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posted by sesshyswind
Nightfall and silence, Yomi felt the heat of the sun fade into the east sometime ago, yet he remained seated on the rock pondering in his own personalized darkness for a while more. The silence and isolation of the wilderness was comforting, and with the night came a gentle breeze. The sound of the insects filled his ears like grains of sand in an empty hourglass, and went almost entirely unnoticed as the angel’s word’s rolled over and over again in his mind. ‘Struck down… sealed… helpless,’ these thoughts mingled amongst, being on the verge of a hot winning streak, three countries down and an inspired army of anxious demons thirsty for blood, blood he promised they would have breathing down his neck for more… best to make his next move while the heat was still on… it was like a game of tug-o-war in his head. What could going mean for him, and what were the possibilities and what were the threats, should he go to the west, or not?

He could just go to have a tiny peek, he thought, just to confirm the facts. Or he could just forget about it, let someone else have their way with the nation, and it’s lord… if the story was true, and then turn up to conquer the victor later on when he had time and the recourses to spare.

Would he be missing out on something?

As these thoughts raced through his head, Yomi began to feel the stress build up, this isn’t good, he thought to himself while massaging the tense muscles near his temples and over his brow, with his long fingers every time this happens I lose track of things. I can’t afford this. Becoming disorientated because of the stress wasn’t unusual for him, too many thoughts cluttered his mind and made it that much harder to see his way, he needed clearance and he needed it now, but how to resolve this, just make a decision Yomi.

Just make one and make one now.

Overhead he heard a call, a night bird? He thought, how rare, night hawks scouring the land overhead, calling out to each other in search for prey. They much be unable to find some, or they would have remain silent. The instance lead him to recall a verse, it went:

‘Heed not the birds of the night, for they are foul with lusts for death,’

Thinking about it now, how little logic that verse truly held. Birds don’t call out for death, nor do they lust, they just communicate and hunt for food to survive on. The verse must have been refereeing to dark angels.

‘The night feeds on your worries, heed not the call of the darkness that seeks you, for it is empty in all its recesses.’

But it also offers comfort and solitude, necessary for thinking.

‘Do not place too much faith of the mind of flesh, for it is limited to that which is there of… commit to prayer to seek out the answers to your problem…’

Overhead he felt a light, it was the moon. He could feel it. He tilted his face upwards to feel its subtle rays come down upon him, almost embracing.

‘Love the light of my light, for it reaches out to you even in the darkest of hours, and know it for it is in every prayer.’

Yomi smiled, both inwardly and in the flesh. Prayer. Of course, what else, now he knows what he should do, should have thought of this sooner, he will ask Al’ra. Instantly he remembered the temple where he had meditated before the siege of Baal. And recalling that the temple was somewhere on a road heading west, he realized that he had wondered about half way in that direction already. Fate, eh, guiding my footsteps, very well.

So guide me.

With that he stood, up, put his feet on the ground feeling himself urged him to move in a certain direction he began to walk. As he did he found he was back on the road, not incidentally moving westwards towards the temple.


Jo the priest had been serving at the Temple of Yahte for 700 years, and every evening he stepped outside to sweep the sand from the temple’s doorstep. Over the years he has seen many things, and up until recently it had been peaceful. War had come to the nation and the one responsible for that was a monster the local demons were calling Yomi. Yatek though he was and dwelled within a pagan nation, he still considered the demon’s of Baal a good people and did not deserve to be slaughtered simply because of their ancient beliefs. So shaking his head as he swept, he hummed a humble prayer, “oh Lord in Heaven, have mercy on those who transgress against you,” when he noticed a lone demon come walking up from the road. He came from the east was making his way towards the temple.

Come for late night prayers has he,? The priest thought, or council perhaps, at this late hour?

As the demon drew nearer the priest could make out features of his outward appearance and recognized who it was immediately, it was him the same demon from the other night, that Yomi. He learned after Yomi left the temple from another priest who he was, and was described as a Nation Thief, a killer of disciples of sacred grounds and of innocence. At instant recognition of the supposed tyrant a horrid feeling was felt in his belly. It was the same feeling he felt it the first time Yomi visited the temple, but this time it was worse for now he carried the scent of blood with him, and it was thick. So as Yomi approached, he said strait out to him, pointing and old gnarled finger out at Yomi, “Ah so the killing had stopped more than a day ago yet you still emanate an aura of death…. you… you have brought blood to this nation! I cannot let you pass!”

Yomi slowed his pace and stopped before the old priest, his face staring straight forwards eyes firmly shut, “Father,” said with minor patience, “may a humble traveler not pass your gate?” his tone was that of sarcasm yet partially inside he meant it, however…

“I won’t… you may not enter a temple with blooded hands, sinner! You would defile this temple, the house of our Lord!”

“Let him be the judge of that,” Said Yomi bluntly, then went on to say to the priest, “If you have such faith in Him, then leave it to him to judge me. Or perhaps you fear more that he wouldn’t, and I would walk clear away from here and escape with my sins.” Now this was an interesting thing to hear coming from Yomi, perhaps the rumors about him falsely declaring Monotheism as his choice faith wasn’t a lie after all. If it was true then perhaps it was he who was faltering, for what if he had come to repent and to ask for the Lord’s forgiveness, what right he had to block the door. This house was not his, this was the House of God, and he was merely a caretaker, he swept doorsteps and prayed, and helped to show demons the way this is what his existence consisted of, and knew full well he chance for redemption was meant to be open to all, especially the wicked.

“Now may I please have a word with the master of the house?” Yomi mused, his sarcasm obvious.

But what if he’s here to tear the house down?

Then El’ra will punish him.

Defeated by his own logic, the priest was stood aside, but still had this to say, “You may have the nerve demon but the Heavens will not condone what you’ve done in this land, you know that.”

Slightly annoyed Yomi turned to the priest, “and to what El’ra do you serve, priest? That you’d concern yourself over what temples and fools I’ve killed, if they were right in their ways then they would know no harm in the fate deal upon them, what exactly are you so afraid of?” With that Yomi brushed past him and reentered the temple. Made his way to the front and came up to the altar where just a kneeling stone and the same bear statue rose up from the floor before him. Before it he lowered himself to his knees and he bowed his head to the floor “Al’ra, show me the way,” took a deep breath, I need this, he put his thoughts on his brow and at once began to meditate.


To his surprise he needn’t have to meditate for long, for the answer soon came to him.

‘Go to the north light, from where fire of your breath was first brought,
Speak of what trouble hordes you, and answers to which you seek,
There you will find the breath of earth, bearing the fruits for your labor.’

‘But heed this, what seed carried therein must be taken upon one’s self with full earnest and heart, or misfortune will befall you.’


Yomi’s humming ceased; the words were heard clearly in his head. Two short verses.

Go to your place of birth
Talk about it, explain your dilemma,
There a modest voice will guide you.

Obey the command given you
Or pay the consequences.

Put simply,

Go home to your mother,
Tell her about it, and listen
She’ll tell you what to do.

Do what she says or else.

Yomi almost had to laugh, so this is the way it’s going to be, well that figures. Go to the place where your fire was first brought, demons are made of smokeless fire, the north light was a religious reference referring to the first light a child sees when born, the passage from the birth channel was considered a northern one, and light of course always applied to what’s aloft or spiritual, or that which is of El’ra.

There you will find the breath of earth, ‘the breath of earth—modesty, a modest voice speaking, ‘bearing the fruits for your labor’—shall give you orders. It was simple, too simple, but sometimes that’s the way things were, he would go, leave his camp behind for a moment, return to his home village and ask his mother. This was the instruction given him from the El’ra of the temple of Yahte.

And so on he went.
added by sesshyswind
lil something I made :)
silver moon
(An OC excerpt)
Blue Thunder

Onto Westide

Iblis and Holly had finally made it to the coast and the western tip that was *Panera city. So far their search had been fruitless. They had checked every brothel, inn and tea house on the southern side of the country since their arrival, and it had taken them almost a month to cover that much ground, Holly had wondered if their master had not gotten fed up with them and lost his patience, and sent out a troop of soldiers to do where they have failed, to find Sesshomaru.

It wasn’t enough just telling them that he was at an Inn in Westide, which...
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added by sesshyswind
Kurama AMV
added by sesshyswind
Much watch this, it's fricken wacked. Makes you wander what the writers and animators were on? XD
you tube
betty boop
Cool episode, sometimes hard to find.
you tube
ghost adventures
added by sesshyswind
charlie the unicorn
added by sesshyswind
From Fosters Home of Imaginary Friends on the Cartoon Network :)
cartoon network
posted by sesshyswind
This is an artical I make for myself. It's a collection of every Saharah related thing I've posted here on Fanpop so far. Hoping this will make searching through my work, and knowing what I have posted and what I havent and where much easier :)

The chapters (offical)

Chapter 1 original

Chapter 1 (rewritten-open beta)

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter (Previews)

Chapter 24



chapter 26

Chapter 29 parts 1-8
part 1 link


>part 3 not accounted for :/





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My favorite song from my favorite album, FULLY ORCHESTRATED!!!!!! I swear listing to this I think I died and went to Heaven! hehehe When I first heard this I almost cried, that's how good it is!
cradle of filth
a gothic romance
added by sesshyswind
very interesting
added by sesshyswind
well now you should o.o
Chapter 1: Omiah, Part 4

Yomi had been slashed across the face; both of his eyes were cut and he had lost all of the fluid in them. Stricken blind he struggled, but could go nowhere. After a while Gordon was forced to help him, though he did so in secret. Knocking him unconscious, he brought him to a place out of the way where he would be safe where he saw to his injuries. Unfortunately, he was not able to restore his eyes. ‘The boy’s instincts aren’t too sharp, are they? He took too much time crying about it he lost what chance he had to restore them.’ The eyeballs literally dried up...
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Chapter 1: Omiah, Part 3

However, this time of glory was to be short lived. When Yomi reached the age of thirty six, there was a falling out amongst the gang. After a simple heist went terribly wrong, Yomi found himself the victim of an assassination attempt. It happened in the country of Jia Tian, otherwise known as ‘the beautiful land’ and ‘land of the Great Dog Demons,’ on the far west of the Demon’s World, when they had crossed paths with a certain demon child none had expected to meet.

The child was called Sesshomaru. He resembled a child only at age four of life, yet he had actually...
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Chapter 1: Omiah, Part 2

He escaped into the dessert, hurt and starving with nowhere to go. Eventually he was picked up by a caravan of slave traders after collapsing in the road. The demons that were with him in the caged cart that he was thrown into gave him water so he would live, yet thinking amongst themselves that it was probably better off that he didn’t. Regardless of the difficulty, when an opportunity presented itself he slipped the grasp of his captors and fled into the desert. Considering the boy more than useless from the beginning they didn’t bother in pursuing him, and so...
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I just got through reading this book and happened to stumble upon this. This book was excelent, just sit back and listen :)
dan brown
added by sesshyswind
This is the pwi Sapphire dress dance I get a kick out of this video, especially the barb xD
My first attempt at animation. Modled after the crazy monkey emote from PWI^^
added by sesshyswind
I thought this would be just cute, I want to make a pwi video to this song so bad^^
you tube
put the lime in the coconut
added by yuyulexa
Hahahahahaha good times XD