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On the planet of Feytal-after the first battle of Geonosis.

Ticara bowed low to the Keeper, the old man came forward and placed a loving kiss upon his only remaining heir. His grand-daughter." What brings our gracious king's newest passion to see an old man?" Sicar saw the disgust on her face as she rose up from her bow. " When?" It was a question all to often asked these days, one that he had no answer for as of yet. He looked out the window at the cherry tree that had grown so well in these 35 years. Under it the sad bundle that the Imprinted one had asked to bury in their garden. With only one glad tiding. The Hope was coming. But not even she'd known the when or the where. In that time he had lost his wife and his children to the annual appeasement of the ogre's. It had been one of his last daughter's guards that had brought back the baby. Saying he dared not anger the Hope by giving the child to the eaters of flesh. Green eyes that now were filled with hate and disgust were a sign of the Hope's soon arrival. One that had kept him and his granddaughter safe from being sacrificed and left her untouched by the old king's loathsome son's abuses. Then five years ago the old king had died and his son had let his eyes wonder onto Ticara. Who had yet another year before her bloom. Untouchable. "Grandfather tell me when. He's feed so many of his wives to that creature in the sand, when their eye's glow pink. I can't stand it any longer. Tell me when she'll come." Sicar took down the small memory ball, passed down from Keeper to Keeper. When all other world's had forgotten her they had kept her memory close. Close for when she would come back, come back and save them. He handed it to her. Ticara's eyes blazed a green fire and she threw it down onto the floor shattering it. The vid flared to life. A red haired woman with green eyes smiled.
" My name is Morgan Demorel. I am the Morgan, Pathbourne, Stranger, the Hope, and even the High Queen of Mandalore. It has been 14 years since I have seen my husband. In that time I have accepted his offspring and other women. I don't expect anyone to understand my reasoning. Not when I don't. I love him. I thought he would see through his brother's lies, so I waited. I waited too damn long instead of acting......" The image fluttered and died. Ticara scrambled to the floor desperate to try putting back together the ancient record. Sicar bent down and caught her hands with his. Tears made her unable to see him clearly. He wiped them away. "Let it go child, it is gone. Look at your own eyes in the mirror. You are a part of her, she is a part of you. In more ways then one.In my room there is a book for you when it is time, but now is not the time. Your guard is waiting for you." Ticara helped him back to his feet. " What happened to her, and to the women and children?" The old fey sighed. "You know the place called the Crater?" She nodded." That was where we had our settlement. We lived together, breed into each other's species. When the last Morgan came there was a meteor shower. There was not enough for all. Many died in the shower, others in the aftermath. Those that did escape in the ship did not all return. It was a hard re-birth and long.

EARTH-Present day.

Morgan sat in the ratty but perfect car for the object of her obsession. 5 yrs in a coma, waking up only to find out that there wasn't any reason to make it one left alive. No new husband, no mom, dad nor even her big bratty sister. She fingered Steven's crucifix he'd forgotten in the bathroom at his apartment. Her ring? She'd left it on his grave stone, the end of
all her dreams. Placing the cross against her heart she took a last deep breath and revved up the car before smiling. "Lets not keep the devil waiting." Heading for the biggest of the monoliths.

TATOOINE-In the Forsaken Region.

Sota Slayer ran from the Pathbourne's Path Chamber to her twin brother's families rooms. The panic in her chest making her change between woman to silver fox and forth again as the urgency burst through her veins like lava. While her mind tried to reason to calm her before she had an attack of chlostrophobia. Even in the spacious fort she had attacks when not out in the yard.Bursting into the rooms she fell to her knees as the terror she had felt became reality. Blood and gore decorated the hollowed walls and family portraits....Her mind spewed out the disturbing details....Her hand caught and she spun around tossing the arrow into her attacker's throat before rolling and catching the blade between her hands with enough force to twist it and behead the next. Her mind still struggling while her body continued to defend her life. In the next moment her rage roared up and the rest of the intruders were thrown onto the blood spattered walls. Sota Silver Fox Slayer's rage sprang to an even higher level as she saw 3 of her six children along with the youngest's remaining spouse. A feverish madness flared along her veins and a yellow color rose up to cover the silver star of her irises as she started to crush the betrayers. Bones started to compress, gasps were squeezed from stretching necks. Sota began to smile and then she was flying backwards up and out into the yard. Then she was dropped into the vast and impossibly deep pond its bone chilling depths curing her moment of insanity as her mind finished the fate of her twin's families deaths. A hand leaking feathers snaked down and grabbed her from the safe closure of the water. Her 4th daughter clung to her as they both cried at the deplorable acts of her 3 oldest. As not even the baby had survived their cruelty.

PIRA-A planet of retired pirates, (some what retired.)

Mayor Tyran Amadala sat at the head of the breakfast table perusing the local news. The One Eye Press. He chuckled at the usual messes.It really didn't matter how far they believed themselves to be civilized. He snickered."It would seem that Mr. Oron Treasure has been emptying his father's treasury over someone." He saw his 17 year old blush while his 8 year old son stuck out his tongue. Then someone knocked on the door. Tyran frowned, no one ever knocked. "Come in." Mya entered softly her face looking down at the floor. "What is it Mya?" Rheya said with concern. "My lady-My Lords....." She bite her lower lip. Rheya knew what ever was coming next would not be good. She stood up and poured her long time friend a cup of tea with 3 sugars. "Mya? Please sit...." The maid shook her head. "Th...there is a woman here to see you my lady Rheya? She wants to have a private word." Rheya stilled."We do not hide anything in this house. Let her in or have Rose bring her here." Upon the permission the eldest nanny and maid of the house hold ushered a very bulging young woman into the room. "This is Clara Bow."
Tyran Jr. peered into his water seeing with his seer's eye and nearly burst with joy as he saw a new mother in his future. His excitement did not go unnoticed by his father.who had known from the moment he'd seen the boy's eyes his beloved wife had passed on her unsettling gift of seer's sight to their son. His hand clenched into a fist at his side in fear for his son, his wife had died not long after their son had been born. A siren who had fallen in love with her intended victim, refused to kill him and later had been punished for it. Not even the fact she'd been their princess had saved her from a death sentence.....Tyran Jr.'s hand moved underneath the table cloth to his pocket. The chosen precious bug hidden in a small bottle. The mayor smiled as he stood up ,hiding it behind the newspaper for a moment to control his smile.... and then lost it as the young woman from his un-pictured reports walked in nearly 6 months pregnant. "Please have a seat." Rheya had just said and was preparing a plate when the door burst open Oron Treasure grabbed the pregnant girl by her arm. "How dare you bring these allegations to the Mayor!" Rheya moved faster then Tyran her small revolver pressed up against the rogues chin all too calmly."She hasn't said two words, but you have.We are done." The knave dropped the girl's arm and went to his knees."My dearest I had a moment of weakness." Rheya stiffened her spine even as her heart broke upon his reef of words. "Weakness? You promised me we would both be pure for our wedding night. I still am." At her words he snarled as he stood. "You....You're no....." His face contorted in pain his scream barely held in as Rose's son twisted his arm behind him. "Be careful what you say to my little sister, cretin. In fact I think it would be wise for you to leave before the Mayor has to intervene." He then pushed Oron towards the door. Oron looked back at the red skinned horn headed devil who always seemed to watch over Rheya. "This is far from over." Oron warned as he strode out the door clinging to his over strained arm.

Coruscant-some where lower level: Last Chance Academy.

The troop transport landed on the platform. Captain Kicks sighed as he looked at his brother. "This is the best I could do for you."
The clone in question snorted. "Thanks a lot, this is so much better then death." Kicks kicked him squarely in the ass off the transport. Skrew-Ball had prepared for it and jumped just ahead of the kick. He turned around. "I know you tried your best. But...."
Kicks bounced his helmet off the floor of the transport. "You nearly killed her fiance. You took it too far! " Kicks got off the transport to pick up his helmet and put his hand on his brother's shoulder. "I know how you feel, I've been there. But we have to move on....I should have had this talk with you earlier when I saw how she was using you to make him jealous. No high brow ever takes a real interest in our kind...." Kicks had to swallow his own anger....Skrew-Ball coughed. "Sir, its alright. I should have been more alert. I really do appreciate what you did for me. It couldn't have been easy." Kicks sighed. No it hadn't. Luckily there had been a favor owed to him from a high ranking jedi general. The girl's and fiance's minds had both been rearranged, nullifying his favor to the point of almost owing one in return. The only stipulation was that the clone responsible would lay low for a year somewhere no one would find him. "I'll be back for you in a year maybe two if things get a little side ways." Skrew-Ball shook his head. "Forget it by then I'll be dead. Or as good as dead. This is good-bye and thanks." Skrew-Ball walked off, Kicks paused and then just climbed back onto the transport. "Back to the temple boys. Time to gear up."

Fighter Battalion group Fang: Recon mission in uncharted area.

Commander Ahsoka Tano,slept deeply trying to escape her most recent down time. They had just come back from a successful mission. One that they had both been apart of. They went to the usual spot where they would hopefully meet after each mission success or failure. Both alive. Rex sat across from her as relaxed as he could get as far as she knew. His beer only slightly touched. Hers slightly further down. "I hear there is a post available....." She shook her head. "You know that post is for a Jedi and I am no Jedi. Not any more." His face frowned his arms crossed. "You deserve more then a grunts life. You deserve to be a Jedi." Ahsoka changed tactics hoping to catch him off guard. "Alright. I'll go. I'll go today. Master Yoda said I could come back any time.....As long as you take me back to your barracks" Rex narrowed his eyes at her, his voice calm as ever. " I don't deflower children or cowards." The sentence made her see red, she stood up in a flurry. "Child! Coward!" She slammed her hand down on the table, their table and split it in two before briskly walking away. Throwing the bar keep a small pile of coins for the damage. Walking out the door, it wasn't the city that assaulted her but a vast white room with No there was someone, a girl wrapped in a blood red cloak. Ahsoka eased up to the girl sobbing so she wouldn't scare her, upon reaching her she saw that the cloak was the child's actual hair.
"Hi-Hello?" The girl turned around and went wide eyed. Ahsoka backed away her hands splayed in front of her to show she carried no weapons. Then the girl dried her eyes and burst out laughing and laughing near hysteric. " The devil does have a sense of humor!" Ahsoka stiffened. "Look I know that this may not be a palace, but this is still my mind!" The girl clapped her hand over her mouth and then bite down. Ahsoka winced but the action seemed to calm the stranger down. "Perfect. My name is Morgan Pathbourne Walker and you are Ahsoka Tano." As the shock took over Ahsoka this Morgan started to laugh again till tears dripped down onto the white floor turning it into a blood red pool that seemed to spread towards Ahsoka. She jumped and grabbed the girl only to have the girl grab hers in return. As arm and arm met there was a blinding light. Ahsoka woke up and rushed to the refresher unloading what little food she had been able to digest. A moment later she felt a hand on her shoulder as her 2nd in command and medic eased her back so he could check her vitals. "Just something I ate." Kale snorted. "I can count how many times you've been at the breakfast lunch and dinner calls on one hand and not even what's left of my digits." Ahsoka paled and went back to the waste disposal unit. Kale only had 3 on his right and four on his left. The only way he was even allowed to stay was the mech that he only donned when he had to."Ha-ha. Very funny. Fine, I had a crazy dream, which means only trouble. Even if I'm no longer a Jedi, I'm still a force user." Kale frowned."What's wrong with your hand?" Ahsoka frowned at him as he held her hand. "I must have hurt it in the rush to get here." Kale snorted before easing some balm and then bandaging it firmly. Taking out an ice bag from his belt he
pressed it to her bandage."Here keep this on it while I go and get some food no refusing. If we're attacked and you haven't eaten enough you won't be any good to us. I'm just stating facts....Commander." Ahsoka rolled her eyes and accepted the ice pack. She waved off the offered hand of help and got to her feet. "What happened? I don't feel the engines." Kale nodded. "Yes we've hit a snag. There was some kind of surge, it doesn't seem to have damaged anything just reset some of the computers. We're pretty lucky we could be squeezing every ounce of oxygen and speed out of our crafts to make a viable planet." Ahsoka rubbed at her bandaged hand. "Don't do that it's healing." Ahsoka sighed. "Fine. But what about the communications? Has anyone else been affected?" Kale shook his head. "They were part of the computer system that went down. It'll take a bit to get them warmed up and running again.Sorry about that." Ahsoka blinked at him. "What's there to be apologizing for. We're small and maneuverable. Plus we can hide a lot easier then those big boys. The new disguises logged into the are the disguises?" Kale scratched his neck. "As long as we don't run into any trouble we're alright for the next 1/2 hour. The oxygen was the first thing that kicked in again....very strange. It didn't even record that there was any pause in the discharge of oxygen into the systems. Like what ever hit us only wanted us to stay put.....waiting..." Kale laughed uncomfortably. "Been too long out on patrol. I need a rest." A knock came at the door the food that he'd ordered through his text pad arrived.
"Why don't you sit and eat with me?" Kale shook his head.
"Maybe for breakfast, I'll grab a water while I check my brothers. In case something still needs a few added kicks. But you need to eat rest and sleep. You've been running yourself more ragged then we do." Ahsoka's eye's drooped. "Ahsoka---eat. We need you to eat." Her eyes widened overly to fight off the sleep. "Sorry. Yes eat first." To prove it she picked up a fork and dug into the cooks quick whip up. Left overs made into a loaf, but it wasn't bad as it was mostly powdered eggs, re-hydrated sausages and french toast.....what was french? Where had the word come from? Why did she care? The food was delicious or was that just because she had been feeling rather guilty and putting off her stomach's complaints. Taking in only enough to get her through her shifts. Even though the clones tried to make her settle she made sure she always pulled her duties. As she made it through the food Kale rechecked her vitals and prescribed bed rest and no pulling her shift for one full rotation. "If you don't follow my prescription I will have to make a report to the officials and they may pull you from the patrols." Kale saw her glare at him but nod in begrudging agreement. He then left. " I thought he'd never leave. " A very tired voice rang out from the corner where after a moment a tall man wearing a jedi rob came out from. Funny it didn't make her afraid. "And?" The intruder stretched out and eased back the hood. The man was handsome, and gave her the shivers. "Who are you?" The man offered to take her hand which she offered up. He refused to answer her question but talked as he unwrapped her hand. "The Morgan is coming and her path will not be an easy one. Even with the Family growing it will from the beginning be an uphill battle.....So many battles. There the imprint is as it was when I was chosen. There are rules to these new powers. The Red Hand can open any door. Any, but there is always a price when you go to far....if you open the gate of death a life must be sacrificed and that one maybe your own as it was with the chosen before me. My death....I was shot to death by my own mate. We exited this life together. I didn't even know her....I saw her release the arrow, our eyes met and then it was all over.....Morgan.....Morgan was my father's true wife....sorry I'm getting caught up in the past." The unnamed man swallowed hard and then saw the bits of the loaf on her tray and smiled. "Mom used to make french toast, she'd laugh and say it was the 1st imported item she'd brought with her from her dimension. That's what she called it. She said if she said planet and tried to find it, it would take more then a year to track where her planet was and by that time it may not even exist....She said a planetary war had erupted and with how it was going she had better chances of winning the lottery. French toast. She said she didn't know how it got to be named after the country of France but it always tasted good. Hmmm....time to go and you need to get that sleep he was talking about. Good night Red Hand may the doors you open always be the right ones." With that he kissed her forehead and faded into nothing. Ahsoka felt warm and comfortable as she thought of the bed sheets they folded back letting her get into them without a thought. "Good night Rex, may God keep you safe." She yawned and slammed deep into slumber. Never realizing she'd said God not the Force when she prayed he'd be safe.

Obi-wan's private quarters on his flagship:

Obi-wan sat quietly meditating on the upcoming battle, it was bound to be problematic. It wasn't as if he didn't have enough on his plate. Anakin was even grumpier then his usual and even though Ahsoka had come to aide them she refused to become a jedi again. Perhaps it was for the best as the relationship she had with Captain Rex was getting a little more cozy then it should be if she had been still a jedi. He sighed, taking a mind clearing calming breath. Yes. The war. This battle. One at a time. His mind obeyed him going over the landscape.From the hills to the pit falls where any.....the Force suddenly held him hostage, whisking his spirit away. When it settled him his stomach felt more then watery, he started to feel his meager meal rush his throat. A hand gripped his shoulder and it sank slowly to sit without complaint back where it belonged. "Still unaccustomed to the Force's whims, even after being a master for this long." Qui Gon Jinn's voice made everything around them solidify and reveal themselves. From the dust to the boxes that surrounded them."Master." Qui Gon shook his head and pointed up towards the ceiling. "She comes. The Chosen One that the prophecy foretold." Obi-wan's mouth moved over the other's words. "But what about Anakin? We...." He then felt the gathering of the Force. Never in his life had he felt it so intense and yet there was a mountain of emotions. As if it was giving birth. He looked around him. No! No this couldn't be where who ever was going to land. Not in the middle of a dread naught of the Seperatists. He rushed out, his blade out and slicing through the droids marching through the hanger. A great surge then unleashed itself from the gathering of the Force and out of it came a contraption with but a single life form within.It hit into the middle of the enemy drill. He smiled as it took out a handful of as it crashed. Rushing forward he put himself between. His chest heaved as his heart beat suddenly increased as did his energy. His mind began to become slightly unhinged as he swore he could smell her. Sweet, calming and it made his soul swell with completion. This was his woman. His soul's mate, no one but him was meant for her. He did not need to see her face nor check on how she was, for if she was dead so was he and he did not feel dead. Then rational thinking fought and won a whisper. 'Are you not a Jedi?' Obi-wan blinked and he was back in his body, the images and feelings from the dream fading fast into the realms of never while the alarm was going off as the ship was under attack.
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Source: JStarrC / JSC tumblr
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Source: Disney - Lucasfilm Ltd.
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Source: Vanity Fair May 2019 issue
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Source: Vanity Fair
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