Sean the hedgehog Club
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Song: link

Thomas: *Racing Sonic* You're not in any shows.
Sonic: I will be once On The Block begins season 2.
Thomas: Oh yeah.
Sonic: Plus my cousin Sean's in it.
Sean: *Blows his horn as he passes Thomas, and Sonic*
Sonic: Not that Sean.
Captain Jefferson: Gran Turismo is over. Let me go home.
Sonic: That's also the wrong Sean.
Sean The Hedgehog: *Waves hello to Sonic, and Thomas*
Thomas: But he's not.
Tom: Who cares?!?! Let's get those back to back episodes started!

This is a parody of My Little Pony. The voice actors for the mane 6 are..

Ice Cube - Twilight Sparkle
Kath Soucie - Rainbow Dash
Sargent Schultz from Hogan's Heroes - Pinkie Pie
Wally from The Cleveland Show - Fluttershy
Tabitha St. Germain - Rarity
Ashleigh Ball - Applejack

Now, let's begin. Twilight was walking down the street with Spike while Pinkie Pie was wearing an umbrella on her head.

Twilight: Man, this sucks. First my car gets eaten by parasprites, and now you want me to buy you a shitload of fucking ice cream!
Spike: Twilight, why are you in a bad mood? Christmas is coming soon.
Twilight: Hold up, we're at Christmas time already? Last time I checked, it was summer.
Spike: Well, you can blame the director of this show for not having us do any episodes between last July, and now.
Twilight: Man, those niggas need to straighten up their act. *Spots Pinkie Pie* Yo, check dat bitch out.
Spike: I bet you can't remember her name.
Twilight: Nigga, I don't give a shit about anyone in this town except for me.
Pinkie Pie: *Hiding under a bench as she looks up at the sky. She moves from under the bench, to under a fire hydrant. Then she goes under a police car*
Police Pony: Hey, get out from under there.
Pinkie Pie: *Gets out from under the police car* Something is going to fall down somewhere!!
Twilight: Dat bitch must be high on drugs, or somethin'.

Theme song: link

Japanese Men: *Singing* My Rittre Pornstar. My Rittre Pornstar. Ah ah ah ah, My Rittre Pornstar.
Twilight: I used to wonder what friendship could be.
Japanese Men: My Rittre Pornstar.
Twilight: Then I found out it was for faggots.
Rainbow Dash: I think I can.
Pinkie Pie: I'm German!
Rarity: I want sex.
Applejack: Faithful, and strong.
Angel: *Shouting at Fluttershy* Hey Fluttershy, you smell like shit!!!!!
Twilight: Man, there's a lot of faggots in this town.
Japanese Men: My Rittre Pornstar. Despite everything, you are my best friends.

My Little Pornstar: Friendship Is For Faggots

Episode 10: Feeling Pinkie's *****

Pinkie Pie: *Hiding under a tree*
Twilight: *Walks with Spike over to Pinkie Pie* Nigga, wut da fuq are you doin'?
Pinkie Pie: Stay down Twilight. Something is going to fall soon.
Twilight: You must be high on drugs man. Nothing is gonna fall *Sees a frog fall onto her face* Wut da hell? Where did this come from?
Fluttershy: *Above Twilight* Sorry Twilight. I'm taking these frogs to a lake somewhere.
Twilight: Do you even know what the lake is called?
Fluttershy: Nope. Bye. *Flies away with her wagon of frogs*
Twilight: *Looks at the wagon* How da hell is she pulling a wagon like that? It looks very heavy.
Pinkie Pie: Never mind that. Let's get the frog off your face-
Twilight: Nigga fuck you. I don't need you tellin' me wut to do. If I want this frog on my face, I'll keep it there.
Pinkie Pie: Okay. Auf wiedersehen. *Cheerfully trots away*
Twilight: Man, that Pink German is fucked up.

Later, Twilight did some more snooping.

Robotnik: Snooping as-

Okay, okay, we get it. Save that for the Youtube Poops.

Twilight: *Watching Pinkie Pie with binoculars* Wut is dat nigga doin' now?
Spike: *Sees Pinkie Pie twitching her tail* Something else is going to fall! *Runs away*
Twilight: Spike, you don't really believe in dat crap, do you?! *Gets hit by an acorn, a small box, a big box, and a massive horse shoe* FUUUUUUUUUCK!!!!!!

You think she's die from that, but no. Sadly, she survived.

Twilight: *At her house* How da fuq does she do that?!!?!
Pinkie Pie: *Appear out of nowhere* Do what Twilight?
Twilight: Predictin' shit man! You said something would fall, and a frog landed on my face. You predicted somethin' fallin' again, only this time, I got crushed by random shit.
Pinkie Pie: I saw that. How did you survive being crushed by a massive horse shoe?
Twilight: How am I supposed to know that?
Pinkie Pie: Would you like to know how I predict these things?
Twilight: How do you do it?
Pinkie Pie: *Shows a bag of heroine* This is how it's done.
Twilight: I knew you was high on somethin'. Now, about this heroine, is it, what you Germans would say, wunderbar?
Pinkie Pie: Jawohl. Try some.
Twilight: *Takes some heroine*

30 minutes later.

Twilight: *Outside with Pinkie Pie. They're both high from the heroine* Yo Rarity, in ten seconds, you're gonna meet a stallion.
Rarity: Oh wonderful. I hope we can-
Stallion: *Arrives, and rapes Rarity*
Rarity: Ah!! Yes! This feels so right!!

Well it's not really rape if she wants it. Right?

Twilight: *Laughs*
Spike: Twilight, what are you, and Pinkie Pie up to?
Twilight: Hey nigga, I predict that you're gonna get hit by a car if you cross the street.
Spike: Ridiculous. Nopony would want to wreck their car by running me over. I'll prove it to you right now. *Crossing the street, but gets hit by a '56 Buick*
Pony in Buick: Oh shit!! *Runs out of his car, and looks at it* Damnit! My bumper is ruined!!
Twilight: Hahahaha. I am never wrong. *Looks at Pinkie Pie* Man, we need to do this more often.
Pinkie Pie: Danke. I am glad you're enjoying this.

Ending theme: link

Japanese Men: *Singing* My Rittre Pornstar. My Rittre Pornstar. *Waiting for the instrumental part of the song to end* My Rittre Pornstar, friend.

The End

Song: link

Master Sword: *Walking towards Tom*
Tom: Uh oh!!
Master Sword: I wanna be the host you blue-
Tom: *Points behind him* Hey look, Link.
Master Sword: Where?!!
Tom: *Smashes a beer bottle on Master Sword's head*
Master Sword: You're trying to knock me out??!
Tom: You're supposed to be unconscious.
Master Sword: *Catches on fire* RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tom: *Not scared* That's getting old. We should start the next episode of My Little Pornstar.

This is a parody of My Little Pony. The voice actors for the mane 6 are..

Ice Cube - Twilight Sparkle
Kath Soucie - Rainbow Dash
Sargent Schultz from Hogan's Heroes - Pinkie Pie
Wally from The Cleveland Show - Fluttershy
Tabitha St. Germain - Rarity
Ashleigh Ball - Applejack

Now, let's begin. Twilight Sparkle woke up in excitement, looking at her calender.

Twilight: Alright man, this is it. I am going to work on the 50th Winter Wrap Up of Pornstarville.
Spike: Oh, who gives a fuck? Why does everyone have to take control of the weather?
Twilight: I don't know man! I just wanna help out, and get this winter weather gone! We want Spring to start properly!
Spike: There's just one problem. You cannot use your magic.
Twilight: *Uninterested* Fuck it. Now I don't wanna do it.

Theme song: link

Japanese Men: *Singing* My Rittre Pornstar. My Rittre Pornstar. Ah ah ah ah, My Rittre Pornstar.
Twilight: I used to wonder what friendship could be.
Japanese Men: My Rittre Pornstar.
Twilight: Then I found out it was for faggots.
Rainbow Dash: I think I can.
Pinkie Pie: I'm German!
Rarity: I want sex.
Applejack: Faithful, and strong.
Angel: *Shouting at Fluttershy* Hey Fluttershy, you smell like shit!!!!!
Twilight: Man, there's a lot of faggots in this town.
Japanese Men: My Rittre Pornstar. Despite everything, you are my best friends.

My Little Pornstar: Friendship Is For Faggots

Episode 11: Winter Crap Up

Mayor Mare: *Talking to everypony* Our Winter Wrap Up of 1965 will be the best one ever, because it is our 50th anniversary. Now let's sing a stupid song that makes no sense.
Rainbow Dash: Three months of winter coolness, and awesome holidays-
Twilight: Yo, wut da fuq is dis?!!?
Pinkie Pie: We are singing.
Twilight: Hell no you ain't! We have to get rid of all dis snow! There's too much white stuff on the ground!! Speaking of white stuff. *Grabs a straw*
Mayor Mare: Ignore that deranged unicorn, and start working on getting rid of winter.
Ponies: Yes Mayor Mare.
Twilight: Man, I ain't deranged. *Snorting the show* Dat shit's good.
Berry Punch: Is she high?
Roseluck: No way. You can't get high on snow.
Berry Punch: Then I must be drunk.
Roseluck: Yeah, that must be it.

It turned out that Twilight really was high!

Twilight: Okay, I'm ready. *Walks over to Rainbow Dash* Dashie, how's my favorite biyatch?!
Rainbow Dash: *Uncomfortable with Twilight looking at her* What?
Twilight: I wanna help you clear the clouds mah nigga.
Rainbow Dash: Are you feeling okay?
Twilight: *Starts to have mood swings, and is angry* DON'T JUDGE ME!!!! *Turns sad* Why don't I have enough weed?! *Gets happy* Dashie, I can see the sun smiling, and I love you! *Gets tired* May I borrow your pillow? *Falls asleep*
Rainbow Dash: *Tries to lift Twilight* No offense, but you're heavy. *Lifts Twilight* Let's get you back home.

Back at Twilight's tree home.

Twilight: *Wakes up in her house* HOLY SHIT, WUT HAPPENED?!!?
Spike: You got high, and passed out? Rainbow Dash helped you get back home before you caught a cold.
Twilight: Nigga, what you ramblin' about?
Spike: You got high, had mood swings, and passed out in the snow. Rainbow Dash helped you get here before you caught a cold.
Twilight: Then fuck you, and fuck Rainbow Dash!

Later, the purple unicorn went to a frozen lake where she saw Pinkie Pie skating.

Twilight: How does this help get rid of winter?
Pinkie Pie: My ice skating blades are so sharp, that they cut the ice into many pieces, and they melt very quickly in the water.
Twilight: Well the sun ain't even shinin'. The clouds are blocking it.
Pinkie Pie: It will all be ready when the pegasi clear the clouds.
Twilight: Man, dat'll take too long. Let me do it. *Uses her magic to get rid of the clouds*
Pinkie Pie: *Shocked* You used magic!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Twilight: Yeah? So?
Pinkie Pie: It is tradition in Pornstarville not to use unicorn magic. We like to make things difficult for us to get anything done.
Twilight: That is the dumbest thing I ever heard. In fact, why don't you just stop fucking with mother nature? Let the weather do it's thing naturally.
Pinkie Pie: Umm. How is that possible?

Song: link

Mayor Mare: *Arrives with three guards* What is this I hear about you using magic to clear clouds?
Twilight: Nigga, I was doing you a favor.
Mayor Mare: You broke a tradition, and because of that, we must have you executed. Papillon style!!
Twilight: That movie didn't even come out yet! In fact, they didn't even start working on it!
Mayor Mare: Guards, the guillotine!
Guard: Yes Mayor Mare.
Twilight: A guillotine?! Nigga, you out of your mind!!!

She starts running down the streets, between multiple cars.

Mayor Mare: *Chasing Twilight with the guards* Stop that pony!! She broke tradition, and talks like a black person!!!
Ponies: *Chasing Twilight with torches*
Twilight: This is 1965! Haven't you heard of guns?!?
Ponies: Oh yeah. *Grab guns*
Twilight: FUUCK!! Why did I say that outloud?!!?! SPIKE, this is your fault!! wait he's not here!! It's Pinkie Pie's fault!!!!!!!!!!

Luckily for Twilight, she escaped the angry mob, and they forgot why they were trying to kill Twilight in the first place.

Ending theme: link

Japanese Men: *Singing* My Rittre Pornstar. My Rittre Pornstar. *Waiting for the instrumental part of the song to end* My Rittre Pornstar, friend.

The End

Song: link

Tom: Okay everyone. This is your host Tom Foolery from On The Block, signing out. Though this isn't really a radio show, this is the end. Come back next Saturday for more Spectacular Stories, here in the S.S.S.S.
posted by Seanthehedgehog
It was a beautiful day in Equestria. A quarry opened, and all the ponies that worked there were stallions. They would collect stone, to make statues, buildings, sidewalks, and many other things.

One day, Rainbow Dash met with Celestia at her cloudhouse.

Celestia: The quarry needs a pegasus to help out for a few days. The manager, and I agreed that you would be the best option. I will find others to take over your work until you get back.
Rainbow Dash: I won't let you down. *Flies to the quarry*

By the time she arrived, Rainbow Dash met an earth pony named Michael. He was not happy to meet Rainbow...
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sean the hedgehog
added by Seanthehedgehog
Source: Me
posted by Seanthehedgehog
Robotnik: Snooping as usual I see. *Talks faster* Snooping as usual *Slows down* I see.
Robotnik: Snooping as usual I see. *Talks faster* Snooping as usual *Slows down* I see.

Song: link

We're back man!
We're back man!

Announcer: Good morning New Jersey. We hope you're having a pleasant day as we get some Rock N' Roll playing.

Song: link

SeanTheHedgehog & Windwakerguy430 Present

Six Shooters

Starring SeanTheHedgehog as Alan Martinez
Windwakerguy430 as Harry Penn
John Pankow as Captain Ford
Kristen Bell as Amy
Ashleigh Ball as Camryn Jones

Also starring

Robert Pine as Andrew McLaren
Oscar Isaac as Daniel Astrachan

Harry: *Wakes up in his bed, and gets up*
Amy: *Downstairs making eggs with bacon*...
continue reading...
added by Seanthehedgehog
Source: Me
added by Seanthehedgehog
Source: 2qaw3erftyhuiko
Song: link

Rainbow Dash: *Flying in the sky*
Applejack: *Drunk, holding a shotgun* Oh look, it's an eagle. *Shoots Rainbow Dash*
Tom: *Points at Applejack* Thankfully I'm nothing like that pony. I'm Tom Foolery from On The Block, and this is Sean's Spectacular Saturday of Stories. You'll be pleased to know that this is my second time hosting this series. With that, it's time to view this week's schedule.

On The Block: Rated TV-14
My Little Pornstar: Rated TV-MA
My Little Pornstar: Rated TV-MA

Tom: We'll have part 2 on here at 8:20, and part 3 at 8:40. Enjoy the show.

Welcome to the block. And now for...
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added by Seanthehedgehog
sean the hedgehog
added by Seanthehedgehog
sean the hedgehog
posted by Seanthehedgehog
At the crash scene, Dale's dad was not happy. The officer that arrived wanted to arrest him.

Officer 94: I understand, I know the truck didn't stop, but if you weren't using your phone, maybe you could have avoided this.
Dale: My son is going to Trenton, and you bastards won't do shit about it!!!
Officer 94: Who's he going with?
Dale: *Sighs, clearly annoyed as he shakes his head* I reported to your Sargent that he's a missing person! Don't you know how to communicate over there?!?!
Officer 94: That's it. You're underarrest. *Arrests Dale's dad*
Dale: For hurting your feelings?
Officer 94: For using...
continue reading...
posted by Seanthehedgehog
8 PM, eleven hours before Henry, Mike, and Dale would leave for Trenton.

Henry: *Knocks down ten bowling pins in Wii Sports*
Mike: That's your second strike in a row.
Dale: You're beating both of us now.
Henry: We'll see if it'll stay that way once you go.
Dale: Right. *Waves his Wii-mote. The ball goes to the left, and knocks down six pins*
Henry: If this was real bowling, my arm would be hurting right now. I don't usually play five games in a row.
Mike: We'll stop once you lose.
Henry: That won't happen.

Outside of the house, a Suburban in State Police colors passed.

Officer 85: Those two missing people...
continue reading...
added by Seanthehedgehog
sean the hedgehog
added by Seanthehedgehog
Source: Me
added by Seanthehedgehog
Source: Me
added by Seanthehedgehog
Source: Me
added by Seanthehedgehog
Source: Me
added by Seanthehedgehog
You're fired!
sean the hedgehog
sean the hedgehog
added by Seanthehedgehog
sean the hedgehog
added by Seanthehedgehog
sean the hedgehog