The Storytime Spot Club
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Dean knocked on the door of Meg’s motel room. It hadn’t been that hard to figure out where she was staying for the time being. He figured if anyone knew where Cas was it would be Meg. He knocked again, harder.
“Give me five minutes” Meg yelled.
Dean frowned. What the hell was doing in there? Then he heard her scream and got the picture. “Eww” he mumbled. He looked impatiently at his watch.
Meg got off Cas and wrapped the sheets around her body, leaving Cas uncovered on the bed. She walked to the door and opened it.
“Hello, Dean” she said with a satisfied smile.
“I won’t be long. I just wondered if you knew where I can find Cas. I, eh, I need to talk to him” Dean said.
Meg’s smile got bigger and she step aside, so Dean could see Cas lying on the bed.
“What did you do to him?” Dean asked, grabbing Meg’s throat. Cas rushed out of bed and pulled Dean away from her.
“Do not touch her, Dean” he ordered threatening.
“Yeah, Dean, don’t touch me” Meg said. She walked in front of Cas, covering his naked parts. Only she was allowed to see them.
Dean took a deep breath to calm himself down. “I came here to tell you I’m sorry about yesterday. I know what happened and I went too far. I’m sorry”
“Apology accepted” Cas said.
“Put your clothes on” Dean said. “You’re coming with me”
“Why?” Cas wanted to know.
“Because you’re part of the team” Dean said obvious.
“I am?” Cas asked flattered. “Then I should come. It’s just that I don’t have any clothes. Meg ruined them”
Dean looked at Meg, who shrugged. “I was in a hurry” she said.
“Stay here” Dean said. “I’ll be right back”
Damon rushed inside the hospital, carrying an unconscious Elena. He ran to the reception and asked for doctor Fell.
The woman behind the desk waved at something behind Damon. Meredith walked quickly to them while she signaled at a nurse.
“She collapsed” Damon explained breathless. The nurse rode a stretcher to them and Damon lay Elena down on it. The nurse pushed the stretcher forward and Damon and Meredith followed.
“What happened exactly?” Meredith asked.
“I’m not sure” Damon started slowly. “She was feeling sick and she lied down on the couch and Katherine was going to take...
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The Grill.
Bonnie was sitting at the bar, gazing at a candle, trying to lit it with a candle.
“What are you doing?” Veronica asked while she dried glasses.
“Nothing” Bonnie said quick and she looked away from the candle.
“I’ve seen you before. Your Keith’s friend, right?” Veronica acted all innocent. “He told me about you. Said you were such a nice girl. I hate to be the one to bring you the news, but he’s a little messed up in the head, so you might want to keep your distance”
“Really?” Bonnie asked, sipping her water. “Last time I checked you were the one planning...
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The next morning

Damon and Elena were lying asleep when someone rang the bell. Elena was fast asleep, so Damon sneaked out of bed and put on his pants from the day before.
“Hurry up, Damon. You don’t want her to bleed to death, do you?”
Damon groaned as he recognized Rebekah’s voice. He walked to the door and opened it and Katherine fell in his arms. She was bleeding from her neck and Damon looked up shocked at the blonde Original, who smirked at him.
“What happened to her?” Damon wanted to know.
“I happened” Elijah answered, stepping forward. “Can we come in?”
“No!” Damon said rude.
“I was merely being polite. Of course we can come in. This house is being hosted by vampires, whom cannot possible deny the admission to an Original. So, why don’t you step aside? We’ve got things to do, plans to make, wars to prepare” Elijah said as he walked past Damon.
Elijah grabbed Rebekah’s throat as he put himself up.
“Where is Niklaus?” he asked shaking with fury. Rebekah took Elijah’s squeezing hand and pulled it away.
“You’re weak. You need to regain strength” she said strict and bossy.
“What I need is to find Niklaus and put that dagger in his heart” Elijah objected.
“I’m with Elijah on this one” Katherine said and Elijah turned his head to her slowly. “Elena?” Katherine shook her head. “Katerina” Elijah realized. “You stand by my sister as she gives me my life back…and yet I don’t see you shiver with fear. Perhaps...
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The evening fell and Rebekah and Katherine were sneaking down the woods. Rebekah had called Katherine to tell her she had a plan and she needed her help.
“Where are we going?” Katherine wanted to know.
“To Klaus’s hiding place” Rebekah vaguely explained. She walked through the cemetery and stopped at a grave. The stone said: “Here lies Esther Mikaelson, beloved wife and mother”
“What are we doing at your mother’s grave?” Katherine asked confused and a little disrespectful.
Rebekah didn’t respond, but bowed forward and removed the stone. Katherine came closer and noticed...
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Elena was sitting at the living table, writing a letter. Damon was trying to reach Caroline, to get more information about the herbs she’d been providing for Elena. Elena was so focused on her letter that she didn’t hear Damon come in.
“I can’t reach her” he said apologizing. “I’ll try again in a few minutes”
“You don’t have to worry her” Elena said soft as she folded the letter. She stood up with the intention to put the letter in her purse.
“What’s that?” Damon nodded suspiciously at the letter.
“Just some scrabbles” Elena lied and Damon jerked the letter out...
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Bonnie and Caroline were walking through the woods, heading for the witch cabin. Something about what Keith had said had made Bonnie think. At some point Veronica had believed Bonnie was still a threat, so why not give the girl reason to be threatened.
Bonnie entered the cabin, expecting Caroline to follow. When she didn’t Bonnie turned around. “What are you waiting for? Get in here”
Caroline pursed her lips. “Yeah” she said hesitant. “Damon told me what happened when he got in there, so, eh, I think I’m going to pass”
Bonnie rolled her eyes. “Don’t be ridiculous” she reproached...
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Meredith poured herself a cup of coffee while Alaric checked his bag with weapons.
“Can you make sure Jeremy studies for his tests?” he asked without looking at Meredith.
“I don’t think Jeremy want to study, not with everything that’s going on” Meredith pointed out.
“Well, you have the night shift, so maybe you can keep an eye on him” Alaric waved Merediths arguments away.
“Sure, but it won’t increase my popularity” Meredith said warning.
“You don’t have to be popular, you just have to make him listen” Alaric replied.
“You mean like I can make you listen, because...
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“Alright, I’ll do it!” Rachel exclaimed, looking angry at Stefan. “But if I get killed by Veronica’s minions I will come back to haunt you”
“Is that a promise?” Stefan teased. Then he was serious again. “Did you guys hear that?” he asked concerned. Rachel nodded, Jeremy shook his head. Stefan walked towards the bushes, when a swarm of birds flew out of the them.
“Mystery solved” Jeremy said and Stefan shrugged and walked back.
Derek almost let out a sigh of deep relief, but realized just in time that the sound of his breath would give him away. Stefan and Damon believed...
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Caroline banged the door of Ric’s loft. “Open the Goddamn door, Klaus! I know you’re in there! Open the door, you miscalculation of nature!”
The door opened and Caroline almost punched Rebekah in the face.
“Easy there, sweetheart” she said listless while she played with her nails.
“Where is that disgusting brother of yours?” Caroline yelled angry.
“Which one?” Rebekah asked with raised eyebrows. “Oh” she continued. “You mean Klaus. Sorry, I have no idea where he is” she lied.
“You’re lying” Caroline said and she tried to get it, but Rebekah grabbed her shoulders...
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“They took Katherine? Why?” Damon asked dismayed.
“They didn’t take her. They just…they won’t let her go” Derek said agitated. “Like I said, she was upset and she was in the mood for some kills. But Ronnie had already summoned us to capture you, so when Katherine came we could easily overpower her”
“You mean you took her by surprise” Damon snapped disgusted. Derek shrugged uneasy. “Yeah…Ronnie shot a few arrows in her back and Rachel snapped her neck” he explained.
“Who the hell is Rachel?” Damon asked frowning and squeezing his eyes.
“She’s Kelsey and Amber’s...
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Caroline was putting on her dress when the door of her bedroom opened and Liz appeared. “Sweetie, there’s someone here for you” she said soft. Caroline, expecting it would be Tyler, nodded and said: “Okay, mom, you can let him in”
But it wasn’t Tyler, it was Damon. Caroline turned around annoyed. “You’re the last person I expected. What is that you want?” she asked a little hostile. She zipped the dress and turned around.
“I want to say I’m sorry” Damon said, reaching out his hands. “I was wrong keeping you away from Elena. You’re the best friend she has and I was...
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Alaric had invited Elena’s doctor into his house and gave her a cup of tea, though she could use something stronger.
“I’ve never seen anything like that” she said trembling.
Jenna, invisible to both Alaric and the doctor, was sitting on the dresser and rolled her eyes.
“What did the ghost look like?” Ric asked.
“Dark blonde hair, green eyes. She looked pretty” the doctor said.
Jenna smirked.
The doctor noticed a picture.
“Wait, can I see that picture?” she asked. Ric gave her a picture with Elena, Jeremy and Jenna. The doctor pointed at Jenna. “That’s her. That’s the...
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Elena was standing in front of Alaric’s loft. Or should she say Stefan’s? Doesn’t matter. She was at the place where Stefan and Rebekah were hooking up, maybe even having a threesome with Katherine, and she was about to end. Before she knocked she thought about how she would convince Stefan about Rebekah’s true colors. On her way here she had come up with a few ideas.
She could just drag him out of the house, abduct him. Because human girls are so much stronger than vampires.
She could just tell him the truth. “Sorry, Stefan, but your girlfriend is a lying bitch who’s using you...
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Damon got back fast enough to see Caroline close the door behind her. He entered and almost hit the door against Caroline’s head.
“Hey, watch it” she said a little jumpy.
“Sorry” Damon growled. “I’m a little tensed” He walked to the bed, where Matt was sitting on a chair.
“Where’s Jeremy?” Elena asked sharp-looking at Damon.
“I left him with that female doctor. She knows him” Damon answered.
Elena smirked. “Well, are you the caring type” she said sarcastic.
“Right now I care more for you than for your little bro, that’s true” Damon commented, getting mad,...
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Damon raced inside the hospital, Elena tightly in his arms. A female doctor walked their way while she signed at a nurse. The nurse pushed a stretcher in their direction. While Damon lay her down, the doctor started asking some question.
“What happened?” was her most urgent question.
“She…she’s sick” Damon said trembling. “She has cancer. I took her home, but I shouldn’t have. She should’ve stayed here”
The doctor shone with a small flash light in Elena’s eyes. “Don’t worry, sir. She’s just sleeping” She looked up. “Who’s treating her?”
“I don’t know”...
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Matt parked the car on the parking lot of the clinic and looked at Caroline. “What are we doing here?”
“Visiting a friend who can help Elena” Caroline said avoiding.
“What friend are you talking about?” Matt asked careful, though he had a suspicion. And since Caroline consciously looked away, he knew his suspicion was true. “Wow. She’s been here all this time? No wonder we haven’t seen her anywhere”
Caroline turned to Matt. “You can’t tell anyone” she said sharp. “If Elena finds out, she won’t be happy”
Matt raised his hands. “She won’t hear it from me”
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When Caroline walked behind the corner, where she had parked her car, she collided to someone. She sighed deeply. “Can’t you watch were you’re going?” she said annoyed, not noticing who she had bumped into.
“I’m sorry” Matt mumbled a little offended. Caroline looked up. “Oh, it’s you” she said in some kind of apologizing way.
“Are you going somewhere?” Matt asked, nodding at Caroline’s car. Caroline frowned her eyebrows; that was so none of his business. “Because I was actually heading to the hospital to see Elena” Matt explained himself. “I was wondering if...
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Caroline was waiting in the doorway while Bonnie put on her shoes. They were going out for a walk in the garden.
“How’s life in here?” Caroline asked casual.
“ ‘s Okay, I guess” Bonnie said. “Little boring though”
Caroline scoffed. “I wish I could say the same” she mumbled.
“What do you mean?” Bonnie asked concerned.
Caroline shook her head. “Come on, let’s go”
Five minutes later they were walking through the garden. Caroline whistled. “This place really is beautiful”
“Caroline” Bonnie said a little harsh. “I know you didn’t just come over. There’s something...
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Stefan and Rebekah were driving. They had stopped to get their selves a late night snack and now they were on their way home.
“Can you try and call Damon for me, please?” Stefan asked, his eyes on the road. Rebekah conjured her phone and dialed Damon’s number, which Stefan had given her.
“Goes straight to voicemail” Rebekah said. She turned to Stefan. “I’m sure he’ll be okay. He’s got that boy looking out for him”
Stefan shook his head. “Derek’s just a teenager. Damon was in no good shape when I last saw him. I think he might be really sick”
“Then let’s go check on...
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