the Anubian's wolf pack Club
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"Often the world around us feels dark and alone, and our hearts cry out for peace, love, stillness, and joy. Yet we forget that we are always surrounded by light and warmth and it is already ours. We just have to reach out for it."
I said as I looked out among my gathered pack.
"The men fear us and our beasts because they do not understand the beast inside themselves. The savage part of them that they deny. The part that is more like us. They cannot stand it, so they reject us and themselves. They hurt us and hunt us out of fear that is all."
As he said this, a wolf ,old in the pack, approached the front of the crowd and spoke.
"I am very old now Kierrn, I have seen the things Man has done to us and i will no longer stand for it."
He turns to the pack.
"Look at what they've done to us, in the Great Age millions of our kind were spread across this land. We thrived on reindeer and moose."
He started pacing in front of the assembled crowd
"Now we are reduced to a handful per pack. It was horrid, our fathers were killed on sight.
He glared up at me.
"What do you have to say to that oh so great Pack-Leader."
"We should forgive them, there are those among them that work to save us. Their race deserves some leniency."
I replied
"No, I say that we gather all the wolves in this land and make a war against them."
There was a rumble of assent from the gathered pack.
he growled
This was too much
"You forget yourself i am still in charge of this pack, THERE WILL BE NO WAR."
I roared at him. He never flinched
he turned back to the crowd
"What kind of leader wont even stand up for his own pack."
he glanced back at me one more time and said
"I am going to start this war against the humans, and i am going to win with or with out you permission. All those who are with me follow."
With that last comment he turned and loped towards the trees.
A full three-fourths of the pack followed
"Garret, you fool you will get us all destroyed."
I watched the pack walk away with that traitor Garret. I finally started to feel some of the angry that I had missed during my conversation. I sighed.
"They should have known they could not just leave."
Those that were still loyal to me stood stiffly waiting to see what I would do.
"Go back to the den, all of you those others should be along shortly, “I ordered, “along with Garret I would think."
They looked at me, but did as I ordered.
"Blake," I barked, “come out of those shadows to where I can see you."
A tall, black, wolf stood and padded forward.
His fur was pitch black and I knew that at night I only saw him if he wished me too.
"What would you have of me, sir." he growled, his voice very deep.
Blake and I had known each other for years and he was my best friend, he was also the scariest wolf I had ever met. He was cruel in way that he did not care who lived or died, he just did what needed doing. A while ago i had given him the task to do the dirty work behind the scenes and he had thrived.
"I want you to go get Garret and bring him back to me in the den, “I said, “and let the pack know they will come back or they will be exiled."
He smiled and i suddenly was aware that he could probably take me in a fight. The only reason that he didn’t challenge me for the right to lead was because he didn’t want to.
He smiled once more and like that he was gone, blending back into the shadows.
I watched for a little longer, then started to pace home.
Home a.k.a The Den was a huge series of underground tunnels that ran all through the hill-side. Each mated pair had their own personal cave and I was no different, my courtship though was I’m its final stages. I would soon be with the one I hold most dear, the one I love more than my own life, Ronna.
I finally reached the entrance to the cave systems and there waiting for me was Fredrik, one of the lesser pack leaders who supported me.
"How did it go, “he asked.
"One of my wolves decided to run off with the main body of the pack," I said, “he does not realize how futile that is and that we need to find another way."
"Well, what did you do about then?"he asked quietly.
"I sent Blake after him."
"Are you sure that was wise, Blake can be over eager at times."
"Fredrik, “I said patiently, “I know what I am doing."
He looked at me, then nodded.
"Yes, I believe you do, let us go inside."
Fredrik’s pack had been destroyed, leaving only him, his mate, and their young pup alive. Yet he did not hate Man. He just wanted them to understand us, and leave us the hell alone.
We padded back toward our lodgings and the silence was overwhelming I had to say something.
"How is little Fron," I asked.
He smiled then, and a light filled his that all fathers have when they talk about their child.
"He grows stronger every day, and he’s so hyper all the time. His favorite thing to do is to go outside to play with the other pups. The only time he stops is when he collapses, “he laughed.
He gave me a knowing smile that made me just want to clock him on the head.
"So when are you going to get some pups of your own."
I started coughing, I couldn’t help it, and the question had surprised me.
When I was under control I told him
"All in good time, I suppose, but right now I just want to be with her and I really haven’t though about pups."
He gave me another of those knowing smiles and i just wanted to bash his head against the wall or something.
"Well all right," he said," I see, I’ll let you get back to your Ronna now."
"Well," I sighed, "thank you."
"No problem ill talk to you later."
"All right"
As he left I turn towards the opening of my apartment to see the love of my life, Ronna.
As I entered my apartment my eyes were immediately drawn to the two burly wolves in the corner. I recognized them immediately and that meant another problem was around here somewhere.
"You two, “I called, “where is Kane."
They looked at each other and then the one on the left decided to answer.
"Sir, Kane is waiting for you with Ronna in the next room, “he said, “and sir?"
I replied calmly even though my nerves felt pretty shot today.
"Sir, he’s not in a very good mood."
"Thank you."
It appeared even the bodyguards of my rival were worried how things would go.
I padded through the opening to confront him.
"Kane, “I barked as I entered, “You were told not to enter my dwellings or go near my beloved under penalty of banishment."
"True, “he replied, “but I needed to talked to you and I wasn't sure when you would return. So i decided to keep little Ronna here some company."
He shifted a little and I could see the thick corded muscle under the thin coat of gray fur. If he wanted to fight now, I wouldn't let him live.
A wide scar run through his right eye, a scar that now dominated his once good looking features, a scar i had given him last time he challenged me for leadership of the pack.
I looked over to Ronna. She was so beautiful and no other female could match her. Her fur was the color of the moon, and her eyes were so blue that they seemed to glow. Her every movement was graceful beyond belief.
And she wouldn't meet my eyes when I looked at her.
"What did you do to her, “I growled. "If you've hurt her I will kill you Kane."
"Don't be melodramatic Kierrn, I love life to much to be so bold as to hurt little Ronna. I just let it slip that if I had killed you and claimed the pack then she would be my mate, not yours." He smiled
"She didn't seem to like that, “he said.
"Who would."
"Don't be cruel, “He yawned, “now on to business, as much as I hate to ask this I need a favor from you."
"Ask your favor later I've already had more than I wish to take tonight."
"Are you telling me to leave?"
"As you will, “he stood, “I will want to speak to you soon though, and if you put me off for to long bad things will start to happen."
"Is that a threat?"I growled
"No, just a statement." And with that he padded out of the room
What the hell was so important to him that he'd risk banishment just to ask me a favor.
I walked over to Ronna.
"Are you alright, love?" I asked.
She took a deep breath and looked at me. And in that gaze I knew that she feels for me the way
I feel for her.
"I'm alright," she said, “he just gives me the creeps."
"He gives everybody the creeps."
She stood and rubbed her whole body down the side of mine, it felt so good.
She put her muzzle to my ear and whispered
"I'm so glad your back." and gave me a playful nip.
"I could never stay away from you for too long."
She smiled at me
"Your just saying that."
"No I'm not I love you with all of my being, my Ronna."
"I love you too, “she said.
And we spent the rest of the cuddled in the corner just enjoying being together, only to awake to the cold gaze of Blake.

"Blake, what the hell?"I said.
"Shhhh, you don’t want to wake Ronna,"he said quietly
I looked down and I realized that Blake was right and she hadn’t woken when Blake came in.
"You are the only wolf that seems to be able to sense when I’m around."He whispered.
"Here, let’s go out in the other room where we don't have to whisper."
He nodded and paced out of the room. I rose slowly so I wouldn't wake Ronna. She whimpered softly as I moved. I smiled down at her and touched her side with my nose and it seems to calm her.
As I exited the bedroom the first thing I saw was Garret tied up in the center of the room.
"Did he cause you any problems?"I asked.
"Of course not, no one ever gives me any problems."
"Good, is he unconscious?"
"No, he is listening to ever word we say, isn't that right Garret."
The tied up bundle groaned.
I smiled "You rough him up a bit?"
He gave one of his wicked smiles "You bet."
"Oh good, untie him please."
"So polite, Ronna must really be getting to you, not sure I like it, “he said as he carefully began untying his special knots.
"Whatever, and how the hell do you tie knots, Blake?!"
"Sorry, can't tell you all my secrets, and there." he said as he released Garret.
"Garret, get up you ugly piece of shit, "I barked at him, "or ill have Blake help you up."
He spoke softly as he struggled to his feet.
"I should have known you wouldn’t just let me just walk away with most of the pack."
"Damn straight," I said, “I understand why you didn’t it believe me, but I’m trying to find a way to get the humans lay off our species without getting all of killed in the process."
"You say that but you don’t do shit!"He yelled.
Blake swatted his muzzle. "Don’t be disrespectful," he said, “and keep your voice down, there are ladies sleeping."
"Garret, you should have been patient, “I whispered close to his ear," cause now your gonna die for your little stunt, as an example to the rest of the newcomers so nothing like this will happen again."
His eyes widened and out of the corner of my eye I saw Blake smile.
I turned to him and said "Take him a ways a way and dispose of the body."
"Wow, wow, wow, isn't this maybe a little drastic?!" Garret said voice rising.
I turned and gave him a stony, merciless face
"You said it yourself, you tried to steal my pack, that is like a challenge to my authority and by pack law I must kill you or drive you out and i don't like you, so you’re going to die."
I turned and started back toward the bedroom. As an afterthought I asked "Blake is everyone that went with him assembled outside?"
"Yes, I had them wait for you."
They can wait a little longer, I thought
"Please you can’t do this to me, I’ll do anything!"
Garret yelled.
Blake gave him a vicious blow to the side of the head "I told you once to be quiet and this will be the last time or ill make you death very slow and painful.
"The weak always beg, in the end."
And with that I entered the bedroom to find Ronna staring at me with wide unbelieving eyes.

"I cant believe you just sentenced that poor man to Blake's wrath."
"Ronna," I took a deep breath, "I’m not going to act like the guilty party here. I made the decision to give him to Blake because I had to make myself look viscous and brutal to the rest of the pack because there are to many that would up and challenge me for my position."
"Isn't there anything else you could have done." she asked with tears in her eyes.
"Alright, but why Blake, you know how evil that wolf is. Why couldn’t you have your Beta do it.
I smiled at her.
She is so tender-hearted I thought.
"Jake is too young to kill someone, sure he’s a good fighter but he’s not ready to kill."
"Please, “I said as I licked away her tears, “I’d like my mate with me tonight when I confront the pack. Your beauty will at least ensure that the young ones stay loyal."
She smiled at me.
"There you go your so lovely when you smile." I said.
"Ok, ill come with you" she said, “but on one condition."
"Oh, what’s that?"
"You kiss me."
And so I did. A deep, long, loving kiss.

Ronna and I exited the apartment and began walking towards rear of the cave system.
My father chose these caves because they offered protection from pretty much all attacks. That was before I took over and created a wolf empire, combining many packs together into one. My main goal was the confrontation of Man when I was younger.
"Where are we going?"asked Ronna.
The comment startled me and totally brought me back to my senses.
"Did I startle you?"she asked.
"A little, but I was brooding on sad subjects so I guess I owe you for the wake up call."
I nibbled her neck.
She laughed "Well I guess I should keep you from brooding if you do that more often."
"All you have to do is ask," I said in my most seductive purr.
"Oooohhh I like that."
"Im glad, and to answer you question we are going to see Fredrik."
"Because I want him with me, like you, to show the ones who left that I have a great deal of support from other leaders."
"Ok, but why Fredrik, why not someone who commands more power, like Armstrong or Lerbo?"
"No offense to your brothers, sweetheart, but right now its not about power, its about respect, and I know of no other wolf that commands more respect than Fredrik."
"I dont understand, why does Fredrik get so much respect?"
"Because one day I was out leading an attack on nearby pack that had raided us, Fredrik decided to stay here at the caves with the wolves I gave him. When I got to the center of their territory I found not a wolf in sight. They had gone around us to attack the caves."
"My lord, what happened next?!"
I smiled at her, she was always a big fan of stories.
"Well, Fredrik stopped them. They must have been outnumbered three to one and still Fredrik and his wolves held them off, at these caves no less, long enough for me to fall on their rear and destroy them."
"So hes a hero?"
"I think he sees it as him just doing his job, but the wolves that he saved the hunters and the mates of the warriers, They see him as a hero and thats what I need right now. The younger wolves new to the pack have heard these stories and they are in awe of him."
"Ok, I understand now. Its all politics, right?"
"Yep. More than anything though hes a friend and I want friends around me."
"I see."
"We're here, love."

"Well," said Fredrik, "I've never seen two beings more in love than you two."
We were sitting in his main room talking with him and his mate as his pup bounced around everywhere.
"Daddy, Daddy!"said little Fron
"Fron, you have to sit still if you’d like to talk to us."
Fron settled down a bit, but you could tell it was hard.
"Daddy, she’s pretty!"
You could she Ronna blushing. I laughed and Ronna nudged my shoulder.
"Hey, Fron," I said, "to me she is the most beautiful thing in the entire world and I love her."
"Thats what Daddy says about Mommy."
And at that moment Anika, Fredrik’s mate, decided to enter the room.
"Kierrn," she said, "do you mind if I steal Ronna away for a minute."
"Of course not, just don’t keep her away for too long, I cant stand to be without her."
As they walked away I couldn’t help but stare at Ronna's beautiful, graceful, body.
“Stop staring at my ass Keirrn.”
I laughed.
I turned to him, "I think we need to discuss business now."
"Oh no, and I thought this was a social call."
He kept his face blank as he said it, and I knew that he knew damn well that I came for business.
"I’m going to need you today when I confront the wolves about leaving us, "I said slowly.
"And why do you want me?"
"As I told Ronna, you command a great deal of respect from the lower population."
"So this is just another power ploy the strengthen your position?"
"You could say that."
"What do you want me to do?"
"I want you to support me."
"You know I do," he said.
"Yes, but I want them to see you support me."
"And how do I do that, "he said.
"Well, I guess the easiest way would be for you to just be there at my side, a famous war hero like would really give them ideas on the amount of power I control."
"You know I’m not some puppet you can control and parade around at will, ill want something in return."
I looked at him, "Like what?" I asked
"If something should happen to me and Anika I want you to take care of little Fron."
"Wow Fredrik, I don’t know what to say."
"That’s my price for publicly supporting you."
I thought about it for a minute while he stared at me.
"Fine, Ill do it."
He arched his back and yawned, "well, ok then." he looked around, "what do we do now."
"Now, we wait for our mates to get done talking about whatever, and we go talk to the pack."

I stood there in shocked silence, gaping at what was taking place in front of me. I glanced to my right and saw Ronna's brothers, Armstrong and Lerbo, standing there with stupid grins on their faces.
They were all cheering me as I exited the cave.
"Lerbo, what is going on?" I growled, this sort of had me uptight, just shake it off and move on, I thought to myself.
The taller, more muscled wolf stepped forward and attempted to keep his smile under control.
"I’m sorry sir, but the look on your face was great."
He grinned again
"So what is going on?"
"Well, when you sent Blake out, he told them to come here or else, but some didn’t listen. Apparently those who did not listen ran into a band of humans, and they were all killed. Those out in the crowd believe that you knew that and sent Blake to protect them."
"They really believe that?"
"Yes sir."
I looked up at the moon and thought for a while. Eventually Ronna and Fredrik came up on both sides of me.
"What," asked Fredrik, "are you going to do."
"I’m going to let them believe that I set Blake to warn them."
"Well then you better go assure them."
I nodded, glanced once at Ronna, who smiled at me, and paced to the front of the crowd.
In my best speaking voice I said, "You were mislead by the traitor Garret, but I sent sent you a saving grace. Those of you who stand here tonight will be added among the already loyal. You have proven that you will trust me even while being mislead."
I began to pace back and forth in front of them.
"What Garret did not realize was that there is no way that we could possibly take on the humans, we need to find a different way to confront them about the genocide they are slowly committing."
I stopped in front of a small wolf, about a year and a half old. She had a beaten up look about her and she kept her left side turned away from me.
"You, what is your name?"
"Me, my lord?" she said hesitantly.
"Yes, you."I said with some mild irritation
"My name is Jasmin, my lord."
"Please you don’t have to say my lord to me, call me sir if you wish. Now turn and show me your wound."
Surprise and shock showed on her face.
"How could you tell I had a would my lor... sir."
"Its written all over your body, your holding yourself like your hurt. Now turn and show me, Now."
She turned slowly and as she did it brought the wound into the light. It was horrific. I was shocked to see she was still standing.
"Ronna, come here."
She glided up beside me.
"What do you need?"
"Take her back to our quarters."
"Right." she said. she went to help the wolf, "come along young one lets go, carefully now."
"Lerbo, send for the medicine wolf and tell him to meet us in my chambers."
"On it." He turned and loped back into the caves.
I turned to the assembled crowd once more.
"I take care of my wolves."
I turned and started back towards the caves after Ronna and Jasmin.
"Lerbo, you and your wolves show the new ones to the quarters."
"Right away, sir."
Now to deal with the ever rising drama that would unfold about this young female wolf.

I entered the bedroom, and found the medicine wolf leaning over Jasmin doing something to her shoulder.
I padded over to Ronna and gave her a kiss. She melted into that kiss fueling it with all the love in her heart. And I replied in kind.
I pulled away breathless.
"What was that."I panted
"I don’t know, I guess I just wanted to do that."
I smiled and kissed her again, quickly this time.
I turned and saw Jasmin staring at us, with heat in her eyes, but I saw this the medicine wolf finished what ever he was doing and made her wince.
He came over to me.
"She’s injured pretty bad, but I’ve managed to stop the bleeding. She shouldn’t be moved for a couple days, then you can take her to her quarters."
"Alright, thank you."
"My pleasure, sir."
As he left, Jake entered and glanced back through the door.
"Hey Keirrn, heard some pretty gnarly stuff was goi...."
I followed the direction of his gaze, and found him staring at Jasmin.
She was totally oblivious to his attention, with her head resting on her paws, staring into nothingness.
"And who is the?"he asked his gaze never leaving her face.
"This," I said, "is Jasmin."
"Jasmin," he said as if tasting the name.
"And,” I said looking pointedly at her finally getting her attention, “we were just about to ask what happened to her."
"So what did happen to you Jasmin?"Asked Ronna.
"Well," she said slowly," I was attacked by a wolf, I didn’t know who he was, but I know for certain that he was in that crowd you were speaking to, sir."
"You mean someone just up and attacked you?"said Jake.
"Jake, think you can find this wolf without me having to send Blake."
He frowned."Consider it done."
"Well this is all very touching." said Blake as he emerged from the shadows.
Everyone in the room jumped except for Jasmin who couldn’t.
"Speak of the devil and in he walks," said Ronna.
"I should have been able to sense you Blake," said, "why didnt I?"
"It was probably cause of that oh so loving kiss with Ronna. It totally distracted you from your surroundings."
"By the way the deed you sent me to do is done."
"Jake start looking about midmorning, just casually ask questions, my Beta walking around the new wolves should alarm the culprit. Its just natural."
"You sure that this pup can handle it, he’s barely older than the one in the corner."
"And yet he fought his way up the ranks to be my Beta. I have full faith in his abilities."
Blake snorted.
"Whatever, Jake, Blake leave now. I’m done with you two for now."
"Yes sir," Said Jake.
"As you wish," said Blake.
"Jake," I called as they were exiting ,"send for Fredrik and his family."
"Sure," he said and left the room.
I sighed, what problems would the new day bring.

Somewhere in the mountains to the south, a wolf howled with the breaking of the sun across the land.

Fredrik and his family arrived shortly after Jake and Blake left. Fron, as usual, was bouncing around and sticking his nose into anything that peeked his interest.
Fredrik and Anika came over and stood by us.
We exchanged proper greetings and pleasentries for a while, but then it was time for business.
"What do you need."
"I need you and your family to watch over Jasmin for a while," i pointed my nose at the injured wolf in the corner."
"I dont need babysitters, sir."Said Jasmin.
I ignored her.
Upon seeing the gash on Jasmins side, Anika gasped and ran to Jasmins side, she then began to fuss over her like the mother she was.
"I assume then that you and Ronna are going off to complete the mating ritual?"
The mating ritual was what binded two wolves, in love, together forever. It was a three step process and Ronna and I had already completed the first two steps.
"Yes, but Jasmin is too hurt to move now. She already hurt herself badly by not seeking help right away. So she has to stay here, but since were leaving..."
"I get it, you also think that my family will have a positive effect on her. Maybe bring her out of her shell."
"Exactly, your one of my best friends Fredrik, im not sure what id do without you."
He smiled. "Suffer probably."
I laughed.
"You better see the shaman before you go, she'll tell you if you two are ready for this."
"We will, ill have Lerbo take over your responsibillities while your here."
"If you want, its really not a big deal, i can still over see the new wolves."
"Yeah, but i need to reward you, and Lerbo can work harder."
We both laughed.
From over in the corner Anika said, "Well if you two want to go, we can take care of things from here."
"Thank you for this."
"Anytime Keirrn, my husband and i are your friends."
I nodded, "Come on Ronna lets go."
And we padded out of the room.

After about half an hour Ronna and I reached the cave of the Shaman.
Her dwellings were in the very back of the caves and were special, just for her.
Ronna touched my shoulder with her nose and smiled.
"Are you excited?" she asked.
"Yes," I said as i nuzzeled her head, "but also a little worried. If she should say that we arent ready then we will have to wait some more."
She rubbed her back on the underside of my chin, flicking her tail at my nose.
"Have faith, my love," she said, "Nothing could make me love you less."
I smiled and drew her near so that our bodies were pressed up next to each other.
"And I, will love you with all my being, forever."
With that I kissed her, putting all the love and adoration I felt for her into that one kiss, making it so that it was if our souls were combined.
We broke from the kiss, and rubbed down each others bodies.
"Come on," I said, "lets go see what the shaman has to say."
And we entered the dark crevice that led to her cave.

As we entered I got my first look at the shaman since my mother had died almost 2 years ago, I had been a adolesent then and she had scared me.
She looked up at us from over a small green fire.
"I was expecting you a little earlier," she said in a strangely soothing voice."
She was supposed to be older than any other wolf alive, but she didnt look any older that Ronna or myself. Her fur was a grayish-cream that seemed to shimer from behind the smoke created by the strange fire.
"We were held up a bit by a little problem with a young wolf."
"So I heard," she looked at Ronna, "So your here for the final stage of the mating ritual, are you sure you are ready for this, girl."
"Im positive."
"Fine I will see if you are ready, follow."
She turned and walked off into another room that was screened of by a hanging curtain.
Ronna jumped up and trotted after her.
I stared after them for a little bit then padded over to the fire and sat down. I stared down into its strange green depths and started to stress out a little.
Was I really ready for the final stage. Its not that i didnt love Ronna, God knows I do, but the final step in the mating ritual often resulted in pups and im not sure my life is a good place for pups.
I mean in the past few days ive had to deal with crisis after crisis and i knew it was driving me nuts.
Would a pup fit into that hectic scedule?
And what if i shoukd be challenged and lose what would happen to Ronna and the pup.
Maybe I should tell Ronna i wasnt ready.
"Wait," i thought to myself, "think a little harder. Fredrik wouldnt let anything happen to my beloved.
I smiled, but as that thought went through my head, Kane and his crones walked in through the crevice that acted as a doorway.
"Keirrn, I heard you were here."
I growled, "what do you want Kane, you have no right to inturupt us."
"But you will be leaving soon and i want to get this out of the way." he smirked.
"Fine, why are you here."
"I came about that favor i requested, I heard you have a young wolf named Jasmin in your cave. Id like you to release her too me."
"Youve got to be kidding me why would i do that?"
"Because she is my daughter."
I gapped at him.
"No way."
"Wether you believe it or not that is the truth."
I pulled myself together.
"No, she was attcked and shes not leaving the cave until we catch the guy responsible."
He growled and turned away, trying to compose himself.
From over his shoulder he said, "as soon as you get the guy i want you to turn her over to me."
"If she want to go with you then that will be fine."
He glared, then left signaling the cronies to follow.
I moved back over to my spot by the fire once more.
I hope if i decide to have pups i dont end up a father like that crazed ass.
Maybe my life was too much even with Fredriks and others help, to raise pups.
Damn it were the hell were all these doubts coming from. I was pack leader my word is law, i could provide all the protection anyone ever wanted.
The fire flickered and i glanced at it suspiciously and moved away from it.
"Very good keirrn, you spotted my trick," said the shaman as she and Ronna emerged from the side room.
"That was your test," she said, "to conquer doubt and choose love. The fire was a tool to cause doubt."
She looked at it and like that it went out and the room went dark.
I blinked a bit then relized that the room had begun to produce faint blue glow.
"Your mate is also ready, in three days time you should consumate the realationship, for then she will be in full heat."
Ronna came over and gave me a quick kiss.
"I have a question?" she said.
"Yes child, what is it?"
She blushed, "well i was wondering if i had to be in heat to mate?"
The shaman looked at her and smiled, "for the first time and for pups yes, otherwise no."
"Thank you."
"We will get out of your way now," i said, "come on Ronna."
I allowed Ronna to exit the cave first, always the gentleman.
I called back over shoulder, "thank you shaman."
As i left alls i could see was the shine of her eyes over the glow of the dying embers.
added by nikaitla
added by nikaitla
added by nikaitla
added by anubis210
added by nikaitla
added by anubis210
posted by nikaitla
Canada supports the second largest gray wolf population in the world, after Russia. Wolf habitat is diverse in this large country where, historically, wolves ranged in most areas. Currently, wolves in Canada occupy approximately 90 percent of their historic range (range lines not depicted). The 10 percentage without wolves is primarily near the southern border, except near Lake Superior where wolves still live. See individual provinces.

Common Name: gray wolf, loup (French)
Latin Name: Canis lupus

Gray Wolf Subspecies 1
Common Name: arctic wolf
Latin Name: Canis lupus arctos

Gray Wolf Subspecies...
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It was about this time that the newspapers were full of the daring escape of a convict from San Quentin prison. He was a ferocious man. He had been ill-made in the making. He had not been born right, and he had not been helped any by the moulding he had received at the hands of society. The hands of society are harsh, and this man was a striking sample of its handiwork. He was a beast - a human beast, it is true, but nevertheless so terrible a beast that he can best be characterised as carnivorous.

In San Quentin prison he had proved incorrigible. Punishment failed to break...
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Curtis woke up wtih a really bad pain in his head and he remembered what he realized last night that his cousin Jackson was alive and he needed to find him because he would be able to tell him if any other family members survived and Then he heard Calvin moan and he found him in the same spot he had knocked him out last night so he guessed he must have hit him pretty hard to do that but then suddenly he ran for outside and puked so hard it took his breath shit he thought i must have drank alot then he went back in and found Calvin up wondering what the hell happened curtis then realized that...
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'So umm...Curtis what are you doing after we finish checking the borders?" asked Jazzmine in a seductive Tone 'Nothin much i will probaly throw a big party for the hell of it' Replied Curtis in a bored tone they just kept walking when Calvin scared the shit out of Curtis and Curtis punched his light out and took a bottle of beer and put it in his paw and walked away. But later he was at his place while Jazzmine spread the news about the party and then Calvin walked in and asked 'Why the fuck did you knock me out!?' and Curtis just said 'Because you can't just jump out like that especially...
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added by PrinceRhaegar
Source: google
posted by nikaitla
Part IV - A Strange Dichotomy

In wolf country, deer must maintin a constant viligance against becoming dinner.
I don't remember when my fascination with wolves first began. There was never a decisive moment or pinprick in time when I became aware of wanting to know them. It may have come as early as third grade when a man with a shaggy beard and a flannel shirt came to our school and told us of their plight. I sat on the gymnasium floor and listened spell bound as this untamed looking lumberjack of a man told stories of his encounters with wild wolves, and even invited us to close our eyes...
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added by ElGalloCaballo
added by PrinceRhaegar
Source: google
added by nikaitla
added by nikaitla
added by nikaitla
added by nikaitla
posted by nikaitla
Ever so piercing
Looking for prey,
Trudging through snow
On a cold winter day.
What belies behind
Those mystical eyes
When he comes upon
The prey he spies?

Basic instinct
Survival is a must,
He licks his lips
His prey he lusts.
With swift cunning
He lunges and leaps,
His prey has befallen
Beneath his feet.

This is the wild
In this beautiful creature,
Teaches to his young
He becomes the teacher.
To many, a pet
He has become,
But dangerous still he
To most anyone.

Behind those eyes
Lies many a tale,
The mystery behind them
Is without fail.
So sleek and beautiful
A creature as he,
Yet gentle and aloof
As he can be.

Understand the wolf
He's just trying to survive,
Let's respect the beauty
By keeping him alive.
They'll be extinct
If we don't understand,
The mystery of the eyes
Can be gentle to man.
added by nikaitla