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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Zoe's POV
The last thing I remember is that I got shot in the calf and Collin was carrying me home. I sat up on a table and looked behind my shoulder. I jumped up, my family scarred me. Emmet, Bella, Jasper, and Edwad were standing in the front crouch like they were protecting the rest of the family. So this means I am a Cullen now? I asked everyone. They sorta of laughed. I looked at Alice and than everyone elses, there hazel eyes all stared at me wide and in shock. I looked down and notice i wasn't standing I was floating in mid air! I could fly, I guess you could put it that way. How do I get back down I asked kinda
of scarred. Alice came over and reached up for my leg and pulled me down. Thank you, I hugged her. She said oww. Before I knew it Emmett and Bella had me on the ground. I tried to wiggle free but Bella was just as strong as me so it wasn't easy. Jasper was asking Alice if she was okay. She said she was. Can I get up now? I asked exspecting my
voice to be shaky but it wasn't. It sounded weird and unlike me. Everyone looked different from my point of veiw. It was cool I could move so fast and hear everything. You have to be kidding me!! They're here, how is this possible?!? This was unbelieveble. Jasper was trying to calm me down, I didn't feel like so I pushed him out. Jasper came you please quiet trying to control my feelings. Sorry, is all he said and looked down. Sorry Jasper, it just makes me mad that they would come and do this to me. I need yall more then them, I don't need them here. How come my throat burns so bad? I asked anyone who would want to answer. It's because you are thirsty Carisle answered. May I please have some water? I asked. Zoey you're thristy for blood not water. Oh, yeah I didn't relize that. They started laughing, I laughed with them. Alice walked out of the room. Alice where are you going? I'll be right back, I promise. Okay, I went and sat o. The table and stared at everyone. Do you remember anything about bcoming a vampire? Carisle asked. No, I remember being in Collin's arms and then waking up on the table 5 minutes ago. Alice walked back into the room with a huge mirrow. Come look in the mirrow she said excitedly. I looked at Jasper and he nodded. I was sort of scarred to look in the mirrow. I didn't want to see my pale skin or bright red eyes. I got in front of the mirrow and looked at myself. I was pale, I was going to miss being tan. Nexted I looked at my eyes. They were blue!! I had blue eyes!!! How come my eyes are blue and not red? We don't know Carisle said. I glad I got to keep my blue eyes! I started towards the door. Where are
you going? Emmett asked me. Down stairs why? My baby sister isn't allowed down stair since there are some half humans down there. Okay...I said than Jasper grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the window, we're going hunting! Wait, don't I need to change into something old?? I asked Alice. "Nah, its okay if you mess that out fit up, we have others that look all most the same, Alice said". Okay than Jasper jumped out of the window. That would have been a blur if I was human but now I'm a vampire so now I could see everything! I look back, smiled and jumped out of the window. Everything looked different, smelled different too. We got to the stream, when I was human I would have to get someone to help me get across. I looked at the house and saw everyone. I start to walk towards the house. Zoey I know you want to see everyone but you need to go hunting first. Okay sorry, than I leapped over the stream. It was fun, i had a fealing there would be a lot of stuff that was going to be fun. We raced through the trees, Jasper stopped and then I did. What are we hunting?? I asked Jasper. Well, I think we will hunt something easy first. Myabe somthing like deer Jaser said. All I said was okay. I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply. I open them and the started running, I saw the bigest deer and went for it. It was good, I went for the next biggest deer, than the next. I had had 5 deers before I knew it and I was still hungry I think. How do you know when you have had enough, I asked Jasper. Well, you will feel full but your throat might be burning still. Okay, I don't like the burning feeling. I don't either.He said. I had a couple of morer deers and than we headed home. I don't feel full, I told Jasper. Well, you might want a couple of more deer. He said. I want to catch something a lot harder, please- I begged Jasper. He caved in and we went towards the moutains. There was a moutain lion on one of the rocks I leapped for it. I pinned his feet to the ground and started drinking. It tasted so much better than a deer. I got up, I didn't have a dropped of blood on my clothes! The first time Bella went hunting she had blood all over her outfit. We headed towards the house, we raced back. I won of course since I was a newborn. I didn't like that term. I had slowed down, not relizing it. Zoey, whats wrong? Jasper asked very consurned. I was thinking about when yall call me a "newborn", I don't really like that term even though I am a new born. Oh, I see well, we won't call you a new born. Emmett migh call you a new born just to get into a fight with you. Okay, I think I can handle that. Why is the Volturi here, it is still a couple of days till my birthday? "Your aren't 16, you are 17. We wait till the time that you were born so you would be 17. Jasper said". I hugged him tightly on purpose but not that tight, I was hoping. We were at the stream by the house.
In The End It Should Be Okay Chapter 32
Lilly's POV
Since Alex and Kyle gave me a new mountain board, I decided to enter a contest. It will be my first one and I'm super nervous about. It's less than a week away. Owen has been going me pointers every now and than when he is not at work.
Alex was excited to see me somewhat happy again. I wasn't completely happy but it was good enough. I hadn't seen or heard of any news about Christopher which I hated. I didn't know what was going on his life.
As the days progressed through the school year, people seemed to ignore me. No one wanted to hang out with...
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In The End It Should Be Okay Chapter 26
Damon and Alex didn't even go in with me, they dropped me of. They said they wanted to be surprised at prom when we have to dance. I was so relieved words cannot describe it!

Damon and Alex came inside when they came to pick me up. Miss Maudie (ballet teacher) asked to speak to me for a few minutes. I said sure and followed her to her office.
Is something wrong? I asked.
We need to talk about your weight. Miss Maudie said.
'Um okay,' I said. 'What about it?'
You need to loose a few pounds. She said.
Seriously? My mom thinks I'm too skinny. I said.
You just need...
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Carter, Peter Pan, and The Lost Boys Chapter Two
Y'all, if you read this story or any of my other ones, please PLEASE rate and please comment! Your comments are what keep me writing!!! So please let me know you are reading! Thanks!

Peter was hestant about killing me. All the sudden I felt Wendy move.
"She move," I screamed. "Well flinched."
Peter looked down and saw her move a little. He let out sigh of relief because he didn't have to kill me.
I believe some people, not to names, Peter, Braden, and Oliver, have something to say. I said.
Sorry Carter. They mumbled.
I'm sorry, what did you say? I asked...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
New Begining Chapter 71
I finished my test and put it on the teacher's desk. I was always the first one done. I would get all nervious and speed through my test. It was aweful. I walked out the door and sigh in relief as I was free of that test. I sat infront of the locker and played with the bottom of my shirt.
You want to get somethig to eat? Nolan asked as I jumped.
Stop scaring me, please and yes I would. I said.
I can't help it that you wasn't paying attion. Nolan said.
We headed for cafeteria. They had an ice cream bar!
Wow! I'm starting to like this school. I said.
I went over and grabbed some...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Before I realized it; it was all ready Janurary and I was getting ready for the wedding. I slipped on my dress and shoes. I got m make-up and hair done earlier. I arrived at the church in my mustang that dad finially got me.
Jesse pulled up to me and our cars sort of matched. His red mustang matched my red dress while my black mustang matched his tux.
Scarlet you look amazing! Jesse said as I got out of my car.
Thank you. You look very handsome yourself.
That is just too cute! Joel said as he came out of the church.
I felt myself blush.
I have to get a picture oof you...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
2 Years Later...
It was only a couple of weeks to the wedding. Maybe she would changer her mind and let me be in the wedding. It sort of hurt my feelings that she did not ask me to be in the wedding. I mean I am practically family with Stefan and Damon. If Damon was going to be in the wedding why would Elena not want me in the wedding?
Stefan had proposed to Elena all most 2 years ago. It was a pretty proposal. But it was the only proposal I had ever seen so there is not much to compare with.
"Your boyfriend is here." Damon said as he passed my room.
"He is not my boyfriend!" I stated. "We are...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Lost And Found Sixty Five
Jeremy's POV
"Damon, stop. Do not kill Mason, I am sure I will be fine!" Victoria screamed.
"Shh, it is okay." Stefan said as he tried to calm her.
"Mason cannot die!" She stated. "Not because of me! Tyler is going to be devastated."
"He has too! Whatever you do, you do not tell Tyler Lockwood!" Stefan demanded. "Do not tell no one."
But that is all I over heard as Stefan and Tori were talking in my room. I could here Tori whispering something but I could not make it out.
"That is the past! You should be over that." Stefan said. "Are you okay? Are you getting depressed again?...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Lost And Found Sixty Fourpblshd
Victoria's POV
I woke up gasping for air. I cannot believe that Damon just killed! That is not fair. Why am I having to live this nightmare. Constantly waiting for a vampire to pop up and kill me.
"Hey Tori, how are you feeling?" Jeremy asked.
"Why are you here?" I asked harshly. "And do not call me that!"
"Damon sent me to check on you and to keep you up here." He stated.
"Well since I am tired of being in bed. I am going down stairs." I stated. "So you can either come with me or do it the hard way."
"Victoria, you are sick. Damon said you can barley get out of bed....
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Victoria's POV
"Damon!" I called out pleading. "Come back!"
"Victoria, it is okay. Tyler and I are here for you!" Caroline said.
"No get away from me!" I said. "Damon, do not leave me all alone with them. I-I-I do not wanna be alone with a wolf and vampire."
"Caroline and I will not hurt you." Tyler said. "Why are you saying that?"
"Get away!" I said. "Just leave me alone!"
I was scared of them, I was weak. Weaker than before, they had the easiest advantage. I could be dead within seconds.
"Damon!" I screamed.
Damon came walking in. "What is wrong? What have you been doing to her?" Damon asked.
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Lost And Found Chapter Sixty One
Damon's POV
It was early afternoon when Victoria woke up. She would not eat or drink anything. She would not even drink a drop of water. I wanted to force her to but the vervain and the wolf vain in her blood would have kept it from working.. I was out of answers for this. I had no idea what to do.
"Damon?" She asked weak. "Can you take the ring off?"
"No, you are taking it off!" I said. "You take it off you die, you cannot die. I will not let you."
I was trying to be strong but it was so hard; to see my closest living friend/relative laying in my arms. Too weak...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Damon's POV
Victoria has been sick for a couple of days now. She is not getting any better. But she is getting worse by the day. Elena was causing more problems, go figure. She is gone, well, she got kidnapped. She came to Lockwoods' house because they were throwing a party and she had to be. Katherine was there too, we had a plan to kill but she brought a stupid magical girl with her. In the process of killing Katherine we all most killed Elena. Katherine's friend had some kind of spell where whatever we did to Katherine it would effect Elena too. So we had to let Katherine go when she promised...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Lost And Found Chapter Fifty NineN2P
"I cannot stand him Damon!" I growled. "I want to hurt him so bad!"
"Remember what Stefan said, we have to ignore him or was it to be nice?" Damon said. "Whatever it does not really matter. We will have to be, cautious around him. You cannot kill him, you are not strong enough and I could kill him. But that would lead to some problems, I think."
"Shut up!" I snapped. "I could if I had wolf vain. That would weaken him so much a baby could kill him!"
"Wolf vain? How did you know about that stuff?" He asked shocked. "Have you found a book or anything that tells...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Lost And Found Chapter Fifty Seven
Damon's POV
I got Victoria to drink my blood. She was getting almost I instantly.
"Victoria, you scared me to death!" I said as I hugged her. "No more hanging around with the Lockwoods!"
"I could kill Mason! That is the third time this week!" Victoria growled furiously. "I could snap his neck in half if I could. I cannot believe the nerve of him. Especially doing that in front of Tyler and Jeremy!"
As soon as she said that she got up ran to my bathroom. She starting throwing up blood, again. What is wrong with her?
"Oh, I hate this so much!" She mumbled.
"Is there...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Lost And Found Chapter Fifty Six
Tyler's POV
"I am sorry for scaring you Victoria!" Mason said. "Would you like water to help calm you? Of course you do!"
What was he up to? Going from angry to being really nice and caring within seconds. He is so totally up to something.
Mason came back with water as the door bell rung. "I'll get it!" I said quickly.
As I opened the door I heard Victoria choking on the water.
"I knew it!" Mason yelled as he snapped her neck. "Hot da"-
"Victoria?" Jeremy asked as he came through the door. "You gave her vervain?"
"Had to figure if she was a vampire some how!" 
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Tyler's POV
Okay sure I felt sorry for Victoria. She dated a drug dealer who cheater on her, tried and failed to commit suicide, Damon and Stefan practically just leave her alone, and she does not even have any friends.
We went to my house and she sat around while I had to talk to my Mom about why Victoria was here.
"Mom, it is only for today!" I said. "Stefan will pick her up tonight at the party."
"She better not drink a thing!" Mom said. "You do not even need to have alcohol at the party you are having."
"I will not take any." I said. "But other people will bring their own."
"Okay." Mom sighed....
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Okay Damon, we are home. What is going on? I asked.
Stefan should be home in a little while to tell you. He said.
You have got to be kidding me! I said.
Whatever, I am going back out. He said.
Then why the heck did you bring me home? I asked angry.
Because Stefan wanted me to look after you. Like you need it! He said.
I do not want to stay here alone, remember this morning? I asked.
Oh you will be fine. Stop complaining. Damon said.
Damon do not leave me alone in this house! I pleaded.
Victoria, stop it! Stop being such a wimp! You will be fine. Bye. Damon said.
I blinked and he was gone. As usual. I...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Lost And Found Chapter Forty Six
Victoria's POV
I do not like the fact that any vampire can walk straight into my house and come in! That should not even be possible for her to do that but yet she can because of she has been invited in before I even lived. I only knew it was Katherine because she looked mean unlike Elena who is an angel. I got half way down the drive way when I notice I was freezing to death. I had forgotten my jacket. I swear, I have been forgetting everything lately or so it seems. I walk back inside and went to my room where Katherine was.
Can I help you? I asked.
Why are you...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Lost And Found Chapter Forty Five
Sorry it has takin so long to write this, I'm trying to decide on some major things for this story and it is rather hard. Hope y'all enjoy!! :)
Jeremy's POV
I stood there torn between doing two things; moving out the way or taking a bullet for Tori. I have been wrong on how I was treating her. I should not have ever dumped her. It was the biggest mistake I have ever made.
Jeremy, Elena? Are you here? Aunt Jenna asked as she came through the front door.
I heard Uncle John mutter something. Probably a cuss word.
Yeah we will be down in a minute. I yelled.
Uncle John...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Lost And Found Chapter Forty Three option 2
Damon'a POV
Victoria started flipping out. Almost screaming.
Is your aunt here? Stefan asked Elena.
No, she spent the night with some guy. She said.
What about Jonathan? I asked.
Um, he's probably here but is asleep by now. Jeremy said.
We let up on Victoria and she was crying really hard.
Don't touch me! She demanded as I tried to hug her.
I'm sorry, we are just trying to keep you from getting sick, we just want you to healthy. I said.
I don't want to die! Victoria said.
You're not going to die. Why would you think that? Stefan asked.
Because you're trying to...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Victoria's POV
I open my eyes and all I saw was pitch black. Was I dead? Could Damon not save us? I was scared to move. What if there was a vampire beside that was alive and wanted to kill me. My head was pounding and I ached all over. I started sobbing, I was scared to death of what might happen if I moved, or even made a sound.
A light flip on and I jumped, scared of that it might be another fire.
Victoria? Elena said.
I opened my mouth but nothing came out.
Are you awake? She asked as she came over to me.
Ye-s. I said as my voice broke.
Jeremy wake up, she's awake. Elena said.
Jeremy, what was Jeremy...
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