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posted by TakTheFox
Name: Kenfi
Age: 3-million and seventy-four
Appears to be: 17 XD
Usual outfit: She seems to want to wear anything girly, but has worn two outfits more than others. A fur jacket with long black pants, and a purple t-shirt with blue jeans.
Eye-color: Blue, but her eyes seem stripy… in a way
Distinguishing Marks: The little heart and flower designs on her ears, feet, and hands.

Color: Red
Music: Techno
Food: No one ever sees her eat anything
Expressions: Smiling flirtatiously, smirking
Book: None
Quote: “what a girl wants”
Expletive(s) (swears): No
Mode of transportation: She likes Limos but usually sticks to cabs

Smokes: Has
What: Whatever
How often: Only once. She was dared to smoke ten packs in five minutes, and it didn’t affect her at all
Drinks: No
Worst bad habit: Getting too much attention
Quirks: she gets bored easily, and flicks her wrists to calm down

Hometown: Unknown
Type of childhood: None
First memory: Waking up in a destroyed forest
Most important childhood event that still affects him/her: None
Lower education: Math
Higher education: Unknown
Booksmart or streetsmart: Both, but more streetsmart

Job: Assistant investigator
Kiss: Unknown, though she has had to when undercover
Sexual experience: None. If anyone tries to, she simply damages certain body parts


Where does character work: Detective agency
How many years: Unknown
Relationship with co-workers: Unknown
Like his/her job: Verily
Why or why not: She finds it fun to go undercover, and search for things
Dream job: The one she has right now

Greatest fear: Getting caught in the act, having a REAL relationship
Worst thing that could happen to him/her: Being caught, or accidentally incriminating her allies
What single event would most throw character's life in complete turmoil: Not much. She doesn’t seem to care for many things, but it would have to be losing her job probably
Character is most at ease when: working, teasing, talking
Most ill at ease when: Bored, waiting, being played
Priorities: Doing a perfect job
Philosophy: Enjoy what you can. In every way you can.
How s/he feels about self: She thinks herself very persuasive, which she is, but also cold and nervous, though she hides the nervous part well.
Past failure s/he would be embarrassed to have people know about: Being caught when first appearing
If granted one wish, what would it be: None
Why: She doesn’t believe in that stuff
Daredevil or cautious: Both, but usually daredevil
Same when alone: Depends on the circumstance
Biggest regret: Getting caught
Biggest accomplishment: all of her successful cases
Minor accomplishments: all of her successful cases
Character's darkest secret: No one knows this, but Kenfi… is an Identity
Does anyone else know: Not yet
If yes, did character tell them: No
If no, how did they find out: Stalking her O_O… XD

Greatest source of strength in character's personality (whether s/he sees it as such or not): She seems very gentle to people… until her job is done, but also very protective of those who are caught in the lines of fire
Greatest source of weakness in character's personality (whether s/he sees it as such or not): Leaping before even opening her eyes

Character's soft spot: She would say jewelry, but in secret, she doesn’t really care for jewels. She seems to be sub-consciously looking for a soul mate.
Is this soft spot obvious to others: Some
If not, how does character hide it: By simply saying “It’s all part of the job”

Biggest vulnerability: Over-confidence

Which of the 7 deadly sins does character fight (or give into, willingly or not): Pride. Lust, but only in the way of being someone trying to catch everyone’s eye, and NOT in sexual ways
(lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy, pride)

Which of the 7 virtues does your character have: She is diligent, and abstinent.
(chastity, abstinence, liberality, diligence, patience, kindness, humility)

Optimist or pessimist: Both. She likes to be sarcastic a lot, but seems positive in her expressions most of the time.

Introvert or extrovert: Socialable, but keeps her secrets to herself

Drives and motivations: The more difficult it is, the more she wants to do it

Talents (hidden or not): Singing, poetry

Extremely skilled at: Deceiving, sneaking, disappearing, keeping things secret, hiding

Extremely unskilled at: Remembering certain details

Mannerisms: Blowing-kisses, gun-shaped hands, nudging people, and winking

Peculiarities: Unknown

Extra: Kenfi has no last name, and is extremely skilled at anything stealthy. She also seems to be able to open any door, or accomplish any goal.
added by sonicnmlpfan122
Source: Fuuuuuuuu
added by AlbinoWolf2141
added by xwolf19
Source: Art: me character: blazecat713
added by Rachel_Savaya
I liked Blood's original theme *sad face* but I guess this fits him too. Artist: Crush 40 Video source: Blackblur7
added by Terrathecat
added by Thirddevision
Source: meh
added by shadadow
added by InvaderMaricruz
Source: me
added by derpy_chick
added by Bebythehedgehog
Source: Me. AND PEEEEENS!!! and Crayola.
added by nekayla
Source: ME
added by numnumyellow67
Source: me, Photobucket,JascPaintShoppro8,Snowythehedgehog
added by Skull-Rose
Source: Art & Valtiel(c) Me
added by tailslover9
Source: Me!!!!
added by awsome_chick
added by Lilly443
Source: I know its crappy
(So baffle is back to share some more of his opinions on things... oh wow.XD)


#1. I hate the fact that a sequel came to this.
#2. I hate the fact that my face is balding
#3. I hate the stupid orange lynx.
#4. I hate the fact that the stupid orange lynx get's a history video.
#5. I hate the fact that as of the moment, the image gallery is overruled with recolors... THAT SHOULD BE MY GLORIOUS IMAGE PAINTED...
continue reading...
posted by CosmoLuvsTails
Recently I've had a bit of a change of main characters, and a few new ideas for their bios :3 A few spoilers may turn up here and there, I dunno.

Amber Louisa Prower
She's still my main character, still a Prower and not a lot has changed, really. She's fallen out with Jenna-Su, her last best friend, and now has a full, happy family life. She lives with her Mum and Dad, and her sisters Lillian, Heather and Gwen. She's trying to fit in with her new group of friends and can't help but look back at the times where she was part of a bigger cause in the world.

River Spark
She's now got a few friends,...
continue reading...
Love is a sweet song
sang by dying swans.
Angels of Heaven
fighting for dreams
they cannot save.

Far is so near
now when you're here.
Many deaths tonight
cannot save our sweet love.

So cruel
too dark.
Let my soul depart.
Don't let me die
without false hope of our love!

Love is peace between
desires and dreams.
Angels of Hell
laughing at your feelings.

Far is so near
now when you're here
sharing the time with me.
Touch me with the flame,
make me burn like Hell.

So cruel
so sweet
my revenge shall be revealed.
Let me lay you down
in your grave of my love.

Poems again~ Hope you enjoy it. ^^