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posted by FaiyaDreamz
Character Chart
Character's full name: Faiya Melony Dreamz
Reason or meaning of name: None Really
Character's nickname: Faiy, Yoshi
Reason for nickname: People just sometimes dont want to say her full name.
Birth date: April 4, 1995
Gender: Female
Theme: Who Knew - P!nk

Physical appearance
Age: 27
How old does he/she appear: 17
Weight: 102
Height: 3'5
Body build: Small but strong,(Trust me, she's a Glomper.)
Shape of face: WDF?
Eye colour: Orange
Glasses or contacts: None
Skin tone: wdf?
Distinguishing marks: Midnight Black hair
Predominant features: She supposed to have a tore ear
Type of hair: Short and sway-y
Hairstyle: Emo-like if you ask me
Voice: Mello-ish and tight (child like just alittle)
Overall attractiveness: 65% out of 100%
Physical disabilities: Deaf in right ear
Usual fashion of dress: Black pants very baggy, an orange long flowy fop the sleeves are lingering off. a golder collar and orange converses.
Jewelry or accessories: Golden Collar

Good personality traits: Sweet and kind
Bad personality traits: Stubborn and very talkitive
Mood character is most often in: Cheerful
Sense of humour: Perverted and pretty much everything else.
Character's greatest joy in life: Being loved
Character's greatest fear: Never having friends
Why?: Shes has been alone her whole life
Character is most at ease when:
Enraged when: Someone insults her or her friends
Depressed or sad when: Same as above
If granted one wish, it would be: To live happily with people she will find soon that she loves.
Why?: She beleives in Happily Ever after
Character's soft spot: Love and her scyth
Is this soft spot obvious to others? love
Greatest strength: When she is Dark form
Greatest vulnerability or weakness: When she is injured
Biggest regret: None
Minor regret: None
Biggest accomplishment: n/a
Minor accomplishment: n/a
Past failures he/she would be embarrassed to have people know about: n/a
Why?: N/A!!!
Character's darkest secret: None
Does anyone else know? n/a

Hometown: Neriak. Norrath
Type of childhood: Horrid
Pets: None
First memory: Being beaten as a little girl
Most important childhood memory: Running away
Why?: She finally was free
Childhood hero: None
Dream job: Artists/ Singer
Education: College

Current location: Mobius
Currently living with: No one
Pets: none
Occupation: Singer
Finances: >.>

Colour: Purple
Least favorite colour: Pink
Music: Rock and Pop
Food: Pizza
Literature: Horror and romance
Form of entertainment: Singing
Mode of transportation: Walking
Most prized possession: Her bracelent

Hobbies: Writing and painting
Plays a musical instrument? Electric Guitar
Plays a sport? hell no >.>
How he/she would spend a rainy day: Playing video games
Spending habits: Too much money on video game consoles and games
Smokes: no
Drinks: yes
Other drugs: no
What does he/she do too much of? n/a
What does he/she do too little of?
Extremely skilled at: Singing
Extremely unskilled at: poetry (irony)
Nervous tics: she plops on grounds counting stuff
Usual body posture: Straight up
Mannerisms: Really not good at manners

Daredevil or cautious? Alittle of both
Logical or emotional? Emotional
Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat? Messy
Prefers working or relaxing? Relaxing
Confident or unsure of himself/herself? Unsure
Animal lover? YUS

Assuming they're strong emotions, how does this character deal with or react to:

-Rage: She twitches and starts ranting how stupid anger is

-Sadness: She cries her eyeballs out

-Conflict/Danger: She whimpers and tries her hardest

-Rejection: She gets mad at first but forgives herself for being rude

-Fear: She puts her tail in front of her face mainky her eyes and hides

-Change: Not really well, she can be orderly about some things

-Loss: More crying

-Flirting: she really cant flirt, but sometimes she gets flirted to, she gets really REALLY shy

-Pain: Crying

-Stress: Crying@ (such a cry baby ;n;)

-Peer pressure: Anger

-Guilt: Crying

-Being wrong: Whining

-Being criticized: Pissed off

-Praise: Blushes alot

-Love: Giggles alot

-Being hated: Cries alot

-Humiliation: Hates herself
added by Malaika23
added by sonicnmlpfan122
Source: Fuuuuuuuu
added by AlbinoWolf2141
added by xwolf19
Source: Art: me character: blazecat713
added by Rachel_Savaya
I liked Blood's original theme *sad face* but I guess this fits him too. Artist: Crush 40 Video source: Blackblur7
added by Terrathecat
added by Thirddevision
Source: meh
added by shadadow
added by InvaderMaricruz
Source: me
added by derpy_chick
added by Bebythehedgehog
Source: Me. AND PEEEEENS!!! and Crayola.
added by nekayla
Source: ME
added by numnumyellow67
Source: me, Photobucket,JascPaintShoppro8,Snowythehedgehog
added by Skull-Rose
Source: Art & Valtiel(c) Me
added by tailslover9
Source: Me!!!!
added by awsome_chick
added by Lilly443
Source: I know its crappy
(So baffle is back to share some more of his opinions on things... oh wow.XD)


#1. I hate the fact that a sequel came to this.
#2. I hate the fact that my face is balding
#3. I hate the stupid orange lynx.
#4. I hate the fact that the stupid orange lynx get's a history video.
#5. I hate the fact that as of the moment, the image gallery is overruled with recolors... THAT SHOULD BE MY GLORIOUS IMAGE PAINTED...
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posted by CosmoLuvsTails
Recently I've had a bit of a change of main characters, and a few new ideas for their bios :3 A few spoilers may turn up here and there, I dunno.

Amber Louisa Prower
She's still my main character, still a Prower and not a lot has changed, really. She's fallen out with Jenna-Su, her last best friend, and now has a full, happy family life. She lives with her Mum and Dad, and her sisters Lillian, Heather and Gwen. She's trying to fit in with her new group of friends and can't help but look back at the times where she was part of a bigger cause in the world.

River Spark
She's now got a few friends,...
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