Just something i wrote, as the story is evolving Twilight characters will be included (in a different situations, such as dating and stuff). Nahla1309 and Shellycane were an inspiration for my story. Tnx to Shellycane for idea and help!!!
Things they've learned, places they've seen, people they've met, all of those affected their lives, and nothing appeared to be the way they thought things were, and all they believed to be true, turned the other way around...Never, not even in their darkest dreams, have the three of them thought their lives would turn out to be the way they are now! Or have they?!
All through high school and college the three of them were best of friends. There was nothing every each and one of them wouldn't do for one another, even die. But what if death isn't the worst thing that can happen in life. The three of them were born and raised in Phoenix, even finished their education there. They all studied psychology and human behavior at the university of Phoenix, even opened a practice together after graduation.
They were more like sisters, been apart only once, for a week, the longest week in their life. It happened when one of them grandma died, it was so sad, she was really attached to her granny, and the pain was unbearable, and with her friends not being near, her heart was broken for the first time.
She has lost her faith and started seeing life very objectively, it was either white or black, grey wasn't a possibility for her, that made her really rational. Making her seeing life for what it really was. She was always this serious mum like person, just kept everyone firmly on earth, harsh, but gentle at the same time, she always knew how to control her feelings, some say that she haven't had any. But oh, she did. Heart full of love protected by a shield of seriousness. Her name is Taylor Shelly. Rachel Goods is the name of one of her best friends. She is such a caring and loving being, u could just feel her warmth and love if U would just look in her big golden-brown eyes, very unusual color, but so real. The third friend is Beth, well Elisabeth, but she even signed her checks with Beth Lacy. She's that erratic, always getting in trouble, easily fallin' in love, hyper, happy, lightheaded, childlike little girl...
Mondy morning, the least favorite day to the girls, after a very fun weekend, sorrow working morning. They rented a big house, so they all live together. Each one has her own room with bathrooms on first floor, a long corridor with doors on each side. Ground floor is one big room, kitchen, dinner and living room all in one, but everything has it's own place, decorated with taste,
furniture imported from all sides of the world, walls painted pale beige, on each wall there's a painting, famous artworks, except for one wall, well huge plasma TV is on that one. There is only one room apart from big all-in-one room on ground floor, with thick, beautifully carved, oak wood door, it is a library/reading room, with three comfortable chairs, each one representing their owner, wooden shelves from floor to ceiling filled with all sorts of books, and a glass coffee table in the middle. That room is very light, it's on the back of the house, so the back wall is glass too, you can see a green grass, spring flowers, an a couple of pine trees from there, a perfect room for relaxing. They had some great parties in that house, even this weekend...They are still young, Taylor and Beth 22, and Rachel 20, so girls wanna have fun. She was always so smart so she skipped two years of high school and went straight to college. And the three of them, wonder kids as they are, finished college quite quickly.
Although they all live together, each of them has their own car, and Taylor is always driving to work but Beth usually goes with her own car, and she's always at least 10 minutes late, very irresponsible for that kind of a smart person, but she always was a bit like the wind, Rachel and Taylor loved her the way she is, and wouldn't ever change her for anything, she always knew how to make them laugh to tears. Today is no different than other working days. Taylor and Rachel are already in the office, just talking about the weekend and all the fun that they had together, and preparing things for making coffee. Girls just love to drink a cup of hot coffee first thing in the morning. Taylor loves to take hers with a few drops of cream and no sugar, Rachel likes hers with lots of cream and two sugars and Beth, black with a lot of sugar. She always needed a strong push in the morning, she is such a sleepy head.
"Ah finally, she's here!"- Taylor said with a sigh.
"Oh, come on, she's doing that for months now, haven't you got used to it already?!"- Rachel said.
"I think I never will!"- Taylor smiled softly.
"I bet that she'll need another five minutes to get in, rush through that door like a hurricane, and say that she couldn't find her keys!"-Rachel said with a mocking tone.
"Fine!"- Taylor rolled her eyes at her and smiled.
They waited a couple more minutes, in silence, just lightly smiling at each other, sipping coffee, and then it happened, Rachel just winked at Taylor.
The door opened so quickly, they both flinched, and Beth rushed in, closed the door behind her with the slamming noise.
"Oh, I'm so sorry you guys, I tried to come earlier, but i just couldn't find the keys to a house, I looked everywhere, and there they were, in my purse all the time, hiding from me. Silly me, I'm so forgetful sometimes!"- she said almost losing her breath.
"Sometimes?! Hey Tay, you owe me 5 bucks!"- Rachel said with a chuckle.
"Right! Well good morning to you too, Beth"- Taylor said sarcasticaly.
"Are you two making fun of me again?! I knew it! Oh, just give me my cup of coffee."- Beth rolled her eyes at them.
She took a sip, and made a face.
"Rach, what is this, you know i love my coffee sweet, what's wrong with you two today?! Give me that sugar!"- she almost yelled at them.
"Someone's in the bad mood this morning. We just thought that you should restrain your sugar addiction a bit!"- Rachel told her with a worry and care in her voice.
"Yeah, she's right you know, that stuff will get you to have a stroke."- Taylor continued.
"Hmmm, right! Thank you Dr. Shelly and Dr. Goods for your recommendations, I'll try to live by your orders!"- she said with irony in her voice.
"Anyway, don't you guys ever check our office mailbox?! There's a white envelope, addressed to all of us....let me check who's it from. Forks High?! What do they want, and where the hell is that?!"- Beth grumbled.
"Let me see that!"- Rachel grabbed the envelope from her hands.
"Forks, wow, yeah, where is that exactly?!"
"It's up north, in state of Washington, just a small town, very cold and rainy. About a day drive from here."- Taylor said while taking the envelope from Rachel.
"Miss know-it-all!"- Beth smiled at her.
"Well open it. What does it say?"- Rachel asked, quite interested in why would someone send them a letter from Forks, and they didn't even know where that was.
Taylor opened the envelope in a slow, like she was scared what the letter says way. And then put down the letter opener, took out the piece of a white sheet of paper, carefully folded, unfolded it and started reading.
"Dear Dr. Shelly, Dr. Goods and Dr. Lacy
We are glad to inform You that a positions for school counsellor and psychologist are open. You are very well known across the country for Your reputation as being excellent at Your job, so it would be a privilege to have You as a part of our team. For any further information please contact us, and arrange a meeting. We are looking forward hearing from You.
FORKS HIGH, principal
Dr. Frederick Jules"
Beth just started bouncing around clapping her hands, laughing, "We're going to Forks High, we're going to Forks High, we're going on a road trip, yeah, yeah, yeah!!!"
Girls just looked at her with one lifted eyebrow, in that, this one's mental look, and then Taylor interrupted her, "I am so sorry for interrupting your crazy moment, but please think this through. We have everything here, family, business is doing fine, well more than fine, we have a lovely house, friends, our patients. We can't just leave it all. Some of our patients will freak out, some of them are crazy anyway, i must add. And above all, the sun and warmth, Forks is cold and it's always rainy. and You know how much You hate rain and cold. And God knows how much would they pay us, You won't be able to afford yourself those Egyptian stuff You love so much. So we all better just think about it for a while."
Beth just looked at her, with her sad puppy dog look, like a child who just got spanked.
"Well, we could take a couple of days off, we could all use a few days off, and go on a road trip, just to talk to the guy, see what they have to offer. Come on Tay, it would be an adventure!
And the baby will stop whining."- Rachel said that last one like she was whispering to Taylor, making fun of Beth. Beth just rolled her eyes at her and made a funny face.
"Fine, I'll call this Fred guy and arrange a meeting, but that's all, just a road trip. But i'm not driving for a whole day, just to be clear."- Taylor said while pointing her finger at her friends.
A rush of happiness overwhelmed Beth, so she started jumping up and down, clapping her hand again, shouting "We're goin' off to Forks, we're goin' off to Forks, lalalalalalalala"- then she hugged two of her friends and they all started to jump around together, laughing.
Right at that moment Mr. Jensen rushed through the ordination door, the sight was amusing, it really was. Mr. Jansen is a patient of Rachel's, and in his eyes the picture of a three serious, responsible doctors pretty much fell in the water. But he was happy to see them laugh and jump around, instead of a serious look and a cold smile that always welcomes him in.
"I see it's pretty wild around here, You're a morning persons I guess, huh?!"- he said that with warmth in his voice, and for the first time in many months he smiled and looked pleased. His wife passed away a few months ago during a childbirth, baby didn't make it either, Mr. Jensen was a wreck and pretty messed up, so he found comfort in a professional help. And Rachel really did help him, with her sweet and caring personality, he opened up to her completely. He was a great man, working as a manager in some big company, in his middle thirties, tall, always smelled nice, dark hair and eyes, athletic built, handsome man, the three of them used to say, he was their favorite patient.
"Hi Mr. Jansen, welcome, good to see You. Sorry You had to see that, we had a moment of happiness and got carried away. Don't spread the word though, we like to be known by our seriousness and responsibility."- Rachel shook his hand followed by a big smile.
"Oh no, don't You worry doctor. But it was delightful to see You all acting funny. You just made my day, that's for sure."- He said and smiled once again, and then they all laughed for a short moment.
"Would You follow me to my office Mr. Jansen?!"- Rachel made a gesture with her hand, and they both got into her office and she closed the door behind them.
"Wow, that guy is great. If he was a little younger, I wouldn't mind to make his day more often, if You now what I mean!"- Beth said that with a big smile and winked to Taylor.
"Oh, come on Beth, the guy lost his wife and child for God sakes, and You are talkin' like that."- she paused there.
"But I wouldn't mind it either."- and they both laughed aloud.
"Oh, Tay, You little devil You. All serious, mocking me for my stupidity, and look at You. Well good for You, I like when You act like that. If You don't loosen up a little, soon we'll be treating You." "I know, but what can I do, someone has to keep an eye on You two, this would be a kinder garden if I left You two alone, and You know it."
"You know it's not like that Taylor, we are perfectly able to be responsible when we need to be. Our patients love us, and we helped them a lot."
"I know, I'm just messin' with Your mind. It's in my blood."- Taylor smiled at her, started to poke her, and they hugged each other, tightly, like they're saying goodbye.
"You know I love You, Tay?! I would go mad if there wasn't for You."- Beth held her strongly.
"I know kid, and I love You too, very much, You were always there for me, and I'll always be here for You. Don't You dare to forget that!"
"I won't. Thank You. Now, let's call that Fred guy up in Forks, what do You say?!"
"Great idea, I'll do it right away."- then she picked up headphone and started to dial the number.
That conversation lasted for about fifteen minutes, with principal thanking for the interest, it's been a privilege an pleasure to talk to You thing, and blah, blah, blah. Beth just stood there, watching her with interest, wondering what are they talking about for so long, and then finally, they hung up.
"So, what did he say?"- Beth asked, losing her patience bit by bit.
"We have a date in Forks High at Monday, 8 am, with a principal of course."- she smiled.
"We'll start our little trip Friday, early in the morning. We'll find some motels up along the road to stay the night, and now I'm gonna look online to see if there are some hotels or something in Forks, and I'll make reservations. And You tell Rachel what's the plan, her hour is about to come up."
"Sure Tay. Oh I'm so happy, we haven't been on a trip for so long. It's all so exciting."- she clapped her hands a couple more times with a huge smile on her face.
That week passed pretty fast, they were happy working with their patients, telling them about their vacation, and no one seemed to mind that they'll be gone for a few days, everyone just loved them, and wanted them to be happy as well. After all they did deserve a vacation. They bought snacks and drinks for the road, packing is closer to the end and everything was just perfect. It was Thursday afternoon, time to say goodbye to their four room ordination until next week. After a long working day the three of them sat in their little common room there, and enjoyed a cup off coffee and some cookies. Then, they've gone home.
"Ah, home sweet home, my feet are killing me."- Rachel threw her shoes in the shoe closet in the house corridor.
"That's 'cuz You're wearing those all day. Why don't You change them like we do when we get to work, those orthopedic ones are much more comfortable."- now Beth acted like a mother.
"I know they are, but I really don't like them. I feel like a granny when I'm wearing them!"- Rachel made a funny face.
"Huh, yeah, You just had to buy black ones, didn't You?! If You had bought those happy ones with flowers and lots of colors like I did You wouldn't feel that way about them."- Beth stuck her tongue out at her.
"Oh, grow up already, You big child! Go to your room, now!"- Rachel made fun of her, they both laughed for a while, then went to their rooms.
Some things still waited to be packed. Taylor already packed her bag, and went to take a shower, and got ready for dinner. She went to Rachel's room.
"Rach, can I come in?!"- she gently knocked a few times on the door.
"Sure, come in, I'll be out in a second!!!"- she yelled out of her bathroom. She got back in her room, where Taylor was sitting on her bed.
"Thank God for the person who invented shower, that was such a relief. So, are You all set for tomorrow?"- she asked.
"Yeah, pretty much, You?!"
"Aha, everything's set. I packed just a few shirts and pants, some socks and panties, toothbrush and my perfume, of course. And that's that."- Rachel smiled.
"That's what I packed too, we don't need much stuff, just some clean clothes and a toothbrush. And I packed my grandma's picture, can't go anywhere without it. Just feel secure while having her around."- she suddenly got all sad.
"I know sweetie. It's ok."- Rachel rubbed her shoulder for a moment.
"So, what are the masters of the kitchen preparing tonight?"
"I actually came here to ask You the same. I have no idea at all. But I think I know who could help us!"- Taylor smiled and took Rachel by her hand, and they both went to Beth's room. Beth, of course still didn't pack her things through, she was just finishing when the two of them came to her room.
"Still not packed?! I'm not surprised."- Taylor teased her.
"Just one more thing and I'm all set."- she took a copy of an Anne Rice's Vampire Lestat, and stuck her in her bag, and zipped it up.
"Oh my God, are You kidding me Beth. Don't tell me that You can't endure a few days on the road without your vampires and mythical creatures. I must say, You really have an exuberant imagination."- Rachel really had enough of her vampire stories, and interpretations of Greek and Egyptian mythologies, sometimes she could speak of it for hours and never get bored.
"I'm sorry if I offend You with my love for mystical and obscure, but it's the only way to get away from reality."- Beth said in kind of a sad way.
"And vampires are real by the way. One day one of them will bite You on your neck, and then You'll remember me and my stories."- now she was mocking.
"We know honey, it's ok, we all have something that travels with us so we could feel a bit like home."- Taylor comforted her and gave Rachel the look.
"So what are we cooking tonight?"- she asked, "We were hoping that you could give us an idea." They cooked themselves every night, dinner was like a family meal to them, and they all did it together.
"I know, mushroom ravioli, and chocolate chip muffins! Mmmmmmm!"- Beth always knew what she wanted for dinner, and dessert was always inevitable in her case.
Things they've learned, places they've seen, people they've met, all of those affected their lives, and nothing appeared to be the way they thought things were, and all they believed to be true, turned the other way around...Never, not even in their darkest dreams, have the three of them thought their lives would turn out to be the way they are now! Or have they?!
All through high school and college the three of them were best of friends. There was nothing every each and one of them wouldn't do for one another, even die. But what if death isn't the worst thing that can happen in life. The three of them were born and raised in Phoenix, even finished their education there. They all studied psychology and human behavior at the university of Phoenix, even opened a practice together after graduation.
They were more like sisters, been apart only once, for a week, the longest week in their life. It happened when one of them grandma died, it was so sad, she was really attached to her granny, and the pain was unbearable, and with her friends not being near, her heart was broken for the first time.
She has lost her faith and started seeing life very objectively, it was either white or black, grey wasn't a possibility for her, that made her really rational. Making her seeing life for what it really was. She was always this serious mum like person, just kept everyone firmly on earth, harsh, but gentle at the same time, she always knew how to control her feelings, some say that she haven't had any. But oh, she did. Heart full of love protected by a shield of seriousness. Her name is Taylor Shelly. Rachel Goods is the name of one of her best friends. She is such a caring and loving being, u could just feel her warmth and love if U would just look in her big golden-brown eyes, very unusual color, but so real. The third friend is Beth, well Elisabeth, but she even signed her checks with Beth Lacy. She's that erratic, always getting in trouble, easily fallin' in love, hyper, happy, lightheaded, childlike little girl...
Mondy morning, the least favorite day to the girls, after a very fun weekend, sorrow working morning. They rented a big house, so they all live together. Each one has her own room with bathrooms on first floor, a long corridor with doors on each side. Ground floor is one big room, kitchen, dinner and living room all in one, but everything has it's own place, decorated with taste,
furniture imported from all sides of the world, walls painted pale beige, on each wall there's a painting, famous artworks, except for one wall, well huge plasma TV is on that one. There is only one room apart from big all-in-one room on ground floor, with thick, beautifully carved, oak wood door, it is a library/reading room, with three comfortable chairs, each one representing their owner, wooden shelves from floor to ceiling filled with all sorts of books, and a glass coffee table in the middle. That room is very light, it's on the back of the house, so the back wall is glass too, you can see a green grass, spring flowers, an a couple of pine trees from there, a perfect room for relaxing. They had some great parties in that house, even this weekend...They are still young, Taylor and Beth 22, and Rachel 20, so girls wanna have fun. She was always so smart so she skipped two years of high school and went straight to college. And the three of them, wonder kids as they are, finished college quite quickly.
Although they all live together, each of them has their own car, and Taylor is always driving to work but Beth usually goes with her own car, and she's always at least 10 minutes late, very irresponsible for that kind of a smart person, but she always was a bit like the wind, Rachel and Taylor loved her the way she is, and wouldn't ever change her for anything, she always knew how to make them laugh to tears. Today is no different than other working days. Taylor and Rachel are already in the office, just talking about the weekend and all the fun that they had together, and preparing things for making coffee. Girls just love to drink a cup of hot coffee first thing in the morning. Taylor loves to take hers with a few drops of cream and no sugar, Rachel likes hers with lots of cream and two sugars and Beth, black with a lot of sugar. She always needed a strong push in the morning, she is such a sleepy head.
"Ah finally, she's here!"- Taylor said with a sigh.
"Oh, come on, she's doing that for months now, haven't you got used to it already?!"- Rachel said.
"I think I never will!"- Taylor smiled softly.
"I bet that she'll need another five minutes to get in, rush through that door like a hurricane, and say that she couldn't find her keys!"-Rachel said with a mocking tone.
"Fine!"- Taylor rolled her eyes at her and smiled.
They waited a couple more minutes, in silence, just lightly smiling at each other, sipping coffee, and then it happened, Rachel just winked at Taylor.
The door opened so quickly, they both flinched, and Beth rushed in, closed the door behind her with the slamming noise.
"Oh, I'm so sorry you guys, I tried to come earlier, but i just couldn't find the keys to a house, I looked everywhere, and there they were, in my purse all the time, hiding from me. Silly me, I'm so forgetful sometimes!"- she said almost losing her breath.
"Sometimes?! Hey Tay, you owe me 5 bucks!"- Rachel said with a chuckle.
"Right! Well good morning to you too, Beth"- Taylor said sarcasticaly.
"Are you two making fun of me again?! I knew it! Oh, just give me my cup of coffee."- Beth rolled her eyes at them.
She took a sip, and made a face.
"Rach, what is this, you know i love my coffee sweet, what's wrong with you two today?! Give me that sugar!"- she almost yelled at them.
"Someone's in the bad mood this morning. We just thought that you should restrain your sugar addiction a bit!"- Rachel told her with a worry and care in her voice.
"Yeah, she's right you know, that stuff will get you to have a stroke."- Taylor continued.
"Hmmm, right! Thank you Dr. Shelly and Dr. Goods for your recommendations, I'll try to live by your orders!"- she said with irony in her voice.
"Anyway, don't you guys ever check our office mailbox?! There's a white envelope, addressed to all of us....let me check who's it from. Forks High?! What do they want, and where the hell is that?!"- Beth grumbled.
"Let me see that!"- Rachel grabbed the envelope from her hands.
"Forks, wow, yeah, where is that exactly?!"
"It's up north, in state of Washington, just a small town, very cold and rainy. About a day drive from here."- Taylor said while taking the envelope from Rachel.
"Miss know-it-all!"- Beth smiled at her.
"Well open it. What does it say?"- Rachel asked, quite interested in why would someone send them a letter from Forks, and they didn't even know where that was.
Taylor opened the envelope in a slow, like she was scared what the letter says way. And then put down the letter opener, took out the piece of a white sheet of paper, carefully folded, unfolded it and started reading.
"Dear Dr. Shelly, Dr. Goods and Dr. Lacy
We are glad to inform You that a positions for school counsellor and psychologist are open. You are very well known across the country for Your reputation as being excellent at Your job, so it would be a privilege to have You as a part of our team. For any further information please contact us, and arrange a meeting. We are looking forward hearing from You.
FORKS HIGH, principal
Dr. Frederick Jules"
Beth just started bouncing around clapping her hands, laughing, "We're going to Forks High, we're going to Forks High, we're going on a road trip, yeah, yeah, yeah!!!"
Girls just looked at her with one lifted eyebrow, in that, this one's mental look, and then Taylor interrupted her, "I am so sorry for interrupting your crazy moment, but please think this through. We have everything here, family, business is doing fine, well more than fine, we have a lovely house, friends, our patients. We can't just leave it all. Some of our patients will freak out, some of them are crazy anyway, i must add. And above all, the sun and warmth, Forks is cold and it's always rainy. and You know how much You hate rain and cold. And God knows how much would they pay us, You won't be able to afford yourself those Egyptian stuff You love so much. So we all better just think about it for a while."
Beth just looked at her, with her sad puppy dog look, like a child who just got spanked.
"Well, we could take a couple of days off, we could all use a few days off, and go on a road trip, just to talk to the guy, see what they have to offer. Come on Tay, it would be an adventure!
And the baby will stop whining."- Rachel said that last one like she was whispering to Taylor, making fun of Beth. Beth just rolled her eyes at her and made a funny face.
"Fine, I'll call this Fred guy and arrange a meeting, but that's all, just a road trip. But i'm not driving for a whole day, just to be clear."- Taylor said while pointing her finger at her friends.
A rush of happiness overwhelmed Beth, so she started jumping up and down, clapping her hand again, shouting "We're goin' off to Forks, we're goin' off to Forks, lalalalalalalala"- then she hugged two of her friends and they all started to jump around together, laughing.
Right at that moment Mr. Jensen rushed through the ordination door, the sight was amusing, it really was. Mr. Jansen is a patient of Rachel's, and in his eyes the picture of a three serious, responsible doctors pretty much fell in the water. But he was happy to see them laugh and jump around, instead of a serious look and a cold smile that always welcomes him in.
"I see it's pretty wild around here, You're a morning persons I guess, huh?!"- he said that with warmth in his voice, and for the first time in many months he smiled and looked pleased. His wife passed away a few months ago during a childbirth, baby didn't make it either, Mr. Jensen was a wreck and pretty messed up, so he found comfort in a professional help. And Rachel really did help him, with her sweet and caring personality, he opened up to her completely. He was a great man, working as a manager in some big company, in his middle thirties, tall, always smelled nice, dark hair and eyes, athletic built, handsome man, the three of them used to say, he was their favorite patient.
"Hi Mr. Jansen, welcome, good to see You. Sorry You had to see that, we had a moment of happiness and got carried away. Don't spread the word though, we like to be known by our seriousness and responsibility."- Rachel shook his hand followed by a big smile.
"Oh no, don't You worry doctor. But it was delightful to see You all acting funny. You just made my day, that's for sure."- He said and smiled once again, and then they all laughed for a short moment.
"Would You follow me to my office Mr. Jansen?!"- Rachel made a gesture with her hand, and they both got into her office and she closed the door behind them.
"Wow, that guy is great. If he was a little younger, I wouldn't mind to make his day more often, if You now what I mean!"- Beth said that with a big smile and winked to Taylor.
"Oh, come on Beth, the guy lost his wife and child for God sakes, and You are talkin' like that."- she paused there.
"But I wouldn't mind it either."- and they both laughed aloud.
"Oh, Tay, You little devil You. All serious, mocking me for my stupidity, and look at You. Well good for You, I like when You act like that. If You don't loosen up a little, soon we'll be treating You." "I know, but what can I do, someone has to keep an eye on You two, this would be a kinder garden if I left You two alone, and You know it."
"You know it's not like that Taylor, we are perfectly able to be responsible when we need to be. Our patients love us, and we helped them a lot."
"I know, I'm just messin' with Your mind. It's in my blood."- Taylor smiled at her, started to poke her, and they hugged each other, tightly, like they're saying goodbye.
"You know I love You, Tay?! I would go mad if there wasn't for You."- Beth held her strongly.
"I know kid, and I love You too, very much, You were always there for me, and I'll always be here for You. Don't You dare to forget that!"
"I won't. Thank You. Now, let's call that Fred guy up in Forks, what do You say?!"
"Great idea, I'll do it right away."- then she picked up headphone and started to dial the number.
That conversation lasted for about fifteen minutes, with principal thanking for the interest, it's been a privilege an pleasure to talk to You thing, and blah, blah, blah. Beth just stood there, watching her with interest, wondering what are they talking about for so long, and then finally, they hung up.
"So, what did he say?"- Beth asked, losing her patience bit by bit.
"We have a date in Forks High at Monday, 8 am, with a principal of course."- she smiled.
"We'll start our little trip Friday, early in the morning. We'll find some motels up along the road to stay the night, and now I'm gonna look online to see if there are some hotels or something in Forks, and I'll make reservations. And You tell Rachel what's the plan, her hour is about to come up."
"Sure Tay. Oh I'm so happy, we haven't been on a trip for so long. It's all so exciting."- she clapped her hands a couple more times with a huge smile on her face.
That week passed pretty fast, they were happy working with their patients, telling them about their vacation, and no one seemed to mind that they'll be gone for a few days, everyone just loved them, and wanted them to be happy as well. After all they did deserve a vacation. They bought snacks and drinks for the road, packing is closer to the end and everything was just perfect. It was Thursday afternoon, time to say goodbye to their four room ordination until next week. After a long working day the three of them sat in their little common room there, and enjoyed a cup off coffee and some cookies. Then, they've gone home.
"Ah, home sweet home, my feet are killing me."- Rachel threw her shoes in the shoe closet in the house corridor.
"That's 'cuz You're wearing those all day. Why don't You change them like we do when we get to work, those orthopedic ones are much more comfortable."- now Beth acted like a mother.
"I know they are, but I really don't like them. I feel like a granny when I'm wearing them!"- Rachel made a funny face.
"Huh, yeah, You just had to buy black ones, didn't You?! If You had bought those happy ones with flowers and lots of colors like I did You wouldn't feel that way about them."- Beth stuck her tongue out at her.
"Oh, grow up already, You big child! Go to your room, now!"- Rachel made fun of her, they both laughed for a while, then went to their rooms.
Some things still waited to be packed. Taylor already packed her bag, and went to take a shower, and got ready for dinner. She went to Rachel's room.
"Rach, can I come in?!"- she gently knocked a few times on the door.
"Sure, come in, I'll be out in a second!!!"- she yelled out of her bathroom. She got back in her room, where Taylor was sitting on her bed.
"Thank God for the person who invented shower, that was such a relief. So, are You all set for tomorrow?"- she asked.
"Yeah, pretty much, You?!"
"Aha, everything's set. I packed just a few shirts and pants, some socks and panties, toothbrush and my perfume, of course. And that's that."- Rachel smiled.
"That's what I packed too, we don't need much stuff, just some clean clothes and a toothbrush. And I packed my grandma's picture, can't go anywhere without it. Just feel secure while having her around."- she suddenly got all sad.
"I know sweetie. It's ok."- Rachel rubbed her shoulder for a moment.
"So, what are the masters of the kitchen preparing tonight?"
"I actually came here to ask You the same. I have no idea at all. But I think I know who could help us!"- Taylor smiled and took Rachel by her hand, and they both went to Beth's room. Beth, of course still didn't pack her things through, she was just finishing when the two of them came to her room.
"Still not packed?! I'm not surprised."- Taylor teased her.
"Just one more thing and I'm all set."- she took a copy of an Anne Rice's Vampire Lestat, and stuck her in her bag, and zipped it up.
"Oh my God, are You kidding me Beth. Don't tell me that You can't endure a few days on the road without your vampires and mythical creatures. I must say, You really have an exuberant imagination."- Rachel really had enough of her vampire stories, and interpretations of Greek and Egyptian mythologies, sometimes she could speak of it for hours and never get bored.
"I'm sorry if I offend You with my love for mystical and obscure, but it's the only way to get away from reality."- Beth said in kind of a sad way.
"And vampires are real by the way. One day one of them will bite You on your neck, and then You'll remember me and my stories."- now she was mocking.
"We know honey, it's ok, we all have something that travels with us so we could feel a bit like home."- Taylor comforted her and gave Rachel the look.
"So what are we cooking tonight?"- she asked, "We were hoping that you could give us an idea." They cooked themselves every night, dinner was like a family meal to them, and they all did it together.
"I know, mushroom ravioli, and chocolate chip muffins! Mmmmmmm!"- Beth always knew what she wanted for dinner, and dessert was always inevitable in her case.