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posted by rokocharm
Good day, haven't written in a while, but I've been out of the country causing me to miss 2 supernatural episodes, which I feverishly caught up on as soon as I returned home. And in supernatural fashion, it did not disappoint. While there are varying opinions, I absolutely loved last friday's episode 17. It was a master piece and there was so much emotion, easily my favourite episode from this season. Now if there's one thing I've noticed throughout this season, its the major change I can see in Dean's character. From season 1, Dean has always been the motivated, ambitious one, who knew what he needed to do and how he needed to do it. While it is part of his personality to cover his insecurities, especially in the presence of his younger brother, he has nevertheless been a capable, steadfast pillar of support for his family. But in this current season, and even beginning as early as season 5, its almost as if Dean has gotten old. No longer does he fight as hard as he once did for things he used to hold so dear (save for Sam). It really pains me to see him like that, because I can see him trying to stay strong for Sam's sake, but he's really not happy with life. In essence, he's tired, and not just fatigued, but he's been beat down so much that perhaps he doesn't want to get up anymore. Let's take a closer look shall we?

1) His burden
Let's not kid ourselves. Dean has a heavy weight on his shoulders. The weight of his family, the weight of his job, the weight of the world. It's almost as if his load increases exponentially every season. Protecting his family is hard enough, but it just so happens that his occupation is to chase after the things that want to kill him. You know who does that? Crazy people! Hunting is a thankless, unlucky, unhappy job, but someone's gotta do it. It's with this notion that he makes it through most of the earlier seasons. Until his burden envelopes not just the fate of his family and some strangers, but the entire world which he and his brother broke. Fancy that. Though he makes it through that, it seems that he has to continually steer the bus away from the cliff. And he begins to wonder, what if the bus wants to go over the cliff? Why is it his job to save a world that always seems to be on the verge of breaking?

2) His pain
Remember when they used to just gank monsters? Remember how simple life was? Remember a time when everyone he cared about was alive and kicking, and not everything depended on him? Dean has lost nearly everyone he has ever loved or cared about. His mother. His father. Jo. Ellen. Lisa. Ben. Bobby. Cas. Or gotten them killed as he has put it. He's barely hanging on. Sam really is all he has left. That's the only reason he will still fight. Because if he doesn't, he'll lose everything. He used to be able to shake things off. Given time, he could bury it under his rug. But as the futile fight against the Leviathans continue and he finds his list of allies running thin, he cannot shake it off. The desperation of the situation, coupled with the pain of losing everyone is crippling him. He's so tired of losing people, losing fights and just never getting a break. Hasn't he given enough? Hasn't he paid enough?

3) His bad luck
Luck isn't in the job description. It's what you're gonna need if you want to survive this job. He expects to win some battles, and to lose others. He doesn't expect to lose, and lose, and lose and lose. For once, why can't something be as it seems? Why can't he have a day where heaven and hell isn't collapsing on itself, raging wars against each other and themselves. It's almost as if life is torturing him with everything it's got. When he’s not falling down, he’s trying to hold someone else up. Tossing him left and right, stomping on him when he's down, yet never allowing him the peace of letting go or the serenity of giving up. Dean used to be able to take everything that this life dished him, but perhaps he'd been dealt the sour hand one too many times. Remember at the end of season 5? Dean wanted no hell or heaven, just more of the same. Would that still be his answer now?

4) His brother
Dean loves Sam. Sure their relationship has been tested and stretched, but there has never been a time that they have stopped loving the other. But often, Sam constitutes to Dean's weariness, whether or not he means it. Dean has always felt a responsibility to Sam, which carries on, even into adulthood. There's nothing he wouldn't do for Sam, and we've seen this proved time and time again, notably when he sacrificed his soul to resurrect Sam. However for a long time, a part of him doesn't see Sam as an equal, and he takes Sam's mistakes as his own failures as a brother, not recognizing them to be what they are: Sam's mistakes. He constantly chases after Sam, trying to guide him when he's lost and trying to find him when he's gone. The only time he puts full effort into anything, is whenever his beloved brother is involved. He views Sam's problems as his own, and neglects his own. In season 7, Sam's hallucinations intensify to the point that he loses touch with reality. Dean very nearly breaks as he watches Sam die slowly, and I'm sure he would have went suicidal if Sam had died. It's a dangerously co-dependent relationship, but on a brighter note, it is a wonderful testament to the power of family.

5) His emptiness
While it was only in season 5 that Dean’s emptiness is addressed directly, but its something that we’ve seen as fans for a long time. Maybe it’s from getting pushed down over and over again, or from losing everything over and over again, but Dean’s been feeling empty for a long time. Dean is also more prone to lose hope. Remember the helplessness he was feeling in the end of season 5? Remember how he was willing to surrender to the angels, because he felt like he could no longer fight them? He still feels love (thankfully) and protectiveness towards his most important people, but he’s finding it harder and harder to fight and ‘go down swinging’. Why him? Why can’t he be allowed a family, some love, some peace? Is it fair that he’s been given the short stick, and the heavy responsibility attached to it? Is it fair? The short answer would be no, it isn’t fair. Some live that deserve to die. Some die that deserve to live. Why is it, that he was chosen, or destined for this? Dean used to be satisfied, somewhat fulfilled. Sure this life had its ups and downs, but he could take it all as long as he had his family. But losing everyone whilst he kept fighting is really taking a toll on our poor Dean. Why should he care about anything? Pretty soon it’ll either leave him, or disappear. Why should he keep fighting and bleeding for a world that gives him nothing and takes from him, everything?
Check out part one of this article if you haven't already :)


6.    Sam has a good heart.
No fan can doubt that at the heart of all Winchester decisions lies good intention. Sam is certainly no exception. Sam makes decisions more based on passion and heart as opposed to Dean, whose decisions are more rational and calculated (shoot first, ask questions later as Sammy has put it before). This ideology puts him on a more emotional...
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I found this list and wanted to share it with my fellow SPN addicts:)

The Twelve Steps of Supernatural Addicts Anonymous
Disclaimer: This is meant all in fun and not as an insult to anyone going through any kind of twelve-step program. No offense to anyone is intended.


1. We admit we were powerless over Supernatural and that our lives have become unmanageable because it's all we want to watch, talk about, write about, dream about ... you get the picture.

2. Not sure if we believe anything can restore us to sanity.

3. For better or worse, we have...
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posted by HorrorFan101
Let’s face it, Sam hasn’t exactly had the normal, pleasant life that he was at first hoping for when we met him in the Pilot episode. In fact, poor Sam has had quite the opposite of a peaceful and normal life these past six years. We’ve laughed with him, cried for him and wanted to punch him various times through the seasons...but it occurred to me that he has gone through much more than your average Joe would. Muuuch more. And most of them are actually almost or completely unique to him...
1.    Getting addicted to demon blood: Okay, this wasn’t the smartest thing...
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posted by Harrypotter148
We all Love Supernatural
We all love Dean and Sam
and We all Love Castiel

1. played by Misha Collins
2. He is the "nerd Angel"
3. Whatever anyone said Sam and Dean winchester are his best friends
4. he is hilarious
5. He kicks ass
6. He is sexy
7. It made you sad that when They found out God was not going to help and Cas was crushed.
8. He takes everything literal
9. He helps Sam and Dean with anything!
10. Even when he was human he kicked ass
11. he is not a mean angel like almost all the others!
12. Till 5x16 He would have stopped at nothing to find god
13. he is clueless to a lot of human things- this...
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Reason #7.
Reason #7.
Yes, of course there's more than fifteen. Uhm... yeah, right, there goes my clever introduction.
Anways, enjoy!

# 1: The give a fuck about "destiny".
# 2: They drive an Impala.
# 3: They make FBI-Agents look cool.
# 4: They live on credit card fraud and poker.
# 5: They're able to live in crap motel rooms.
# 6: They fight heaven and hell.
# 7: They can practically handle any wepon.
# 8: Dude, they killed Paris Hilton.
# 9: They're the real ghostbusters.
#10: They'd die for eacht other. ♥
#11: They have those kickass friends like Bobby and Ellen.
#12: They were on set of "Hell Hazers II"
#13: They escaped from prison. More than once.
#14: Their clothes are awesome.
#15: They're great at research. Any kind.

And that's why we love them. ♥
Dean and Sam Winchester Brothers as we all know are the "Winchester brothers". Dean's Character is more of this elder brother who so protective of his younger brother and will rather die than allow any evil to touuch one hair on the head of his brother.Sam on the other hand would literaly have a demon walk over his dead body than allow something harm Dean. Similarities:they are bith cute, chicks dig both of them, they are strong and macho, they protect the ones they love and care about and they are very funny. I remember an episode of Supernatural when Dean died like 150 times in a row. Sam...
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And here it is, the moment we've all been waiting for. It's the one-on-one interview with the girl, whose videos rock our world, because she has some real talent; the girl, whose images give us heart attacks, because just look at those guys, who are on them; and the girl, whose quiz questions give us head aches, because they are so difficult (like they should be) - It's the almighty Roxyn!!! Are you ready? Let's begin...

Introduce yourself.

Hi everyone, my name is Ana I'm 17 years old (almost 18) and I'm from Portugal, so yeah I'm Portuguese but I love English and I wish it was my first language!...
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posted by Lucia322
Dean:Dude, you fugly.
Dean: I hope your apple pie is freakin' worth it!
Dean: You're a selfish bastard, you know that? You just do whatever you want. Don't care what anybody thinks.
Sam: That's what you really think?
Dean: Yes, it is.
Sam: Well, then this selfish bastard is going to California.
Dean: Actually, I'm on my way to the local community college. I got an appointment with a know, since I don't have my trusty sidekick geek boy to do all the research!
Dean: Sam, you were right, you gotta do your own thing, you gotta live your own life.
Sam: Are you serious?
Dean: You've always...
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Hola! Somos un grupo constituido por 5 integrantes de distintos países:
Mis compañeras administradoras y coordinadoras del grupo pertenecen a La Plata , Bs As, Argentina(Soledad Rodriguez), Colombia(Orlando Florida) (Sandra), Colombia (Juanita) , Venezuela (Elia Moreno) y yo pertenezco a Capital Federal Bs As Argentina (Roxana Espiniella).

Nuestra idea es trabajar en conjunto con fans de todos los países de America Central, Sur y de habla hispana en la organización y realización de una Convención de Supernatural con sede es Bs As Argentina.
Para esto, sabemos que tendremos que trabajar en...
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by LizzyQ16 -Alona talking about what it was like to kiss Jensen during Jo's death scene
jensen ackles
alona tal
new jersey
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added by rakshasa
Source: Photo: Matt Miller/The CW
added by rakshasa
added by iceprincess7492
added by iceprincess7492
added by iceprincess7492
added by Kaidi
Source: SpoilerTV / The CW
added by Kaidi
Source: SpoilerTV / The CW