Sean the hedgehog Club
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Song: link

S.B: *Relaxing in a bed, outside in someone's backyard* Our first show of February, and this is how you want to start it off.
Liam: Yep. In you go. *Lowers S.B into a cannon*
Percy: *Fires the cannon*
S.B: *Flies past Mily, Andrew, and Carter* AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! *Lands in front of a tree* I survived. What do I win?
Kevin: You're the host.
S.B: Oh, wonderful. Welcome to Sean's Spectacular Saturday of Stories everyone. I am S.B from Trainz, and here is the schedule for tonight's lineup.

8 PM - Now

Ponies On The Rails
Games Ponies Play

8:30 PM - Later

Six Shooters 2

S.B: More ponies, and more guns. Fire away.

Theme song >>>> link

Seanthehedgehog presents

Ponies On The Rails


Peirce Hawkins "Hawkeye" From Seanthehedgehog

Red Rose From Chibiemmy

Coffee Creme From KarinaBrony

Snowflake & Orion From Alinah09

Metal Gloss From DragonAura15

Stylo From Jimmythedragon

Gordon, Percy, Jeff, Wilson, and Pete from Seanthehedgehog

Episode 33

The British Mexican

January 16, 1954

It was a nice, sunny day. The snow was melting, getting rid of one problem for everypony on the Union Pacific, but Gordon was causing another problem.

Gordon: I can't believe I was sent to work on the Norfoalk & Western. Why are they the only railroad in Equestria to not have any diesels?!
Hawkeye: Didn't one of the ponies working there tell you? It's from all that coal they have to transport.
Gordon: Yeah, well I can't stand that! *Pulls door off hinges* I won't rest until that railroad gets at least one diesel! *Throws door onto train tracks* I HATE STEAM!
Hawkeye: Yeah... We've noticed.

At the train yard, Pete went to check on the ponies working there, but he saw what Gordon was up to.

Pete: Oh boy.
Red Rose: Sir, what's the matter?
Pete: I'll give you a hint. What's orange, fat, and hates steam trains?
Red Rose: Gordon.
Pete: *walks down to train station*
Gordon: *sees Pete walking from train yard* oh no. Run away!! *Runs into train station*
Pete: *Runs to train station*
Hawkeye: Go Pete. Don't let him get away.
Pete: *Runs into station*
Gordon: *Hiding behind Pete's office door*
Pete: Hmm. If I can't find Gordon, I guess I'll have to fire him.
Gordon: *Comes out of hiding* Sir! I'm sorry for what I did, please don't fire me!
Pete: Oh don't worry. I'm going to get you therapy.
Gordon: Okay, fire me.
Pete: Relax, this pony is the best. Have you ever heard of The British Mexican?
Gordon: What?
Pete: It's the nickname for Louis Bodine. He's one of the greatest therapists ever. He had british, and mexican relatives in his family, and that's why every pony calls him The British Mexican.
Gordon: That's stupid.
Pete: To you it is. *Sees picture of Louis, and sighs* If only I knew where he was. Oh, and that door is coming out of your paycheck.
Gordon: I still would've preferred being fired.
Pete: And then where would you go? Nopony else would want to hire, a pissed off overweight unicorn like you.
Gordon: Why don't you give me some admiration instead of insults?
Pete: Good question.

Meanwhile, on the Duluth Missabe & Iron Range railroad.

Louis: What has been bothering you my friend?
Worker: Our yellowstones are very powerful locomotives. However, our boss wants to scrap them all, and have diesels replace them.
Louis: That's a shame, but you know it has to be done.
Worker: I don't want it to happen though! I understand that the pollution is bad, but that's the only problem with that locomotive.

The phone rings.

Louis: Wait here, *goes to phone, and picks up* Hello, this is The British Mexican. How may I help you?
Pete: Louis? It's Pete.
Louis: Hello Pete. What can I help you with?
Pete: Can you come down into Cheyenne, and help me out? One of my workers is very angry.
Louis: Why is he angry?
Pete: You don't wanna know.
Louis: Okay, I'll be there in a day or two. *Hangs up*
Worker: Who was that?
Louis: I got a call from a very good friend of mine. He's the boss for a section of Union Pacific going through Cheyenne. Now, what else would you like to talk about?
Worker: Nothing really. Thanks for coming down here Louis. You made me feel better.
Louis: That's good to hear. I better get going, because I have to go all the way into Cheyenne Wyoming.
Worker: What for? On second thought, don't tell me.
Louis: Okay. *Leaves*

A day or two later

Louis: *Knocking on Pete's office door*
Pete: Come in.
Louis: *Walks in*
Pete: Good to see you again.
Louis: Same here. Where's the pony that's very angry?
Gordon: Pete, Stylo called me a loser- *Sees Louis* Who the fuck are you?
Louis: Never heard of me? I'm The British Mexican, a therapist.
Gordon: Oh no. *runs away*
Louis: Gordon, get back here. You're not in any trouble!
Gordon: *Stops running* Whatever. I'm too tired to run anyway.
Louis: I heard from your boss that aren't too happy here.
Gordon: You're right.
Louis: Why aren't you happy here?
Gordon: I just got back from working on another railroad.
Louis: Where was this railroad, and how long have you worked there?
Gordon: The Norfoalk & Western, and I only had to work there for one day, last week.
Louis: Did something there happen to make you mad?
Gordon: Yeah. I was just minding my own business, when Pete shows up, and sends me to work on the N&W.
Louis: What didn't you like about it?
Gordon: *Mumbles* steam.
Louis: What?
Gordon: *Hits wall* STEEEEEEAM! All the engines on that railroad are steam engines, and not diesels! They have to fix that right away, or I'll go crazy!
Louis: *grabs watch, and swings it around*
Gordon: *Watching watch*
Louis: You are getting very sleepy. You have forgotten why you hate steam locomotives, and will sleep when I count to three. One, two, three.
Gordon: *falls asleep*
Pete: Very good.
Louis: And now, you'll wake up when I stomp my hooves on the floor. *Stomps hooves on floor*
Gordon: *Wakes up* What happened?
Louis: Nothing. You may go now.
Gordon: Thank you.

Then, the sound of a broken window could be heard.

Gordon: What the? *Goes outside* My car!!
Orion: That's right. I destroyed it so I could get fired! Now, this will definitely work!
Gordon: *Goes to Louis* You gotta take care of Orion, he's nuts.
Louis: Orion?

Louis soon saw Orion walk into the office.

Louis: Hey you. Are you Orion?
Orion: Yeah, what do you want?
Louis: I want to talk to you.
Orion: About what?
Louis: What you just did.
Orion: Oh boy! Am I going to get fired?! Please fire me!
Louis: I don't work for the Union Pacific, so I can't fire you.
Orion: Oh, well then I'm outta here. *Leaves*
Louis: Orion!
Orion: *Running, jumps off platform, and flies*
Louis: *Flies after Orion*
Orion: *Going high*
Louis: Oh jeez.
Orion: *Flying very fast at very high altitude* Haha!
Louis: I'm not that good at flying.
Orion: Now, which city am I currently flying over? *Looks down*

But all Orion could see was the Pacific Ocean

Orion: Oh no. I went too fast, and now I'm flying over an ocean! *Turns around* I don't see any land! *Flies down* Where did I- *Sees land* Aha! Land. *flies to it*

Back at Cheyenne

Louis: He just flew off, and now he's gone.
Pete: It's too bad you got that disease which won't let you fly as high as Orion.
Louis: I know, but we'll find him.
Stylo: *Arrives* Hey Pete, have you seen Orion? He's supposed to drive the second locomotive for our double header.
Louis: I have.
Stylo: No way. It's The British Mexican! What an honor to see you.
Louis: The honor is all mine.
Stylo: That's great. That really. So what are you doing down here?
Louis: I was helping Gordon with something, and then he told me to help Orion.
Stylo: Oh yeah, those two need more help than anypony else on this railroad.
Louis: Well, let's get some ponies to look for him.

A search party of pegasi were sent. They found Orion 40 minutes later, and brought him back.

Orion: *waiting on platform*
Pete: Now that you're back here, why would you go off, and pull a dumb stunt like that?
Orion: He seemed like a stranger to me, and I didn't want to get hurt by him.
Pete: A stranger huh? Do you even know who that pony was you ran away from?
Orion: No.
Pete: It was The British Mexican.
Orion: Oh, I knew that.
Pete: Sure you did.
Louis: Orion, why do tried to get fired on purpose?
Orion: My jobs keep getting switched too often.
Louis: Can't you just quit?
Orion: Quit? And then what? Have Pete, or somepony else shoot my brains out? No thank you.
Louis: They wouldn't do that.
Orion: You don't know that.
Louis: Yes I do. I've been very good friends with Pete, and I know him so well, that I know he wouldn't kill one of his own employees for quitting. What about Bartholomew Perfect? He quit, and nopony killed him.
Orion: The taxi driver could've killed him after they left.
Louis: No Orion. I can assure you, that Bartholomew Perfect is still alive. By now, he's probably so famous that he'll have his own TV show. Just wait, and see.
Orion: Okay.
Louis: Right, well I guess my work here is done. Adios. *Leaves*
Pete: *Waving goodbye* Adios.
Gordon: *Arrives* Is that therapist gone?
Pete: Yeah.
Gordon: Good, because he was right about one thing.
Orion: What might that be?
Gordon: I don't hate steam trains. I really, really despise them!

The End

On The Next Episode of Ponies On The Rails

Everypony gets interviewed

S.B: Next up is Games Ponies Play. This was originally going to be an original show based off of an MLP episode, but it was cancelled, and this is all that's left.

Episode 1

Reporting Ponies

Game played: Grand Theft Ponies 5

Ten Cents: 10Cents
Jordan: Striker31
Unknown pony: Epicne$$
Unknown pony: bdp
Unknown pony: Zorin
Applejack: CombineHarvester01
Twilight Sparkle: $Money$

10Cents: *On train tunnel*
Striker31: What are you doing?
10Cents: I'm trying to jump on a train.
Striker31: *Stealing helicopter at an airport* Which tunnel are you at?
10Cents: I'm on the tunnel by the highway.
Striker31: Ok, I'm flying there now.

Epicne$$ has joined the game

Epicne$$: Aw yeah bitches, I am going to pown all your asses.
10Cents: Good luck with that.
Epicne$$: 10Cents? You must be poor if all you have is ten cents.
10Cents: That's my name, and I'm not poor.
Epicne$$: Oh yeah? What job do you have?
10Cents: I drive a tugboat in a harbor.
Epicne$$: Wow. That's so gay.
10Cents: At least I have a job.
Epicne$$: I have a job! Don't you dare talk shit about me asshole!
10Cents: I wasn't.
Epicne$$: Bullshit, I'm reporting you.
Striker31: *Arrives in helicopter* I see you.
10Cents: *Sees Helicopter* You just gave me a brilliant idea. Put the helicopter- Hang on *reading warning*

Players are voting to kick you out of the lobby. Improve your behavior, or you will be kicked.

10Cents: What behavior? I haven't done anything wrong.
Epicne$$: You insulted me.
10Cents: How did I insult you?
Striker31: Dude, the train is coming.
Epicne$$: You said I have no job.
10Cents: I did not. You said the job I had was gay, and all I said was "At least I have a job." I never said you did not have a job *Jumps on train* I'm on *falls off* Damnit! *dies*
Striker31: Ooh, so close.

Later, in another part of Los Santos

Epicne$$: *Driving 30 miles an hour in a minivan*
10Cents: *Shoots Epicne$$*
Epicne$$: *Dies* What was that for?
10Cents: Reporting me for no reason.
Epicne$$: You'll be sorry for that.

bdp has joined the game
Zorin has joined the game

bdp: I hate Zorin.
Zorin: You just met me.
bdp: I don't give a fuck motherfucker. I'm going to my garage, getting my Bugatti, and I'm going to run you over nonstop.
Zorin: What kind of Bugatti do you have?
bdp: That Z type thing.
Zorin: That's a shitty car.
bdp: Fuck you.
CombineHarvester01: Enough with the swearing, my little sister is listening to this.
bdp: Fuck your little sister.
CombineHarvester01: How dare you!
bdp: *Driving car* You're done for bitch

$Money$ has joined the game

$Money$: Man, what's good niggas?
bdp: Oh, you're racist.
$Money$: What you talkin' bout?
bdp: You said the N word.
$Money$: Man, I'm black. I can say that word if I want nigga.
bdp: Stop being racist! *reporting $Money$*
10Cents: *Kills bdp*
bdp: HEY!! Who did that?!
Striker31: It should tell you on the screen.
bdp: *reading* 10Cents massacred you.
Epicne$$: Oh, I know him. He's an asshole.
10Cents: You're just saying that, because I killed you.
Epicne$$: Go to hell.
10Cents: Uhm, no thank you. *Reporting Epicne$$*

Epicne$$ has been kicked from the game

10Cents: Whoa. I didn't think it would be that quick to report somepony.
bdp: I'm going to report you for reporting that pony.
10Cents: Good luck with that. *Reporting bdp*

bdp has been kicked from the game

10Cents: Alright. I think that's enough now.
Striker31: Why don't we try getting on the train again?
10Cents: *Laughing* No.

The End

Song: link

Ten Cents: I told you I would be back.
S.B: Welcome back.
Ten Cents: Thanks. I'll be back in a spin off called Bartholomew.
S.B: Enjoy the rest of the music, otherwise, come back at 8:30 to watch Six Shooters 2.
posted by Seanthehedgehog
Johnny was sitting in a room cleaning his Remington 1911R1.

Commander Kane: *Walks into the room* Morning Johnny.
Johnny: Hey.
Commander Kane: How did your previous assignment go?
Johnny: Unfortunately my two allies from MI6 were killed, but the Anti European Intelligence Service lost their overpowered grenades.
Commander Kane: You can't have the good without the bad. You definitely will need to be careful if you ever do come across Discord.
Johnny: Yes, I remember. You told me he caused the original Johnny Lightning to crash his car. Then his nervous system broke. I hope I can do right by him, and...
continue reading...
added by Seanthehedgehog
sean the hedgehog
posted by Seanthehedgehog
Theme Song

Kevin: *Plays piano*
David: *Playing bass*
Liam: *Playing drums*
Liz: *Plays guitar*
Mr. Nut: *Sings* Welcome everybody to The Nut House. Thankfully this is not in Laos. Come on everybody into The Nut House. You can wear anything except for a blouse. Come on everybody, step into The Nut House.
Everyone: The Nut House!

Episode 21: Take Out

Kevin is driving his truck with Liam riding shotgun. They are going to The Nut House to pick up an order they made on the phone.

Liam: Did you hear that parks are being reopened?
Kevin: That's good. We're making some progress.
Liam: A lot of people think we...
continue reading...
posted by Seanthehedgehog
Pattenburg, New Jersey. At one of the many houses, dozens of people were enjoying a pool party.

Smoky: We have been in operation for only six days, but we are financially growing big.
Guard 24: Where do you want us to send the next shipment of weapons?
Smoky: I should have your list in a few minutes. In the meantime, enjoy some booze. *Goes inside the house*

There were a few more guests having chips, pretzels, and alcohol.

Smoky: *Grabs a plate, and takes a few pretzels*
Guard 27: *Vaping* Hey Smoky. *Blows smoke towards her butt*
Smoky: *Farts, blowing the smoke back*
Guard 27: That was awesome.
continue reading...
Song: link

Kevin: Here's another song from J+1.
Buttercup: Is Parker going to freak out again, or will he seriously be the host?
Kevin: Keep your fingers crossed, and we'll find out.
Buttercup: Fingers? *Looks at her hands* I don't have fingers.
Kevin: Oh...
Parker: *Arrives* Hello everyone! My name is Parker from The Nut House, and I got a good lineup for you tonight.

8 PM - Now

Ponies On The Rails - TV-MA
Gran Turismo - TV-PG

8:30 PM

The Nut House - TV-G. Bak2Bak

Theme song: link

Seanthehedgehog presents

Ponies On The Rails


Peirce Hawkins "Hawkeye" From Seanthehedgehog

Red Rose From CrazyWriterLady...
continue reading...
posted by Seanthehedgehog
Mount Stewart, Northern Ireland

Commander Kane: Gentlemen, we have invited the eight of you here, for a special exercise.
MI6 Commander: You will attempt to infiltrate a camp set up by my boys. Good luck to you Yanks.
Commander Kane: And good luck to you fellas as well.

After five minutes of getting everything set up, the CIA agents were allowed to go to the MI6 camp. Everyone was wearing black, and were carrying paintball guns.

One CIA agent, was actually an enemy spy. He was trying to find a car to use to get to the airport.

Enemy Spy: *Walking along a castle, he sees an MI6 agent walking from...
continue reading...
added by Seanthehedgehog
sean the hedgehog
posted by Seanthehedgehog
Dunedin, New Zealand.

Lewis: This assignment is tougher than any of us expected.
Derek: Yes, I agree. Thankfully, we still have enough ammunition to last us a couple of days.
Lewis: But what if her men attack us again? First they kill a dozen of American tourists, then two men from ASIS. How much longer is this going to happen?
Derek: I don't know. One thing's for sure, we're going to need help.
Lewis: Okay. Look outside, and keep guard while I call our superiors.

London, MI6 Headquarters.

MI6 Operative: *Walks to a man sitting behind a desk* Sir, Agent's King, and O'Rourke on the white scrambler....
continue reading...
posted by Seanthehedgehog
Inside the Wal-Mart there was a small Subway store.

Driver: You know, I wanna look for a movie before we eat.
Mark: Fine. Let's go get your movie first.
Johnny: *Walks with Estevez into Wal-Mart*
Estevez: Kane, this is Estevez. Johnny and I are close to Mark Ason. He is inside a store, and we are searching for him now.
Commander Kane: Understood. Locate the homing missiles he stole, and bring them back here along with Mark.
Estevez: 10-4. *Hangs up* Johnny.
Johnny: *Turns around*
Estevez: We need to get the homing missiles as well.
Johnny: *Nods, and turns around again to continue walking*
Estevez: *Looking...
continue reading...
posted by Seanthehedgehog
The power is still out, and the snow is still blocking the door.

Mr. Nut: *Sleeping by the door*
David & Liz: *Playing Go fish in the kitchen*
Miss. Heart: *In the bathroom*

Kevin, and Liam were sharing chicken tenders with french fries.

Parker: *Walks over to Kevin and Liam's table* Can I have your chicken tenders, and fries?
Liam: Parker, you have a table full of nachos, and two burgers that probably weigh half a pound.
Kevin: Why do you want our food?
Parker: Because I'm hungry.

The other two didn't care though. They continued eating their food while Parker stared at them.

Parker: *Tries to reach...
continue reading...
posted by Seanthehedgehog
Theme Song

Kevin: *Plays piano*
David: *Playing bass*
Liam: *Playing drums*
Liz: *Plays guitar*
Mr. Nut: *Sings* Welcome everybody to The Nut House. Thankfully this is not in Laos. Come on everybody into The Nut House. You can wear anything except for a blouse. Come on everybody, step into The Nut House.
Everyone: The Nut House!

Episode 4: No Talking

The Nut House is full tonight, and all eight of our main characters are here.

Parker: *Finishes his ribs, and cleans his hands with a napkin* Time for my message. *Stands up with a spoon, and glass. He hits the glass with the spoon five times*
continue reading...
posted by Seanthehedgehog
IGA, the store that Wayne works at. Once he walked in, he clocked in, and walked to his co-workers working in the dairy section.

Wayne: Listen up everyone!
Others: *Working*
Wayne: Yo! I'm talking to you!
Others: *Stop what they're doing, and turn around to look at Wayne*
Wayne: You haven't been giving me the treatment I deserve.
Yellow Square: You're right. We should be hitting you until you bleed.
Wayne: That's not what I meant. You won't be treating me poorly when I'm through with you. Three words will make you think twice before you do more wrong to me. I demand respect!
Yellow Square: That's it?...
continue reading...
posted by Seanthehedgehog
Alan, and Harry were followed by Scott in his Impala as they drove Alan's Corvette to Sunset Beach.

Alan: There are the hot rods he was talking about. One of them is the black Chevy.

They parked their cars behind the hot rods.

Alan: Scott, stay in your car. Me, and Harry will look around.
Scott: Sure.
Alan: *Gets out with Harry*
Harry: *Looks to the right*
Alan: You check over there, I'll go inside the store to the left.
Harry: *Walks to the right*
Alan: *Goes to the store*
Harry: *Looks at the people at the hot dog stand* Excuse me, do any of you own that black '55 Chevy?
Man 13: No, but I own a black...
continue reading...
sean the hedgehog
sean the hedgehog
added by Seanthehedgehog
Grillabeats is back.
sean the hedgehog
added by Seanthehedgehog
The first one will be up next.
sean the hedgehog
added by Seanthehedgehog
sean the hedgehog
added by Seanthehedgehog
sean the hedgehog