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Which Six Feet Under Character Are You?



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Vixie79 said:
You're Keith Charles, the ex-cop with a temper. But you definitley have a soft side and are always there for others to lean on. Remember, though, it's okay to admit you need someone to lean on sometimes too.

This is so me.
posted over a year ago.
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Lindy52 said:
You're funky Claire, the baby of the Fisher family. Creativity flows through you, but you may not realize your full potential just yet. You are your biggest obstacle and your worst critic.

posted over a year ago.
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You're Brenda Chenowith, the brilliant sex addict. You're witty, sarcastic, blunt, and you play by your own rules. But you are terrified of intimacy and can go to great lengths to sabotage yourself in love and relationships.
posted over a year ago.