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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Scarlet Malone Chapter 56
Okay. Am I in trouble? I asked.
No you are not in trouble. Billy said laughing.
I let out a sigh of relief.
I was just wondering if you really knew what Sam and his gang was. Billy said.
I do! You use to be one didn't you. I said.
Yes. Do you have any questions? Billy asked as he chuckled.
So Jake is next right? I asked.
Yes but he knows nothing of this so you can not tell him or any one else; including your father. Billy said.
Don't worry the only friends I have is the gang. ABout my father, he rarely sees me. I said.
Okay. Billy said.
Bella's here. Nice chatting with ya. I said.
Bye Scarlet. Billy said.
I can't believe Jake was next! I can't wait to see how big he is. I hope that he would be sort of small. I would laugh my butt off.
Did you have fun with? Jake asked.
Yeah sure did. I said.
Cool. See you tomorrow night Bella. Jake said.
Okay bye Jake. Bella said.
I got in the truck.
What did you all today? Bella asked as she cranked the truck up.
Just cliff diving. I said.
What did you and Jake do? I asked.
Nothing. Bella said.
We rode in silence to my house. I didn't likeleaving my friends, it made me feel empty. I didn't like this feeling. I could feel myself going back numb.
Thanks for driving. I said as I got out of the car.
No problem. Bella said.
I watched her drive away and went inside.
How was your day? Dad asked.
I had fun. I said.
Cool there is some pizza in the fridge. I got hungry so I order some pizza. Dad said.
Okay. I said.
I pulled out a cold piece of cheese and ate it. I sat in the chair in the living room.
Too hungry to heat it up? Dad asked.
No too lazy. I said.
Dad chuckled a little bit and then started watching football again.
I don't have to work tomorrow so I will drive you to school. Dad said.
Goodnight. I said ignoring his "I'll drive you to school tomorrow" dad speech.
Goodnight. Dad said.
I went up stairs and got in the shower.
I went to my room and blasted some music while I dried my hair. It was too early to go to sleep so I played the playstation a little bit.

Scarlet time for school. Dad said.
No! I wined.
You have to go today. Dad said.
Fine. I said as I got out of the bed.
I was wearig clothes that were suitable for school so I put a hate on along with some make-up. I brushed my teeth and grabbed my backpack.
Bye dad! I yelled.
He didn't answer.
I walked out the front door and he was sitting in the car.
I looked at him. He was serious about driving me to school. Great!
I got in the front seat put in my head phones. Dad didn't talk the whole way there which was a plus. I got out of the car and watched him drive off. I wish I had Emily's phone number so I could go over there. I started walking towards the woods on the side of the school so I could go to La Push. No one saw me. I wonder where the guys could be.I kept walking in the woods until I came out at La Push High school. I saw Jake sitting at one of the pinic tables out side. He saw me and I just ignored him. Thankfully he never got up and came over here.
Something ran pass me. It was weird. I could feel someone following me but I couldn't see any one. Something big ran pass me again. It had to be Jared or someone pulling a prank. I stopped and they came out of the woods.
Hey, can you take somewhere? I asked.
The wolf shook his head "yes".
Somewhere where no one can find me. I said.
They shook their head "yes".
I climbed onto the wolf's back and held on tight to wolf's fur. This wolf could run really fast. The wolf was warm and spelled good. I like the woodsy smell but not the dog smell. Which one are you? I asked.
It didn't answer they just kept running. The wolf finially stopped and sat me down. I had no clue to were I was. It was a little clearing that over looked the ocean. It was nice. The wolf was gone but someone was walking out of the woods. It was Cooper.
How come your not at school? Cooper asked.
I can't stand it there. People are always, judging, staring, and whispering about me. I said as I sat down.
How long have you been skipping? Cooper asked.
I usually skip a couple of times a week but I haven't gone once this week. If I didn't go today I was going to be kicked out of Forks' high school. I said.
What is your dad going to say? Cooper asked.
I don't really care. I just wanted to get away from him. Don't tell anyone where I am. Please don't. I said.
I'll try but the others can read my mind. Cooper said.
Tell them not to tell. I said.
I'll try. I have to go finish my rounds. Cooper said.
Okay bye. I said.
Are you going to be okay here by yourself? Cooper asked.
Yeah I'll be fine. I said.
Okay. Cooper said.
He left and I was all alone.
Dear Journal,
Today I am getting kicked out of Forks High School. I can actually stop seeing everyone there. I won't have to deal with them judging me or whispering about me. I don't know how dad will react. Hopefully not to bad. I found some friends. It Sam's gang. They are sort of nice. They are fun to be around.

It started sprinkling so I put my journal up started walking try to find some shelter from the rain. I saw nothing as I ran through the woods. This is just my luck. Ugh I hate my luck. My journal is going to get wet! I saw an empty beach house. I sat under the back porch that was facing the water. The waves were getting bigger and bigger as the storm was getting closer and closer. I started crying. I couldn't help it. I wanted Edward to he here with me. I was sick of being alone and depressed. I wanted to be happy and loved. Is that too much to ask for?
I really looked out at the sky and the sun was setting. How long had I been here? How long had it stop storming? Should I go home or stay here? I didn't know what to do so I just sat there. I heard howlings in the distance. Should I go to them or should they come to me? Would the howl becoming from a wolf I know or from a real wild wolf? Staying here would be my best chance. The howlings where getting louder. I hoped they didn't find me so I didn't have to go home and listen to dad's speech.
Scarlet?! Jared yelled far away.
I didn't answer. I didn't want to be found by him. He was mean and well I didn't like him one bit. He almost killed me.
Scarlet?! Come out, come out wherever you are. Jared said.
Ugh I hated when he treated me like a kid. He was so so ugh! He made me so mad.
There you are! Jared said.
I jumped as  he said that.
Go away. I said.
Nope. I'm here to take you home. Your dad has called the police and everything on you. He thinks you have run away for good. Jared said.
Maybe I should. He's probably going to send me off to miltary school. I said.
He's not that mean. Jared said.
Yes he is. I said.
Well if you acted asleep when I get you to your house you won't have to deal with him then. Jared said.
And you won't tell them that I'm acting. I said.
Nah just act like you have cold or your exhausted. Jared said.
I don't want to go home. I hate it there. I said.
Why do you hate it so bad? Jared asked.
Because I don't have any friends. Dad is constantly wanting me to get over him but I can't. Have you ever been in love so much that you would let him be with someone else just to see him happy? I asked.
No. Why? Jared asked.
I was in love with him like that. I said.
But Edward is a vampire. How can you love someone like that? Jared asked as he shivered at the thought.
I don't know. I love him. He was my life. No one understands. I said as tears escaped my eyes.
I do. If you just told your father that, he would understand what you are going through. Jared said.
He doesn't listen to me. I said.
Come on. Let's get you home. Jared said.
No I am not going. I said.
Jared got up and walked away. Not even a minute later, I heard a howl. It was Jared calling the others. Jared came back and sat by me.
You found her! Cooper and Sam said at the same time.
Yep. Jared said.
What's the hold up? Sam asked.
I can't get her to go home. She doesn't want to. Jared said.
Scarlet you have to go home and face your father. Cooper said.
No I don't want to go home! I said.
Why not? Sam asked.
I just don't. I don't like it there. I said.
Why not? Sam asked.
Because I don't have any friends that can hang out with me. After I left you all yesterday I felt empty. I could feel myself going numb. I have nothing to go home to! Nothing! I felt like yelling but said it normally.
We can all take you home and just tell your father that you were hanging out with us and you forgot your cellphone. Cooper said.
But I hate being alone with my father. I said.
Why? Jared asked supichely.
Nothing he does nothing! That's the problem he never does anything! I said.
We can take you home and just hang out at your place. Sam could make the other wolves keep a watch. Cooper said.
I shrugged my shoulders.
Come on. Jared said as he pulled me up to stand up.
Fine. I mumbled as I was defeated.
Sam grabbed my backpack and everything spill out of it. My journal went skidding across the wooden porch to Coopers feet. It was open too.
Sorry. Sam said.
Cooper don't read that! I said.
Cooper shut the journal and stuck it in my backpack. Jared gave me a piggy back ride.
How did you end up here? Cooper asked.
I was trying to get out of the ran and I found this place. I said.
Let's play a game. Jared said.
Why do you treat me like a little kid? I asked Jared.
I don't know, your just small. Jared said.
When I am compared to you. I said.
Right. What game? Cooper asked.
How about we just ask each other questions. Jared said.
What's your favorite color? Mine is yellow. Cooper said.
Green. Jared said.
Red. Sam said.
What about you? Cooper asked me.
I don't have a favorite color. I said.
You have to have one. Jared said.
Okay fine. When I was little I liked pink. Jesse's favorite color was blue. So I'm gonna go with blue since I hate pink now.
Wow I would have figured black would have been your favorite. Jared said.
Why? I asked.
Because you wear a lot of black. Jared said.
Next question. If you could live any where, where would it be?Jared asked.
Here. Cooper said.
Same. Jared said.
Agreed. Sam said.
It would either be here or Texas but if I really had to choose I would say here. I said.
Why you have been through so much. Cooped said.
Because I have friends here. I said smiling.
Your turn to ask a question. Jared said.
Okay hmm. I said as I thought of a question.
If you could a different animal than a wolf what would it be?I asked.
Cyotoe. Jared said.
Why? I asked.
Because it's the closest thing to a wolf. Jared said.
We close to your house. Do you want to walk? Jared asked.
Why would I walk towards my house? I asked.
Because you have tirade your father. Cooper said.
I think I'll go with Jared's plan. I said.
A plan? Sam asked confused.
Yeah. I just carry her back baby style and than we take her to her house so she won't have to face her dad right away. Jared said.
If you do that I'm out. Cooper said.
That's fine by me. Jared said.
Look we can just say that she was hanging out with us. Sam said.
But Billy called us! We can't say that. Cooper said.
Look if she doesn't want to be alone with her dad than we will say that that. Sam demanded.
What do you want to do? Jared asked.
Could you come with me? There is no telling what dad will do. I said.
Well you better get ready because there are a ton of cops at your house. Jared. 
posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Scarlet Malone Chapter 59
I looked out the window, slightly leaning over Matteo. It was a beautiful sun seat.
Sorry. I said as I sat back up.
It's okay. Matteo said as I yawned.
I craddled my knees and put my head on my knees.
Are you getting sick? Capri asked worried.
Oh no, I am just very tired. I didn't sleep at all last night. I said hiding a yawn.
Oh okay. Capri said relieved.
I laid my head back down. I sat in that position for a while until I got a cramp in my neck and back. I put my knees down and than laid my head on the back of the seat. It was uncomfortable so I laid my head on my hand which...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Scarlet Malone Chapter 42
Edward's POV
Carisle was suppose to be "sleeping" in his room but we are vampires so we don't sleep. I had a few questions for him.
Carisle? I asked as I knocked on his door.
Come in. Carisle said.
I have a question. I said as I sat down in a chair.
Okay shoot. Carisle said.
I think Jesse should turn into one of us but not be allowed to see anyone. We could change his name and no one would know. I said.
I have actually been thinking about that myself. I just don't know how we could get him out here with his heart still beating. Carisle said.
If he is on life support than we...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Scarlet Malone Chapter 25
I stared and Edward, he went around, open the passanger door and Bella got out.
Edward! Why did you bring here? How come you didn't walk? I thought.
Bella wants to apologize for what she said earlier. Edward thought.
Apology not accepted. I thought to Edward.
Scarlet just hear her out. Edward thought pleadingly.
Why do you care? I asked curiously and out loud.
Because you are one of my friends. Edward thought.
No, you are just saying that because you feel bad for me. I want you to stop. I said in my thoughts.
I feel bad for you because Bella said those things. Edward thought....
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
I woke up from my nap that I tool before we went to go play baseball. I was so stoked to go play baseball. I got in my chair and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and brush my hair. I put on something warm and than called Edward up stairs so he could take me down stairs. Everyone had already left to go to the field. I had to stay so I could ride with Edward and Bella...yuck. Are you ready? Edward asked as he walked into my room or walked his normal vampire speed. I jumped, I couldn't help it. Gosh do yall alway have to come in here so fast? I asked. Sorry, force of habit. Edward said....
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Alice came with some clothes. Alice loved brand names so she got me this really cute black Volcom shirt with some skinny jeans. I was finially able to get out of the hospital. Alice bought her pouche so it would be easier for me to get in and out of. I didn't let anyone push me, I felt weak when they had since my arms got tired. We got to the yellow pouche, it was beautiful. Emmett picked me and placed me in the front seat. I wished more than ever I was the one driving and
Alice was sitting beside me. I would go on a thousand shopping trips just so I could walk. Alice can you ever see me walking...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
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Sam's POV
I didn't move, Taylor was starting to freak out that someone was holding her and she didn;t know who it was. Relax its just us. I said to Taylor. I felt her relax in my arms a little bit but she was still tense. I could here her heart it was beating fast from getting scared. She tired to calm herself but it didn't work to much. I heard Jake and Seth chuckle behind me. Taylor tried to break free from my grip but she was not strong enough...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Oh, I guess I shoulod tell yall that Jake is not a wolf yet. Sorry I forgot to tell yall that!

Jacob's POV
I searched through my room to find some clothes for Taylor. I found some shorts that looked like they would fit her. I found the smallest shirt I own. Here are some clothes, those are the smallest sizes I own. I said. It's okay, I'll make them work. Tay said. I went into my bedroom and packed some extra clothes just in case the power was going to be out more than a few more hours and just in case we had to spend the night at Charlie's house. Jake, I got them to fit. Tay said laughing as...
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"Abigail, I don't think I can dye my hair back," I said as we pulled up to the hair salon.
"Why," she asked as she turned off the truck.
"I just like my black hair," I stated.
"It is okay, you will get use to the blonde hair," she said.
"Okay," I sighed.
I gt out of the truck and followed her inside. As soon as I stepped into this place I was engulfed in fumes of hairsprays and shampoos. It smelt awful! It was really strong too. Abigail was speaking to some lady behind a desk.
"Harmony," Abigail said, "come on!"
I followed her to the side of the room where an empty chair was.
"Abigail, it is so nice...
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Not Your Typical Country Girl Chapter One
"Wake up," Miss Tainer demanded.
I rolled over and ignored her. I wanted to sleep some more. It was too early to get up.
"Now," she yelled into my room.
I quickly sat up and rubbed my eyes.
"Fine," I grumbled.
"Hurry up and get ready," she said, "we have people coming today. And they want you!"
"Sure they do," I said as I rolled my eyes.
"Stop doing that," Miss Tainer demanded as she came over and grabbed my jaw bone, "this is why you are sixteen and not adopted yet, Harmony!"
"Whatever," I spat as I pulled my face away from her face. 
Great today was just another...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
What do you have to tell us? Connor asked angry.
Hey I am sorry that you had to leave playing video games but I have bad news. I said.
Bad news? Mia asked scared.
Yeah. I said sadly.
His expression changed from angry to worried. I looked at both of my friends and thought about the terrible news I was going to tell them.
Come on Hayley spit it out! Mia said.
Yeah come on we are dieing to know! Connor demanded.
I'm moving! I blurted out.
Moving, like down the street? Mia asked.
I wish, it's across the country. I said.
Wwwhhyy? Connor struggled.
I don't know, Dad said it would be "fun" I said....
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added by Sk8bordNewMoon
Source: Hollister, google,
posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
We all got back to the school and they had turn on a security system. You could see the beams everywhere! It was ridiculous. It's like they are scared that we will escape from here.
There is absolutely no way to get back to our rooms! Marie said.
I can help, just follow what I say till you get out of the laser beams. Ian said.
There is no way I am going to get across. I have the worst balance ever! I said.
Believe in yourself, stop putting yourself down. Gabe said.
Easier when you belong somewhere. I mumbled.
What? Sadie asked.
I'm not going across. I stated.
But they have bed check in an hour,...
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added by Sk8bordNewMoon
Source: Google
added by Sk8bordNewMoon
Source: Google
posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
I'm fine. I said as everything came back blurry.
I tried to sit up but everything went black for a few seconds.
My head hurts a little. I said.
Mattie how many fingers and I holding up? Sam asked as he held up 2 fingers.
Two. I said.
What's the date? Seth asked.
09/02/10. I said.
See she's fine. Quil said.
I stood up and stretched.
Yeah, I'm fine. Nothing to worry about. I said sticking my tounge out at Seth.
Who's winning? Sam asked.
Sam, are you not going to take her to the doctor? Seth asked worried.
Nah, she's fine. Besides, she would tell me if she felt dizzy or something. Sam said.
Yeah, I would....
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
School passed by quickly. Bonnie, Elana and, I piled into her mini cooper and went to the mall.
I loaded up on clothes and make up. After that we went back to Elana's house.
I saw Jeremy as I passed by his room. I walked by slowly, I could see everything in his room. His desk, bed and, book self. He started to say something but I shook my head no.
Sorry Victoria, I didn't think he would be home tonight. He is usually out at this hour. Elana said.
It's fine. I had to deal with him at school earlier. I said.
Let's pick out your outfit for tomorrow. Bonnie said.
Good idea! Elana chirped.
We ended up...
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added by Sk8bordNewMoon
Source: google
posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
If you haven't read "Dear Readers" please do!! It will explain everything! I will be taking everything out that deals with vampires in this story! Please, please continue to read this story!

Stefan's POV
Victoria it's time to get up. I said.
I'm not going. She mumbled.
Why not? I asked.
Because of this. She said as she pointed to her cheek.
I was shocked at the size of the cut on her face. I thought it was going to be small. But it wasn't. It was sort of big.
Stefan, I just need a sick day. She begged.
But why? If Jeremy said he was sorry aren't you going to forgive him? I asked.
I thought I could trust...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Lost And Found Chapter Fifteen
Damon's POV
I saw Victoria come through the door. She ran up to her room. Was she crying? It sure did sound like it. Then I smelt blood. Not the blood I was drinking but Victoria's blood.
Victoria are you okay? I asked.
I'll be fine. She said.
What happen! Why are bleeding? I asked.
I got into a fight with Jeremy, it's nothing. I'm going to bed. She said.
A fight with Jeremy! Looks like I need have another talk with Jeremy. This boy was making the worst mistakes ever.
Can I come in? I asked.
No you're a vampire. She said sniffing.
That doesn't matter. I can hold on your...
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added by Sk8bordNewMoon
Source: google