TDWT's HeatherxAlejandro Club
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posted by TDIfangirl
All of you who read this need to tell me
#1: Why you like HxA
#2: Your version of the finale
#3: A moment they WOULD have had if you were in charge of the show
#4: If they did kiss in another episode, which one would it be and how would it go?
#5: What YOU would do to get them together
My answer:
#1: It's awesome, cute, unpredictable, and it was the only TDWT couple that didn't make me go "Uhhh...okay?".
#2: The million dollar case is standing on a stool in Las Vegas. It was SUPPOSED to be, whoever wins the slot gets it, but those two had other plans.
{Alejandro and Heather arrive}
Chris: Ok-your challenge is-
A+H: GIVE ME MY MILLION! *pounce on Chris*
{They fight for a while, with Esper taking pictures of them, until they finally land next to the stool, tipping it over. The million dollars is about to fall, but Zeke catches it..and is shot by a traq dart.}
Alejandro: This fighting has gone long enough!
Esper: *snatches the camera from a cameraguy* Yes, yes...
Heather: Get off of me, you idiot, so I can get my money!
Alejandro: No! You have to hear me out first, then I'll let you go!
Esper: Keep going..keep going...
Alejandro: Heather…I'm telling you this because I know you'll accept it, but at the same-
Chris: Dude, hurry. It. Up.
Alejandro: …I love you, god dammit! *kisses Heather*
Heather: *is surprised then kisses back*
Courtney: How many people are going to cheat on me?!
Duncan: He never liked you.
{Just as the finalists end their first kiss, a bunch of angry fangirls arrive, seeking the cast. Everyone runs but Alejandro is attacked and beaten to the point where his legs are broken. Fortunately, Heather notices that he's gone, and uses Zeke to chase the fans away.}
Heather: Need a hand?
Alejandro: ......Te amo.
Chris: Let's get this show on the road, people!
{Alejandro and Heather run off together, as do the rest of the cast.}
#3: Alejandro helps Heather with something, and they talk about it in the confessional.
A: To all the dimwits who think Heather and I have something going on, we don't, so shut up about it. I have absolutley no feelings for her! I only did what I did to earn her trust…she did look helpless..and she did sound nervous when she thanked me...she's really cute when she's nervous..b-but, my only goal was strategy! R-r-really, that's the only reason!
H: Just to be clear, I DO NOT like Alejandro! I don't! Sure it was nice of him- N-no!! I hate him! Hate, hatehatehate!
4: It would probably be Aww, Drumheller, and it would be an accident.
Alejandro: *pulls away* Um....s-sorry..Heather...
Heather: I-uh...G-get your hands off of me! *pushes him away * L-let's just go, okay??
*They look at each other, then turn away blushing*
5: I'd probably skip around singing the K-I-S-S-I-N-G song and see their reaction.
added by TDIlover4ever
Source: deviantART
posted by TDIlover4ever
Written by AeonXBorealis on fanfiction.NET

:Team Amazon:

Courtney clenched her fists and cried out in frustration. Everyone else in Team Amazon was looking at her. As usual, Sierra was harassing Cody and Cody was trying to squirm out of her grasp. Gwen looked irritated, her arms folded across her chest.

Overhead, a helicopter with Chris on board was flying away. The sound of humming filled the air until the helicopter was completely gone.

"I'm so sick of trekking around in this rain forest!" Courtney complained, pulling at her rain soaked clothes. "Where...
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posted by TDIfangirl
It was just like normal on the Total Drama plane. Team Victory was getting along fine, there was-once again some pointless tension between Team Amazon, and Team Chris was hanging out. Chris had snuck into the cockpit and was flying the plane.
"So, Noah. You want to hear a joke?" Owen asked.
"" Replied Noah.
"...¿Me quiere ....?"
The two of them turned to Alejandro, who was giggling in his sleep.
"Uh..what's up with Al?" Asked the overweight one.
"I dunno.." The sarcastic one replied.
"What was he saying?"
"...'Does she love me?'"
"Oooooh, Al likes a girl?"
"It seems like it-hey, he's mumbling...
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Would these two enemies get together on their first date

As Heather added blush near her vanty fo her date with Alejandro she got a phone call from Courtney she asked her if Heather wanted to go shopping with Blainley and Courtney. She said she had a date with Burremeurto then she hang up.
When she was ready Al let her in his car and drove straight to the flower garden. All Heather did was complain she said oh there's to much bugs, eek a bug just bit me can we leave now.
When they were done Al gave her a present she opened it was a large size box of chocolate when she was heading home Al had gave her a braclet with a diamond she gave him a big hug after that.

The end
added by TDIlover4ever
Source: deviantART
posted by ARadomperson
To anyone who reads TDWT: my version, sorry guys, but I can’t update, cuz my computer broke down, so, I decided, to write this one-shot on my parents computer, sorry I don’t think that I can update soon, sorry :,(
P.S. Here it’s after TDWT, Heather moved into a town, where nobody knew TD, and she won (TDWT SPOILERS), oh and Al wasn’t in a robot, Heather actually had the money.
: Heather’s P.O.V:
AUGH! I hate Halloween! All we see its children who dress as withes, skeletons, ghosts etc.… JUST FOR FREAKING SWEETS! AUGH! Well, you...
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posted by TDIlover4ever
Written by VampiresTDIfreddyfangirl on Fanfiction.NET

Alejandro's P.O.V.

Back to this show. Stupid contract... I sighed as the boat sped closer and closer to the island, where the very first season, and now the fourth season. None of us wanted to be here, but he was bringing back EVERYONE. from all of the seasons, so all twenty four of us were about to compete for money, along the way trying to kill each other. Some almost succeeding. This was idiotic, insane... stupid tobe plain honest. I didnt want to face everyone again. It had been a year, half of it with...
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added by TDIlover4ever
Source: deviantART
posted by TDIfangirl
It was Friday night. Normally, the cheerleading team would have some kind of party, and Heather would attend, but this Friday, she was in no mood.

"I said no, Karla." She grumbled into the phone.
"C'mon, Heather, Justin won't be there, we promise. Besides, isn't there a certain someone you wanna see?"
"I don't want to see Alejandro, okay?! He probably thinks I'm some freak anyway!"
"Alright, we'll toast you, okay?"
"Sure, whatever..."
She hung up and sighed, laying on her bed. I really need to stop letting this get to me..Alejandro's just another guy; that's all..
All of a sudden, a crash was...
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posted by maceylol
it was early in the morning all Heather could think about was that she kissed Alejandro but she hadn't even opened her eyes yet when she did she saw that she was in his lap again. hi she said but then chris interuted them telling every one what the challange was. after the challange Courtney decided to try to break up aleheather so when Alejandro was all alone she started flirting with him and then kissed him unforchanitly Heather saw them and ran off crying. Heather whats wroung . leave me alone said Heather [ to be contiued ]
posted by TDIlover4ever
Written by AeonXBorealis on fanfiction.NET


Courtney seems grumpier than usual today...if that's even possible...

Gwen looks gloomier than normal, too. But she's pretty much gloomy all the time. I don't know what happened between these two, but it's really quiet.

I like it. Really nice change of pace.

According to the obsessed Cody fan, we're on our way to the Amazon River. We have an advantage over all of the other teams, too: a freaking divining rod. Feels good to know that I'm gonna be a big winner tonight.

After such a past couple of crappy...
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posted by RandomFanGirl
A month passed by without much happening. I was finally in the second trimester—it was about time. Though, with this, my clothes grew tighter, causing for the need to get bigger ones. Luckily, it seemed that my parents had forgotten all about me, not to forget my numerous credit cards, meaning that they still worked. Sierra happily agreed to go shopping for new clothes with me.

“Ew, these are,” I paused to think of a word, “these are just, horrible. Pregnant women wear these?”

We were in a maternity store in a nearby mall.

Sierra looked around the store and pointed to each pregnant woman...
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added by TDHeather
posted by gwuncanfan
(Heather's P.O.V.)
I won the million dollars!! Well, sorta. Stupid Golem Zeke had to go off and jump into the volcano with the case. Right after I shoved Alejandro off of the volcano. Heh, that was funny. But then he got lava poured on him... and he got trampled... by everyone... Then he got put into a robot... Poor guy...
AHG, no, Heather, you are NOT being sympathetic towards... *shudders* HIM...
Well, anyways, I've been pretty popular so far on the magazines, and TV, and at school, pretty much everyone wants my autograph. All of my friends treat me like a goddess, not like they didn't before....
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added by TDHeather
added by TDIlover4ever
Source: deviantART
added by GeekGirl
Source: me
posted by maceylol
ok ok I saw you kissing Courtney said Heather I did not kiss her she kissed me he said trying to explain at the elemanation they decided to vote out Courtney. And today's lucy loser is Courtney What!!!!!!!!!!!! said Courtney as the host pushed her out the plain Heather and Alejandro high fived each other [the end but not for good]
posted by TDIfangirl
Heather stepped onto the island, dripping wet. She looked at the burned remains of the island. The sand was now molten magma, and the bleachers were charred. The confessional was a pile of dust.
And, laying right next to her, were the remains of her dummy she made, along with a burned pineapple.
A pineapple...if I hadn't thrown it into the volcano...none of this would have happened...I'm such a..such a...
"IDIOT!" She picked up the blackened fruit and threw it on the ground, watching it break into pieces. She felt her eyes water, but tried to hold back her tears.

Heather started...
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added by TDIlover4ever
Source: deviantART