'm the brightest, I'm the most vivacious thing in the entire office he's seen in years.

Tony: Oh, yeah?

Stephanie: Yeah.

Tony: Do you think that you could get, like, a camera from him at a discount?

Stephanie: I didn't ask him about a camera.

Tony: 'Cause you got one already, right, you sly fox, you.

Stephanie: Hey, look, are you enjoying all this stuff I'm telling you?

Tony: Sure. I think it's good.

Stephanie: Well, I just think maybe you can't handle hearing about a kind of life that is so completely different than yours.

Tony: You mean "better," don't you?

Stephanie: Yes, I mean better. Sure, it's better.

Tony: Can I have some ketchup, please?

Stephanie: I mean, I'm out of this scene almost completely, you know, this Bay Ridge scene. I'm moving into Manhattan. I'm getting my own apartment. I'm changing. I'm really changing as a person, and I'm growing. You know what I mean? Nobody has any idea how much I'm growing.

Tony: Why don't you go on a diet?

Stephanie: Okay, listen. I like you.
We could dance together. That's it. We could just dance together and nothing more. Nothing personal. I don't want you coming on to me.

Tony: Why not?

Stephanie: Because I don't date guys like you anymore, for one thing. You're too young, you haven't got any class, and, yeah, I'm sick of jerk-off guys ain't got their shit together!

Tony: Oh, come on. It's easy to get your shit together. All you need is a salad bowl and a potato masher. Get your shit together. Would you like to know what I do?

Stephanie: It's not necessary.

Tony: I'll tell you what I do. I work in a paint store,
and I got a raise this week.

Stephanie: Right. You work in a paint store, right?
You probably live with your family, you hang out with your buddies, and on Saturday night you go, you blow it all off at 2001, right?

Tony: That's right.

Stephanie: You're a clich. You're nowhere, on your way to no place.

Tony: What do you got? A fucking stairway to the stars or what?

Stephanie: Yeah, maybe.

Tony: Yeah.

Stephanie: I'm taking a course, nights, at the new school. Next semester, I'm gonna take two. Now, you, you probably didn't get no college, did you?

Tony: No, I did not.

Stephanie: Well, did you ever think about going to college?

Tony: No.

Stephanie: Not ever?

Tony: No. Did you?

Stephanie: Well, not back then, no...

Tony: (mouth full) Then why the fuck are you bugging me about it for?

Stephanie: Well, why not? Why didn't you ever want to go to college?

Tony: Oh, just fuck off, will you? I did not.

Stephanie: No, really. Tell me. Why not?

Tony: Oh, Jesus Christ! I didn't!

Outside the building, Tony takes a walk with Stephanie.

Tony: The thing is the high I get at 2001 is just dancing, it's not being the best or nothing like that.
The only thing is that I would like to get that high
someplace else in my life. You know?

Stephanie: Like where?

Tony: I don't know where. I don't know. Someplace.
You see, dancing, it can't last forever. It's a short-lived kind of thing. But I'm getting older, you know. You know, I feel like... I feel like, you know, so what, I'm getting older. Does that mean, like, I can't feel that way about nothing left in my life?
You know? Is that it?

Stephanie: Listen, we gotta split here.

Tony: No, I'll walk you the rest of the way.

Stephanie: No, I'll meet you at the dance studio, just like we said, okay?

Tony: Stephanie, I can walk you home.

Stephanie: Look, nothing personal, right?

Tony: Oh, come on, Stephanie. I can walk you.
Oh, Jesus Christ! You know?
Tony and Stephanie
Tony and Stephanie
added by boytoy_84
added by boytoy_84
added by boytoy_84
added by boytoy_84
added by boytoy_84
Tony and his mother, Flo argue about Frank Jr.
saturday night fever
john travolta
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added by boytoy_84
added by jesssnf_30
Source: A birthday pic for the sexy cute Italian Babe :)
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john travolta
joseph cali
paul pape
donna pascow
barry miller
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(left to right) Bobby C, Double J and Joey
(left to right) Bobby C, Double J and Joey
(scene at Phillips' dance studio)

(Stephanie is sitting on the floor stretching her legs out as Tony appears walking to the room where she is. Stephanie looks up and spots Tony in the mirror standing and not looking happy. she turns around)

Stephanie: "Hey. What are you standing there for?"

Tony: "How come you wasn't there Saturday night?"

Stephanie: " I didn't say I was gonna be there Saturday night."

Tony: "The fuck you didn't."

Stephanie: "I said 'maybe', maybe is maybe. I didn't think you'd get upset about it."

Tony: "I'm not upset, but we need to practice. You should've been there."

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added by boytoy_84
Tony asks out Stephanie, while the cool Manhattan Skyline music is played
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Joey with Annette
Joey with Annette
One fan from IMDb explains about them:

"One more thing. Joey ended up being Annette's' FIRST. But, throughout the movie he shows interest in her. It's subtle. But, after the tragedy with Bobby C, and BAM, they INSTANTLY grow up, you see Joey walking off with Annette sort of like a modern caveman claiming her as his woman, arms around her protective as he is walking off with her. She's dazed and confused as if she doesn't realize she's just been dragged back to Joey 's cave. She got what she wanted. Probably a match but not with Tony, who didn't want her and wasn't protective of her, but caveman...
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posted by boytoy_84
Tony, Joey, Bobby C and Double J
Tony, Joey, Bobby C and Double J
2001 Odyssey: A discotheque club were Tony and his friends all hang out every Saturday night. The building is an actual night club from the 70's which was demolished in 2005.

Al Pacino: An actor that a drunk woman called Tony when he kisses her and Tony has a poster of him from the 1973 film, Serpico and walks out of this room wearing only his black underwear and chanting Al Pacino in front of his grandmother who covers her face when he walked out.

Annette: Tony's former dance partner, who became rejected by him for another woman. Annette instead searches for someone who's more caring and willing...
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