The Secret Saturdays Club
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posted by LRotermund
using his power.  NORMAL episode
using his power. NORMAL episode
It does make alot of sense, Like Fiskerton being the guardian and it's strange why Fisk was with the Saturdays instead of guarding Kur but looks like it was destiny.

I saw a comment on Doc and Drew not being Zack's parents but i believe is that when they discover the Kur Stone and we see that big wave of energy. somehow Kur transfer into them, it's the only logical explanation in my opinion.

So that means Zack Monday is also Kur? If it's then Zack Monday will play a big role here but we have to wait for season 3.

Anyway i really enjoyed season 2, had alot more action, plot twist and of course alot of humor.

My theory is that you know how doc once said to every forse there is an opposite. And didn't they say that the day they found the Kur Stone, Zak was born (though Drew did not look pregnant when they discovered during that sceen where they dig up the stone)?

Hmm... Me being the weirdo I am, I would like to see an episode that shows the day Zak was born. And more shots of when we was little.

Zak is Kur.
The Antarctic Cryptid is not. Fisk's divining rod pointed to "where Kur would be revealed".
Drew was already pregnant (not by much) when the Kur Stone was uncovered. Zak was born later that year.

What does this all mean? You'll have to wait a few months to find out, I'm afraid.

Wait. Anyone else pick up on 'A Few MONTHS?' NOOOO!!! I need my TSS NOW! I am sadEdit: But wait... If Zak is Kur, then what the heck was that big scary monster thing?!

Well I got my own theories about this and maybe they'll make some sense here

Now I've been following the series and in fact Zak was born with Cryptid controlling powers in the year that his parents found the Kur stone (I'm guessing Drew became pregnant within a month of the Kur Stone power surge release, and thus Zak is really just one part of the equation.

The second part is in fact Zak Monday as he is really the "Exact Opposite" (Evil) side of Zak and thus in a way he too is Kur.

Now time to put theory into practice.

Take one evil mind, and one good mind and fuse them together, and then put them into that body that Zack defeated. This is in fact the true nature of Kur, and in fact when you have the two Zaks combined and fused with the beast you get the ultimate Kur creature.

So in a way Zak Monday will play an important part in this next season I feel. After all if you were to fuse both characters together, you would have a normal boy with both normal good/evil tendencies, and cryptid controlling powers. (one for Good, the other for Evil)

At least that is how my theory plays out.

It's also funny that the artifact didn't start glowing when Zak was around in the previous episode..(of course Doyle didn't have the artifact with him last episode, so this would make perfect sense.)

But let the theories abound, after all I have a feeling season 3 is going to get interesting to say the least.
Using his power IN kur.  The giant KUR. NOT Zak.
Using his power IN kur. The giant KUR. NOT Zak.