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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
It's Complicated Chapter Sixty Four
Jasper and I left for school a day early. I wasn't allowed to skip anymore days. They said I had skipped to much. I agreed with them; I had skipped a lot of school during this past year.
I was nervous about going back to school. I knew they would stare and talk about me. I would be the center of attention. There would probably be a load of gossip going around the school which didn't matter to me. Let then think what they wanted. I just hope people will leave me alone and let me be. Hopefully, no one will pry but I have a feeling Scotty will be the exception to that. The worst thing I could think about happening, was that I would be made fun of or getting bullied for how I look. I could easily tune everything out. I could close my eyes or not read their signs.
We got to school. I was lucky that my leathers covered up all my bruising. I didn't have to take them off until I got to my room.
"Just breathe," Jasper signed as we got off our bikes.
I took off my helmet while Jasper and I walked towards the school dorms.
"What do you want to do," I asked signing.
"First, I'm going to go out my leathers in my room and then find the guys," he signed.
"Okay, can I put my leathers in your room so I don't have to walk all the way to my room," I sighed.
"Sure," he shrugged, "are you going to be okay?"
"I guess so. I just don't want to leave your side," I signed trying to not look at him.
"Are you scared is that why you don't want to leave my side," Jasper asked.
"No; Jacob is gone. I can't be afraid anymore. Jasper, you are my best friend. I just want to spend every minute I can with you," I signed as he cut me off.
"Hey! You two are back," Scotty signed.
"Hey man," Jasper signed.
"Ready for some basketball," Scotty signed.
"Yeah, let's go," Jasper signed.
It seemed as if I was a fly on the wall. They both completely ignored me. I didn't even get to finish what I wanted to say. Maybe I'll have another chance.
I did what I did best. I kept quite and followed them.
We ended up in the gym with some other people. There was a lot more people here than what I was expecting.
I laid my helmet down on the bleachers and unzipped my jacket. It was hot in here and I would only get hotter if I kept my leathers on. Some of the guys had already noticed my black eye. Their stares continued as I took my leathers off. I could have swore their eyes were getting bigger when they saw the hand print bruises on my neck.
"What happened to her," one guy signed.
I stopped paying attention and sat down. I pulled my phone out to see I had some messages from Esme.
[b][i]Good news! They called about your hearing aides and they are ready for pick up. I will go get them tomorrow and bring them to you! See you tomorrow :)[b/][i/]
"Jasper! Esme is bringing me my hearing aides tomorrow," I signed happily.
Jasper didn't even notice I had been signing to him. Oh well, he was busy with his friends. But I was excited! I couldn't believe they had come in so fast.
Thankfully, Jasper was taking a break from basketball and came to sit down.
"Having fun," I asked.
"Yeah," he signed.
"Esme said that she is picking up my hearing aides tomorrow and would bring them to me," I signed.
"That's good news," he signed.
"Are you having fun just sitting here," Scotty asked.
"Yeah, I guess so," I said.
"Why don't you change and okay with us," Jasper suggested.
"Okay, I guess I can," I signed.
I got up and grabbed my helmet and jacket. I made my way to my room and Jasper started followed me.
"Don't you wanna play while you wait on me," I asked.
"Nah, I need a break," he singed.
"Okay," I signed.
"I figured we could finish our conversation from earlier," he signed.
"Oh okay," I signed and then unlocked my bedroom door.
"So, what were you saying," Jasper asked.
"You're my best friend and I just want to spend every minute I can with you," I signed.
"You're my best friend too," he signed.
I sat down on my bed and looked at him.
"What's wrong," he asked as he sat down beside me.
"Nothing," I signed.
"Are you sure you're not scared," he signed concerned.
"I'm sure," I signed, "Jasper, ever since I went Deaf my feeling a for you have changed."
"Are you saying what I think you are," he asked.
"I guess so," I signed laughing, "I really like you. You have always been there for me through everything that has happened in the past year!"
Jasper just looked at me and smiled.
I guess with Jasper smiling that is a good thing. All the sudden he pulls me close and kisses me. I couldn't help but melt into his arms. It was perfect.
"I hope you meant that kind of change," Jasper signed when he pulled away.
"I did," I signed blushing.
"Good," he sighed.
He leaned in and kissed me again.
Everything felt different all the sudden. It was like the world had been lifted off my shoulders. I didn't have to live in fear or be scared to be happy. I could finally live without having to worry if Jake was behind me, waiting to catch me off guard. But there was nothing to worry about any more!
"Are you okay," Jasper signed.
"I couldn't be happier," I sighed smiling.
I did something I never thought I would. I pulled Jasper close and have him a kiss.
Everything felt right. It was one of the best feelings ever!
But now my life isn't complicated anymore. I could finally live without fear. I could live like I use to, before I was 16. I closed that door in my life and I didn't plan on returning to it ever again.
posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
A Girl Named Lacey Chapter Eleven
Lacey was asleep when we arrived in Scottville. I left her in the car to sleep while we loaded up the rest of the stuff in the other cars. It didn't take long to do that because we used our vampire speed. 
Lacey woke up when we were half way back to Forks.
Where are we? She asked as she tried to get comfy in the seat.
On our way back to Forks. It's midnight, you should go backto sleep.
I thought we were going to Scottville. She said.
We did, you were asleep and you should still be alseep. I said nicely.
Right, okay, goodnight. She mumbled.
She must have been half...
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There is only so much I can take. The people that call me a liar are the liars. I am sick of this stuff. I wish they would stop or either just talk behind my back. I would rather that happen than everyone telling this stuff to my face.
I ditched my second class of the day and mountain board park. I just needed to get away from all of this. I needed time to just think without peole interupting me to tell me that I'm a liar. Sure I lie about some stuff but I had to. For Christopher, everything is for Christopher, nothing for me. I just wish that my birthday would be better. No one calling me a...
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Carter, Peter Pan, and The Lost Boys Chapter Four
What do you want? I asked.
I want you and Peter to be dead. Hook said.
Keep dreaming. I said.
I took off running, not even chancing to look back. I went back to the Indian Cave so if Hook did come, I would have some help fighting him.
Everyone was dancing by fire and singing something that I didn't know which was typical.
Hey Carter. Nadan said.
I jumped a little bit when he came up behind me.
Hey Nadan. I sighed.
Nadan was my idian friend. His name means friend , king, son, and one who brings happiness.
I didn't mean to scare you. Is something wrong?...
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In The End It Should Be Okay Chapter 25
Y'all, if you read this story or any of my other ones, please PLEASE rate and please comment! Your comments are what keep me writing!!! So please let me know you are reading! Thanks

Lilly's POV
We arrived back at the home and there was a ton of papparazi in our front lawn. Thier flashes went off and they blinded me as I was trying to get through the front door.
I don't understand how they even knew that I had been hanging out with Christopher. The guy that broke my heart into a tiny thousand pieces! Why did he have to dump me? It's just not fair.
Alex wrapped...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
New Beginning Chapter 98
I got home and Edward was waiting for me. He was dressed handsome. He was hot!
Edward, you are so incredible handsome! I said breathless.
We are going on a date! Go get ready, I have to go home for a while but I'll be back to pick you up. He said.
"Okay," I squealed.
I kissed him passionately. That was the first time in a couple of days I had even kissed him. It made my head swim.
"Forget the date! Just stay here," I said as Edward kissed my neck.
I can't, but maybe for a few minutes longers. He said.
His lips found my again an I wrapped my fingers through his hair.
We have...
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In The End It Should Be Okay Chapter 24
We spent yesterday together shopping than Mom decided we should do more family bonding. So we went to a bunch of museums that day. Than the next day she deicided for us to load up on a bus and take a tour of the city. And today Mom wanted more family fun so we went to the beach. Do you know how much attion you get from guys when your mother is telling you that you need more sun screen? None whatsoever! It was horrible, some people were even laughing! You don't come to one of the most popular beaches with your mother, it was so embarrassing.
  I went back...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
New Beginning Chapter 97
I don't know? I said.
We could always get rid of him! Paul said as he high fives Jared.
No we can't kill him. The pack as already split up. Sam said.
"Split up?"
The day that I told you that I killed your father, Jake has taken some of the pack and made his own pack. Sam said.
That loser! Who has joined him? I asked.
Leah, Seth, Quil, and Embry. Jared said.
Two boys walked through the door carrying bags of groceries and Emily followed them.
Did I miss something? I asked.
What are you talking about? Sam asked.
So when you have the wolf gene in you, you grow fast. When did you and...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
God's Bridge To Enternal Life...

(1) God's purpose: Honor and Serve Him

"Thou are worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power for Thou hast created all thinks, and for Thy pleasure they are and were created." Revelation 4:11

"Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God."
1 Corinthians 10:31

"Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in Thy presence is fulness of joy; at Thy hand there are pleasures for evermore."
Psalm 16:11

(2) Mankind's Problem: Sin
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
A Girl Named Lacey Chapter Five
We got to the new house and unloaded everything. It didn't take long to unpack but Lacey was on the verge of falling asleep. I watched her as she took a box up to her new room. She went to the bed and laid down.
Lacey was a kind,(when she wasn't mad) gentle, and caring person. Her blue eye sparkled when she got excited and would darken when she was mad. Her hair was blonde. It was so pretty. I hated to see what high school brought. She would probably be asked out and would hopefully say "no". Everyone left and I was to stay here and watch after Lacey. It wouldn't...
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In The End It Should Be Okay Chapter 22
Where have you be- wait never mind I don't want to know. Kyle said.
Good because I wouldn't have told you. I said.
I went to my room and went to the veranda. All the sudden I see Christopher coming out ofthe bushes.
What are you doing here? I whispered.
Well there are people with cameras outside this hotel. He said.
Okay? What do you want me to do about it? I asked.
Can I hide out here till morning and than leave? He asked nicely.
Uh, you wil be gone before Kyle, James, or Mom are here, right? I asked.
No I was going to stay and introduce myself to them. He said...
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In The End It Should Be Okay Chapter 17
I had packed everything up, so did Alex. He was taking most of his stuff to Damon's house. They were kind enough to take him in, I don't know why any one would every do that. Just kidding! I moved everything into my new room. It was odd sleeping in there, it didn't feel right. Mom and James would be getting married tomorrow. I was having to pack, we were going to Holly Wood. It was going to be so boring. Doing nothing but family stuff. Hopefully I could go out on my own without Kyle around. Alex wanted to stay home because he had a something that was "important"...
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In The End It Should Be Okay Chapter 16
I got in line for lunch. Damon came up and hugged me from behind.
Hey Lilly. He said.
Hey Damon. I said.
I leaned against him and looked up. I smiled.
So how was house hunting? He asked.
"It wasn't that bad. I found a house I like but it's out in the woods and it's a little too modern for me"
In the woods? He asked.
Yep but I get my own balcony, if we get the house. I said.
We sat down with the rest of crew.
Hey Lilly. What's up? Tom asked.
Nothing, being forced to come to school when I have skipped half a day. I said.
That's so stupid. Jake said.
"I know"
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I really liked this house already. There would be tons of room to moutain board! We got inside and this place was bautiful. I had never seen a house like this. Of course I never really seen any house outside of the neighbor hood back home. The living room was nice and big. The kitchen was gorgeous.
Where is my bed room? I asked.
It's up stairs, last bedroom on the left. James said.
Cool, thanks. I said.
I headed for the stais and we to the end of hall, to the last bedroom on the left.
It was huge! It was very modern, I didn't like it at all, it was orange so it made up by that. After the big built...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Begining Chapter 88
We have to go! I said.
I started pulling Edward with me.
How are we going to get there, I don't have a car? I asked.
Scarlet calm down, I have a car. Edward said.
I ran to his car and got in. He was sitting right beside me. It scared me a little bit because when I looked back last he was a couple of paces behind me.
It will be okay. Carisle will do everything to save him. Edward said.
What happen to him? I asked.
He was on his way to the hospital when something or someone stepped in front of him. He said.
A vampire? I asked.
Either that or a werewolf. Edward...
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I would love to but I don't know if I can. I said.
Oh. Is all Damon said.
I will go ask my Mom. I said.
I went down stairs and James was down there.
Hey James. Mom can I go out with Damon? I asked.
When? Where? Mom asked.
Tonight and I don't know. I said.
Sure, I just don't want you too becoming a thing because we will be moving soon. Mom said.
Okay. I shrugged.
I went up stairs and told Damon yes. He said that he would leave and be back later to pick me up.
I did my hair and make up. I wore a short dress, well it wasn't as short as some other dress. It was knee length. It was orange and I wore some...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
OKay so this is the thirs chapter withing 2 or 3 days. I am stuckish on my other chapters and this one is going really good right now. lol Hope yall enjoy! :D
P.S This chater was so much FUN to write!!! Thanks yall!

I was starting to feel where I was at. I could feel my hands, they were still tied. I was laying on something cold. My vision was blurry, I blinked a couple of times and it got clear.
Cassidy, are you okay? Jackson asked.
Yeah I think so. I said.
I felt Jackson's hand brush over my skin. He was trying to loosen the knots.
I can't get them undone. Jackson said.
Do you have a knife? I asked....
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Flight 29 Down Chapter 34
We made our way through the forest. Stepping over dead branches and thown bushes. My feet were killing me from my shoes. I never really worn them unless, I was going into forest to pick fruit. We had been walking for hours, we barley talked to each other. I was walking behind the Abby, Jackson, and Eric. I was walking slowly, just looking around as I walked, this place was looking sort of spooky. We were deep into the forest and the sun was coming through the trees but it still look scary.
Cass come on, stop walking so slow. Abby said.
Ugh I let Dailey to get stuck with...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
In The End It Should Be Okay Chapter 8?
Does anyone have a better title or do yall like this on? It's a little long!

I blocked every kick that Alex made.
I can't believe you didn't try out! You are an awesome goal keeper. Alex said.
Thank you. I wish I had than maybe I could have stayed here. I said.
Damon and the rest of the team showed up.
Alex have you seen Jake and Tom? Coach asked.
No, I heard that Jake was sick. Alex said.
Does anyone know about Tom? Coach asked.
I think he sprained his ankle. A guy said.
Great who can be our gaol keeper now? Who is the third best goal keeper? Coach asked.
No one...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
If the foorball terms are wrong, I am sorry! I stink at football!

We had the ball first. damon was the quarter back and I was the receiver.
Hut hut hike. Damon yelled.
I took off running as far as I thought he could throw. He threw the and I caught it.
Uh where's the touch done zone? I asked.
You're standing on it. Jake laughed.
oh, that was too easy. I smiled.
I marked an "x" in the sand so I wouldn't forget.
Damon was blocking Jeremy, Alex had Jake, and I had Tom. This wasn't a fair game. I was the smallest and was getting the third biggest person.

We got done playing and my team had won. I told Jeremy...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
In The End It Should Be Okay Chapter 4
Silly Lilly. Someone called out.
Who's there? I asked.
Silly Lilly. It's me your father. Dad said.
What are you doing here? I asked.
I came here to tell you that you shouldn't be mad at your mother. I told her that it was okay if she got married if I went first. Dad said.
But dad I miss you, I feel like she is replacing you. I said.
No one can ever replace me. Dad said.
How can I get my board back? James and mom took it away. I said.
That's up too you. Dad said.
He started getting farther and farther away from me.
Dad! I yelled.
Alex came running into my room.
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