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posted by XxDestroyerXx
Chapter I: The Outcasts    

I walked through the dark woods; my booted feet quietly hit the dirt ground. The bright full moon shone above me, it illuminated everything in my path; but it made me easy to see in the dark forest. But, I have to escape or I will certainly die. Myself and five others are escaping this hell called Heaven, all of us look the same; black hair, odd colored eyes, strange marks on our faces and arms, and the most distinct is our black wings. We are different, so why would that matter in heaven? Well it does, the Angel Council wants everyone to look the same and all abominations to be killed or sent to the supposed world below; which myself and many people think is just I and some others are the in between, we are in between an angel and demon; but we are classified as a demon in the Angel Council's eyes.
But I am not stupid, I am escaping unlike some of the others who look like us; they are surely to be killed or de-winged then sent to the world below. When a fallen angel is de-winged it means that they are wide awake, in front of the Angel Council, they have their wings ripped off and are thrown over the wall to fall to their supposed death. While most do die from losing to much blood or breaking their neck when they land, but some actually survive and populate what is called Dementa; or better known as "The City of Fallen Angels". Literally the entire city is filled with nothing but Fallen Angels, people like us.
A line of huge pine trees sat in front of me; surely this would be the safest part of the forest to hide in. Slowly I stepped closer to the tree line, just to be safe if I was to be ambushed I spread my huge black wings. The tall and thick pine trees engulfed me, the ends of my black wings brushed against the pokey needles of the trees. Silence filled the massive forest, not an animal sound to be heard for miles; only thing I could hear was my breathing. I really could get used to this.
Crack, thud! A large tree branch fell at my booted feet; it seems that I was not alone. I looked up, through the thick needles of the trees I could see a slight gleam of something metallic; it seemed to be in the shape of a star. It was most likely a member of the Angel Council posing as Ashley just to lure me in, or it really could be Ashley and I am safe for now. "Alexandria?" the dark figure in the tree whispers, I could hear him clear as day even though he whispered. His voice was a mixture of medium and deep, it was sexy. My heart began to slow its pace, "Ashley, is that you?" I quietly asked.
"Yeah, come up here. I want to show you something." Ashley said quietly, I went to the pine tree in front of me and began to climb up its thick branches. Grabbing every stable branch in sight I quickly made it up about half way when a black, fingerless, leather gloved hand reached down to my level. Looking up I saw the sweet smiling face of Ashley, the love of my life. His dark brown eyes locked onto my chrome colored eyes, the smile of his could make you melt into a puddle, and he has this beautiful natural light tan that just makes you want to throw your arms around him and never let go. I took Ashley's hand and his toned arm pulled me the rest of the way up, my feet landed on the thick branch.
Ashley flipped his long black bangs out of his beautiful face, he took my thin hand; we smiled at each other. "Look at the moon," I looked at the huge bright moon, “it’s the exact same color as your eyes." he said romantically. I sighed; I swear he spends all night thinking of romantic stuff to say to me. We looked at each other, something clicked inside of us; as if it were pure love. We closed our eyes, and before I knew it a warm sensation was on my lips. The first time in a very long time I was calm, nothing worried me. All was serene and peaceful, but the minutes ahead would be the most intense moments of our lives; escaping heaven. The sweetness from Ashley's kiss warmed my near blue lips; I let a sigh of relief escape my lips.
Ashley's arms wrapped around my waist, all the stress form the past weeks seemed to just melt away. The warmth suddenly left my lips, I opened my eyes. Ashley had been starring into the distance at something, "Ash, what’s..." I was cut off. He placed his finger over my lips to have me shut up, and then pointed down; below us, through the pine needles, was the form of an angel. Its white wings, blonde hair, perfect body. Of course, it was Sydney Toms hunting us down. My chrome eyes widened in fear, we could be caught right here right now; then we could be executed the next morning in front of all of Heaven, just to show her power.
"Sydney, I thought I heard something back this way." the deep voice of Bryce Wailey yelled, without a word Sydney strutted off her white dress flowed behind her. Once out of sight Ashley and I quietly jumped off of the tree branch, our feet hit the dirt ground in unison. "Back here! I heard them!" Sydney yelled. Ashley and I looked at each other. I could see the terror in his dark brown eyes; I nodded knowing we are thinking the same thing. Run for your god damn life!
Immediately we go into a full sprint, pushing further into the thick pine trees. We had been stabbed, poked, scratched by the branches and needles but still kept running.
My large black wings burst out of their folded position on my back, doing a running take-off ;I leapt off of the ground,; and continued to flap my wings. I looked back to see if Ashley had caught up with me in the air, he wasn't there. Immediately I did a 180 in the air and dive bomb back down, trees surround me. I got wacked in the face with braches, and the hard ground waited only 60 feet below me. As the ground neared I tucked in my wings and tried to get my feet in front of my body, I failed miserably. With a supersonic thud my chest hit the ground first; two loud cracks followed the thud. All of the air was sucked out of me, I began to gasp for air, breathing became harder and harder. I landed on my stomach, unable to move I thought to myself "I am going to die, I am either going to die at the hands of the Angel Council or my own stupidity." I clawed the ground, as an attempt at getting up "No, I will escape. I will live. I will not die." With all of my remaining strength I lifted my broken body off of the ground, of course it hurt like hell but I wanted to live so I had to put up with it.
The same leather hand as before was placed in front of me, I took it. "Are you ok?" Ashley asked scarred, well I'm not ok but I'm not going to worry him. I just nodded my head for yes, "Are you sure, because you took a really hard fall?" Ashley asked again, like before I just shook my head. I could feel my broken bones starting to heal themselves; one advantage of being me is that when I break a bone it will heal very quickly. But that's only with bones, not cuts or anything else.
I put my left arm around Ashley's shoulder; we stumbled our way through the trees and bushes; as always I was on high alert for anything that made a single sound. Usually when I have a fall like that it takes about five minutes for my bones to heal, since my fall it had been ten minutes. I must have shattered most of my ribs, because I just started to feel the pain go away.
I lifted my arm off Ashley's shoulder, "Let me see your ribs, I want to see how many of them you shattered this time." Ashley insisted. When I break my ribs the ones I break turn blue and purple then it goes away when all are healed. I lifted up my black tank top, my stomach and sides were completely blue and purple. "Damn girl, you are so accident prone we need to wrap you in bubble wrap." Ashley said in shock, simply I just smiled. Hey a new record, I probably broke all 24 of my ribs.
"Let’s keep going, you know that I'll be fine in a few minutes." I said painfully, Ashley looked at me in denial. But we kept going forward through the large trees and bushes that went all the way up to the stars, and through the thorn bushes. The Angel Council put all of these painful barriers up to make sure no one got through, also they supposedly put wild creatures in here too; but I highly doubt that, one they would go into the city to get food and kill many people.
We walked forward, and past the final row of trees stood a giant stone wall, and lined up against that stone wall was the outlines of four people. "Finally you made it." Andy's deep voice muttered. Quickly I took a head count, all of us are here; Ashley, Andy, C.C., Jake, Jinxx, and I were all there. The moonlight shone on their faces, now you can easily see why people would want us killed. We are different.
I have my eyes blacked out and short extended tears coming from my eyes (basically what Andy looked like in the Knives and Pens music video), Ashley has scratches on his cheeks and a long stitch down his throat, Andy has this long extended tears on his face with a line that goes from his right to left side of his face, Jinxx has triangles on top and bottom of his eyes and his lips are black with lines coming out of the sides, Jake has flames on top and bottom of his eyes, and C.C. has single tears and black lips. All of us look different, and we are proud of it but the Angel Council wasn't so pleased.
"Ok everyone, our plan is to get on top of the wall, then we jump off, the motion sensors will go off once one of us jumps; so we all need to get off of that wall as fast as possible because I saw Bryce and Sydney not too far away. After we jump we will land either in Hell or Dementa, so let’s go people." I explain quickly, we all look at each other in fright. But all six of us know we have to do this. In front of us stood a 30 foot stone wall, I went first and started to scale the massive wall, then came C.C. and Jake, finally, Andy, Ashley and Jinxx all got up to the top. Bellow was a city in ruins, everything looked destroyed. I felt some one place their warm hand into mine, I looked down to see Ashley's hand. "On the count of three: one, two..., three!"