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posted by SheWolf11
Yes....I freaking love Kid Icarus Uprising so much that I'm writing a fan fiction XD It's been a while since I made any fan fiction so I'm a bit rusty lol I of course plan to add some humour after the serious parts are over of course!

P.S. Sorry for the unprofessional pictures XD they look so outta place but, I gotta show you how these people look! Sorry but, I don't have a pic of Phosphora or Hades >.<'

It was exactly 4 years since the defeat of Hades, Lord of The UnderWorld and our heroes were having a little get-together up in Sky Land. "Can we please have some pizza?!" Pit grumbled as he looked down to his plate of carrots and peas.
The place the get-together took place was in Goddess Palutena's (The Goddess of Light) dinning room. The walls were of beautiful white stone and tall columns. It was a sturdy yet luxurious place for Sky Land's queen.
"Grrrr! You have alotta nerve!" Yelled Viridi, Goddess of Nature. "Those vegetables were grown by me in the most furtile soil and watered with none other than Fiji Water! And also with the help of my minions! (The Forces of Nature) "Your so childish sometimes, Pit!" Smiled Palutena. "I'm not childish....." mumbled Pit, looking away from Palutena's enchanting eyes and alluring smile, blushing slightly.

Pit is the strongest member of The God's army. You can't really count on those flimsy Centurions to get the job done. He is the only angel that cannot fly on his own. However, with the help of Palutena's magic he can fly for 5 minutes at a time or his wings will burn up.

"Hey Arm Pit! Are you ignoring me?!" Roared Viridi. At this she threw a baked potato at Pit's head. "Owww! That's still hot!" Whimpered Pit, rubbing his head where the potato "attacked" him. "Hey! What did you guys make to feed yours truly?!" Said a deep voice from the distance. It was Dark Pit (Which Pit and Palutena call "Pitoo") During the battle of Pit and Pandora the Goddes of Calamity, Pit destroyed her copying mirror but, made a copy of himself while doing this! Dark Pit, however can fly on his own and has a bad (ass) attitude. "Vegetables...." Groaned Pit, still looking at his plate like a sad puppy. "Eww..that sucks ass, about you and me go out and grab some real food to eat? It'll beat anything SHE makes!" He retorted in a cheeky way, giving Viridi a little smirk. "SHUT UP! Forces Of Nature! Attack!" Viridi had quite a temper and these two set it off.
"Can't we just have a normal dinner?" Sighed Palutena with a face palm. Suddenly dozens of Viridi's minions stormed in the room. A tree minion wrapping Pit in vines and Phosphora, a lightning based warrior came in circling Dark Pit. "Ooooh your quite cute!" She said with her finger on his chin. "Cute? I don't think that word is for me..." Grunted Dark Pit. "Phosphora! I called you here to zap some sense into him not flirt!" Yelled Viridi, crossing her arms and looking quite P.O.'d by now. "I just wanna have a little fun...." Phosphora replied while tugging Dark Pit's tunic.
"Your making me uncomfortable, lady!" At this Dark Pit pushed Phosphora away from him and pulled out his arrow.

"Alittle help here?" Chuckled Pit, still entangled in vines. "JUST STOP!" Yelled Palutena. "EAT YOUR FOOD AND CALL BACK YOUR FORCES! And you!" She turned to Phosphora. "Keep it PG here! Viridi's forces escaped and everyone gave a shocked look at Palutena. She sighed and sat down again. "You need your strength!" She smiled and brought a spoonful of peas and fed it to Pit. "Thanks Palutena...." He said in a whimper. Can I have more?" "YOU JUST SAID YOU HATED IT! Cried Dark Pit, Phosphora, and Viridi in unison.
"Well if it makes you strong I gotta eat them!"

The sky suddenly grew dark and the sound of flapping wings and footsteps consumed the room. "An eclipse?" Pit asked with vegetables in his mouth. "We can't have eclipses in Sky Land Pit.......something is wrong here..." Princess Palutena said looking up. "Damn it!" Dark Pit fell to the ground. Something struck me! Tch! It's an ambush! Do you guys not sense it?!" "He's right...I feel a weird aura now..." "Wellllll hellllo there Pitty Pit and Pitty thought you've gotten rid of me, have you? Well guess again! Muahahahahaha!" It was none other than Hades himself!
"And I finally have just what I need to defeat you!" He zapped Pit and everything seemed to have ended....

"Uhn.....Where am I?" Pit looked up and saw a little human family looking down at him. "Oh! I'm so glad your safe! We found you in a crater! You fell straight from the sky at great speeds! It's a miracle your alive!" A woman said crying. She was accompanied by a sheep dog, a little girl, and a man. Pit leaned up to check his surroundings. "Viridi! Pitoo! Palutena! Phosphora! Are you guys alright?!" "You seemed to of had a dream young lad." Said the man in a concerned voice. "Are they your friends?" Asked the little girl, hugging her dog.
It was at that moment Pit realized.......his wings were gone!

So I will now wreck the mood I caused and ask did you like it? Are you waiting for more? Leave a comment bellow and be a fan if you like! (Feels like I'm talking at the end of a YouTube vid.....)
Palutena Goddess of Light
Palutena Goddess of Light
Dark Pit
Dark Pit
Viridi Goddess of Nature
Viridi Goddess of Nature