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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
It's Complicated Chapter Thirty Seven
Jasper and everyone just sat in my room as we waited for my all my test to come back. Jasper had  brought my homework but I did not really feel like doing it. I was completely bored just sitting here. But they changed when Billy came into the room at the same time as Carlisle.
"What is he doing here," I asked signing.
"I don't know," Jasper signed back.
"Hi Billy," I said, "what do you want?"
I did not like talking right now. All my words felt and sounded so funny.
"I, how, you," Billy said.
"Can someone translate for me," I asked kind of furious.
"Translate," Billy asked, "you are not deaf!"
"I am now, thanks to your son," I signed.
I noticed no one had told him what I had said.
"I am now, thanks to your son," I said the best I could.
"Carlisle, that cannot happen can it," Esme said as she signed for Billy.
"I am afraid so," Carlisle spoke as he signed, "and I am sad to deliver this news. But you are partially deaf."
I sat there kind of knowing that I would be. I mean hello, I cannot hear after what Jacob and Sam did to me.
"I am so sorry, Lila," Esme signed as Billy spoke.
I rolled my eyes at him. Sure he was, just like every other time Jacob had hurt me.
"Lila, are you okay," Jasper signed after tapping me on the shoulder.
"Yeah, I knew it was coming," I signed, "I am just mad at Billy. He has apologized every time Jake has done something wrong but has done nothing about it!"
"Jake cannot do anything else to you," Carlisle signed, "Sam and him are in jail right now."
"What; are you kidding," I signed in disbelief.
"Dad is serious," Jasper signed.
"Wow, never thought that would happen," I signed, "I feel kind of bad for them."
"Don't, Lila, look at what they have all done to you," Jasper said.
"Okay," I sign, "when can we go back home, or at least to your house?"
"It will be soon," Carlisle signed, "but I would like to keep you over night and make sure everything with you is okay. Tomorrow I will get a hearing aide doctor in here and we will fit you with some."
"Okay, cool," I said.
"Okay everyone needs to go so Lila can get her rest," Carlisle signed as he spoke.
"No, I have school to do," I signed, "it is okay."
"Okay, well get some rest too," Carlisle signed.
"Okay," I signed.
"Which subject first," Jasper asked.
"None," I signed, "I don't wanna do any of it."
"You are going to have to do it sometime or another."
"I pick another time," I signed smiling.
"Jasper, are you going to stay here," Esme asked him signing.
"Yeah, why," he signed confused.
"Because your siblings and I are going home for a little while," she signed.
"Oh okay," he said, "I am going to stay!"
"I just now noticed that Billy left," I signed, "he is so weird. I just do not understand."
"Billy said bye," Jasper signed, "I read his lips."
"Oh, he knows I cannot hear," I signed, "he could have waved or something!"
"He does not know sign language or how to communicate with deaf people," Jasper signed, "this is something new for him!"
"Once upon a time it was all new to me too," I signed full of anger, "but he should want to learn so he can communicate with step-daughter!"
"He might come around," Jasper signed, "have some hope!"
"No promises," I signed.
This was making me depressed. I had so many feelings that I could not even form words to describe it. I just felt awful!
Not Your Typical Country Girl Chapter Forty One
Clay's POV
Harmony had to know. She heard the gunfire. We had to put him down. He was horrible when we got to him. It was a big pack of coyotes.
How were we going to tell her? She's going to be devastated.
"This is what she gets for leaving a horse out," Lance grumbled, "now we have to deal with him!"
"Look she didn't know any better. We have to look at this like its her first time at everything around here," Dad said, "now go get a tarp and cover the horse up. I'll call someone about him. Then go change, so you can start working."
Dad was right. We...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Tex's POV
I was excited to go horseback riding with Talli for her first time. Although, she seemed scared of my horse, Lightening Bolt, for some reason. She never told me why.
Once I was in the saddle, I pulled Talli up, and she sat behind me.
"Hold on," I said.
"What do I hold onto," she asked kind of loud in my ear.
I could not help but chuckle a little bit. I was going to have to get use to having a friend that is Hard of Hearing. I did not mind talking louder but I am definitely not use to it.
I looked over my shoulder, grabbed each her wrist with my hands, and wrapped them around my waist.
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Hometown Chapter Seven
Last night's dinner with the grandparents ended roughly. Dad did not say a word to them for the rest of the night. I was kind of sad to see them go. It was nice talking them and getting know them again. But dad will eventually come around to them again or at least I hoped he would. Maybe, just maybe if I told him that I had gotten hearing aides again he would see that I really needed them. I did go out of my way to lie and skip school to get them.
The day seemed to drag on. School was alright. Tex didn't really talk to me today. Maybe he was nervous about the game tonight....
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Hometown Chapter Sixtypublished
Tex and I left for school. I could hear everything so clear. It was unreal. Tex's diesel truck was load; it scared me when he cranked it up. I was not expecting it to be so loud.
"It's so loud," I stated as he drove off.
"It's louder than a normal truck. I put an exhaust system on it," he said prideful.
"Oh okay," I said.
I sounded weird to myself. I guess I was really hearing myself for the first time in a long time.
"What is it like," he asked suddenly.
"Honestly, it' scary. Everything I hear is kind of loud. But then again, it is amazing. Everything sounds so clear,"...
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Not Your Typical Country Girl Chapter Twenty Seven
Tucker's POV
I could not believe what I was seeing. Harmony was actually talking to people. Well they were all guys. She just sat there on a tailgate with three or four guys around her. Oh well.
"Clay you are doing a bad job of keeping guys off your sister," Isaiah said.
"She can have some fun," Clay said.
"Fun as in drinking beer," I asked.
"Crap, I thought that was a different can," Clay said, "I thought she wouldn't touch it."
"Why would you think that," Isaiah asked.
"She has never been around this many guys and beer," I added.
Isaiah and I watched...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
It's Complicated Chapter Fifty Six
Jasper's POV
We arrived at home. It was a long drive. Lila and I both stretched as we got off the bike. We rushed inside to see the family who was waiting in the living room.
We said hello to everyone and hugged each of them.
"School is awesome," I said as I signed.
"Amazing," Lila signed sarcastically.
"It cannot be that bad," Edward signed to Lila.
"No one likes me," Lila signed.
"With time it will get better," mom signed and hugged her.
Lila hugged mom back but did not seem to believe her.
"So I thought we could go to the diner and get dinner," mom signed, "I did...
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A Strange Way to Fall in Love Chapter Thirty
Kyle's POV
I had been here for months. When I mean months, I really mean I stopped counting after four months. I had probably made Lola so mad for not writing. I really missed seeing her letters. I was not allowed to do anything. I could not get out of here. Trust me, I have tried a few times and it did not end well. I had been captured by the enemy and stuck in some kind of cell. I had saved my team and that was all that mattered. None of us would be here today if I had not done what I did.
It was time for my daily workout. I kept up with working out...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
It's Complicated Chapter Fifty Five
Lila's POV
I had to admit I was scared to death. I had never been outside of Forks or La Push. Now, I was going to a Deaf boarding school. This was all to weird for me. How was I going to communicate with people (if I wanted to). I really do not know enough sign language to sit through a whole entire class.
"Ready," Jasper asked signing.
I shrugged my I shoulders. I knew the sign he used but I was not ready to go. Jasper had sat down with me and we talked through pen and paper. He answered all my question. I could tell he was very excited about this; also, he...
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I had enough of sitting around the day before. Although, I did get out of going to church last night. So, I got up the next morning and helped Abigail with breakfast. I quickly ditched the crutches to the lack of mobility. It was hard getting around the kitchen and the table but I managed.
"I see you are feeling better than yesterday," Abigail said to make some kind of conversation.
"I was tired of lying around," I stated as I sat the table.
After that it was silent till we are sat down for breakfast.
The boys were still talking about the party and how much fun it was.
"Mom, Sam is going to enter...
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To: the best twin sister ever
Tucker's POV
I didn't get my work done as soon as I hoping today. I really wanted to go to the party tonight but I still wasn't done with workin'.
Harmony came ridin' up on Midnight Moon; he must have takin' her for a fast pace ride. She looked as if she was hangin' on for dear life. Midnight Moon started slowin' down as he made his towards the barn.
"Hangin' on to dear life, ain't ya," I laughed.
"You have no idea. Never would have guessed where Midnight Moon took me this time around," she said smiling.
"Where would that have been," I asked curiosuly.
"Back to the Indian...
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Within minutes of watching the movie, Lila fell asleep. I was slouching with my feet sitting on the coffee table. Lila had her head reasting right below my shoulder. I was so content and happy. Lila just completed my life. I was so happy to be with her.
I woke up to a something flashing in my eyes. I shifted my body, trying to get comfortable. I was stiff from being in the same spot for a long time.
When I finally realized I could not go back asleep, I noticed Lola had her head in my lap. She looked gorgeous all the time, even while she was sleeping.
"Lila wake up," I said, "you're not going to...
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Not Your Typical Country Girl Chapter Twenty Clay's POV
I could not believe that Harmony got back onto the same bull that had scrubbed her into the ground. She has courage; I mean some boys would not get back on right after they got bucked off. I had a feeling she was born for this life. Harmony was great at everything she did here; she even did her chores good for someone who has never done anything like this before.

The boys and I sat at the table as Harmony and mom put breakfast on the table. I was starving and it smelt so good.
"Here Clay, y'all can start pouring your drinks," Harmony said....
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I sat there on a small bull; bracing myself for what was fixing to happen. I pushed my hat down on my head, so it would stay on.
I thought through every little detail I saw on tv. How his legs were positioned, were his arms and legs were at when the bull jumped, or twirled around.
"Just hang on," Bryce's friend, Timothy said.
I looked over at Abigail and the boys standing by the edge of the fence. They all had out there phones; I guess they were taking pictures or videoing what would happen.
"I'm ready," I said as I took a deep breath.
I was not scared at all, I was just preparing myself in case...
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A Strange Way to Fall in Love Chapter Twenty FourN2P
Lola's POV
We only had a few days warning that Kyle and Mark would be coming home. I tried my best to to change my schedule to fit around Kyle and Mark's homecoming. But it did not work out too well.
I got up early the next morning and starting getting ready for work. Kyle was staying with Horatio and I for the week. Last night we had stayed up talking for most of the night so I was really exhausted.
I had not even left the house yet and I was already wanting my shift to be over. These next six hours were going to be the longest six hours of...
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A Strange Way to Fall in Love Chapter Twenty Three 
Six Months Later
It was finally here. I was getting ready to head back to Miami for one week. I had already been to my debriefing. I was ready to see Lola, Melody, and Mark's family. Especially Lola. I have gotten to know her so well through these letters but, I really want to see her and hear her in person. Not that I doubt what she writes; I just really want to hear her voice. It sounded different on the phone. Not like I remember it to sound. We did not really get to talk on the phone much and Lola and I never got to video chat with each...
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Not Your Typical Country Girl Chapter Sixteen
"Harmony, it's time to get ready for church," Abigail said sweetly.
"I'm too tired and sore to move," I groaned.
"Harmony, you have to go to church," she said, "now get up! Breakfast will be done when you get out of the shower!"
I swung my legs over to the side of the bed and sat up.
"Oh my word; what did you do to your leg," she asked worried.
"Baseball," I said half awake.
"Oh okay. There is some medicine in the cabinet in your bathroom," she said.
"Okay," I mumbled.
I got in the shower and my leg was starting to sting really bad. It was a rude awakening....
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A Strange Way to Fall in Love Chapter Twenty One
Kyle's POV
"Kyle, you got mail," Mark said in disbelief, "and it smells like a hospital!"
"Dude, I don't believe you! Stop kidding me," I said annoyed.
Mark did this to me everyday when we had mail delivered.
"I'm not joking. It was inside my envelope," Mark stated as he handed it to me.
I ripped opened the letter and it was Lola!
"It's from Lola," I shouted, "she is okay!"
"That's great," he said.
I sat down on my bed and started crying. There was so many times were I thought she was never write me back. Or Horatio would never tell me if something happened...
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A Strange Way to Fall in Love Chapter Twenty
Lola's POV
I woke up confused and scared. All I could remember was looking at Kyle with blood all over him. Since there was blood on him, did that mean he was hurt?! I sure hoped not!
I looked around the room and I could see someone sitting by bed! I could not really turn my head all the way to see who it was.
"Kyle," I asked hopeful.
"Hey Lola," Horatio's voice came from beside me, "let me go get a doctor!"
"Where is Kyle," I asked.
"I will be right back," he said as he slipped out the door.
Why would he not answer my question about Kyle? Is Kyle okay?...
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A Strange Way to Fall in Love Chapter Nineteen
I had been at the hospital for a while now. I had sent Mark and Melody home a long time ago. I sat alone in an empty waiting room till late morning. Then Horatio came and sat with me.
"Have you heard any news," I asked as he say back down.
"They have removed the bullet from Lola's shoulder. They have sent the bullet to the lab so, they can identify the gun it came from," Horatio said.
"Is she okay," I asked.
"They have put her in a medical induced coma," he stated as he stared at the floor, "when she fell to the ground, she hit her head a certain way...
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Not Your Typical Country Girl Chapter Thirteen
It was Saturday night and there was another bonfire. Abigail told me to go. I really did not want to; I mean after everything those girls said last night. I never told Abigail what happened so, I guess that meant I really had to go.
"Hey Harmony, are you going to the bonfire tonight," Tucker asked as I did some last minute chores.
I looked around before answering him. "I am only going because Abigail is wanting me to go," I stated.
"Oh right, those girls," he mumbled, "what are you going to do when you get there? You are not going to have any fun when...
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