the Anubian's wolf pack Club
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posted by PrinceRhaegar
Fredrik and his family arrived shortly after Jake and Blake left. Fron, as usual, was bouncing around and sticking his nose into anything that peeked his interest.
Fredrik and Anika came over and stood by us.
We exchanged proper greetings and pleasentries for a while, but then it was time for business.
"What do you need."
"I need you and your family to watch over Jasmin for a while," i pointed my nose at the injured wolf in the corner."
"I dont need babysitters, sir."Said Jasmin.
I ignored her.
Upon seeing the gash on Jasmins side, Anika gasped and ran to Jasmins side, she then began to fuss over her like the mother she was.
"I assume then that you and Ronna are going off to complete the mating ritual?"
The mating ritual was what binded two wolves, in love, together forever. It was a three step process and Ronna and I had already completed the first two steps.
"Yes, but Jasmin is too hurt to move now. She already hurt herself badly by not seeking help right away. So she has to stay here, but since were leaving..."
"I get it, you also think that my family will have a positive effect on her. Maybe bring her out of her shell."
"Exactly, your one of my best friends Fredrik, im not sure what id do without you."
He smiled. "Suffer probably."
I laughed.
"You better see the shaman before you go, she'll tell you if you two are ready for this."
"We will, ill have Lerbo take over your responsibillities while your here."
"If you want, its really not a big deal, i can still over see the new wolves."
"Yeah, but i need to reward you, and Lerbo can work harder."
We both laughed.
From over in the corner Anika said, "Well if you two want to go, we can take care of things from here."
"Thank you for this."
"Anytime Keirrn, my husband and i are your friends."
I nodded, "Come on Ronna lets go."
And we padded out of the room.

After about half an hour Ronna and I reached the cave of the Shaman.
Her dwellings were in the very back of the caves and were special, just for her.
Ronna touched my shoulder with her nose and smiled.
"Are you excited?" she asked.
"Yes," I said as i nuzzeled her head, "but also a little worried. If she should say that we arent ready then we will have to wait some more."
She rubbed her back on the underside of my chin, flicking her tail at my nose.
"Have faith, my love," she said, "Nothing could make me love you less."
I smiled and drew her near so that our bodies were pressed up next to each other.
"And I, will love you with all my being, forever."
With that I kissed her, putting all the love and adoration I felt for her into that one kiss, making it so that it was if our souls were combined.
We broke from the kiss, and rubbed down each others bodies.
"Come on," I said, "lets go see what the shaman has to say."
And we entered the dark crevice that led to her cave.

As we entered I got my first look at the shaman since my mother had died almost 2 years ago, I had been a adolesent then and she had scared me.
She looked up at us from over a small green fire.
"I was expecting you a little earlier," she said in a strangely soothing voice."
She was supposed to be older than any other wolf alive, but she didnt look any older that Ronna or myself. Her fur was a grayish-cream that seemed to shimer from behind the smoke created by the strange fire.
"We were held up a bit by a little problem with a young wolf."
"So I heard," she looked at Ronna, "So your here for the final stage of the mating ritual, are you sure you are ready for this, girl."
"Im positive."
"Fine I will see if you are ready, follow."
She turned and walked off into another room that was screened of by a hanging curtain.
Ronna jumped up and trotted after her.
I stared after them for a little bit then padded over to the fire and sat down. I stared down into its strange green depths and started to stress out a little.
Was I really ready for the final stage. Its not that i didnt love Ronna, God knows I do, but the final step in the mating ritual often resulted in pups and im not sure my life is a good place for pups.
I mean in the past few days ive had to deal with crisis after crisis and i knew it was driving me nuts.
Would a pup fit into that hectic scedule?
And what if i shoukd be challenged and lose what would happen to Ronna and the pup.
Maybe I should tell Ronna i wasnt ready.
"Wait," i thought to myself, "think a little harder. Fredrik wouldnt let anything happen to my beloved.
I smiled, but as that thought went through my head, Kane and his crones walked in through the crevice that acted as a doorway.
"Keirrn, I heard you were here."
I growled, "what do you want Kane, you have no right to inturupt us."
"But you will be leaving soon and i want to get this out of the way." he smirked.
"Fine, why are you here."
"I came about that favor i requested, I heard you have a young wolf named Jasmin in your cave. Id like you to release her too me."
"Youve got to be kidding me why would i do that?"
"Because she is my daughter."
I gapped at him.
"No way."
"Wether you believe it or not that is the truth."
I pulled myself together.
"No, she was attcked and shes not leaving the cave until we catch the guy responsible."
He growled and turned away, trying to compose himself.
From over his shoulder he said, "as soon as you get the guy i want you to turn her over to me."
"If she want to go with you then that will be fine."
He glared, then left signaling the cronies to follow.
I moved back over to my spot by the fire once more.
I hope if i decide to have pups i dont end up a father like that crazed ass.
Maybe my life was too much even with Fredriks and others help, to raise pups.
Damn it were the hell were all these doubts coming from. I was pack leader my word is law, i could provide all the protection anyone ever wanted.
The fire flickered and i glanced at it suspiciously and moved away from it.
"Very good keirrn, you spotted my trick," said the shaman as she and Ronna emerged from the side room.
"That was your test," she said, "to conquer doubt and choose love. The fire was a tool to cause doubt."
She looked at it and like that it went out and the room went dark.
I blinked a bit then relized that the room had begun to produce faint blue glow.
"Your mate is also ready, in three days time you should consumate the realationship, for then she will be in full heat."
Ronna came over and gave me a quick kiss.
"I have a question?" she said.
"Yes child, what is it?"
She blushed, "well i was wondering if i had to be in heat to mate?"
The shaman looked at her and smiled, "for the first time and for pups yes, otherwise no."
"Thank you."
"We will get out of your way now," i said, "come on Ronna."
I allowed Ronna to exit the cave first, always the gentleman.
I called back over shoulder, "thank you shaman."
As i left alls i could see was the shine of her eyes over the glow of the dying embers.
Curtis felt bad for Calvins failed attempts to win lilly's heart and he was heart broken because being with kate wasn't the same and he missed jazzmine then he thought he started to here her in his head and then he saw her and said 'Jazzmin what are u doing here if kate sees you your dead' and she replied 'If that bitch dares touch me my dad will tear out her throat then kate came out and Jazzmine gasped then kate saw and realized her gender and she growled and Then Jack and John came out to see what was going on and jack just said 'Whos this stupid bitch' and kate whipped around and said...
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posted by WolfCryer
[V1]/I know everything i do is wrong/ But i need you to listen to every word of this song/ Peace/ I walk upon this earth as it i dont give a shit/ now hears the tricky bit/ i do, i hide every single emotion/ i dont need to be good at what i do to get a promotion/ My friends llok at me as if im crazy/ Come on, i admit im fucking lazy/ But anymore shit and youll feel the wrath/ of me the mother fucking cycopath/ i am violent and im not afraid to kill/ and im fucking ready for every thrill/ life givesme/ but i will be who i want to be when i have to be/and if you dont like it/ ill make you another...
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Calvin Curtis and Furor and Akaik returned from Jasper and the first thing Curtis saw and heard was his son Jack asking 'Weres Max daddy' and all curtis did was grumble 'He in a better place' He really felt bad for Calvin who was slowly walking to his den snapping at whoever asked what happened to Max he got to his den and he closed the rock and Curtis felt so bad but then he asked 'Akaik umm... is jack and alpha because i really need to know' and all Akaik said was 'Yes my friend but please do not go to jasper that place is more dangerous than just sending him to alpha school' them later...
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Well next morning curtis was bored and was thinking about throwing a party tonight when he heard laughing down in th center of the pack he went to go and check it out and found his granparent sharing embarassing facts about him being a pup then he heard it the most embarassing one of all here what it was: About the time his dad spanked him in front of the whole entire alphaschool class holy shit his face was burning cause everybody turned to look right at him then out of no were nobody there had ever seen curtis cry but curtis broke into tear and ran away far awayhe ran so far that he forgot...
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added by PrinceRhaegar
Source: google
I then realised that the crows would do anything i said. I immediately walked and hid next to the pack. A wolf saw me and shouted:
"Its furor", Guards and Mantro walked out from the den. I smiled "Attack", the crows swooped down and started eating the wolves alive. Matro looked at me shocked, then ran of, leaving his pack to die. I smiled and walked back the way i came. I walked up to a nearby lake and started to drink from it then i saw my reflection, it looked completely different from what i looked like. It was an older version of myself. I looked scruggy, but young. I looked ill and pale....
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posted by kates-mate101
Seth's story part 1

Snow was falling, steadily and slowly. The mercyless wind blew... Sucking the life from the weak and chilling the hearts of the strong... Sometimes, you feel as if life isn't worth living anymore... That's exactly how I feel... My name is Seth, formerly called Tiny, and this is my story. I am 3 years old, and I belong to the Anubian wolf pack. I am a beta at heart and I am ranked as one as well. I have dusky grey fur with a white underbelly and chest. I am muscular and relatively good looking, therefore making me a desirable male. I honestly don't know what pushes me on......
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added by jen929
posted by Seastar4374
I was just a runt when I was born. I didn't want to leave my mother either. Brooke smiles as she licks my head and looks at ym father Thantos who just nods at her. "She's wonderful" he says walking over to get a better look of me. My fur was all brown except fro a few black hairs at this time. Brooke just smiled.

The next year is not what I expected. "Daddy7?" I ask as I walk around. "Daddy?!" I am yelling now. I start to get scared as I get no responce. "DADDY?!" I am screaming now......No responce. I frown and look at my mother who is just looking at me. "Crystal come here sweetie." Slowly...
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posted by nikaitla
Part V - A Bright Twinge of Comfort ( the last one)

In the pre-sunrise mist a beaver prepares for the impending winter.
There were times as a young, insecure and awkward child when I myself felt a need to withdraw to a place secluded and impenetrable where I could be left alone, unfettered and harassed by a confusing, intimidating, and at times down right terrifying world of adults where I frequently felt misunderstood and wrongly labeled.

To the dismay of my parents and teachers it was in my imagination where I spent most of my childhood, choosing to keep company with my thoughts which never...
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posted by nikaitla
Part II - The Endless Hum

This brave little pine martin allowed me to creep within eight feet before bolting.
I am painfully aware that in my attempt to write a book about my quest to find and photograph wild wolves in Minnesota I have been preceded in this task by men with extraordinary talent for writing, for photography, and for finding and studying wolves. I have read the books of Jim Brandenburg and David Mech multiple times and lived the life of my dreams vicariously through their efforts. I have a deep respect for them and an even deeper love for their work, and their books have been...
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added by nikaitla
added by nikaitla
added by nikaitla
added by nikaitla
posted by nikaitla
Relatively late in the evolutionary history of miacids came the appearance of the first canid (Cynodictis), one of these was called the dawn-wolf, this creature had a long body and looked like a enlongated fox, it could live and climb in trees, it was also thought to possibly related to feline species. Some authorities believe that canids originated in North America and then spread to Asia and South America, while others ascribe that a small type of wolf crossed into siberia from alaska, where it eventually developed into the larger, present-day grey wolf. The grey wolf then migrated to North...
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posted by nikaitla
In a normal den, the birthing chamber lies at the end of a tunnel that may be up to 15 feet long in soft soil. The den is often slightly elevated above the rest of the tunnel, and no den-lining material is used. The mother keeps the den clean by eating fecal mater of her pups. The birthing chamber is usually about three feet in diameter and about two feet high.

Shortly before giving birth, a pregnant female will seek out a den. Dens may be a deep riverbank hollow, a cleft between rocks, a hollow log, a space under an upturned tree or a space under a rock overhang. Sometimes wolves will use abandoned...
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posted by nikaitla
The alpha pair has the greatest amount of social freedom among all the pack members, but they are not "leaders" in the human sense of the term. The alphas do not give the other wolves orders; rather, they simply have the most freedom in choosing where to go, what to do, and when to do it. The rest of the pack usually follows. There are various subordinates, who dominate the omega. The omega is the lowest. It is the baby-sitter and usually more puppy than wolf.

In larger packs, there may be also be a beta wolf or wolves - a "second-in-command" to the alphas. In addition, one wolf typically assumes...
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added by nikaitla
this is from a little help of michael jackson