The Storytime Spot Club
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Stefan looked around him. Rebekah had brought him to a party for which they weren’t invited. But she had used her charms to have the owner of the house to invite them in. “What are we doing here?”
“Doing groceries” Rebekah replied. She let her eyes glide over the guests as if she was comparing products.
“I have blood bags” Stefan said. Rebekah gave him a disgusted look. “I’m not eating deep fried food. I prefer it to be fresh. Sure you agree”
“Blood is blood” Stefan said.
“There” Rebekah pointed at the corner left from Stefan. “He looks yummy”
“Rebekah” Stefan said soft.
“Wait here” Rebekah said and she headed to the boy. “Hi, there”
“Hiii” the boy smirked. “I haven’t seen you around here. You’re here alone?”
“No, my boyfriend’s standing over there” Rebekah nodded behind her. “Hey, why don’t we go somewhere quiet?”
“Won’t your boyfriend be mad?” the boy asked.
“He’s not looking right now” Rebekah said. She leaned forward and whispered in his ear. “Come on, take a little risk” She took his hand and dragged him along. She led him to an empty room and kissed him.
The boy went with his hands over her back and Rebekah’s face changed. She pulled his head aside and forced her fangs in his flesh. The boy screamed and struggled, but Rebekah tightened her grip.
Cas opened his eyes and rolled them to left. Meg was sitting next to his bed. He looked down and noticed he was holding something in his hand. He rolled his eyes to the right and saw the machines and the perfusion leading some kind of fluid medication into his veins. He frowned and tried to pull all threads out of his body.
“No, Cas, don’t do that” Meg tried to stop him. “You have to get better”
Meg didn’t understand. Medication or drugs was what triggered it. He wasn’t himself when he took them.
Cas opened his mouth to explain, but something entirely different was said.
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Jeremy entered the Grill. He still had some time before school and this just couldn’t wait. He looked at the bar and to his relief Veronica was on duty. He walked to the bar and sank down on a stool.
“What can I get you, kid?” Veronica asked with a demeaning look.
“Do you have a beer mat? And a pen?” Jeremy asked secretive. Veronica gave him a beer mat and a pen and Jeremy scribbled something down. He shove the mat to Veronica.
“I want in” it said.
“You can’t just sign up, you know” Veronica said. “I need to know I can trust you. Isn’t your sister involved with vampires,...
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A couple of hours later Veronica unchained Damon. “Don’t even think about running” she said threatening. She opened the door and three of her minions appeared. They cuffed Damon’s hands and feet and when Damon looked up he saw Stefan, Katherine and Caroline were all chained onto each other. Veronica’s minions dragged Damon forward and chained him onto the rest.
“Now, walk” Veronica ordered. They wouldn’t move and thus Veronica nodded at one of her minions. He fired a bullet and Katherine screamed.
Stefan started moving, but Katherine, Caroline and Damon tried to stop him.
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Rachel was sitting at the kitchen table, drinking a cup of tea, to calm herself down a little. Since the events of the previous night she had been very jumpy. She expected Damon Salvatore to show up out of nowhere and rip her heart, just like he’d done with her daughter. So when the bell rang she let out a scream and spilled some tea.
“Mrs. Lindy? I know you’re home” Stefan called from outside. “I just want to talk”
Rachel stood and walked to the door. She opened it.
“Good morning. I’m Stefan Salvatore” Stefan introduced himself politely.
“You’re the vampire that turned...
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The door of the Boarding House opened and Damon rushed downstairs. He had expected Katherine or Stefan, hoped for Elena, but neither of those three were standing in the doorway.
Bonnie raised her hand. “Before you get all hostile on me, let me explain”
Damon took a step back.
“As I’ve told you I know when I’m part of a conversation” Bonnie started. “Last night you and Elena had a fight, because you’re having trouble dealing with your issues. You and I both know most of that is on me”
Damon sighed annoyed. “Will you cut to the chase, please?”
“I want to help you” Bonnie...
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Elena opened the door of the Boarding House. As she passed the living room she saw Damon sitting in the couch, his back to her. She wanted to sneak away, but…
“Elena! Get your ass in here now!” Damon said. He sounded furious and so Elena rushed to him. She looked at him and startled. She had never seen him this angry.
“What’s wrong? Did I do something?” she asked careful. Damon looked at Stefan, who came out of the study room.
“I’m sorry, Elena. I thought he knew” he said sad.
“Knew what? What is going on?” Elena exclaimed.
“Will you stop playing dumb?” Damon said angry...
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The next morning.
It was still very early and the sun hadn’t gone up completely yet. Nevertheless, there seemed to be quite some activity down in the woods. The night before sheriff Liz Forbes had received an anonymous phone call, giving her the exact location of where to find the body of Gabe Lindy. Liz had heard the voice before. It had been the same person who told her where the bodies of the Lindy sisters were. So it was pretty obvious that whoever the caller was, they were the murderer or at least they knew who did it.
“What do you got here?”
Liz would never get used to her daughter...
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Elena and Damon were lying on Elena’s bed, Elena’s head on Damon’s chest. She was asleep, but Damon was wide awake. He was waiting for a phone call from the hospital to tell them they had find a donor. Though Elena would never want Jeremy to go through with it, Damon would do anything to make sure Jeremy didn’t change his mind.
He was brought back to the real world when Elena’s phone buzzed. He picked it up from the pedestal cupboard and answered it.
“What?” he asked.
“I did the test” Jeremy started careful.
“And?” Damon asked, though he could hear by Jeremy’s tone it...
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The sun rose and shone through the curtains. Damon opened his eyes and looked at Elena’s crown. He looked up and saw the planks still lying on the ground. He recalled the last night. At a certain moment Elena’s bed had collapsed and Damon didn’t have the heart to send her to another room and so he let her sleep with him.
“I think you’re starting to recover” Elena had softly said. She had crawled up against him and fallen asleep.
Damon stroke her hair and she woke up. She looked up and gave him a soft kiss. “Hi” she smiled. “Good morning”
“Good morning to you too” Damon...
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Tyler opened his eyes and gasped for air. The night was slowly giving in to the day and Tyler was still tied onto that chair.
“Good morning, sunshine” Klaus said, who was sitting in front of him in Indian style. He had a small flask in his left hand. “I hope you’re hungry”
“Can’t you just let me go already?” Tyler said, who was having trouble breathing. Blood came streaming from his eyes. What was wrong?
“I can’t let you go” Klaus said. “Not before you had breakfast” He continued, waving the flask. He scribbled up and opened the flask.
Tyler pressed his lips together, but Klaus easily separated them and poured the blood that was in the flask into his mouth.
“Now you won’t be so eager to run off, now will you?” Klaus said as he untied Tyler.
Cas was pacing up and down. It couldn’t be true. It just couldn’t be. Meg would never… He sank down on the bed and went with his fingers through his hair. Dean went sitting next to him. “I’m sorry”
“Oh, shut up, you’re not sorry” Cas snapped annoyed as he got of the bed and turned to Dean. “You are gloating on the inside”
“Hey, I do feel bad for you” Dean defended himself. “I know how you feel about her, but she clearly doesn’t deserve you. And now you have all the more reason to come with us”
“I can’t leave now!” Cas responded upset.
“What? Why not?”...
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Jeremy parked his car at the address Veronica had given him. She was waiting for him outside.
“What are those signs?” Jeremy asked, pointing at the signs on the wall.
“They’re to keep ghosts out” Veronica explained.
“Ghosts?” Jeremy asked skeptic.
“Yeah, you know, dead people” Veronica said. “You can’t see the signs during the day, because it’s fluorescent paint”
“So, ghosts can’t enter” Jeremy said slowly.
“Well, they can travel with mediums, but you’re not a medium” Veronica replied obviously. She squeezed her eyes and cast Jeremy an exploratory glance....
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Evan waved with the DVD.
“This is where it’s all about. Without this DVD Mr. Castiel wouldn’t be sitting here and no one would make him take responsibility for his actions. Your honor, if you allow me I would like to show this DVD to you and the jury”
Daphne’s laptop was standing on a table.
“Objection!” Craig shouted for the second time. ‘Daphne Allen is a woman suffering from a mental illness. Inspector Roberts took advantage of Daphne’s ignorance and though she didn’t have a search warrant she still searched the house, which means the DVD doesn’t count”
The request to...
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It was evening in Colorado, but Alexia was still wide awake. Her grandparents were gone to bed and her mother was making coco for the two of them. Normally Alexia should be in bed by now and the way her mother had been acting so nice, too nice, alarmed the four year old.
Zoey turned around and put the two hot cups of coco on the table.
Zoey sipped from her coco. Then she looked up.
“You know that uncle Emmanuel was on the news this morning” she said.
“Yeah, but they called him Castiel” Alexia recalled the morning news.
“That’s because his real name is Castiel” Zoey explained. “Anyways,...
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“You’re a what?” Daphne exclaimed.
“Sssshhhh!” Cas hissed and he looked around to make sure no one was listening along. “I’m an angel. Literally. I have big, black wings whereby I can fly. I have special abilities, like healing people and I’m very strong”
“That explains a lot” Daphne replied with big eyes.
“Please, don’t tell anyone” Cas insisted.
Daphne raised her eyebrows. “No one would believe me if I did. I’m a nut job, remember?”
“Promise you won’t tell” Cas repeated.
“I promise” Daphne said. She shoved the annulment papers towards Cas. “I should...
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Cas walked downstairs, his suit in his arms, when he bumped into someone. “Watch out where you’re going” a slow, familiar and female voice said.
“What are you doing here?” Cas asked.
“Saving you” Meg said smug. “I saw you walking into the house and well, I know a thing or two about weddings. No celebration before the ceremony. No seeing the bride before the ceremony. I bet your Daphne Dearest is now going all crazy”
“You shouldn’t be here” Cas said, looking around, hoping no one would see them together.
“You’re absolutely right” Meg nodded. “But neither should you....
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“Where is she?”
Stefan slammed the door and grabbed Katherines throat. He growled threatening. “Where is she?” he repeated.
Katherine took his hand and pulled it away. “Depends on who you’re looking for” she said sober, not in the least intimidated.
“Amber” Stefan panted. “Where is she? I’m going to kill her” Katherine laughed scornfully. “Well, that’s great, Stefan, can I do it?” she said sarcastic. “But before we get to that point of epicness, can you fill me in on the why?”
“She attacked Elena” Stefan explained. “I left Elena alone; she was too...
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Cas appeared inside a mansion, holding his two victims tightly. The owner of the house stood up from his seat and looked shocked at the intruder.
“What, in heaven’s name, do you think you’re doing?” the older man asked furious.
Cas pushed the men on the floor and walked steady to the man. Before the man could do so much as blink, Cas grabbed his neck and snapped it. Then he walked back to the others, grabbed their collars and dragged them to the basement.
He chained them up on their wrists and a few seconds later they were hanging on the ceiling. He searched their pockets and conjured...
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The Salvatore Boarding House
Stefan was sitting in the couch between two young women.
“You want to hear a secret?”
The women stared at him as if he was a god and they nodded.
“I’m actually not supposed to be here” Stefan said. “I’m supposed to go find my girlfriend who’s hooking up with my brother. But truth is, I’m emotionally too damaged to function right now. I have to recharge first”

He looked from one girl to the other. “So, what’s the deal with you two? You’re some hot lesbian couple?”
“No, we’re friends” the woman on Stefan’s right side said.
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Carol Lockwood walked into Tyler’s room, who was sitting on his bed, his iPod in his ears. She walked to the bed and threw a collection of photographs on it. Tyler put out his earphones and looked at the photographs. “What is this?” he asked, pretending to be dumb.
“I found this in our mail. There was a note with it. ‘Dear Mrs. Lockwood, you’re son’s a werewolf. Have a nice day’” Carol said. “Who is this person, Tyler?”
Tyler shrugged, acting careless, but doing his best to avoid his mother’s eyes. “Just some dude who needs to get laid really soon”
“These are pictures...
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