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posted by snootygirl50701
District-ghost district
Type of story- short
moment in your life-
________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ghost Rules
I didn't expect it. The cold feeling. That's what got me. The cold,what seemed like fingernails,clawing my back. I was only at my hidding place. The place I sneak off to with Jackie. A place to take a swim. Only,it was more like a drown to Jack. If I wasn't there,he would of died...
Nothen was there,only us! So what was it? Jackie always tried to scare me but never got it! The water was still and not even underway. I was most defenitly scared. That's when I released the truth. These were small signs of ghost. Some say this is ghost rules.
I figured its ghost rules because of some other reasons but, now I know why there are danger signs and keep outs. Its pretty eerie. The creek turned out to be a lake. Ghost Rules is what people name it. At the end of that lake,if you want to know what it's called,then swim to that. Sign covered in red clay at the ground,but I wouldn't!
I will never go back to "ghost rules "! Death is there. That's all. Some say a little girl went there. She never came back. I don't have to wonder why. She probably drowned but no one has found her body. When I told Jack,he looked at the water and then me. He always asked questions and could trick you into telling him what's wrong.
"Like your dad?" He asked.
I could only nod as my answer to "yes". He looked at me again. Then at the sky. I didn't know what to think. Jack was know trying to catch fish. I joined him until he kicked some water and a snake came out of the rocks at my feet. It was like remote control. It was like the "dare". When you just dare someone. They could die from it. So when I dared Jackie to swim to the swim hole. I regretted it. I started to scream and swim after him.
Never swim there. Of course,I won't ever tell you where it is. I was terrified. "Ghost Rules". What a place. Never will I go there again. It was like you could see the dead body's floating at the bottom. Never again. Oh hell no!
Shiv-vering from the damnation cold of that lake!
Author's Note: this is my entry for the first week, and this is something that I just thought up the other day. I will give a few short warnings, though: this story (one-shot, most likely) will be quite violent, there will be language. I hope you all enjoy this.


Bang bang, shot her dead...right in the head...and I have no regrets... She lifted her head, blood splattered across her features, a cruel smile etched across her face as she gazed at the woman who layed sprawled across the drive-way; blood leaking from the bullet...
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posted by malmcd
Remember what I said...That this week would be Fantasy week? Yeah well guess what it's not! This week we have to get rid of six writers so the third week we cans start doing districts. Soooooo this week will be called...

The Battle Of Words

I'll make a form that will be called the Battle area I'll with chose to writers at random to battle against one another. So here's how it works.

1. I will ask to Writers into the area (form) at random
2. The writers will come to the area and wait till I say go.
3. I will say any word at random like Peace.
4. I will give the writers two minutes to write a quick...
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posted by Happyflames
The tom that killed Flowerheart
The tom that killed Flowerheart
A message was sent to Flowerheart by StarClan. Nothing could be seen exsept her mother. Tears trickling down her face like a light rain on the tree. At her last tear she said, "Flowerheart, my dear, let life be love. Let your dreams explode. Make your mark. Life is short, but you can make it stronger. Just remember: Life is a treasure that can be gone in a split second, but you can save it by trusting everything you do by heart." In the darkness came light. Her mother's tear dropped into everlasting darkness. She dissapeared saying her last words,
"I'll see you soon my dear, Flowerheart....."...
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Author's Note: here is my entry for week...I can't even remember, to be honest. This is my entry for this weeks prompt, and I thought though my district was "romance" - I could make this story a little darker than originally planned.

* Note: there are going to be clips of song lyrics (From the song the title is based off of) to help add mood to this one-shot. I hope you enjoy it.


Can you stop the clocks, tick, tick, tock: in your ears?

She shivered and looked around the darkened room. Hearing that insufferable ticking:...
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posted by malmcd
Okay here's the list of the people still in!

adventure district


fantasy district


once upon a time district


fanfiction district


romance district




(I'm no longer in the games)

Okay this week you must write a story OR poem based on one of these poems

You can only pick ONE!



Hold fast to dreams
For if dreams die
Life is a broken-winged bird
That cannot fly.
Hold fast to dreams
For when dreams go
Life is a barren field
Frozen with snow.
Langston Hughes


"Hope" is the...
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*Ding Dong*
    I rushed to the door and looked out the peephole. There was a UPS man standing at our doorstep, holding a large package.
    I opened the door, and he set down the package and held out a pen and clipboard.
    “I’ll need you to sign for it,” he said.
    I took the clipboard, but as I reached for the pen, he pulled it back, flipped it around, and raised it high before jabbing it into my neck.
    I collapsed onto the ground, pulled the pen out, and held my neck in pain. Only...
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posted by Happyflames
Name: Happyflames
District: fan fiction
Theme: Something that happened in your life
Story ~
In the warm sun on a summer day I walked on the gravel driveway barefoot. My mom called out for me to be careful. I wouldn't listen to her not after what she did to me.
She would spank me until I cried. I would cry and cry until she stopped. I turned around to face her, and a knife tightly gripped in my hand.
She screamed and ran after me, but I ran away from her. I stopped again. I was weak and tired.
"Honey, put the knife down and come home." she said every persuading word pushing me away further.
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posted by anniewannie
A/N: Thanks for putting me in the romance district Mallory!! I love romantic stories!! :) Just to let you know, this romantic story is rated M in case, though I'm thirteen! Just a little warning, but if you feel like reading it anyway, enjoy it while it lasts!

District- Romance
Story Type- Short Stories
The Moment of My Life- When my friend leaves although some parts of these are just my wishful thinking ...

"We can't be friends anymore, Vanity." His voice echoed loudly in my head as those words escaped his pursed...
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posted by lovebaltor
"So, do you have any ideas on guys that you might like at school?" She asked me, jumping up and down with excitement that I knew all too well she had. The question make me slightly uncomfortable--sure they were my friends, and ones that I could trust with issues and secrets, but I just didn't feel like talking about this specific issue right now. I mean, come on; this walk was supposed to calm me down, not put my nerves on edge when talking about my male or female preferances.

"No...I don't think there's anyone cute at school," I replied, as some kind of lame excuse. My friend, Zoe--whom had...
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posted by malmcd
I new I could die at any second,
But I took the risk of loving you.
I keep on feeding myself with lies saying that I wound be perfectly fine,
And not to worry about it.
But inside I know there is nothing I can do to save myself.
The pain weighs down on you
I wish I could change it
But you can't
I was cursed with this disease
And I made you...
And get weary
I made you miss sleep
And get moody
You were in thoughts
And you wrote songs
But you said you were in Love
And that I would walk on
So I believed you I keep holding on,
And fighting the constant Battle.
But we both new the results are the same
My life would...
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posted by Maria1307
Why wont the crying stop?
My body shivers as it listens
Waiting for you to come back
Im hopeless
Waiting for the one who loves me
Wheres the moment gone
We used to be there for one another
These scars are the wounds
That keep us together
Nothing can change that
Not time or space
No amount of crying will bring you back
So please help stop it
Im waiting
And waiting
But youre not coming back
I feel that its my fault
Will you give me a clue
Or do I have to keeep
For this
posted by animegurl23
number 12
i must be strong

Our Baby cries
You are dying

We both cry... I must carry on
NO time to be weak
I must stand up on my feet
I have to be strong.......I have to be strong

Even though you are gone
I have to be strong

This will be tough but even so
i must carry on

I have to be strong

I think this song is about a woman who has a baby, but her husband is very sick and he died. she gets depressed at first but realizes she has to be strong for her baby otherwise it would be all for nothing

A.N: heheheh this song reminded me soo much of clannad! ( anime ) *spoilers!* when nagisa ( wife) died while giving birth and tomoya (husband) was in a depression , and he had to take care of their baby;and realized he had to raise their daughter in a good way, so Nagisa's death wasnt for nothing... so in a way i sorta made this into my own that okay? :3
posted by lovebaltor
We once loved each other,
We spent every day together,
Laughing, playing, enjoying the precious time.

But soon that ended,
And now I wonder why;
Why you have left me,
Why you have chosen her, over me,
Am I not good enough?
Is that what you imply?

I thought what we had was special,
You were my first love,
Something I actually cared for,
I thought we were meant to be;
But you smashed that in my face.

I hope, I pray,
That maybe we can still work,
Maybe you will see that you were wronged,
And that it's still possible,
Still possible for you and I to make something,
To create something that is worth in life.

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posted by dragonsmemory
Suns rise,
Moons set.
Change comes.

Wind blows,
Rain falls.
Change leaves.

In the coming of the day,
In the middle of the night,
Change comes to us all.

Hearts are healed
And hearts are broken.
Change is what
Makes us

With Change comes
And Friendship.

Stories end,
Plots twist.
Is always

Just a few notes. This poem could be examined from two different perspectives. The first is that of the Potterheads, of which generation I ama lifelong member. The second perspective is one I've kept fairly secret. Ionce had my heart broken.
Change happens to us all. It makes us unique among life-forms and among each other. Not one of us can avoid it. It really is incredible.
posted by HecateA
Week 1 entry, I hope you all enjoy it! Also; props to the creator of this contest, it's a cool idea!

Letters to Simon

    There was pretty, and then there was beautiful. There was scary, and then there was horrifying. Everything seemed to be on different levels in life. You climbed on step at a time, like some kind of cosmic ladder, until you got to the top.
    So there was annoyed, then there was scared, then there was terrified, then there was tired, then there was tired of everything.
    If Simon took another step up that ladder,...
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posted by snootygirl50701
The color
The color of the sky?
Thats sometimes blue...
The color of the trees?
Thats usually brown...
The colors of a bush?
Thats usually green....
The color of a strawberry?
Thats mostly red..... But....
The taste is sweet and wonderful....
But the color seems deadly
The color seems to kill thousands everyday...
thousands of us....
We die from war....bullies......and more.....
Stop the noise....
The noise doesn't really have a color....
The noise is the screams.....
The screams is not a cry for help,not a wail of Pain.......
The scream is that I'm done with the pain....
The tears,the bulling....The hurt....
I'm done.....
Your color of sound is red......
Aren't you ready to stop the pain?
Do you want to help?
Join us in this fight and see the sound!
posted by Princess_seki
characters:sakura capulet(demon princess),kevin montangue(demon prince),her maid mady,sparkle(sakura,s dog which kevin gift her),her best friend ricky kind(dragon prince).
special guidence:sparkle is dog of sakura which kevin gift on their second meeting in the garden of red roses.sparkle is a demon which can transform into a fighter wolf.he give her to protect his love.ricky is best friend of sakura(childhood friend).they sword learn fighting togeather.he is prince of dragon of all elements like water dragon,fire dragon etc.
now story:-
The bells are ringing we already late ricky.finally we are...
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posted by IlovePepeLePew1
When I became her best friend, I thought we'd have a normal friendship. Making bracelets, sleepovers, doing stuff together. We never did. At first I thought "Why did I even go near her?" but her mystique intrigued me. She was quiet, but tough. Likable, but rough. At least, to me. Everybody else thought she was weird just because she sang to herself with no earbuds on. One day, at recess, she was sitting by herself, humming a tune and writing in a beat-up spiral notebook. The eraser end of her pencil was chewed, and most of the pencil was practically gone. I was bored, just looking at kids run around like I did every day. Then I just walked over to her, hoping she would like some company. She looked pretty poor, wearing the same clothes every day and walking around with an old backpack. Little did I know that music was all she had.
Okay so after a couple of rounds until there's 12 people left those 12 people will be put into 6 district's here are the district's

Fantasy district

Adventure district

Ghost district

Fairy Tale district

Fan Fiction district

Short Story district

The 12 that remain names will be put into a hat they will be pit at random. One girl will be in the Fantasy district then one boy same for the rest. If there's uneven number girls then boys or the other way around then there will be a district of two boys or two girls. But there's a twisted...

Lest say the theme of the week is that you have to write about a car crash. You can't just write about a car crash you have to also use your district's meaning like if your in the ghost district you have to do something about a car crash but have something to do with ghost in it.

Like the twist? :)

Fierce & Love

Malmcd or Mallory McDonald

Number One
Fantasy district logo
Fantasy district logo
Adventure district logo
Adventure district logo
Ghost district logo
Ghost district logo
Fairy Tale district logo
Fairy Tale district logo
Fan Fiction district logo
Fan Fiction district logo
Short Story district logo
Short Story district logo
posted by Maria1307
My blonde hair was soaked with blood. My blood. My heart was pounding in my chest. Will this ever end?Why couldn't He get it over with . I was dying anyway. This was torture. Pure torture, but I could'nt move. My feet were stuck. I was paralysed. Paralysed with fear.My mother warned me about Him. Never become too attached. You'll only get hurt. She used to say. Mothers are right way too much of the time.I hate them.
I lay there on the ground thinking about what my mother was doing right now. Would she be looking down from Heaven or alone in a casket. Why was I here?What did I do? Did i deserve this? I hope not