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posted by Seanthehedgehog

Robotnik: Snooping as usual I see! *Talks faster* Snooping as usual *Slows down* I see!
Robotnik: Snooping as usual I see! *Talks faster* Snooping as usual *Slows down* I see!

Song: link
Up in the sky, a circle appears with an Umbreon inside. Then the name, CokeTheUmbreon appears.
Up in the sky, a circle appears with an Umbreon inside. Then the name, CokeTheUmbreon appears.

Henry: *Laying down on a bed, writing a note*
Dad: *Turns on the TV*

Song (Start at 2:07): link

Henry: *Listens to the TV upstairs, but continues to write his letter*

Stockton, south of Henry's location.

Dale: *Wakes up* It's that time again.

* * *

Henry: *In the bathroom, brushing his teeth. He begins to have a flashback*


Tammy: You cannot talk to people like that.
Henry: All I said was-
Tammy: Enough. You owe Diane an apology.
Henry: *Gives Diane an angry look* Sorry.
Diane: It's okay.
Tammy: *Walks away*
Henry: *To Diane* What is this, kindergarten?
Diane: Would you like having someone tell you to shut up?
Henry: I'd handle it like an adult, and continue my work.

The flashback ends.

Henry: *Shakes his head* Assholes. I can't make a living working with assholes like that. It's a good thing I made a withdrawal yesterday. *Leaves the bathroom*
Mom: *On the phone* Terminated his bank account? What do you mean? *Sees Henry walk pass her* Henry.
Henry: Not now mom, I need to go to work.

Back at Stockton.

Dale: *Enters the kitchen* Good morning my loving family.
Mom: *Feeding his baby sister*
Dad: You're going out to find a job, right?
Dale: What do you think I've been doing ever since I graduated?
Dad: Don't give me that shit young man!
Mom: Honey-
Dad: If you want to be successful, you go out, and find work.
Dale: I have been doing that, but perhaps I forgot something.
Dad: Like what?
Dale: Leaving your ass. *Stands up* Up yours. Goodbye. *Walks away*
Dad: DALE!!
Dale: I'm tired of your annoying shouting! *Walks out the back door*
Dad: Where will you go?! This is your only home! DALE!!!! *Watching him walk away, then slams the door as he goes back into the house*
Dale: *Pulls out three thousand dollars from his shirt, quietly talking to himself* The only good thing you did for me was leave this lying around the house for me to collect. I already feel sorry for leaving you.

Back up north, Henry was sitting in his 1977 Grand Prix at a gas station.

Henry: *Looks at his watch* Any minute, Mike will find that letter, where I told him I'd leave it.
Attendant: *Arrives, taking the hose out of his tank* There you are sir. A full tank just like you asked. It'll cost you $18.
Henry: *Gives the attendant a 20* Keep the change.

Song: link

Attendant: You're a very generous man sir.

At the store where Henry used to work.

Michael: *Finds a letter in the bed of a truck, and picks it up*

He brought it over to Tammy at the front desk of the store.

Michael: It's from Henry.
Tammy: *Takes the letter, and reads it* What the fuck?!

The letter said, Dear Tammy, I quit. Don't try to contact me. It's best for everyone if I move on. Henry.

Tammy: *Crumples up the letter as her face turns red* HENRY!!!!!!!!
Henry: *At a red light, hearing Tammy shout his name* Message received. Mission accomplished. *Watching a lady in a GMC stop, signalling him to move* Very kind of her. *Drives forward, giving her a thumbs up* Now, to get down to Trenton. *Takes a right turn, and stops for a Hyundai, watching it turn right at the intersection in front of him. Once it's out of the way, he turns left, following the Hyundai*
Hyundai Man: *Turns left into a parking lot*
Henry: *Having thoughts about the store he worked at, which increases his anger. He floors it*

The loud engine of his car satisfied Henry, as he continued to speed down the road with anger spreading all around him. His eyes getting narrow as he continued to increase his speed, over 60 miles an hour.

SeanTheHedgehog Presents

A CokeTheUmbreon Production

Starring SeanTheHedgehog as Henry Ranne in

Moving On

Also Starring CokeTheUmbreon as Dale O' Conner

Tammy, Diane, Michael, and Dale's parents as their selves

Henry's Parents as their selves

Henry: *Sees a construction crew with a cherry picker, and slows down*
Construction Men: *Watching Henry come towards them*
Henry: *Passes the construction crew, and watches them. He turns left, and they are out of sight. He floors it again, going up to 60*

Erik Estrada as Craig Rogers
George Lopez as Tim Friella
Armie Hammer as Mickey North
Scott Caan as Max Mann
Scott Adkins as Steve Esposito
Scott Eastwood as himself
Oscar Isaac as Aaron Mikowsky

Henry: *Drifts on a left turn, and takes a deep breath* I needed that. *Slows down* I feel so much better now. *Follows the speed limit of 50*

The song fades away as we dissolve to the next scene. Henry entered Stockton, and looked around. He thought it was one of the nicest towns in New Jersey.

Henry: *Looks at someone on the left, walking on the sidewalk*
Dale: *Sees Henry, and waves*
Henry: *Pulls up next to him* Hi. Going somewhere?
Dale: I don't know. Where are you heading?
Henry: Trenton. You don't know where you're going?
Dale: I haven't decided. I just left my home, and have three grand.
Henry: *Nods* Why don't you join me? I got five grand.
Dale: *Walks over, and gets into the car*
Henry: *Drives* I'm Henry by the way.
Dale: Nice to meet you Henry. My name is Dale. Dale O' Conner.
Henry: Nice to make your acquaintance.
Dale: So, why are you heading to Trenton?
Henry: To find a job in acting. That way, I can do what I always wanted to do since I was 7.
Dale: You know, I always wanted to be an actor too. Now that you mentioned it, I remember hearing about Mickey North going there to film a new movie.
Henry: When was this?
Dale: He talked about it on twitter, and made a couple of posts on Instagram too. He plans to start filming in two days.
Henry: Now how do we find out the exact location of where he begins filming?
Dale: Don't know man. We just keep looking around.

Up north in Milford, Henry's mom walked downstairs to the basement, which also served as Henry's bedroom.

Mom: *Sighs as she looks around* I never can trust Henry to clean his room. *Finds a letter on his laptop* What is this? *Picks up the letter, and reads it*

Dear Mom & Dad, if you're reading this letter after 8 AM, I am currently on my way to Trenton. I can no longer put up with the shit that goes on at the store. I will finally accomplish my dream of being an actor, and make thousands of dollars for all of us. Your son, Henry.

Mom: *Grabs her phone, and dials 911*
Henry: *Moves forward after stopping for a red light*
Dale: Do you know how to get to Trenton?
Henry: I haven't been there in years. I usually pass through it while on my way to Red Bank to visit my aunt.
Dale: Red Bank?
Henry: Yes. It's next to Middletown. You could ride a ferry to New York City if you wanted to.
Dale: Hm. I'll have to check that out.
Henry: Anyway, to answer your first question, I do know how to get to Trenton. It has been a long time since I've been there, but I'm vaguely familiar with the road I need to take. Once we reach Lambertville, and get on the highway, the signs will tell us where to go in case we forget.
Dale: Thank god for signs.

Henry got himself, and Dale into Lambertville. They just entered the highway.

Henry: Like I told you, we stay on here, and follow the signs.
Dale: Excellent. *Hears police sirens*
Henry: What the? *Looks back, and sees a Scion with police lights* Who the hell uses a Scion for a police car? What is this shit? *Pulls over*
Dale: Economic recession? I don't know.
Officer: *Steps out of the car*
Henry: *Lowers the window*
Officer: Henry Ranne?
Henry: No, I drove.
Dale: *Laughs*
Officer: That doesn't answer my question. Are you Henry Ranne?
Henry: Yes sir. What, somebody steal your sense of humor?
Officer: That's it, you're under arrest.
Dale: What the fuck?
Henry: You must be state police.
Officer: Fuck you, get in.
Dale: *Gets in the back with Henry* What about your car?
Officer: *Gets in, and drives*
Henry: What about my car?
Officer: It'll be towed back to your house.
Dale: Henry, I don't want to go back home.
Henry: I know. I don't want to either, but for right now, it's best to listen to what the cops say.

But at State Police barracks, they were sitting on a bench ever since they got there.

Officer: *Walking past them with paperwork*
Henry: If you guys actually took my car here, with us, this shit would already be over, and maybe, you'd have better attitudes.
Officer: Shut up.
Dale: Good try. *Sees that no one is looking, and whispers* On another note, I need to give you my address, so you can pick me up.
Henry: *Nods*
Dale: *Goes up to a corporal sitting behind a desk* May I borrow paper, and a pencil?
Corporal: Sure.
Dale: *Writes down his address*
Henry: *Watches him write it down*
Dale: Here. *Gives Henry his address* Remember, this is in Stockton.
Henry: I'll remember.

It was dark outside when an officer stepped in front of Henry, and Dale.

Officer: Your parents are on their way now. Let's wait outside.
Henry: Alright.
Dale: *Follows Henry, and the officer outside*
Officer: *Takes Henry, and Dale, and waits with them next to a Crown Victoria police car*
Henry: The shade of blue does look nice in the sky.
Dale: I'll say.

Dale's dad arrived in a brand new Mustang. As he did, it started to get windy.

Henry & Dale: *Covering their eyes, as the high beams are on*
Officer: Turn your high beams off.
Dad: *Steps out of the car, staring at Dale*
Officer: Or, don't.
Dad: Is this what you want to do with your life? Get in trouble with bums like this man?! *Pointing at Henry*

The wind began to speed up as Dale's dad rose his voice at him.


Lightning was seen going off behind him, with loud thunder.

Dale: We were about to do that-
Dad: No lies!!
Henry: Look sir-
Dad: *Punches Henry*
Henry: *Holding his stomach as he kneels down*
Officer: Hold up. *Pushes Dale's dad away from Dale, and Henry* There was no need for that. Your son, and his friend were on their way to Trenton looking for work in acting. You want to spend time behind bars like your son? Hit his friend again. Otherwise, take your son home peacefully.
Dad: *Staring at the officer* My son knows better than to run off with strangers. Dale, in the car, now.
Officer: *Watches Dale leave with his dad* Your friend has one of "those" dads. Doesn't he?
Henry: It seems like it. Here, I thought you would just sit back, and have fun watching him beat us up.
Officer: If there's one thing I hate, it's people that disrespect teenagers like you. He had no right to punch you like that.
Henry: *Nods*
Officer: You okay?
Henry: Sure. I'll tell you one thing though. My dad is much worse.

Song: link

Mom: *Arrives in her Camry*
Henry: Usually, he tags along with my mom in her car. If that's the case, you better call for back up. *Walks towards the car, and opens the right door to the front*

Stop the song.

Mom: Get in Henry.
Henry: Yes mom. *Gets in*
Mom: *Drives away*
Officer: *Watches Henry leave with his mom* Good. I don't have to call for back up.

Back at Henry's home in Milford.

Mom: I am very disappointed in you.
Henry: Well I'm disappointed in you. Calling the police, stopping me and Dale from getting to Trenton. We could have done something big, but you had to fuck it up.
Dad: That is not how you talk to your mother!
Henry: To hell with my mother, and to hell with you too! Idiots. *Goes to his room*
Dad: *Stuttering* That's right. Go to your room.
Mom: Chris, honey, it's not worth it.

Dale's situation wasn't pretty either. He was trying to sleep, but with his parents arguing downstairs, it wasn't easy.

Next day, at the grocery store.

Mike: So your parents made you come back?
Henry: Oh yeah. Apparently, they weren't pleased with the note I left them. After work today, I need to pick up a friend of mine from Stockton, then we'll come over to your place. How long can we stay for?
Mike: My parents are out of town and won't be back until tomorrow night. You can stay as long as you need to before tomorrow.
Henry: Yeah, we need you for tomorrow morning.
Mike: What do you have planned?
Henry: My friend Dale and I are trying to get to Trenton to start our career in acting. I think it's a good idea if you drive us there in your car. You'll have to hide mine in a good place where your parents will never find it.
Mike: The right stall in our garage. My parents never use it. You can keep your car in there until we get back from Trenton.
Henry: Fantastic. Let's get back to work, and then during our lunch break, I'll go back to my place to pick up some essentials.

When work at the store was over, Henry drove his car to Stockton. He got to the address Dale gave him, and was relieved to see no cars in the driveway.

Henry: *Goes to the front door*
Dale: *Watching Trainz*
Henry: *Knocks on the door five times*
Dale: Is that you Henry?!
Henry: Yeah! You ready to go?
Dale: Almost! Come in!
Henry: *Walks into the house*
Dale: How you doing buddy?
Henry: Good, good. *Sees Trainz on his television* You watch a show about talking trains?
Dale: There's more to it than that.
Henry: Tell me about it some other time. Speaking of time, when do your parents get back?
Dale: We have 3 hours.
Henry: Okay. I told a friend of mine at work that we'd be at his place. Do you have your things ready?
Dale: Just the important stuff.
Henry: Good. My stuff is already packed, so we'll go when this is finished.
Dale: *Turns off the TV* I can watch it some other time. Let's go.

On the way back to Frenchtown, Henry started another conversation.

Henry: My friend Mike is going with us to Trenton.
Dale: Can you trust him?
Henry: Hell yeah.
Dale: Where does he live?
Henry: On Route 12. We'll be taking his car. It's more fuel efficient. We leave tomorrow morning.
Dale: Good. Still got your money?
Henry: Of course. I trust you have yours too.
Dale: Yeah.
Henry: *Passes a sign welcoming them to Frenchtown* We're almost there. Just a few more intersections, and we're in the clear.

When Henry and Dale arrived at Mike's house, Mike was waiting for them on the front porch.

Mike: *Points to the left, showing the garage*
Henry: *Nods, and turns left for the garage* We're going to hide my car. His parents barely use this garage. *Looks at the stall his car will be in. The door is already open* Good. *Turns right, stopping in the stall*

When the two got out, Mike walked towards them.

Henry: Very good Mike. *Gives him a high five*
Dale: *Closes the door to the stall*
Mike: I stole six hundred dollar bills from work after you left. We'll split it up inside.
Henry: Nice work Mike.
Mike: I also managed to smuggle out some snacks, and soda.
Dale: You planning to throw a party for us?
Mike: Yeah. Henry told me what you were planning to do. The night is ours fellas. Let's go in, and enjoy ourselves.

8 PM, eleven hours before Henry, Mike, and Dale would leave for Trenton.

Henry: *Knocks down ten bowling pins in Wii Sports*
Mike: That's your second strike in a row.
Dale: You're beating both of us now.
Henry: We'll see if it'll stay that way once you go.
Dale: Right. *Waves his Wii-mote. The ball goes to the left, and knocks down six pins*
Henry: If this was real bowling, my arm would be hurting right now. I don't usually play five games in a row.
Mike: We'll stop once you lose.
Henry: That won't happen.

Outside of the house, a Suburban in State Police colors passed.

Officer 85: Those two missing people are nowhere in sight.
Dispatch: Roger that. Abandon search, and try again tomorrow.

Next morning, it was time to leave.

Mike: *Gets in his car with Henry, and Dale*
Henry: All of our things are here. Let's go.
Mike: *Starts the car, and turns left*

Song (Start at 1:06): link

Henry & Dale: Trenton! Trenton! Trenton!
Dale: Mustang!!
Henry: What?
Dale: It's my dad!
Henry: You think he saw us?
Mike: He was looking at the road.
Dad: *Turns around, and follows Mike*
Dale: Henry, he's following us.
Henry: Okay. Stay calm.

They passed a 3 way intersection. One road came down a hill from the right, and a truck with an empty trailer was coming towards them.

Dad: *Looking at the license plate of Mike's car as he calls the police*
Truck Man: *Hits the brake pedal, but nothing happens* Oh fuck! No warning light?!
Dad: Yes, I'd like to- *Gets hit by the truck*

Stop the song

Police Officer: I'm sorry, we didn't hear that. Could you repeat that please?
Dad: *Leans back in his chair* Never mind. *Hangs up*
Dale: *Looking back at the crash*
Henry: See? I told you to stay calm.
Dale: You knew that would happen. Didn't you?
Henry: Nope. I just knew we'd lose him sooner or later.

At the crash scene, Dale's dad was not happy. The officer that arrived wanted to arrest him.

Officer 94: I understand, I know the truck didn't stop, but if you weren't using your phone, maybe you could have avoided this.
Dad: My son is going to Trenton, and you bastards won't do shit about it!!!
Officer 94: Who's he going with?
Dad: *Sighs, clearly annoyed as he shakes his head* I reported to your Sargent that he's a missing person! Don't you know how to communicate over there?!?! Officer 94: That's it. You're underarrest. *Arrests Dale's dad*
Dad: For hurting your feelings?
Officer 94: For using a cell phone while driving. *Puts him in the back of a Caprice police car*
Dad: You are going to stop my son though, aren't you?
Officer 94: If he is in trouble like you say he is, we'll get someone to stop him, and whoever is trying to take him to Trenton.

On the way to Trenton, Mike drove, while Henry and Dale looked at the Delaware River, along with the rest of the scenery.

Henry: Ever since I moved into this area, I've been enjoying it.
Dale: I lived in Stockton my whole time. There's an area I like to go to, with a waterfall. I need to show it to you someday.
Henry: Please, do.
Mike: Let's try getting to Trenton first.
Henry: I agree.
Dale: I was talking about doing that in a few months anyway. When the weather gets better.
Henry: Agreed.

At New Jersey State Police barracks, Dale's dad was still talking to the officers about his son.

Dad: You're supposed to find him!! What the hell are you doing taking me down here for?
Officer 94: I told you, you're under arrest for using a cell phone while driving. You caused an accident because of it.
Dad: I did not!!
Officer 94: Please, calm down.
Dad: You don't tell me to calm down. No one, tells me to calm down.
Officer 94: Well I'm telling you. Since you're here, you can also give us more information to help us find your son. Where was the last place you saw him?
Dad: Route 12, heading into Frenchtown. He was in the back of a red Toyota Corolla. I don't remember what was on the license plate, but they are from New Jersey.
Officer 94: Okay. You are going to have to spend a few days in jail, but we appreciate your cooperation.

Stockton was where Henry, Dale, and Mike were now. Dale began to feel a little homesick.

Dale: I am excited to get into that Mickey North film, but I am going to miss this place.
Henry: With the money we got, plus the money they give us for appearing in this movie, I think we'll have enough to afford a better place.
Mike: You know, I didn't want to do this at first, but now I think I want to join you.
Henry: In living with us in Trenton?
Mike: Yeah. I'll be with you guys, so I might as well stick with you.
Henry: That's great Mike. Thank you.

As they drove through Stockton, they passed a familiar blue Scion. It was in the parking lot of a place called Cravings.

Officer: *Walks out of Cravings, holding a chocolate milkshake with a doughnut, and french fries* This is one hell of a breakfast. *Puts the fries on the roof of his car so he can open the door. Once he gets it open, he gets inside his car with all his food, and the milkshake*
Dispatch: All units, be advised, we have more information about one of our missing persons. He is currently on his way to Trenton, with two others in a red Toyota Corolla. We don't know what the license plates are, but we do know they're Jersey plates.
Officer: *Grabs his receiver* This is undercover unit 5. Heading into Trenton now. As soon as I find them, I'll contact you.
Dispatch: 10-4 5.
Officer: *Puts away his receiver* But first. *Drinks his milkshake* I can't let this melt.

Our trio entered Lambertville, continuing the trip to Trenton. It was 30 degress farenheit, and grey clouds started to develop. Pretty soon, it began to snow.

Henry: Finally, I was wondering when we'd get some snow.
Mike: This winter has been very odd for us. First, it gets warm enough for lightning and thunder, and then all of a sudden, it gets cold enough for snow.
Dale: My uncle says that the government can control the weather. He heard about some men in the CIA doing that in Alaska. Do you think that's possible?
Henry: Sure. Anything's possible in the 21st Century.

They stopped at a red light. Behind them was an intersection. A white Nissan took a right turn, revealing a blue Scion.

Mike: *Watches the light turn green, and drives forward*
Officer: *Stuffs the doughnut into his mouth, and tries to eat it while talking* Disfach!! Disfach!!
Dispatcher: *Leans back in his chair, rubbing his forehead*
Officer 74: What is it?
Dispatcher: Someone is trying to contact me, but it's muffled. Listen.
Officer: Dispah!!!!
Officer 74: Find out where it's coming from, and alert all units. One of our cars could be stolen.
Officer: *Swallows the whole doughnut* Dispatch! I think I found our missing person!
Dispatch: Whoever you are, identify yourself.
Officer: Don't you play games with me dispatch, it's undercover unit 5!
Dispatch: I have alerted several officers of your presence. If you do not pull over, and identify yourself, you will be arrested.
Officer: Can't you tell it's me by the sound of my voice??!
Dispatch: Last warning, please identify.
Officer: Goddammit!!

Up ahead.

Mike: *Turns onto the highway*
Henry: This is where I got pulled over when Dale was with me.
Dale: I don't think they know about us. We're safe.
Mike: Good. Last thing I need is to get my first ticket. The undercover officer in his Scion was very upset when he got pulled over by other cops.
Officer: I told you, I was eating a doughnut when I was trying to call Dispatch. Who let that idiot get his current position anyway?
Officer 64: That's the Captain's nephew you're talking about.
Officer: I don't care about the Captain!
Captain: *Walks up in front of the officer* Is that right?
Officer: *Wide eyed. He gets out of his car to apologize*
Captain: Because of you, time that should have been spent on finding those two missing people has been wasted. Get back out there, and find them.
Officer: Yes sir. *Gets back into his car, and drives away* He should have said get back in here, since I had to get back in my car.

At last, Henry, Dale, and Mike reached Trenton. It stopped snowing upon arrival, but when it did, there were ten inches on the ground.

Mike: Alright, where do we have to go?
Dale: According to his Instagram, they should be at South Broad Street, on the bridge going over interstate 129.
Henry: *Holding his phone* You know how to get there?
Mike: Not really.
Henry: It's alright, I just got it on my phone. *Gives it to Mike* Put it on your dashboard, and follow the directions.
Mike: Why did you ask if you were getting directions? Henry: In case you said no.
Dale: Personally, I think that makes sense.

But when they got to the bridge, no one was there.

Henry: You sure this is the right place Dale?
Dale: He posted that he'd be filming right here.
Mike: Check his page. Maybe he's at a different location.
Henry: While you search for his page, I'm going to that bench to ask those guys. Surely they know something.
Mike: We'll be right here when you get back.
Henry: *Walks out of the car, and looks at two men*

The two men on the bench were Aaron Mikowsky, and Craig Rogers.

Henry: Excuse me, my friends are trying to find Mickey North. We want to be in the new film he's directing.
Aaron & Craig: *Look at each other and laugh*
Henry: *Confused* What's so funny?
Craig: You missed him.
Aaron: We're working in his film, but we don't have to be in New York City until Saturday.
Henry: New York City?
Craig: Yeah. *Points at the Corolla* Is that the car you're travelling in?
Henry: Yeah.
Aaron: We're waiting for a bus, but would you mind if we sit in the back with you?
Henry: Sure. You know, anything is better than the bus. *Gets in the car with Aaron, and Craig* These gentlemen are actually part of Mickey North's movie.
Aaron: They went all the way to New York City.
Mike: New York City?
Dale: Well, we aren't that far from it.
Craig: I've gone to the city from here before. If you want to take your car, we could use interstate 33 to get on highway 295.
Mike: Henry?
Henry: Sure. It's still on your dashboard anyway.
Mike: *Uses the phone to get directions to 295*
Craig: By the way, I'm Craig Rogers, and this is Aaron Mikowsky.
Aaron: Pleased to meet you three.
Henry: We're very pleased to meet you.
Mike: *Has the directions, and starts to drive*

Song: link

After a while, Mike, Dale, and Henry were now on a highway heading for Staten Island. Once they reached the island, they would take a different route to reach New York City.

Craig: You ran away from your folks?
Henry: We did. How else would we be able to get in this movie?
Mike: I'm just here because they asked me to drive them.
Aaron: Can't blame you. I did the same thing when I was seven.
Henry & Craig: You did?
Aaron: Yep.

Stop the song. Back at Trenton, the undercover officer looked everywhere. Other officers of both state police, and the Trenton police department helped looked, but there was no sign of Henry, or Dale.

Officer: Dispatch, I understand that you're the Captain's nephew.
Dispatcher: No hard feelings about earlier, I hope?
Officer: None. However, our two missing people are not in Trenton.
Dispatch: 10-4, abandon search.
Officer: *Thinking* Wait. Let's not abandon search just yet.
Dispatch: Why not?
Officer: When I arrested them two days ago, they told me something about going to try and be in a movie. I think the director is Mickey North.
Dispatch: What are you saying?
Officer: Perhaps they moved to a new location. I'll check it out on my phone, and then I'll contact you again.
Dispatch: Roger that.

Now Mike was in Jersey City with Craig, Aaron, Henry and Dale.

Craig: Take a right, and we can use the Holland Tunnel.
Mike: That's the only way we can go. It's a one way road. *Turns right*

Parked behind them was another state trooper.

Officer 65: *Talks into his receiver* All units, I spotted the missing persons, but they have entered the Holland Tunnel, and are out of our jurisdiction. Inform the NYPD.
Dispatch: Roger that.

By the time Mike drove out of the Holland Tunnel, the traffic was crowded.

Dale: Typical.
Mike: In this city at least.
Aaron: I think it's because Canal Street is closed.
Henry: But tomorrow is Saturday. You said they wouldn't start filming until Saturday.
Craig: Mickey has a tendency to change his mind sometimes, without letting others know.
Mike: If that's the case, we better go to Canal Street.
Dale: Luckily, it's not very far.

All they had to do was drive a few more yards, and they made it.

Craig: *Sees the movie crew*
Aaron: Looks like they're getting things set up. They haven't started filming yet.
Craig: There's a parking spot just before the barriers on the right.
Mike: *Goes into the parking space Craig pointed out*

The five of them walked out, and went towards one of the other actors.

Tim: *Turns around* Craig, Aaron, nice to see you two again. Who are these three?
Aaron: New actors. Where's Mickey North?

To answer Aaron's question, Mickey North walked out with three other actors. Max Mann, Steve Esposito, and Scott Eastwood.

Mickey: Craig, Aaron, good to see you again.
Aaron: You changed your mind about filming again, didn't you?
Mickey: I did. Sorry, I forgot to tell you.
Max: Who are these three?
Craig: New guys.
Aaron: They want to be with us.
Mickey: I don't know. I already have enough actors.
Henry: We don't need a big role.
Dale: Make us background characters if you want.
Mike: We came all the way from Milford, met up with Craig and Aaron in Trenton, and came here with them from there.
Scott: You three had a pretty busy day.
Steve: I say we give them a chance.
Mickey: Okay. The next scene I'm filming is a musical number. You can be in it.
Henry: Yes.

The music scene Mickey North would begin filming was about to start soon.

Mickey: *Inside a building, watching the scene. He talks through a walkie talkie* Everyone is behind the barriers, and inside their homes. You may begin filming.
Scott: Remember what to do?
Henry: There's not much to remember.
Max: You'll do just fine.
Producer: Action!

Song: link

Steve: *Puts down a boombox* This'll teach Brooklyn not to play on our territory! *Dances with the others*
Henry: *Dancing between Dale, and Mike*
Mickey: *Watching the actors* Nice. Very nice.
Woman 94: Hey, look at those three!

Henry, Dale, and Mike were dancing so well, the others wanted to join in as well.

Man 83: *Passes the barrier with several others*
Producer: Sir-
Mickey: Wait, I like the way this is going.
People: *Dancing with the actors*

Then, people started coming out of their homes just to dance with the others as well.

Mickey: Nice. Very nice. Keep filming this.
People: *Climbing onto a brand new Ford Fusion, and begin to dance on it*
Man 38: *Gets out of the house, and smiles as he dances along with the others, watching the group of people dancing on his car*
People: *Going in the direction that the singer is saying*
People Dancing On Car: *Making it bounce up and down as they swing their feet up into the air*
Henry: *Kneels down, then spins clockwise on his right knee*
Dale & Mike: *Dancing alongside Aaron, and Craig*
Everyone: Let me see that tootsie roll!
Mickey: I'm going down there too. I can't miss out on this. *Gets out of his chair*
Producer: Hell. *Drops his mic, and goes out to dance with the others*
Cameramen: *Filming the hundreds of people dancing in the middle of the street*

Then, from the back barriers.

NYPD Officers: *Looks at the group of dancing people*
Police Sargent: Downtime boys. *Goes with the six other officers to dance in the group*
People: *High fiving the police officers as they dance with them*
People Dancing On Car: *Leaning forward, and spinning their heads clockwise*
Man 67: *Picks up a woman as he spins around on his feet*
Woman 79: *Jumps off, doing a backflip*
Henry: *Turns around, performing more dance moves, when he spots the police officers*

He had to find a way to tell his friends about them without stopping the people from dancing.

Henry: *Bumps his hips into Dale*
Dale: *Moves left, and looks at Henry, still dancing*
Henry: *Points his fingers to the police officers while he still dances*
Dale: *Shrugs as he dances*
Henry: *Moves his head to the left, now staring at the police officers*
Dale: *Looks to the right, and sees the police officers*
Henry: *Points behind Dale, and they both move towards a group of other dancers so the cops can't see them*
Mickey: *Runs out of the directing building, and goes next to Henry, and Dale* Enjoying yourselves?
Henry: Yeah.
Mickey: You want a bigger role?
Dale: Sure.
Mickey: Congrats. I'll get contracts for you two, and Mike once we finish filming this scene. Let's get back out there. *Runs with Henry, and Dale as they dance in the middle again*

More people started to surround them though, and the police officers could not see them.

Henry: *Gives Dale two thumbs up as they continue dancing*
Mike: *Dancing with Max, Steven, Tim, and Scott*
People: *Doing backflips*
Man 39: *Jumps off the hood of the car, doing a front flip, landing on it again. Small dents are created by this*
People Dancing On Car: *Continue to dance on the car*
Everyone: *Dancing, and singing* Woop! Woop! Woop! Woop! Woop! Woop! Woop! Woop!
Aaron & Craig: *Dancing side by side*
Everyone: Let me see that tootsie roll!
Mickey: And cut!!

The song stops, and everyone immediately stops dancing.

People Dancing On Car: *Getting off the car*
Mickey: Loved it. Everyone was energetic.
Man 38: *Looks at his car. Many small dents are on the hood, and roof* Who thought it was a good idea to dance on my car?!

New York City, Two Months Later

Henry: *Driving across the Williamsburg Bridge in his Pontiac* You'll like this place. It takes an hour for them to make it, but it's really good.
Dale: Hey, after the film we just starred in, and the contracts we just got, I think that should entitle us to get our food quickly.
Henry: Or with the money we just got, it should cover it. Along with our new apartment.
Dale: Good, because as much as I like Craig, living with him was not easy.
Henry: Hey, all we had to do was sleep on the floor. It wasn't very difficult.

Song (Start at 1:06): link

Then suddenly, one of the tires went flat. Henry couldn't control the car, and he hit a guardrail.

Henry: Oh no.
Dale: I hope we have enough money to fix that.

Everything pauses in place for the end credits

SeanTheHedgehog as Henry Ranne
CokeTheUmbreon as Dale O' Conner
Tammy, Diane, Michael, and Dale's parents as their selves
Henry's Parents as their selves
Erik Estrada as Craig Rogers
George Lopez as Tim Friella
Armie Hammer as Mickey North
Scott Caan as Max Mann
Scott Adkins as Steve Esposito
Scott Eastwood as himself
Oscar Isaac as Aaron Mikowsky


My Way: Sid Vicious
Dangerous A: Spongebob
Sirius: The Alan Parson's Project
Tootsee Roll: 69 Boyz

Locations For Fan Fiction

Milford, Frenchtown, Stockton, Lambertville, and Trenton New Jersey
Staten Island, New York New York City

This has been a SeanTheHedgehog & CokeTheUmbreon Production

Copyright - February 25, 2017
added by Seanthehedgehog
added by DisneyPrince88
added by DisneyPrince88
added by DisneyPrince88
added by DisneyPrince88