The Mortal Instruments:Jace and Clary Club
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Which characters are the best role models in The Mortal Instruments?

Cassandra Clare: Each has something different to teach people

How hard was it doing stunts? Was it difficult to recover?

Jamie Campbell Bower: Very difficult and no I’m still sore and going back to do No. 2 (City of Ashes)

Best joke on The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones set?

Jamie: We had a lot of private ones, but none made much sense. I was probably the biggest joker

Favorite and least favorite things about Jace?

Cassie: Fave – that he’s loyal. Least fave he doesn’t think when he acts

Jamie: Most fave vulnerability, least fave – the same as Cassie

How did the idea of this book series (The Mortal Instruments) come about?

Cassie: I was inspired after going to magical New York City

You said that Lily (Collins) is amazing as Clary. What was your favorite scene with her?

Jamie: Greenhouse scene

If you could play any other character, who would it be?

Cassie: Magnus

Jamie: Madame Dorothea

Has the character of Jace inspired/changed you?

Jamie: A lot. There are parts of Jace in me I didn’t know existed

What was it that made Jamie’s audition stand out?

Cassie: Jace goes through lots of emotional changes & Jamie could do that

What was your favorite weapon to play with and why?

Jamie: The staff, because I’ve never wielded a staff before.

Do you feel more identified with Jace before or after meeting Clary?

Jamie: After

Could you give us hints to the plot of the last book (City of Heavenly Fire)?

Cassie: We leave this world entirely for a different world

What’s the #1 perk of being a Shadowhunter?

Jamie: Leather

if you could be any of the characters from City of Bones who would you be?

Cassie: Someone mundane and not in danger

Jamie: The cat Church

Is it true that you got a rune tattoo?

Jamie: It’s not true. I’m not getting a rune. I know what I’m getting

Best Jace line?

Jamie: To love is to destroy – it’s pretty accurate

Cassie: If you want me to rip my clothes off you should have just asked

Any plans for releasing some of your music on iTunes?

Jamie: Yes, lots of plans

Did your perception of the characters change after seeing the film?

Cassie: Yes, when I’m writing I picture the actors

Shadowhunter, vampire, warlock, werewolf or mundane?

Jamie: Shadowhunter

Cassie: Warlock

What are you most looking forward to for City of Ashes film?

Cassie: The court scene

Jamie: The development of characters

What celeb do you think is secretly a Shadowhunter?

Cassie: David Bowie

Jamie: The Hoff

Would you consider doing a song for the soundtrack?

Jamie: Absolutely. Unfortunately it didn’t happen this time

When are you back training for City of Ashes?

Jamie: Right now. It’s killing me. Shouldn’t have eaten a pizza

How do you make the decision of kill a character? How do you feel after?

Cassie: I know from the start, there’s an arc. I’m genuinely sad when they do.

If you were a warlock what would be your mark?

Cassie: Gills so I can find treasure underwater

What was your 1st reaction when you found out you got cast?

Jamie: I was shocked. I was prepared for a no. I opened a celebratry beverage. Watching Eurovision

When are you going to start filming City of Ashes?

Jamie: End of September

Which actor do you look up to?

Jamie: Old school actors & generally actresses. I love Audrey Hepburn

Who inspired you for the character of Jace?

Cassie: A bit Mr Darcy & Heathcliffe and a bit of people I’ve met in real life

C&J: Thank you! Come see the film 21 August!
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