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posted by surfergal
When we were done treading water it was about 5 am and we got to dry off and go eat breakfast I think everyone was hungry. We went to class
afterward for what it seemed like forever but we watched a few videos and answered some questions so of wasn't that bad. Then we all went
for a jog. It was so cold outside that you could see your breath. We had ran about 2 miles when I started to have trouble breathing. I was
like great. So I fell behind some of the others and Senior Chief was pulling up the so I fell back behind him a little bit.
He asked “if I was okay” he said “that he could hear me breathing really loud”.
I stopped and said “not really(gasping for air)”. My ribs were hurting so bad that I just had to lay flat on my back and take little breathes.
Senior chief told me “to stand” but I told him that “it hurt my ribs”.
Then I had to tell a lie why my ribs were hurting and Sergeant Ray saw Senior helping me up once the pain was almost gone. I finally convinced senior chief to let me run some more. That day was exhausting.

That night I was told that “Sergeant Ray wanted to see me in his office”.
I ask Max and Jordan “if they would follow me cause well to tell you the truth I was very frightened by him”.
When I got to his office he said that “he saw me jogging” and asked “if I was okay” and that's when I retaliated and said “no”! “How could I be okay you broke my rib”?!I said He came over to me and said “calm down someone might hear you or does someone like Senior Chief Randal know already”?
“I didn't tell him I told him a
lie” I quickly responded. Soon I got up and said that “I’m leaving cause it was midnight” and we had been up since 3 am that morning.
That's when he punched me in the face and I fell on it hands and knees it was a quite fall so max and Jordan didn't hear it. When I tried to
stand up he quickly kicked me in my ribs and that's when I blacked out I was in so much pain.
posted by surfergal
The following morning Alice woke me up for school. I was putting on perfume when cody knocked on my door.
"Come in". I said.
Hey, You Ready ? He ask
Yeah,hold on I have to brush my teeth I told him.
Ok. He said as he went towards my bed to sit down. Once I was done brushing my teeth, Cody grabbed my bag and put me on his back and toted me down the stairs. My cruches were downstairs because Carlisle didn't want me to go up and down them. Cody help me out to his car, my was totalled sadly. When we got to school cody walked me to class except he didnt leave my side when we got there. It was still...
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posted by surfergal
We didn't talk much on the way to school. When we drove up to school before we got out of the car I ask. Is there something wrong Michae?? No. he said. ok. I said. I could tell he was lying. Michael walked me to my first class like always and then I watched him walk to his class. Once he was out of site, I went and called Alice.
Hey, Alice I said.
Hey Addi, why are you not in class? She ask.
i had to ask you something. I said
Okay, well ask away. she said.
Is there something wrong or anything because me and Michael didnt talk mcuh at all this morning? i said.
No. thers nothing wrong. Alice...
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posted by surfergal
When i woke up in the morning Michael was lying next to me. We were lying on the couch in the sorta same spot. We were spooning and nothing happen I swear! I just layed there watching him sleep until I noticed what time it was which it was around 530am. Why is the sane world would I be up on a Sunday morning at 530am. I got up very carefully and went upstairs and grabbed another blanket.Alice was in my room when I walked in, I made a loud gasp for anyone to hear, but no one came. Alice, I said you scared me to death! Oh Sorry she said. Why didnt you wake me up, why did yall leave us on the...
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posted by surfergal
When I woke up, I had the happiest feeling. The kind where something great is about to happen. I went on the computer and i checked the surf report and saw that it was going to be great today! I was so excited, I ran down stairs and jasper says,Addi you are to excited! I know and then I ask, Are you helping with this excitement? No, thats all you he said.I laughed and said well surfing does it to ya, and right then Michael whats do what to ya. My heart ya hear it? I ask. Yeah its going 90 mph. he said. I know its great cause it means there is great surfing today!! I went and grabbed my board...
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posted by surfergal
I turned around to see you had caught me, I was expecting Cody tob there but he wasnt. I told him Thanks. no prob he said Im Michael. Well thanks Michael, Im addi. Can I help you to class? Michael ask. Yeah that would be great. I said. He ask, So what is a beautiful girl doing in Forks, I take it your new to this whole ice and snow problem we have? Yeah, Im new. Yeah we didnt get a lot of snow of ice where i lived. I said. So you lived "down south" then? he said. Yeah I live in Florida. Thats cool. he said. so why are you in Forks? he ask? My sorta brother is in the Coast Guard and he got transfered...
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posted by surfergal
When I woke up it was so early that the sun hadn't come up yet. I tried to go back to sleep but I couldn't so I walked downstairs to find the tv on and Emmet and Rosalie in front of it and edward, bella and renesme at their house and Carlisle and Esme in the kitchen and then Alice and Jasper were on the love seat watching tv as well. I went and sat on the floor until Emmet said what are you doing up at 3am? I said its 3am?! I cant go back to sleep I said. carlisle came in and ask if he could x-ray my knee and I said sure I don't have anything to do right now. I went to put on shorts, then I...
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posted by surfergal
When I got into the car, emmet scared the crap out of me he was sitting in the backseat. I said " here Emmet you drive". "no Max will notice if someone is sitting in the front passenger seat addi" Emmet said. Okay fine I said. When we got far enough away we switched seats to where emmet was driving. I started crying I couldn't control it. Awe Addi, please dont cry on me He said. Do you think I'm crying on cause i want to? I ask but continued before he could answer. I can't control this Emmet, I can't stop feeling like crap. I just, I don't know anymore. Addi its ok, he said. I'm sorry I shouldnt...
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posted by surfergal
I waited a whole week with out figuring out it wasn’t the flew, because I hadn’t got one text from him or anything. It was the weekend and I was bored so I ask Jacob if he would drive me to Cody’s house he said yeah. When we pulled up to his house, no one was home so I told Jacob that I wanted to wait for him.I waited an hour and a half before I saw cody walking in the distance. I got out of the car and said Cody! Whats up? I noticed that he had gotten really buff and tall since the last time I had seen him.
He said "go away".
Not till you tell me what going on I said. Why wont you answer...
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posted by surfergal
The next morning was school and as usual I got up showered which is very hard with a broken knee by the way. I put on some shorts cause none of my pants would go over my cast and then I put on a sweat shirt. Max cam and got me to take me to school. We talked the whole way there.
I told him sorry for falling off his porch and squishing his flower bed.
He said it was fine and that I didn't have to
apologize anymore.
I arrived at school and saw Cody before I got out
if the car.
I ask Max if he thought that Cody was good looking.
Max said it's not about the looks it's about what's inside that counts....
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posted by surfergal
I remembered that Edward could read minds so as I was running I was screaming Edward! Help! Soon I was in so much I couldn't stand running anymore so I slowed down as I was still screaming at Edward. I was breathing so heavy that it hurt my ribs to breathe. If Edward couldn't hear me through his mind maybe he could actually hear me so I screamed his name. Soon the guy that was following me was right in front of me with his hand over my mouth saying don't scream you'll
scare the animals away. I moved back cause I needed to breathe through my mouth.
I asked the boy who he was.
He told me his...
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posted by surfergal
When I walked in the room Edward asked “if I would like to have a piano lesson”?
I said “I would love too”.
We walked over to the piano and we sat down on the bench and he pulled out Cannon in D Major I was so happy I loved this song. We sat at the piano for nearly an hour and by that time I was playing the first 4 measures. I was so excited!
I told him “thanks”.
We will go over more tomorrow. Edward told me. Emmet was making fun if me because as I got up off the bench I stretched my back and hurt my ribs.
I ask “Emmet why every time I do something”?
“because you make everything...
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posted by surfergal
Later that evening one of there sons and daughters dropped by my room to meet me. They introduce themselves as Jasper Hale and Alice Cullen. They were so cute they held hands I quickly new that the loved each other and I didn't think that was weird cause they weren't related.

The next morning well it was more like the afternoon but when I woke up Jordan and Max were in the room. I was happy to see them cause I
missed them. I told them that I was getting to stay with the Cullen’s for a little bit they seemed pretty happy too.

They had to leave pretty soon cause they had a curfew during the...
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