Sunrise Club
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posted by Bella_Swan3

It's been almost twenty years since I had to see my own daughter. Dead. I had been in to identify her, and make myself believe the unbelievable. But I had barely held it together when I saw her.

The Cullens had been miserable, Edward seemed the one who was hating himself the most.

I didn't go to her funeral. I hadn't wanted to see it.

My daughter had died eighteen years ago, and I was starting to forgive myself for not seeing her alive since her wedding day, when someone rang the doorbell.

I answered the door, not expecting anyone special.

A beautiful girl, maybe, eighteen, nineteen, with beautiful bronze curls halfway down her back.

I vaguely remembered Edward's hair.

"My name is Renesmee Cullen," the girl said, meeting my eyes.

In that moment, I panicked. I recognised those eyes. I was looking in Bella's eyes. How? How could Bella have had a child and never tell me? How? How could Bella leave me out the life of my granddaughter?

I wasn't sure if this girl was even real. I wanted to touch her perfect, pale skin, make certain she wouldn't evaporate.

I stretched my shaking hand out, then stopped myself. Of course she was real. How could she not be?

I listened numbly as she told me who her parents were. Pointless, really, I already knew. She told me Bella didn't want me to know about her. She had been born shortly before Bella had died.

We sat on the porch swing. I wasn't sure what I said; there was a roaring in my ears. I vaguely heard her say that her whole family, save Charlie, had died. In a plane crash. She started crying. I comforted her. She was like an angel, an unknown link to my lost daughter. It was wrong for her to cry.

She told me she had only heard today, she had been returning from her honeymoon. I was trying not to make her cry, so I repeated the word in question form. Who had she married. I did some mental calculations; she was only nineteen. How could I have missed nineteen years of my granddaughter's life?

She told me her last name was technically not really Cullen, now it was Black. I suddenly stiffened.

There was only one Black she could possibly have known and married? Jacob Black. Sixteen years older than she was. My eyes flew immediately to the man sitting in the driver's seat of the rental vehicle. I recognised the pictures Bella had shown me when she was still alive.

"Black? As in, Jacob Black?" I said.
posted by Bella_Swan3

I turned on my heel and noticed that Seth and Jacob had phased back.

I stalked out, my family and friends following.

* * *

I lifted my head to the cool breeze. It smelt different, although it seemed the very same as it had been before. But not really. Now, it smelt like...false peace. The rest of the world went on, but time stood still for me.

Freedom is not always a physical thing. It can mean freedom from feeling pain, freedom from even the most trivial of things.

After the Volturi incident, we had been forced to leave Forks. Alaska was reasonably unpopulated. The Denali clan had welcomed...
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posted by Bella_Swan3

"Isabella, is that really quite necessary?" Aro cheerfully asked. I ground my teeth. It sounded like scraping glass.
"Well, seeing as my granddaughter is perfectly harmless, I fail to grasp why you cannot allow us to leave," I glared.
"Well, simply put, dear Isabella, she has, ah, qualities that we happen to find rather attractive." Why can even the Lord of the Dead seem happy these days?

I couldn't hold back the feral snarl that time.

"Well, simply put, Aro, she will not be joining you," Edward cut in. I looked at him gratefully. I imagined what I might have said. Something along the lines...
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posted by Bella_Swan3

Motioning with my hand for the vampires behind us to stay put, I turned my attention to the carved door. I kicked the it open, trying my hardest not to turn it into a pile of splinters.

The three ancients looked up. Seated as they were on a raised podium, I supposed it was more of a "redirecting your gaze". Marcus looked bored, Caius just looked... upset, and Aro looked like we'd just given him an island.

"Ah, Isabella, good of you to join us!" Aro said gleefully, clapping his hand together, looking very much like a commercial for antidepressants.

Renesmee had Jen on her hip, and Jacob...
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posted by Bella_Swan3

Sometimes, I absorb the emotions around me. Like now. Did I mention I'm about to have a nervous breakdown?


When everyone you love is at risk, you'll put yourself up. It goes without saying. It just does.

Because I would rather be torn apart a thousand times, endure the fire of becoming a vampire all over again, endure it for the rest of eternity, rather than watch the Volturi take my family.

Wordlessly, I stand up and at human pace, make my way to the large ominous door.

In a very soap-opera-ish manner, Edward grabs my hand. I snort, and lift my shield.

Let go, Edward. I'm going in there, end of story. I can't just stand by and let it happen.

"Bella... I'm coming with you." By the tone of his voice, he means it.
posted by Bella_Swan3

But she wears high heels, I wear sneakers, she's cheer captain and I'm on the bleachers...

Look, don't ask. It's mostly 'cause it irritates Ed. So I thought of an ingenious method of irritating the emo-supervamp, sue me for using it. The idea is to think songs he thinks are annoying as loudly as possible. Then think of reasons to hang around him. And later, if you're feeling like threatening your life, change his ringtone to the given song. So he's chilled a little since Bella, he's still uptight.

Whatever. I figured, might as well be positive, right?


Why the hell did it have...
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posted by Bella_Swan3

To make things even more complicated than they already are, the Volturi are currently debating whether to kill us or let "the child" live.

Renesmee got over Seth imprinting on Jen. Eventually. Myself as well as the rest of the Cullen's, the Denali's, and the Amazonian clan as well as Benjamin and Tia, were being forced to stay in the waiting room. Apparently, even vampire royalty will make you wait for an appointment before they annihilate you.

Jacob, Seth and Renesmee were the only ones allowed in. Probably because Aro did not see them as large a threat without eighteen vampires behind...
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posted by Bella_Swan3

We were going back to our house. I wanted to be home, more than anything else. Jen was actually a month old, but looked about twice as old.

Uncle Emmett had said, before we had left, "Oh, the mayhem we shall create!" Should I be afraid?


Maybe I should seriously consider enlisting the help of Rosalie, Jasper, my mom and dad, Alice, Esme, and Carlisle.

Now, however, Jen is (physically) six months old, and if I miss any more sleep, I will start crying.

Why the hell do people claim that they've slept like a baby if they wake up every two hours?

Anyways, at least she's started sleeping more. Mom, Rose, Alice and Esme help a lot, too.

* * *

I love being a mom, and I love my daughter, but at this point, all I care about is ripping Seth Clearwater's face off.

Did I metion I'm being held back by three different werewolves right now? And that they are seriously struggling?

Setyh imprinted on my baby.
posted by Bella_Swan3

"Renesmee wants to see you."

If there was anything else the Ice Princess wanted to say, I didn't hear it. I was already running. Sure, it was five miles, but it would only take a minute. Bella had practically kicked me out with the cheerful words to have fun and that Renesmee would not be waking up any time soon.

I hurled myself up the irritating staircase and saw Renesmee. The pychic pixie had probably dressed her, there was no way she'd be wearing that in the circumastances.

She had moved from the bed onto the small chair, and was holding Jen in her arms. She looked up at me and smiled. Yeah, so it was corny but it was perfect.
posted by Bella_Swan3

It was much later... I think. I felt like a mist was hanging over my head, but also as if some ethereal airconditioning was blowing it away. That settles it: human painkillers, yeah, not that good for me.

I was trying to clear my head of the strange cloud of memories and whatever I think I had been seeing.

"Are you awake yet?" Rosalie.
"I think..." it sounded like a question.
"Jen wants to see you..." That caught my attention.

I bolted upright. Disoriented by the sudden light, I blinked furiously, and then I noticed what I was wearing. For the love of Gucci, ALICE! Did you have to put...
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posted by Bella_Swan3
A/N: I just wanted to thank all of the awesome people that have so far commented on Sunrise. (I've been posting this on Twilight Series previously, but just so any confusion is cleared up, I will only be posting here from now on.)*Deep breath*:
Edward_lover101; _madz_; twilightGGlost; TwiyliytCraze247; 2ki8jess2ki8; teamalice_0; pie-102; aLeX-cHaP; isaacson96; wildcatz; nataliespn; FilmFan; MiaCullen_x; just_bella; JoseVanders; brooki; jasperloving; patrisha727; Doopey; Irina92; Bella11700; TwilightHearts; Bella_Cullen902; scogburn; RATHBONE07; princesspinkla; jamiesue00;SarahPattinson; Natalia94;...
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posted by Bella_Swan3

I was exhausted. I wanted to hold my baby so badly, but consciousness didn't stick around long enough.

I was walking in a forest. Not the La Push forest, I was sure. It must have been the one in Forks. Suddenly, I saw light ahead. I pushed past the greenery, until I came to a small circular clearing, with many differently coloured flowers dotted everywhere. Your typical fairytale scene. More importantly, there were two people in the centre. With a shock, I realised I was looking at my parents. But there was a subtle difference. My mother was human. She looked so... fragile. But nothing...
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posted by Bella_Swan3

I terminate the call, and scream at the top of my lungs. It takes Carlisle and Rosalie thirty two seconds to reach me. The other Cullens are out hunting.

I find I can only speak in short bursts, so I focus only on Carlisle's voice, asking me what happened. I try to answer, but then, oh joy, more pain.

* * *

I've been in labour for the past eight hours now. Imagine, just for a moment, that Rosalie is capable of PMS. And that simultaneously, someone's hidden her hair products, her iPod, her BMW, and her laptop. I was currently in a mood that would make that look like a kitten having a tantrum.

I broke Jacob's wrist by accident.
posted by Bella_Swan3

"Yes, Jacob, I'm fine," I say into the small black cellphone, putting extra stress on the word fine.

I've forced him out of the house for the day. It was almost as difficult as trying to pull my parents apart from one another. And that's saying something. Certainly more difficult than trying to seperate Rosalie from her cosmetics box. Which she clearly doesn't need.

Anyway, I was trying to politely tell Jacob that if he didn't hang up already, I was coming over there and obliterating his phone.

Emmett had taken to calling MY baby "jelly bean", just because of what she'd looked like...
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posted by Bella_Swan3

NOT AGAIN, EDWARD!!!!!!! I thought as loudly as I could. For a vampire with supposedly advanced thinking skills, he sure seemed mentally challenged.

Word of advice: You do NOT dye my hair purple. ESPECIALLY after I recently ALMSOT forgave you for dying it green.

So I lost it and started the chase. Alice followed us, on my side, which immediately made me feel better about the perceived odds of actually catching him. Way better.


I try refraining from involving myself in the epic struggle between Rose and Ed. Heck, who am I kidding, I all but cheer them on. It's just way too...
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posted by Bella_Swan3

"Alice! I said NO! NO sparkles, and NO glitter!" I yelled at Alice as she appeared with a cartload of tiny baby outfits. Covered in the very items I'd just forbidden.

"Oh, come on, Renesmee, you're ruining my fun," Alice pouted at me. I sighed. Alice was the definition of an unstoppable force. With a pout that made you feel like the guy who killed Bambi's mom. Yeah, that guilt-enforcing.

"FINE. But I approve the outfits, okay?" I gave in.

This is what happens when a pixie and a vampire interbreed. Alice. Directly translated, it means:

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posted by Bella_Swan3

I was now the human equivalent of six months pregnant, and watching a small grey shape moving on a monitor. My child. My little baby.

My mom, Esme, and Jacob were here with me too. Aside from Carlisle, of course.

"There he is. Speaking of which, I presume you and Jacob would like to know the gender?" Carlisle asked. I didn't immediately answer. I was too mesmerized.

"Renesmee?" Jacob asked me.
"Yes," I managed to say.

"You have a little girl. Well, not yet, but you will."

A little girl.

Esme sighed contentedly, almost as fascinated as I was.

From downstairs, Alice squealed.

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posted by Bella_Swan3

I want Renesmee to have everything I couldn't. The wolves imprint to carry on the line. It should be perfecly safe for her. Carlisle says it will be fine.

She's a lot like Bella. She wants to have a child, if it kills her. Which it won't.

I know it won't.


I see no reason for Renesmee not to have a child. It will be around 75% human, after all. But still, if she chooses any other option, I will not stand in her way. I believe Jasper is with me on this, too.
posted by Bella_Swan3

Rosalie had been especially difficult to be around for the past few weeks.

When Edward decided to play "Let's make Rosalie really, really, mad, and see if she tries to kill us!", in particular. It was scary enough to make mortals cower in terror.

Edward was stressing over the most recent developement; namely, his daughter becoming pregnant with a human/vampire/werewolf hybrid.

Carlisle said it would be fine, no reason to worry, *normally indescernable medical terms* and about three months left.

Typical day at the Cullen residence. You know, half vamps and werewolves reproducing. But...
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posted by Bella_Swan3

Carlisle was running tests on me. I was apparently "going to go through pregnancy at an accelerated speed, twice as quickly as the normal human scenario, and I must have gotten pregnant at some point on Isle Renesmee."

* * *

I wasn't sure how to feel about this. At the moment it had fully dawned on me that I was pregnant, my hand had drifted to my stomach, and I hadn't felt any different, but I'd felt as if I just had more reason to live.

It all made a lot more sense to me. Why I'd slept to much. Why I'd felt I was missing something on the plane. Why I'd gotten sick over seeing animal...
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posted by Bella_Swan3

Jacob and I spent the rest of the day with my family. Alice played 'Barbie' on me, until my mom rescued me from torture by volunteering herself.

Alice squealed so hard it hurt my ears.

She said, "Oh my god! I knew you'd see the light someday!" before dragging my long-suffering mom off to the endless chamber that is known primarily as Alice's closet.

This was probably paining me less than it would her, still; I was grateful for an escape.

I flopped down on the couch beside Jacob.

At this point, I guess it's worth mentioning that I was still wearing a poofy ice-blue satin dress. So,...
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