Severus & Lucius: Beneath the Masks Club
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...far better than what Snape will be returning to shortly. Why does he have to go? Ah, but he knows why...he just wishes there was some way to keep Snape here, keep them together.

His thoughts are commanded once again by the beauty astride him. He can't believe his extraordinary fortune; he lost the one he thought was his only true love, and then when he dared let love back in, he lost that one as well. He was afraid to let it blossom once more, but he couldn't help it. Elsbet, Snape, Malfoy, Remus...he has more love now than he could ever have hoped for or dreamed, more than he ever thought he deserved...he has never felt more complete in his life, and he vows, as the little beauty rides him, pleasures him, that he will do whatever he must to keep this Union whole, and safe.

Elsbet grinds her hips and shakes out her hair, lacing her hands behind her head again, and Snape reaches up to caress a breast. "You like doing that, don't you, showing them off?" She laughs lightly, grinning, "you like looking at them. I like having your attention." Therion is so transfixed by the feel of her body and the sight of her that he can do nothing more than take in the pleasure she gives him. "You'll always have our attention, Ellie," Malfoy says as he rises, places a hand firmly on her rump, then first licks, then sucks a lovely hard nipple. Snape rises and does the same, and Elsbet changes her rhythm. She slows down and takes shorter strokes, groaning softly, and Therion reaches for her. Her head falls back and she moans, and Snape moves up to her exposed throat.

The Dark wizard kisses that throat and Malfoy moves behind her. He kneads and caresses her breasts as Therion's thumb finds her clit. He rubs only a little; her own motion provides the friction, and it's not long before she's coming. Therion comes a second, maybe two, after her, and for a moment, they think she might go again...she has that glint in her eye, but instead she tells them she needs to lay down. If she could lay down without having to leave him she'd be very happy, but she can't make it work, and they all wind up laughing. They lay there together for some time, until Malfoy, Therion and Elsbet are sleeping again. Snape rises and dresses, smoothes out his clothes, and slips out of the bedroom.

He goes into Elsbet's room and takes everything out of the travel bag. Since she won't peek inside, he'll leave it out for her. He knows the contents of the scrolls, the books and the notepad may trigger traumatic memories, but she has to face her past, she has to work through it. She said herself, the night of Malfoy's Ordeal, that she can't move forward until she deals with her past, and since so much of the future hinges on her as well as him...he can't afford to wait. He knows he likely may not be here to help her face her greatest personal challenge, and while that pains him, he also knows she will not face it alone. She is surrounded by people who love her and will be here for her when he can't be.

She's in good hands.

Sighing, he slides the empty travel bag onto his shoulder and moves out of the room. He hesitates for a moment, then goes back to his sleeping lovers. Carefully, so as not to wake them, he kisses each of them softly and whispers to them that he loves them. He leaves the room quickly, he knows if he doesn't he won't leave at all, and stops at the nook, where both ravens are sleeping. Loki slumbers, securely tucked under Cambion's wing, and Snape is reluctant to wake him. They are both precious to him, and he needs to know Loki is safe...he doesn't feel he can take the little bird back to Hogwarts this time. He hazards a touch, just a slight one, on Loki's head and the little one wakes immediately.

My Da! We go now, my Da? He smiles faintly and strokes Loki's soft feathers. He knew this was going to be hard...No, little one, you're staying here. I need you safe. Loki blinks several times, as if he can not comprehend what Snape has told him. I not go? But, my Da, I gotta go wif you! Cambion wakes and gazes into Snape's eyes, and the Dark wizard feels the brush of the mixling's brilliant mind. Cambion gives Loki a squeeze with his wing and asks him, why you not stay here, beside me? Your Da know you safe here. You has Lucy-us, Theeron an' Ellie, an' RemusTonks too, an' alla Silwets, an' Loki looks away from Snape, then up at the ceiling, then hides his head under his own wing, and his little body shakes.

He has no tears to shed; this is the only way he can weep. "Loki," Snape says softly, his own heart trembling, "you know that I love you." Yes, my Da, the little bird says, and Snape tells him, "then you know how difficult this is for me. But I will not risk your life. I can not be certain of your safety if you go with me. Here, I know you are safe." With a tremendous sigh Snape's Familiar looks up at him and says, you right my Da, here I safe, I stay. Snape touches both ravens gently and tells them he loves them, glances at the bedroom door, then silently slips out of the house, shutting the door tightly behind him and sealing it out of habit, he then makes his way to his one stop before departing for Hogwarts.
added by Danea
Source: lixsurr, deviant art
added by Danea
Source: REDPASSION , devianart
added by CrazyCatLady
added by yamilamir
added by Danea
Source: terra snape, deviant art
posted by BlackHound
In the morning, before Malfoy wakes, Snape tells Elsbet that he has inquired about Micha's fate, and she tells him she thinks he is dead. "Bea told me they are both watching over me, not by name, but...who else could she mean but my brother and my friend," she says with a slight shrug, and as he pulls her into his arms he tells her he thinks it is worth trying. "But--" he doesn't let her finish. He kisses her tenderly and holds her close, thinking to her, what makes you believe Bea didn't mean your brother and Sirius? She rests her head against Snape's chest and tells him, "why would Sirius...
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posted by BlackHound
Steeling himself for the worst, Snape approaches the glass and sees Malfoy sitting with his back to the door. After a second, the White Wizard looks over his shoulder at his Dark lover, an expression of undisguised joy on his face. After another couple of seconds, the elegant head of the great bird appears, and rests on Malfoy's shoulder. The swan gazes at Snape, who finds himself at a loss. He sees Malfoy's lips move and he knows he's asking the swan something; the bird turns his head and clacks his bill in response. Malfoy laughs and Snape's heart is light...clearly, the healing is a success....
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posted by BlackHound
Shield of the Rohirrim
Shield of the Rohirrim
As Malfoy leaves Elsbet's room the Silhouettes are departing, and he wishes them good fortune with a gentle mental touch.

"So," Therion says as Malfoy walks back into the living room, "Ellie truly is an Elf." Malfoy nods as he sits down, sighing deeply. Remus stretches and goes into the kitchen, and after a moment or two comes back with a glass of juice and munching a piece of bacon. Tonks sits down across from Malfoy and runs her hands through her bubble-gum pink hair. "What does that mean for us?" Layne looks at each of them and smiles softly. "I means we're supposed to be together."...
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It is almost like standing in the middle of heat distortion; there is a rippling wave that goes outward from him, and it is as if he is watching as a layer of shadow is lifted from the rest of her memories.

He knows now just how bad her mental distortion is.

Things are not exactly as she remembered them, he realizes as he views the memories he has already seen. It is difficult for Snape to walk through all of this; there are things that were actually worse than she recalled, but the most important difference he notes, aside from the fact that the woman Ellie thought of as her aunt in the new...
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Tonks sits for a moment, thinking. "But, how would she know the language itself, unless her parents actually sat down and worked it all out?" The wizards look at each other silently, fidgeting, then Tonks gives a half-hearted laugh. "You can't mean..." Quietly, Therion goes to the huge bookshelf that takes up the corner of the living room opposite the door that leads to their backyard park. He crouches for a moment and pulls a very large book carefully out of the bottom cabinet, then places it in the center of the coffee table. He sits back down and looks at Tonks evenly. "The Encyclopedia...
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Remus the Wolf is vaguely aware of something moving near him. He turns and flicks his ears, then lifts his nose toward the sounds. He moves toward it slowly, toward the shadows of an empty house, and he can just make out the shape of the observer.

It's another wolf.

The other wolf is as curious about him as he is about it, and as he moves closer to the shadows, the other wolf whines excitedly. He moves slowly, cautiously, forward, and the other wolf moves just as cautiously toward him. As it passes out of the shadows and into the moonlight, Remus sees the other wolf is beautiful; blond fur shot...
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added by voldemorthugs
posted by BlackHound
Snape listens to them chat, glancing from time to time at Elsbet and Malfoy, dying to know what is going on with him. At last, after the meal is nearly done, Malfoy asks him how his day has been. Snape replies that it was fortunately uneventful, then he tells them, "I believe I may be home for a day or two, for the weekend." As the dishes are cleaned up and leftovers stowed, everyone seems to have an idea of what to do for those two days, even the birds. They range from swimming in the small lake in the center of the District (the birds' idea) to visiting the Silhouettes' outpost in the Southfarthing...
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Erstwhile, a travelling wandmaker, has come to their enclave for his annual visit and asks if he may reside in their guest house for a day or two. Snape has seen him flit in and out of the flow of Ellie's memories, purchasing fine, special wand woods from Ellie's father. They're quite happy to have him, he's very good company, and on the night before he leaves them again, he has dinner with the family. Micha is there; Erstwhile is quite taken with him, and treats him no different than Ellie and Elomer, even inviting him over to look at his newly-crafted wands when he opens his case.

As the three...
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Just on the perifery of her mind...

Did she miss something? She must have. Somewhere along the line, she must have. Who was the first to disappear? Lucius. Then Greyback vanished. Then these three, and she's heard the Carrows whispering that Draco is missing.

That's six.

But...Severus couldn't have killed them all. Could he have?

She passes empty rooms as she goes down the long, dimly-lit hallway to the bedroom she shared with Lucius, trying to fit things together in her mind. She reaches the bedroom and something occures to her.

Dumbledore, and the Unbreakable Vow.

She has to sit down. She runs...
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In this darker frame of mind, he ponders how things might have been if Dumbledore had simply never put on that damned cursed ring. Ah, but then, there was the equally damned and cursed Unbreakable Vow...if it had just been 'orders from the Dark Lord', he would have found a way...a way to fake Dumbledore's death...but for that Vow. There was the potion the Silhouettes had given him, the potion he never got the chance to try, which he still had. But for that Vow, he thinks. But what about the other Vow? The one he gave that locked him into this life was not to Dumbledore, but to Lily, though...
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added by alanmalfoy
added by CrazyCatLady
added by Danea
Source: thumblr.
added by alanmalfoy
Source: not mine