Sunrise Club
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posted by Bella_Swan3

Edward and I were playing chess, hilariously fun, when I saw an image that did not involve chess pieces. I stiffened; then relaxed. So they liked Isle Renesmee. Good. It WAS my idea, after all.

And suddenly, I saw something that did not make me smile. I sighed and flicked my king over. It wasn't worth it.

* * *

Edward was the only one who would play chess with me anymore, mainly because it was fair.

I was a little depressed that there wasn't any wedding to be planned, and I didn't have any new project planned. Then, it hit me. RENESMEE'S CLOSET! Well, I'd already stocked her new house's (Esme had given them their own house, she'd designed it and everything) mega-sized walk in closet and helped furnish the house, but I could always remodel her closet to look like a boutique!

I smiled in anticipation. I had to go call Esme!
posted by Bella_Swan3

Carlisle took a blood test, but I had to bite my own hand so the needle could get through. I was curiously fascinated. I'd never seen my own blood before. It looked pretty normal, considering I was half vampire.

"Renesmee, if it isn't too much to ask, do you mind if I test your blood more than strictly necessary? It would probably help - " he said, hesitantly.
"Don't even worry about it," I smiled at him.

He placed the vial of my blood in a small velcroed case, and told me it might take a while to test through everything that was needed and what he was curious about. I glanced at...
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posted by Bella_Swan3

Almost as soon as we pulled into the driveway, I noticed that my ferrari was not where it was supposed to be. Moreover, it was dented. And painted lime green, for crying out loud.

I screamed, and Emmett had to hold me back while I started yelling obscenities at Edward. I almost ripped him to shreds, burnt the pieces and danced around the pile.

I was that mad.

As if he wanted to die, he'd poured syrup on my bed.

"It wasn't my idea. It was Jacob's. I just put it into action," he'd said.

Then, that night, when I washed my hair, I came out with lime green hair. I HATED GREEN!!!

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posted by Bella_Swan3

I couldn't resist Jacob. I never could, so when he used his head to give me a wolf hug, I suddenly forgot all about what I was ranting about.

I wasn't aware of time passing, so it sort of shocked me when I started feeling tired. Jacob nudged me inside and all I remebered was hitting the couch before I practically passed out.

* * *

When I woke up, I was resting against Jacob's bare chest. The sun had barely risen, but I'd woken up anyway. Maybe because I'd fallen asleep so early yesterday.

Anyway, Jacob refused to budge, so I contented myself with tracing patterns of his forearm....
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posted by Bella_Swan3

I heard Emmett coming, and the second he'd come through the door, I'd been furious with him for the vampire joke. I'd phased in midair.

Before long I had him held down and started ranting at him. I was pretty sure my point was made.

Just then, Renesmee ran out of the house and screamed at us to stop.

I stepped back immediately; I didn't want to make her upset. She told us that we'd scared her.

I wanted so badly to make her feel better.

I padded up to her and have her a wolf hug. She scratched behind my ear, and I was sure I started humming.

Emmett pretended to gag, then left.

I wasn't...
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posted by Bella_Swan3

I had no idea what was going on. Like normal. One second, Rose and I were cuddling on the sofa, then she suddenly jumped up, screamed, "Get her!" and started chasing Bella. I made Ed tell me what it was all about, and I almost took the house down.

Bella shopping? Those were two words that did not occur in the same sentence naturally.

* * *

I went off to go torment Jake. Wrestling him was fun, but the person who won was never celebrating for long when Renesmee found out.

Edward glared at me, and I hastily thought, 'Jeez, Ed, relax,' then, 'Arm wrestling?' I thought.

Edward sighed and...
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posted by Bella_Swan3

Edward was playing my lullaby on the piano, when he suddenly froze, and told me, calmly, that Alice was planning a shopping trip. Immediately. Including me. Whether I liked it or not.

Rosalie heard this, and she was obviously on Alice's side, because in the split-second I had to think, she yelled, "Get her!"

And I ran. I leaped over the river, and realised Alice was tailing me, too.

I was breezng through the forest, when it hit me. Literally.

Without my knowledge, Rosalie had made a loop, and I had been so preoccupied with my main threat, namely, Alice, that I barely had time to register...
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posted by Bella_Swan3

I had no idea what Jacob and Renesmee were doing until they were close enough that I could smell new clothes. I had skipped out of the window and grabbed the clothes and Renesmee.

In no time, I was loading clothes into her closet.

Renesmee was way easier to live with than Bella.

I paused on a pair of shoes. They supported my above statement nicely.

I sighed in anticipation. I could see I'd be doing more shopping (yay!) in the future, but how far into the future?

I decided that since that seemed too irritatingly far-off to wait for, that Rosalie and I were going shopping again. Tomorrow....
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posted by Bella_Swan3

Once I was done shopping ('Alice would be proud' kind of shopping) in Port Angeles, we sat down at a restuarant, La Bella Italia, a name that seemed vaguely familiar. I shook my head; I definetly had lost it.

* * *

Once we were done, we paid and left. I liked driving fast, something I had NOT inherited from my mom.

The second we got home, Alice was there. She whisked me and my purchases out of the car, and before I knew it, she had everything laid out on the bed, and was looking at everything critically.

"Renesmee, you make me so proud," she said, looking ready to hug me until I...
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posted by Bella_Swan3

I couldn't help but laugh; the thought of my Aunt Rosalie putting my larger-than-life Uncle Emmett in a headlock was something you could hardly stop yourself from laughing about.

Jacob laughed with me, and then he said, "Speaking of which, I believe there is something we need to see."

He led me upstairs; and then grabbed a small silver digital camera on the nightstand.

* * *

We spent the next hour in hysterics; The first picture, obviously taken by my mom, was Dad and Uncle Jasper andvancing on Uncle Emmett. The next one; they held him down. Then many of Aunt Rose and Aunt Alice...
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posted by Bella_Swan3

When I woke up, sunlight streamed down through the window and Jacob was snoring in the corner.

I got up, and headed for the bathroom.

By the time I was done showering, Jacob was still asleep. I realised just how tired he really must have been. I dressed quietly and headed downstairs to start making breakfast. I grimaced as I pictured what I used to think of as breakfast.

I really should have seen this one coming; it was so Emmett.

I opened the fridge and screamed before I sprinted to the bathroom just in time to throw up.

When I was done with the unpleasant business, Jacob was standing...
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posted by Bella_Swan3

I wasn't sure she'd make it 10 feet before she fell asleep, and I was right. I caught her before she hit the ground, and carried her towards the Cullen's house.

Edward most likely would want proof I'd brought her back. The fact that she was practically catatonic right now was not helping; he'd probably bite my head off (I'm not sure if that's a metaphor or not) the second before he realised I was not carrying her corpse.

I was met by Bella almost as soon as I'd caught Renesmee.

She wordlessly took Renesmee from my arms, and we walked to my and Renesmee's house.

Bella walked up the stairs....
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posted by Bella_Swan3

I was pretty mad that I didn't get my revenge immediately. Renesmee fell asleep. Lovely.

At least I got more time to plan.

* * *

It seems a little weird that this only crossed my mind now, and I've had a constant twenty years to think, but:

Does Jacob get along well with siberian huskies?

Just thinking. Now back to revenge.

* * *

I was planning to re-stock their refridgerator, in a very vampire-ish fashion.

Since Renesmee was two, she stopped drinking blood. Now she just ate human food. She said there was more variety.

Now, blood sorta disgusted and freaked her out. Calisle "theorized"...
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posted by Bella_Swan3

By the time we landed for THE LAST TIME, I was really tired, despite sleeping like a rock the entire time.

"Emmett is going to personally ensure your permanent skin tone becomes bright red," Jacob remarked.

I scowled at him; I hated that I blushed so frequently.

"But I like it," he grinned. "It makes you look cute."
"Are you on his side or mine?" I almost growled at him. I was NOT in the mood for this.
"Yours," he said, still grinning.
"Great. Then please be more supportive."
"Yes, ma'am," he said, saluting me.
"Whatever," I mumbled as we stepped into the cab.

* * *

By the time we reached Forks, I was still incredibly tired.

The last thing I remembered was steeping out of the cab, and making it eight steps before my legs folded underneath me and Jacob's warm arms catching me before I fell.

I blinked my eyes closed, too exhausted to move.
posted by Bella_Swan3

Watching Rosalie outsmart Edward was pretty funny. I just didn't think Edward would get her back for it. Nor that she'd be so mad, she'd crush his piano. I think she was sort of mad he wasn't more upset.

Emmett found it all unbelievably funny, as expected.

As soon as Renesmee and Jake got back, Zafrina, Senna, Kachiri, Benjamin and Tia were coming to visit. Just for the weekend.

I could hardly wait to see Benjamin, Tia, and the Amazonian Clan again. It had been a while.

One thing that was presently bothering me, something we'd been putting off for a while. Visiting the Volturi, to prove...
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posted by Bella_Swan3

I was only replacing the flowers oon Edward's new piano, when I saw a vision of Renesmee meeting Renee. I saw her tell the story of how we were all dead. I smiled to myself. I didn't know she could act. Good story, too, now we'd not have to worry about one human noticing we weren't aging.

Edward, I thought as loudly as I could.

Once I had his attention, I ran over everything I had just seen. He nodded once from his position on the couch, and then ran out of the house to tell Charlie not to contact Renee and pretend we were dead.

Renesmee's new closet was almost done, I just needed to reload all the clothes, shoes, and accessories I'd gotten for her.

I sighed. Now what was I supposed to do?
posted by Bella_Swan3

Our camping trip was disastrous, in Rosalie's opinion.

I dunno why she always got so upset with the lack of electricity. I thought maybe it was a girl thing, but Bella, Alice, and Esme never really minded so much.

I think Ed went outta his way to make Rose mad. It was hilarious. He was offering her human food in front of the other hikers staying a few meters from us, so she couldn't refuse. By the time we had to go home, she was livid. Not to mention ready to toss his piano into a chipper-shredder.

She did, but the difference was that she crushed it in her hands first. He had to get...
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posted by Bella_Swan3

"Black? As in, Jacob Black?" Renee said.
"Yes," I said nervously, not sure how it mattered.
Renee blinked and said, "Oh."

* * *

Half an hour later, Jacob and I were showing Renee our honeymoon pictures. She was so warm and accepting. I felt like I already knew everything about her.

Jacob had "magically" produced photo albums filled with copies of EVERY SINGLE GODDAMN PICTURE EVER TAKEN OF ME. None with my mom, though.

Renee cooed over how "absolutely adorable" I had been. Jacob told her she could have them.

"You probably want to see the pictures I have of Bella," Renee said quietly....
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posted by Bella_Swan3

It's been almost twenty years since I had to see my own daughter. Dead. I had been in to identify her, and make myself believe the unbelievable. But I had barely held it together when I saw her.

The Cullens had been miserable, Edward seemed the one who was hating himself the most.

I didn't go to her funeral. I hadn't wanted to see it.

My daughter had died eighteen years ago, and I was starting to forgive myself for not seeing her alive since her wedding day, when someone rang the doorbell.

I answered the door, not expecting anyone special.

A beautiful girl, maybe, eighteen, nineteen,...
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posted by Bella_Swan3

I knew Rosalie'd be mad when Edward 'suggested' the idea of taking a camping trip. She hated those things. Dunno why, I liked them, but that probably just meant that Rosalie wouldn't.

Anyway, I thought Rose got over it, but she apparently hadn't, 'cause when we were running there, she must've been thinking some really angry thoughts, because Edward started laughing.

Rosalie was apparently not in the mood for that, because she caught up with him and hit him across the chest with her arm. She hit him so hard he flew back a couple of meters before he fell to the ground. He didn't see it coming, she must've not been thinking much.

Now THAT someone shoulda caught on camera. It was REALLY funny, everyone was laughing, even Ed.

I had a feeling Rosalie would never let him forget this.
posted by Bella_Swan3

I was NOT thrilled when Carlisle announced that we were going on a "camping" trip. Ew. I prefer to eat on hunting trips, then IMMEDIATELY return home. It meant that we had to "rough it" for potentially three days. Emphasis on the "EW".

I didn't really have problem with camping, just the lack of running water, civilisation, my walk-in closet, laptop, and various other technology.

Therefore, I HATE CAMPING.

Edward, who was a few strides ahead of me, began laughing, and, clearing my head of thoughts, I sped up to him, and knocked him flat before he knew what I was doing.

It wasn't every...
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