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posted by sexy_vamp
Disclaimer: As you know, I don’t own any of the Twilight characters.

A/N: This is my first work so please read and review. I love writing this and love to see the reviews!

Chapter 2

Alice was practically dragging me into the house before my parent’s car disappeared around the corner. I knew what was coming, but I still was not ready for it. I was not ready to become a Barbie for her. But I was ready to have some time with her. She was my best friend that I ever had and I was very lucky to have her. When they first moved here no one would talk to them. I didn’t understand that at all. Other than them being incredibly stunning, I didn’t see why everyone else in school didn’t want to talk to them.

“Wait right here,” Alice said. “I’ll be right back.” With that she flew up the stairs and I heard my bedroom door open. In a few seconds she was back holding a large bag.

I groaned. “Man. You are trying to torture me, aren’t you?”

Alice laughed. “You’re going to love it. Trust me.” She opened her bag and pulled out her supplies to do my makeover. “I am going to do your hair first, okay? That way your makeup won’t get ruined.”

“Sure Alice. You’re the boss. And you had better be happy that I love you as much as I do or this wouldn’t be happening,” I said to her. But I couldn’t help smiling at her. She was so happy to do this. I didn’t know why but in some way, deep down, I didn’t care either.

She got up and went to plug in her big curling iron, when she stopped suddenly. She didn’t move, didn’t turn around, and didn’t say a word.

“Alice? Are you okay?” Nothing. “Alice!” Still nothing. I got up and walked over to her. Her eyes were unfocused and her faced revealed nothing.

“Alice! What’s wrong? Hey! Wake up!”

She finally blinked. “Sorry, what?”

“What happened? Why weren’t you answering me?”

She hesitated, “Uh, it was nothing Bella. But let’s hold off on this for right now.” She turned back and started putting her things back.

“Alice, what’s wrong?”

“I need to call home quick. Sorry Bella. Give me one minute.”

With that she went outside with her cell phone and left me there wondering what the hell was going on. Why did she freeze like that? And why all of a sudden did Alice have to call home?

She was only gone for a few minutes but I was getting a little impatient. I wanted to find out what was going on. When she came back in I jumped all over her.

“Alice, will you please tell me what’s going on? What’s got you so uptight?”

“Bella. I need to tell you something but it’s going to be hard for you to understand. And I had to call my family so they could help me. They will be able to make things a little easier.”

“What-? How- how can they make things easier? And what could be so bad?”

Alice sighed. “Bella, please just sit and I promise that I will explain everything. I just want everyone to get here. They should be here any minute.”

I sat on the couch. What else could I do? A few seconds later I hear a car pull into the driveway. Alice’s family must be here. There was a knock at the door and Alice went to answer it.

Carlisle and Esme entered first, followed by Edward and Jasper. It suddenly felt very full in the house and almost at the same time it felt very comfortable. Esme came over to me and sat down. She put her arms around me and just stayed there like that. Carlisle went to Alice, gently putting his hand on her shoulder. Jasper stayed by the door, staying back from everyone else. Then I looked at Edward. He was looking at me with a very intense expression on his face. Aside from Esme, who was still sitting with me, everyone was standing. It was making me very nervous and very uncomfortable.

Deciding that I needed to say something and break the tension that was in the air, I said, “Hi everyone. Alice said that she wanted you here so she could tell me something. So… Alice, are you going to tell me already?”

She brought her hands up to her belly and folded them in front of herself. With a deep breath she said, “Yes. I think that now is a good time to tell you. And please try to keep an open mind about this. It may be hard to believe.”

Before she continued she looked back to Jasper who just nodded once. “Bella, before when you were trying to talk to me, I wasn’t really here, I was seeing a vision. I was seeing something that I needed help with. Which is why I had to call dad.”

“You had a vision,” I said. “Like a psychic?” I don’t think I understand this. How can Alice…?

“Yes. And I didn’t know how to tell you what was going on without my family here.”

“Okay. It’s a little odd. Okay a lot odd but that’s okay.” I had to laugh a bit at this. She is still Alice after all, right? “ I mean, there are others that have had visions or whatever. But what I don’t get is why you couldn’t just tell me? Did you think I would have kicked you out of my house or something?”

With a weak smile she said, “No, it wasn’t that. I knew that you wouldn’t have done anything like that. What made me call them was what the vision was about.”

Here she stopped. For once she truly looked worried. If she was worried, it must be serious. “What Alice? What did you see?”

Alice looked from Esme to Carlisle. “Go ahead and tell her Alice. We are here for her,” Carlisle said.

Alice walked over to the couch where I was still sitting with Esme. She crouched down, took my hands in her cold hands and said, “ Bella. Honey, what I saw was…”

At that moment the phone rang. I practically jumped off the couch. “God, that scared me,” I said.” I’ll get it.”

“Actually,” Edward said. “I think dad should get it.”

Carlisle went to the kitchen and answered the phone. Hello. Dr. Cullen here.” He listened. After a few minutes and a few low murmurs later he came back to the living room. He looked at everyone once quickly, then to me.

“Alice, I’ve got it. Bella, what Alice was going to tell you and what the phone call was about is the same thing.” What is he talking about? None of this was making any sense.

“What?” I asked.

“There’s been an accident. The call I just took was from the police.”

“I don’t understand,” I said. “What kind of accident?”

“Bella, your parents were involved in an accident. A logging truck lost control and hit them. I am so very sorry.”

“No. That’s not possible. Alice and I just said goodbye to them,” I said. No, this was not happening. “Where are they? Are they okay?”

Carlisle just shook his head, “No, they were hit head on. Bella, I am so sorry but there was nothing that anyone could have done for them.”


Everything went black.