Shadow and Crystal Club
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posted by crystalstream
I spent the rest of the afternoon in my room. I managed to talk myself out of bawling my eyes out over Shadow's reaction to me; it probably didn't mean much to him, after all. He probably wouldn't think anything of it afterwards. I counted my blessings; he didn't scoff at me and call me stupid or anything; he asked me a simple question, I answered it, and he gave his response, and that was it. So it could have been considered a legitimate conversation – he indeed did talk to me, so I could raise my existence to him a significant level. But despite the good feelings I gained, I refused to come out of my room. I felt like there was still something I should have been wary of; I needed recovery time before I saw Shadow again.

Every once in a while, I would remember Cookie and cringe as I thought about her waiting for me. I hoped that she wouldn't be angry with me for sleeping in and missing her departure, but then again, what could I do? It wasn't like she was leaving our house for good. She would come back that evening.

And after dinner, she did. I had stayed in my seat while everyone left strictly because I had not even finished my food yet. I couldn't bear to think of Cookie or Shadow now; both of them had me worried for so many reasons. It felt like I had eaten all my thoughts, leaving no room for food.

The front door creaked open and her small, petite footsteps made their way into the front hall. My ears perked; I heard her sweet voice calling out her arrival, and instantly guilt smacked me in my face. Several voices from upstairs greeted her back. I could hear my heart pounding in my ears. What was I to expect from her? Was she angry? Okay? Would she ignore me? It was my fault for making her leave alone. I was too stupid and caught up in my own romantic dreams than to remember my best friend's need for me. I felt like a greedy, selfish brat.

When Cookie walked into the kitchen, my face apparently showed my anxiety, because her cheerful disposition turned into concern when she looked at me. The air felt heavier, as did my heart and fork. My hands shook, and to hide it, I placed my fork down and folded my hands in my lap. Her bag was flopped onto the floor, but I didn't look up. Cookie pulled a chair out and sat down in front of me. Seconds ticked by before either of us said anything. I finally dropped my head and stared at my plate. I could barely look at her anymore because I couldn't understand why she was so quiet.

"Are you alright, Crystal? You're the last one here…" Cookie trailed off, examining the remains of my food on my plate. That was what she had said, putting sympathy and concern into every syllable, but her words were empty. Her mind was focused on something else. She was a good actress for her age.

"Cookie, I'm so sorry for this morning." I snapped my eyes shut. "Like, you have no idea how bad I feel right now."

Cookie stayed silent. I pictured her long ears drooping, her eyes turning sad with a frown upon her face. The thought made me want to cry. But suddenly, I heard her giggle.

"Crystal, is that what you're worried about?" she replied. I looked up at her. She was smiling, close to laughing. I was shocked. "It's okay you missed me. Mother thought it was silly. And besides, I'm getting older, Crystal; soon I won't need you to even bother saying goodbye to me before I leave!"

She had stable points, yes, but I still wasn't convinced. I looked to the side, still avoiding eye contact with the young rabbit. She sighed after giggling, finally seeing my gloominess. Cookie frowned at me, scanning me for hints as to what was bugging me still.

"Really, Crystal, it's alright…" Cookie continued in all seriousness. "I mean, people make mistakes. It wasn't like I was leaving forever and you didn't say goodbye."

I shifted my gaze at her. Her big purple eyes were filled to the brim with pity. "If you're sure…" I trailed off as the problem concerning her was replaced with the problem concerning Shadow.

"Absolutely. Don't worry too much over it."

Silence loomed over both of us after that. It made Cookie uncomfortable; she shifted in her seat several times. I felt awful for making her feel that way, but I felt like I couldn't do anything about it. I had too many things to think about. I began to question whether all of the effort and emotions involving love were worth my time; if it meant making the people around me worry about me, I wondered if love was even worth my time. But I really wanted Shadow by my side, too. I was completely confused.

"Crystal …? What's wrong, really?"

I brought my head up guiltily. She was on to me, too, but I couldn't bring myself to say anything. I felt like Shadow's silence was contagious. She leaned over the table. For a moment, I thought she was going to knock on my head to get me back to reality.

"Is it about Mr. Shadow?" Cookie asked quietly. I jumped at the name, my face erupting in red.

"W-what? N-no! It's not about him! Why would you think that?" I exclaimed, unaware as to how loud I was. Cookie smiled at me, fighting laughter; she and I both knew I was lying. I switched the subject to cover it up. "A-anyways, Cookie, what did you do at your mom's house today?"

"Crystal …" she sighed, ignoring my attempt at changing subjects. "It's okay if you're thinking about him. But what I want to know is why you're acting sad when you think about him; with Mr.Matthias, you at least looked happy when you thought about him. But now you're so sad all the time…"

Cookie was more than right. I did seem like I was sad whenever I thought about Shadow; in fact, that was probably the reason why he acted the way he did that morning. Perhaps when he saw me deep in thought, I looked depressed, and wondered what was wrong, and when I gave him the honest answer, he didn't know how to take it.

"You're right, Cookie. I'm sorry…" I trailed off. "I guess I don't know what to do."

"Maybe you should eat." She pointed to my plate. I smiled and took a bite of my food. "All of it, I mean. I don't want your health to suffer from this, too,Crystal; so if you eat, I'll help find a solution to your problem."

Being raised in a household where clearing your plate was of the utmost importance, Cookie was definitely one that knew how to bribe. I felt like a little kid when I agreed to the deal, but while I ate, she shot off suggestions for the reasoning behind my sadness when I thought of the black hedgehog. Though all of them weren't the kind of things I thought were logical in my situation, I appreciated her company and assistance. Some of the explanations were stress out of shortness of time, aftershocks of Matthias's rejection to me, and the fact that Shadow himself was a sad guy, and thus thinking about a sad guy made me sad. Together, they made sense, but it didn't satisfy me. But finally, as I drank the last few sips of my tea, she had an "eureka" moment.

"What if your heart and mind are conflicting, Crystal?" she asked. I set my glass down doubtfully. She continued, "I mean, what if your heart wants Mr. Shadow, but your mind is still confused as to who to chase? You've been after Matthias for years now, setting your head into auto-pilot and making yourself go after him, whether your heart wants to or not. And now that your heart wants Shadow, your head doesn't know what it should do."

It suddenly made sense. I thought it through, musing on every possibility, and nodded in response to her. She smiled. There was one little problem, though.

"How do I make my mind follow my heart?"

Judging by the stunned facial expression, Cookie had no idea what to say. Neither did I. The only things that came out of her mouth were stammers, and then she fell silent, bringing her hand up to her chin pensively. I swallowed as I watched her for a few seconds, then I forced laughter.

"Ha, ha, look at me, I'm so philosophical about this stuff, Cookie! I'm so crazy…" I trailed off, sighing. "Just forget about it. I'll think of –"

"Crystal, I got it!" Cookie snapped her fingers. She leaned over the table again. "All you have to do is spend more time with Shadow."

It was like the sun was thrown on top of me. I could feel my cheeks redden, and my heart nearly jumped out of my chest. The name was enough to launch me into a spiral of embarrassment, but the context of the sentence seemed to echo for an eternity before I could stutter anything out.

"W-W-WHAT?" I yelped. Cookie almost threw herself over the table when she clasped a hand over my mouth.

"Shh! Someone might hear!" Cookie whispered harshly. "But Crystal, think about it! If you force your mind into concentrating on the only thing next to you, Mr. Shadow, for example, then your mind will slowly realize what's going on. That way, your heart will enjoy itself with Mr. Shadow and your mind will be on the mend!"

My eyes spoke for my voice at her; wide and frightened. I couldn't possibly achieve the task of getting close to Shadow and not explode with excitement or make an embarrassment of myself at the same time. I could barely talk to him without sounding like an idiot. Having said that, doing such a task on a regular basis would be exceedingly impossible for someone like me. If I tried, it would only end in inevitable pain.

"I can't do it, Cookie! I can't!" I whispered after breaking free from her grasp. I was on the verge of tears. I was scared that Shadow wouldn't allow me around him so much, or if he would think that me being around him soften was creepy; there were so many risks in doing what she was telling me to do.

"Crystal, I know you can if you try hard enough…"

"But if he doesn't want me there…I'll have to deal with rejection again…and Matthias…he'll be just like Matthias…!" I was crying now, hot tears pouring from my eyes. I could only think of all those times Matthias had rejected me, rolled his eyes, or just ran away from me like it was some sort of game. I didn't want to see Shadow like that. I never wanted to see anyone be like that to me ever again.

Cookie reached out to me, offering her sympathy, but I simply stood up, refusing it abruptly. I turned and dashed out of the kitchen, heading for my room. My eyes were shut tightly behind my hands shielding them from any unwanted attention. I didn't care if anyone was watching me; I wanted to get away from the pain that I had inflicted on myself. It wasn't Cookie's fault that I was sad; it was my own. If I had never chased day after day, I would have never been sad like the way I was.

In an instant, I collided with something, nearly sending it crashing to the ground. Luckily, it was sturdy, but not only that, it grabbed my shoulders. I was startled and confused, my tears coming to an abrupt halt that caught me off guard; nothing except time could stop my crying when I was in a state like I was in. I brought my hands down and my eyes up to see a pair of crimson eyes staring down at me. It was Shadow.

I thought I would have started bawling my eyes out in front of him again, or at least felt like my heart was being torn out, but the way he looked at me gave me ease. Something about his posture, his face, and just he himself made me feel hopeful. It was as if he knew what I was worrying about and fought them off. Though I couldn't smile through my tears, I was filled to the brim with joy that he showed up. I wanted to hug him but my limbs were so heavy from embarrassment. I knew my face was red, too. I had to get away from him before I lost control of myself, but I couldn't motivate myself.

"Crystal, are you alright?" he asked in his normal monotone voice. To me, though, it sounded sweeter than normal; I had never heard him say such a thing to me. It warmed my heart and my face. My sadness vanished into thin air. I simply nodded, smiling slightly. "Good…um, pardon me…"

With that, he let me go, sliding by me and walking down the hallway towards the kitchen. I saw Cookie smile at him casually. I was stunned; my worries felt like they weighed a million tons but as soon as he came into contact with me, I felt weightless, like I had wings on my back. Cookie ran towards me, arms outstretched. She hugged me tightly, and for a moment or two, I thought she was crying, too.

"Crystal, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to make you cry! Forgive me!" Cookie apologized repeatedly. I said nothing, only making a sound of agreement. By the time she looked up at me, I had a smile imprinted on my face. My tears were dried up as I gazed after the black hedgehog. Perhaps, I thought, it wouldn't be so hard being around him.
posted by crystalstream
Shadow entered the Chao garden slightly warily. Ever since the…mating incident, he had been very cautious about returning to said place, from embarrassment and worry of bumping into Crystal, Crystal's Chao Luna, the Chao that looked like him, or any combination thereof. Seeing no-one around, save the flying-Hero Chao from before, he was quick to scale the rocky waterfall and hide away from the edge. As he sat down, he knew he wouldn't be seen immediately from the entrance which allowed him to relax. Closing his eyes he sighed moodily, setting his lunch beside him. The event had and continued...
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posted by crystalstream
We stayed out, staring at the sky and exchanging words until the tips of the sun's rays were visible on the horizon. In the end, I had lived up to my promise; I managed to tell him what had been going on since the aliens' attack on Earth, minus leaving Matthias behind. If I told him anything about moving on from Matthias, it might give him a hint that I had feelings for Shadow – something that I wasn't ready for quite yet. He shared what happened afterwards to him, going into further detail of the military's offering to him, which consisted of the commander's formal apology for everything...
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posted by crystalstream
Crystal quit the shopping center clasping some plastic bags in her hands. She was thinking about the way Matthias will react if he sees her new outfit. And then…
She noticed a black hedgehog with crimson stripes sitting on the ground near the wall. He noticed her as well. Shadow waved greeting the gray cat, stood up from the ground and approached her.

"Hello, Blue." he said smilelessly.

"Hello, Shadow" replied Crystal very chilly trying to hide her surprise.

"Haven't seen you for ages." noticed he.

"I guess." giggled the gray girl unsurely

"Mind if I accompany you?" asked Shadow.

"No" she said after...
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posted by crystalstream
Crystal the cat was relaxing in the Chao Garden, her eyes slightly drooped. She often came here with Cookie to look after the Chao but today she was by herself. It was kinda peaceful to just sit and watch the Chao enjoy themselves by listening to the radio or play with a ball. Crystal gave a slight yawn, looking around all the Chao. She didn't know to whom some of the Chao belonged – there was a young neutral gaurdian running Chao over by the water; very well-developed dark running Chao near some flowers; and a flying hero Chao fiddling with the radio. Her own Chao was wondering around aimlessly,...
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posted by crystalstream
Everyone was breathing quite hard, then eventually smiled. They'd had yet another victory. Everyone was in a good mood, that is, until a certain gray cat came running into the area with her Hammer out and ready.

"I'm here! Where's the trouble?" She asked, before realizing that she had missed yet another battle because of getting ready. Everyone let out a huge sigh, and Cliff plugged his ears.

"Crystal? Why weren't you here half an hour ago when we'd started? I'd contacted you on the communicator, and you're late again?" Screamed the furious white hedgehog.

"Sorry, Matthias. I-" She began, but...
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added by crystalstream
Source: Stickfreeks
posted by crystalstream
You can promise yourself everything you want, but you can't cut off your memory or hide from it behind a mental wall. It's always there whether you want it or not.

And all of a sudden he liked the feeling of being empty. No desires. No responsibility. No emotional bound. He experienced a moment of oblivion.
Although after some time the pain returned, but now he knew what he needed to do.
That's how women became a part of his life.
At first all of them were prostitutes, but after a while he tried it with ordinary women. He was handsome, polite, tempting and he had money. That was all what they needed....
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posted by crystalstream
Defenseless Barriers
He sat in the waiting room failing to do anything but wait. He was slightly rocking himself and squeezing is right arm until the blood flow stopped. The hedgehog had a feeling that he never felt before, and he didn't like it.

Shadow the Hedgehog was nervous. He had been involved once in a childbirth. Once upon A.R.K., his wife was about to give birth, she needed to be in a hospital. The only problem was if your 9 months pregnant, you're not allowed to be transported. So…the baby was delivered on A.R.K.

He stood up and paced around the room vigorously, trying to maintain...
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added by crystalstream
Source: google
added by crystalstream
added by crystalstream
added by crystalstream
Source: stickfreeks
posted by crystalstream
Mobians and people alike had gathered at a grave within a cemetery. There were a large amount of grievers, all different heights, colors, and species but the deceased's family stood out from the diverse crowd. Their red eyes and streaked fur was rare and most had common knowledge of who they were. A tall, red streaked, black hedgehog stood at the head of the burial site looking solemnly to the pearl white casket lying before him, covered in brilliant blue roses. As the crowd hushed he spoke with self control as though his words would be held in high regard.

"My mother was a beautiful woman....
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posted by crystalstream
A thousand years ago, the Ancient Walkers, while examining the night sky, found several prophecies that told of heroes rising up above all oppression and bringing it down with all force, after its tyranny made its rule upon Mobius. Before departing to proclaim these foretelling, the Ancient Walkers found at least, one more prophecy written in the stars above. The stars showed a reflective shade of bright crimson, and the tidings were not well. This prophecy foretold of the coming of the Black Arms and their leader, Black Doom. After they had made their mark and place in the universe, the Son...
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posted by crystalstream
As Death watched his love bury her muzzle into Shadow's chest fur, a tear slid down his face and he turned away. he just couldn't watch anymore. Why? He asked himself yet again. Why did he watch this? When it hurt him so much? There was never an answer to that question. He realized.

His heart twisted in his dark gray chest. He had never felt this feeling before. What was it? sadness? jealousy? Longing? That was it. Death wanted her, he wanted Crystal. He longed to press his fur along-side hers, to drown himself in the gaze of her blue eyes, to feel her kiss, signaling his never-ending love for...
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posted by crystalstream
It doesn't hurt me.

I watched from a distance. I could see the female fuchsia cat once again clinging onto the cerulean male hedgehog, and him trying to escape. Her attentions unwanted by the 'hero' who she so desperately craved.

You wanna feel how it feels?

She knew how it felt to have her feelings unreturned but she had no idea what it was like to watch her, day after day, going after that idiot of a hedgehog. Going after that fool.

I refuse to let it affect me. I am the ultimate life form. I have withstood mortal wounds and stood up still fighting with them. This wouldn't hurt me. I won't let...
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added by crystalstream
Source: Not mine :)
posted by crystalstream
On a warm spring night, the sky was clear and the stars were bright with hardly a cloud floating in the darkness. The sun had set over two hours earlier before my eyes, painting the sky different pinks and purples. The colors made me think of several different things as they swirled about in the sky, both sad and happy things, but it made me reflect on what happened to me in the past. It was amazing to watch night come into view and to think how much time had passed by just by sitting and waiting, something I thought I would have never thought I would have the patience to do.

For me, patience...
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posted by crystalstream
Shadow: Thanks......
Shadow: Thanks......
Tears streamed down my face. Not even the brightest of stars could have cheered me up; I missed Shadow beyond anyone's recognizing. Even with all the colors swirling about in the sky when the sun sat, I never smiled like I used to. I thought I would have never smiled again; after all those years of fake happiness I felt, the only true feelings of joy I felt were associated with Shadow being with me. He talked to me, comforted me, and offered me advice, just as Cookie had, but somehow the words he spoke to me were so much better. I had never seen him so friendly around anyone before; and he...
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posted by crystalstream
The house was heavy that day, weighed down by both the rain and feelings of sorrow for Shadow's incoming departure. Mystery wasn't up to anything that entire day, which left Matthias, J’trall, and Cliff inside with hardly anything to do. Cookie and I shared the same depressed feeling throughout the entire day. We spent most of our time drinking tea and trying to relax, but it was no use. Everyone knew he was leaving. Whatever we did to make him leave was by accident and beyond our understanding, but it was completely apparent that he didn't want to stay.

I never saw Shadow that day, either....
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