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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
New Story Twilight?N2P
It's Complicated
It's complicated, that's how Jacob would all ways start the story whenever I asked him why I was different. I looked nothing like the Black family, I didn't favor a single one of them. They all had dark hair and dark eyes while I was the complete opposite. White blond hair and blue eyes. I could barley blend in, my hair and eyes gave away but skin was just as tan as it could be. 
I knew the story Jake was going to tell me, I asked about this a lot. But mainly at bedtime.
Every night right before bed I would ask Jacob Black "why am I different?" and every night he would tell me this " it's complicated and you are different because you are special". Of course I got him to tell me the whole story, I didn't want to forget about my real family.
The story goes something like this...
It was a summer of 2002, you has just turned 6, and you were wild has can be. It was really hot that day. (Jake all ways loved to stall never wanting to get the bad part.) You were over here playing with me and another friend around supper time. We had a lot of fun. All ways did.
It was getting late so you went home. It was just down the block I don't know why we never saw it that night. It was really late when it happened. The fire department said that the gas stove caused the fire but it wasn't for sure. Bye the time the fire department got there it was all most too late. They let two firefighters go in, they tried with all their might to save all of you and the while family. But the fire was too big. They managed to grab you and get it out. They cake running out of the house has it collapsed to the ground. Your mom, dad, and your older brother all perished in the fire. But I know that they still love you very much."

After the story Jake would show me a picture that they had once kept on the fire place mantel. I was now allowed to keep it in my room since it was the last picture left of my family. It sat on my tiny nightstand by my bed. I looked at it every night before I went to bed.
I am 15 now, and those nights were Jake told that story were long gone. I would be in high school soon and I wasn't a little girl anymore, or I was to Billy. I have lived with the Blacks for as long as I can remember. I barley remember living at my house. When I was little, I would close my eyes tight as they could go; hoping that I could remember what my old house looked like.
I heard my door creak open and Jake popped his head in.
Hey Lila, I'm thinking about cooking breakfast you want some? He asked.
Sure, you need help? I asked as I got up and stretched.
Nah, oh Dad is gone to go fishing with Charlie so he will be gone almost all day. He said.
Okay. I said.
I walked into the living room and there sat Quill and Embry.
Hey Lila, I see you are finally up. Quill said.
What time is it? I asked confused.
Nine o'clock. Embry said.
Oh whatever. It's still early for me. I said as I rolled my eyes.
Lila, you want plain or blueberry pancakes? Jake yelled from the kitchen.
I don't know. Whatever you want. I said.
No you pick! He said.
I'll pick, go with plain. Quill said.
Okay, plain it is. Jake said.
What are you two doing here here so early anyways? I asked.
Don't worry about! Embry laughed.
I hated when he said that, it got in my nerves so bad. Embry does it a lot to annoy me and it works just about all the time.
Shut up! I said.
I got up and went to the kitchen table to sit down.
If you didn't get so annoyed by that he would stop. Jake smiled.
Yeah well, it's hard not to get annoyed by that. I said.
Come one, let's eat breakfast. He said.
posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
New Beginning Chapter 93
These guys easely passes 6 foot while I could barley get to 5 foot 5.
Guys come on, I'm almost 2 feet shorter! I said.
No you're going home. Jared said.
But I don't want to! I said annoyed.
When was the last time you slept? Cooper asked.
I woke up this morning. I have had plently of rest. I said.
Have you ever seen how a guy stands? They sometimes stand with their legs apart instead together like girls. I ducked under Jared's legs and start running.
I thought I had a good head start. I was trying to do longer strides which would make me go faster. I tripped over a branch and...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
New Beginning Chapter 92
Shrek can you please put me down? I asked.
He ignored me and continue to walk into the woods.
Sam put me down! I am not going into the woods alone with you. I demanded.
He ignored me again. It was no use, I'm really weak compared to him.
We got deep into the woods. I had never been in this part, it was dark and creepy. Sam finally sat me down.
I had the feeling I should run. I wanted to stay and find out what would happen but the last time I did that something bad happen.
Sam's voice was filled with worry, anger, and sadness. More anger than anything else....
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
New Beginnning Chapter 91
We got to the junk yard and I saw my father's car.
Woha. I mumbled.
Edward put his arm around. I'm gald he did, it was a comfort.
I couldn't believe the shape of his car! It wasn't even the shape of a car.
No wonder Dad had to be turned into a vampire. I mumbled.
I know, I'm sorry. Edward said.
It's not your fault. Do you know the smell? I asked.
No, I don't even reconize it. Emmett said.
I know, it's not the woodsy smell like [i] the pack[/i. Jasper said.
So what is it? I asked.
Well it's a wolf but I've smelled this before. Emmett said.
Is Sam trying to cover up some other kind...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
So I feel abandoned even though I have a perfect boy friend that helps and support me. That just doesn't sound right. I mean yeah I can't call my father "father" anymore. It does stink that I can't do that but it's something that I am going to have to live with. I wonder if they did kill my father? I needed to ask them.
Edward came into my room and stood at the door.
Edward please help me. I said.
Help you with what? He asked.
"I don't know, not to feel this way. I am sorry that I feel this way and I have all of you."
You're human, you cannot help it. Edward said.
It would be easier if I wasn't human....
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
A Girl Named Lacey Chapter 1
Edward's POV
We had just gotten home from a camping trip/ hunting trip when we heard this heart beat and a baby's cry. I looked out the front door and saw nothing. When I looked down there was a baby wrapped in a blanket and lying in a box.
Carisle! There is a baby by the front door. I said.
Esme was right by me, she picked the baby up.
Esme followed Carisle up stairs. They were going to make sure that the baby was okay.
Why should we name her? I asked as I appeared at the door.
We can't keep her, I am sure she has a family. Carisle said.
I walked out of the room and to...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
New Begining Chapter 89 
I could hear the rain hitting the roof, it was a nice sound, something that made you want to stay in bed and sleep to it.
I looked over at Edward, he was sitting at my desk, his face was filled with no emotion. Edward always showed emotion.
What's wrong? I asked.
Nothing is wrong. I actually have good news. Edward said.
Good news? I asked.
Yeah, I was reading your father's will. He said that if your mother is dead than you would remain here till you are "of age", without an guardain. He said.
Really. I said.
Yeah, that means you can stay here with me. He smiled.
I can stay...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
The duffle bag the Gang sent...
The duffle bag the Gang sent...
New Begining Chapter 64
Seriously Jenny, nothing happen. I study in the liberary all night and Nolan came to get a book. He saw me asleep and woke me up. I said.
Okay I believe you. Jenny said.
Hurry up and get, we're going to be late. Nolan yelled.
I'm hurrying. I yelled from the bathroom.
I pulled on my pants and put a shirt on. I quickly slapped in some make-up and Nolan and I were out the door.
What do you usually have for breakfast here? I asked.
There is cereal and biskets but I haven't eve eaten any so I don know what it taste like. Nolan said.
I think I might skip. I said.
You need breakfast....
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
New Begining Chapter 63
I think the next couple of chapter might be boring so sorry. Anyways I hope you enjoy it anyways!

Dinner was boring. I hate sitting by myself but no one would sit with me, not even my annoying room mate. I grabbed my tray and headed for the stairs. Where I could enjoy it and not feel like a zebra sitting in between white horses. I was the only one in regular clothes and everyone else was wearing an ugly uniform. I opened my room door and sat down at my desk. I open the computer and played some music. This was a peaceful  dinner. I felt relaxed. I finished and laid on...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Scarlet Malone Chapter 59
I looked out the window, slightly leaning over Matteo. It was a beautiful sun seat.
Sorry. I said as I sat back up.
It's okay. Matteo said as I yawned.
I craddled my knees and put my head on my knees.
Are you getting sick? Capri asked worried.
Oh no, I am just very tired. I didn't sleep at all last night. I said hiding a yawn.
Oh okay. Capri said relieved.
I laid my head back down. I sat in that position for a while until I got a cramp in my neck and back. I put my knees down and than laid my head on the back of the seat. It was uncomfortable so I laid my head on my hand which...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Scarlet Malone Chapter 42
Edward's POV
Carisle was suppose to be "sleeping" in his room but we are vampires so we don't sleep. I had a few questions for him.
Carisle? I asked as I knocked on his door.
Come in. Carisle said.
I have a question. I said as I sat down in a chair.
Okay shoot. Carisle said.
I think Jesse should turn into one of us but not be allowed to see anyone. We could change his name and no one would know. I said.
I have actually been thinking about that myself. I just don't know how we could get him out here with his heart still beating. Carisle said.
If he is on life support than we...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Scarlet Malone Chapter 25
I stared and Edward, he went around, open the passanger door and Bella got out.
Edward! Why did you bring here? How come you didn't walk? I thought.
Bella wants to apologize for what she said earlier. Edward thought.
Apology not accepted. I thought to Edward.
Scarlet just hear her out. Edward thought pleadingly.
Why do you care? I asked curiously and out loud.
Because you are one of my friends. Edward thought.
No, you are just saying that because you feel bad for me. I want you to stop. I said in my thoughts.
I feel bad for you because Bella said those things. Edward thought....
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
I woke up from my nap that I tool before we went to go play baseball. I was so stoked to go play baseball. I got in my chair and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and brush my hair. I put on something warm and than called Edward up stairs so he could take me down stairs. Everyone had already left to go to the field. I had to stay so I could ride with Edward and Bella...yuck. Are you ready? Edward asked as he walked into my room or walked his normal vampire speed. I jumped, I couldn't help it. Gosh do yall alway have to come in here so fast? I asked. Sorry, force of habit. Edward said....
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Alice came with some clothes. Alice loved brand names so she got me this really cute black Volcom shirt with some skinny jeans. I was finially able to get out of the hospital. Alice bought her pouche so it would be easier for me to get in and out of. I didn't let anyone push me, I felt weak when they had since my arms got tired. We got to the yellow pouche, it was beautiful. Emmett picked me and placed me in the front seat. I wished more than ever I was the one driving and
Alice was sitting beside me. I would go on a thousand shopping trips just so I could walk. Alice can you ever see me walking...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
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Sam's POV
I didn't move, Taylor was starting to freak out that someone was holding her and she didn;t know who it was. Relax its just us. I said to Taylor. I felt her relax in my arms a little bit but she was still tense. I could here her heart it was beating fast from getting scared. She tired to calm herself but it didn't work to much. I heard Jake and Seth chuckle behind me. Taylor tried to break free from my grip but she was not strong enough...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Oh, I guess I shoulod tell yall that Jake is not a wolf yet. Sorry I forgot to tell yall that!

Jacob's POV
I searched through my room to find some clothes for Taylor. I found some shorts that looked like they would fit her. I found the smallest shirt I own. Here are some clothes, those are the smallest sizes I own. I said. It's okay, I'll make them work. Tay said. I went into my bedroom and packed some extra clothes just in case the power was going to be out more than a few more hours and just in case we had to spend the night at Charlie's house. Jake, I got them to fit. Tay said laughing as...
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"Abigail, I don't think I can dye my hair back," I said as we pulled up to the hair salon.
"Why," she asked as she turned off the truck.
"I just like my black hair," I stated.
"It is okay, you will get use to the blonde hair," she said.
"Okay," I sighed.
I gt out of the truck and followed her inside. As soon as I stepped into this place I was engulfed in fumes of hairsprays and shampoos. It smelt awful! It was really strong too. Abigail was speaking to some lady behind a desk.
"Harmony," Abigail said, "come on!"
I followed her to the side of the room where an empty chair was.
"Abigail, it is so nice...
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Not Your Typical Country Girl Chapter One
"Wake up," Miss Tainer demanded.
I rolled over and ignored her. I wanted to sleep some more. It was too early to get up.
"Now," she yelled into my room.
I quickly sat up and rubbed my eyes.
"Fine," I grumbled.
"Hurry up and get ready," she said, "we have people coming today. And they want you!"
"Sure they do," I said as I rolled my eyes.
"Stop doing that," Miss Tainer demanded as she came over and grabbed my jaw bone, "this is why you are sixteen and not adopted yet, Harmony!"
"Whatever," I spat as I pulled my face away from her face. 
Great today was just another...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
What do you have to tell us? Connor asked angry.
Hey I am sorry that you had to leave playing video games but I have bad news. I said.
Bad news? Mia asked scared.
Yeah. I said sadly.
His expression changed from angry to worried. I looked at both of my friends and thought about the terrible news I was going to tell them.
Come on Hayley spit it out! Mia said.
Yeah come on we are dieing to know! Connor demanded.
I'm moving! I blurted out.
Moving, like down the street? Mia asked.
I wish, it's across the country. I said.
Wwwhhyy? Connor struggled.
I don't know, Dad said it would be "fun" I said....
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added by Sk8bordNewMoon
Source: Hollister, google,
posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
We all got back to the school and they had turn on a security system. You could see the beams everywhere! It was ridiculous. It's like they are scared that we will escape from here.
There is absolutely no way to get back to our rooms! Marie said.
I can help, just follow what I say till you get out of the laser beams. Ian said.
There is no way I am going to get across. I have the worst balance ever! I said.
Believe in yourself, stop putting yourself down. Gabe said.
Easier when you belong somewhere. I mumbled.
What? Sadie asked.
I'm not going across. I stated.
But they have bed check in an hour,...
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