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Tim made his way to the bullpen after briskly jogging off the elevator he set his workload down on his desk and stopped as he noticed Abby leaning on Gibb’s desk…his coffee was there but he wasn’t.

“Hi Abby” He smiled

“Your late Timmy..” She smiled back.

“I know…I know” He was about to sit when he was stopped by the footsteps of his boss.

“Sorry Boss…I nearly overslept”

Gibbs nudged the Goth.

“Oh! Yeah….your going to be training today.”

He looked at Abby.


“Nope…well kind of… your going to train with our newest probie.”

He smiled.

“Thanks for choosing me.” He looked at Gibbs who just smirked as he was reading his paper.

“I chose you Tim” Abby said slowly she crossed her arms.

“Oh well…thanks Abs who’s going to be my partner today?”

Just then Dwight rounded the corner dressed in an Olive tank-top, camouflage pants and steel-toed boots. He leaned down as the Goth whispered in his ear.

“Don’t hurt him…he’s like a gummy bear he’s kinda soft and you could smash him up easily if your not careful. He’s a sweetie…so don’t go all Sgt. Hartman on him.” She looked up at him with pleading eyes.

“Don’t worry Little Spider….I won’t unless I have a reason.” He smiled.


He patted the top of her head.

McGee meanwhile looked as if he was going to faint.

“Hey little buddy look like you and I are gonna be trainin’ today”

“Yeah” He swallowed.

Dwight put an arm around him as they began their walk over to training. Abby exhaled and watched them enter the elevator.

“You think Tim’s going to be okay with him?”

Gibbs looked over his glasses.

“Do you?”

“Yeah….I think.”

Abby sighed.

“I hope…”

Gibbs just smirked as he heard the Goth scamper back to her lab.

*** Training facility, NCIS

Dwight walked with his arm still around the nervous agent as they stepped into a buzzing training room.

“Your not going to hurt me are you?”

Dwight Smiled.

“No…Abby would kill me.” He smiled.

Tim laughed

“…and she’d leave no evidence” they said in unison

Dwight smiled.

“Ahh you’re on the ball.” He taped his temple

“Yeah…I may be a nerd but I have my moments.” He smiled sheepishly

“Hey you have heart…and that is what all good o’le boys have….no matter where they’re from.” He patted the shorter agent on the back.


The tall southerner smiled.

“Ready to work...?”

McGee nodded his confidence renewed

Several minutes later Tim came out in an NCIS tank top and shorts…after several minutes of stretching Dwight set up a training dummy.

“First thing…I wanna see how you take a suspect down in a rush.”

Tim nodded and went low for the legs.

Dwight stopped him.


“Nah…don’t be…. You need a good set up move for your double leg.”

“Like what...?”

“Well..” He hunkered down low next too him. “If you’re going to come at someone low….it should be from the side.”

He moved forward and pointed.

“That way you can keep them off balance. Be sure to push up with your legs when you hit and go for their hands if they are armed to pin their arms…if you are alone…and be sure to get on top of them use your body weight. When your with your partners adapt to the situation.”

Tim nodded and charged taking the dummy down hard.

Dwight nodded “Very nice….”

McGee smiled.

*** Undisclosed Location, Russia

Tony walked across the courtyard in front of the beautiful estate. There was a small city of tents and wagons. There were people of all faiths living in peace with each other. He had never seen that before in his life.

He headed towards a wooden long hut. Justave had told him that’s where he had trained as a young boy at the age of seven when he was accepted into the Soviet Army…where his father had prepared when Russia was fighting against the great Nazi scourge…and his grandfather and great grandfather had done the same when they competed in competitions around all of Russia.

As he approached the door he stepped in slowly, the room was dimly lit….he peered in and saw her drenched in sweat her beautiful long hair matted to her back. She was viciously attacking a heavy bag. He saw the fire in her eyes as she punched and kicked with all her might.

Tony watched her and winced at the sound of the bag mixed with Ziva’s own grunts he knew she carried around very deep pain that he dare not question.

The deaths of her mother and sister were never far from the surface…and it was clear she struggled with a deep hatred of the way her father had chosen his career at Mossad instead of raising her, Tali and Ari as a family.

The way he constantly denied ever being unfaithful to her mother before she died…but it was plain to see that Ari was the fruit of his betrayal of her mother…he even made veiled references to her having another sibling besides Tali but he refused to confirm nor fully deny that question.

Deep down Tony knew that he had much in common with her but like her he was scared of losing control and falling in love again…this time for real. He remembered how she hated him when he exposed Michael Rivkin as a rouge officer when she so wanted to believe that someone could actually love her.

The day he was taken to prison, she asked her father if it was real again he was indecisive.

Just as he had been when then-director, Shepard asked him if his love for Jean was real.

When she was left in Israel, it drove him mad not having her close. Abby noted that he was “broken” and even Gibbs saw the light leave his eyes for those months when she wasn’t there.

It was then that he knew…he would cross heaven and hell to get her back. She may have not wanted his heart but she was now burned into his soul. When the team found her in Africa. Something in him took over he claimed “vengeance” to his captor but that was a lie.

When he told Ziva that he couldn’t live with out her he saw the last wall of her mistrust of him come crashing down. Then Abby cornered him shortly after they came home….she knew the truth….he very deeply loved her…but didn’t know how to tell her.

He remembered the gentle kiss Ziva had given him after thanking him for saving her.

He stepped further into the room and sat down continuing to watch her.

She was now shadow-kick boxing she moved like a dancer…the candlelight reflected off her skin. She was like a living painting light and shadows danced in harmony.

Her muscles glinting with perspiration as she kicked. He could see her beautiful eyes and the peace within them as she lost herself in her movements.

This was the beauty Tony had wanted to see for years as they worked together.

A strong beauty that no one could take from her no matter how hard people tried.

Tony was lost in watching her 'till the slide of a pistol shook him from his daze.

“Who ever is there step into the light…slowly” Ziva said slowly between exhausted pants.

“Don’t shoot…it’s me.” He said lazily holding up his hands.

“Kusemek” She flipped the safety and holstered her weapon.

“How long have you been watching me…?”

“Uh, about two hours….since I came to see if you wanted dinner since everyone is eating.”

She walked up to him slowly and looked into his eyes.

“What gave you the right to spy on me…?”

Tony looked back at her.

“I wasn’t spying I was watching.”

He handed her a towel she had brought with her, she quickly snatched it from him and toweled her face.

“I am more then capable of feeding myself.” She said pulling her hair in a messy braid.

“Right…forget I asked.” He turned and walked out the door looking at her before he fully stepped out.

Several minutes went by until she sighed deeply and realized her defensiveness had hurt him…yet again.


Tony walked and sat down next to the warm fire, across from him was a rather large and barrel-chested man he was the cook for all the people there…his name was Voladya he was still in tremendous shape despite his age. He was referred to as “Uncle” by everyone younger then 50.

“What is wrong my American friend?” He said in his thick basso accent.

“Well I think my co-worker hates me.” He said filling a small bowl with a thick stew from a large pot that was simmering.

Voladya smiled “How old are you?”

Tony cleared his throat. “Um…about 38”

“Ah so long ago…”

Tony looked at him.

“And you…?”

“I am seventy-two years young” He proudly stated..

“Seventy two?” Tony looked at him stunned.

Voladya laughed heartily.

He smiled warmly…as he seemed to know what the Italian was going to say or at least what he was thinking.

“What kind of girl is this worker of yours?”

“She’s Jewish…strong willed…and could probably kick my teeth in.”

“Ah…Israeli girls very strong…..good fighters.”

Tony nodded a smile forming on his lips, he loved talking about her.

“Yeah she’s a major bad ass.”

Voladya nodded.

“Like your Clint Eastwood.”

Tony laughed.

“Yeah except very pretty.”

“Yes….girls from the East are beautiful….and even those that are not look good after drink!”

Tony laughed again.

“Well I think she’s beautiful…and I always act like an idiot around her….like a major idiot.”

“Ah yes…..”

“I just don’t think I’m good enough for her….her father is well let’s say he’s not a big fan of mine.”

He was then offered a drink.

“Listen here boy….she will find her way to you. love is not like train but like lightening bolt when it happens you will know…..God has chosen her for you. I see in your eyes that you are a good man….and your heart is true.”

Tony rose slowly and shook the older man’s hand.


Voladya rose his glass In reply.

***Local Bar, Washington, D. C.

The day had gone very well for the former probie as he had impressed the tall southerner after several hours of being thrown from pillar to post McGee ended up breaking Dwight’s nose during a disarming drill.

After helping stop the bleeding Dwight actually gave him a five saying he hadn’t had his nose broken since he was in collage at LSU. Much to Tim’s shock he laughed it off instead of beating him into intensive care,

“You were a regular Sgt. Alvin York at the range Timmy boy.” He patted his back.

“Well…I do practice when no ones around. It’s still not easy for me to draw on someone. I still haven’t gotten over the thought that I may have shot and undercover police officer.”

Dwight poured a pair of shots and looked at him.

“Yeah I don’t believe that….we heard that through scuttlebutt that it wasn’t proven.”

Tim looked at him.

“Still….I just wish it was more cut and dry.” He sipped his shot.

Dwight nodded.

“I know how that can feel….we don’t like to kill anyone innocent…but when things happen that we can’t control sometimes it happens…when I was in Iraq we had several firefights with insurgents…and well several villagers were caught in at least 2 that I was in. War is different then police work but still sometimes things happen that can’t be helped.”

Tim nodded.

“I went to his funeral….and I met his wife…she looked at me and said that she knew I wasn’t the sort to just shoot someone unless I was specifically aiming for someone else. No one at the office knows and well it’s taken a while but I’ve gotten over the guilt pretty much but every now and then it creeps up when I draw on people.”

Dwight patted his back.

“It’s what makes us human….and I know you’re a good guy. So you just work on it with the Big Man…and he’ll keep you from beatin’ yourself up. We have faith in you ‘Lil Mac.”

Tim smiled at the new nickname.

“Thanks Dwight.”

Tim smiled as a song started on the jukebox he began to mouth the words as he listened.

“Cowboys ain't easy to love and they're harder to hold

And they'd rather give you a song then diamonds or gold”

Dwight smiled big nodded and replied.

“Lone-star belt buckles and old faded Levi's each night begins a new day

And if you don't understand him and he don't die young

He'll probably just ride away”

They sang together with Dwight’s Louisiana twang coming out fully at first as they turned slowly on their stools….causing Tim to smile brightly.

“Mamas' don't let your babies grow up to be cowboys

Don't let ’em pick guitars and drive them old trucks

Let 'em be doctors and lawyers and such

Mamas' don't let your babies grow up to be cowboys
Cause they'll never stay home and they're always alone Even with someone they love”

Several Agents clapped and whistled asking the pair to continue…

Tim slowly breathed motioned for another shot and went on.

Cowboys like smoky old pool rooms and clear mountain mornin's.

Dwight laughed as the agents again cheered Tim’s courage as he replied.

“Little warm puppies and children and girls of the night.” which drew whistles from the room.

Several others stood and joined in.

“Them that don't know him won't like him
And them that do sometimes won't know how to take him

He ain't wrong he's just different
but his pride won't let him do things to make you think he's right”

A loud cheer came as the whole room joined in for the repeat of the chorus.

Dwight laughed as the song ended to a rousing applause, laughter and cheers.

“Lil’ Mac….you never told me you liked Waylon n’ Willie..”

Tim smiled and promptly fell out of his seat…Dwight picked him up.

“You know Tim you’re a good time”

he laughed, paid and helped the former probie to his truck.
Far Away-Nicleback

Finnaly, down the street, he reaches the hospital. Ziva breaths slowly, and closes her eyes softly.
-Don't close your eyes, keep awake, Zi, we're already in the hospital.
-I'm tired...-She says.
Seeing Tony with Ziva almost unconscious in his arms, a doctor and a nurse run to them.
-We'll take care of her, now. -The doctor says.-Rosa, take him to a room where he can wait alone and calm down. -He says to the nurse.
-This way, señor. -The nurse says, kindly.
She leads him to a quite room.
-You may sit there.
-Thanks. -He says.
-I'll get you a cup of tea.
-Thank you, but I just want...
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#4 wow i realy like this one i hope you do to but if not tell me why not so i can make you like it and also if you like black belt vs assassin read my other ones they are called sister sister ,but i need help to get past the 2 chapter so please help me
Megan’s pov
She had never been so insulted
This girl just stud there withstanding her sneer like it was the most hilarious thing in the world don’t get her wrong she had seen people laugh at her before but never while she had this look on and don’t think her conceded but she had also never...
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posted by NCISCHIK
Ok please, please don't judge me to harsh on this. I was up till 3 am writing this and then my little brother deleted it all, and I am in troubles for screaming at him, so this was better until I had to re-write it. And don't bother reading this if bad spelling and punctuation bothers, you because I am not going to check this over and over again, just to get it right. I did that once and it got deleted, so oh well. This is my first fan fic so i hope you like it
It was almost mid-night and Aiva was ready for a night at home with a good book, when...
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posted by obsessedbyncis
Tony didn't come to Ziva's ceremony of getting American citizenship. She was heartbroken, thought he did not care, and left in Israel for a vacation. Tony barely caught her plane.

I've hardly made it. I mean, I came to the airport ten minutes before her flight and besides, no one would let me on the plane if I wouldn't show my badge. Great. Now she's sitting really really far from me and… yeah, it sucks. I know I shouldn't have accept Vance's 'wish' me sending God knows where mission. That's why I came back and caught Ziva's plane before she could ran away from my life. Damn.
Uh. I can see...
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Hope you like it!


Blank Canvas
Chapter One - I Can Hear the Sirens

Police sirens blaring. A cordoned off alleyway and paramedics jumping out of ambulances. Tony DiNozzo was just about to take a vacancy. With a shotgun wound to the stomach and multiple bruises to the head, chest and leg areas, it didn't look good. He had survived, against the odds, to live long enough for the ambulance to get there.

"Will I live through this?" he choked. He could barely breathe with all the tubes going down his throat. His paramedic was a dirty blonde called Ellexis, according to her...
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yay second capter hope you like it please coment :)
present time ziva’s pov
“I cannot believe that he would do this to me this is crazy” ziva thought as she retreated from the scene it had been perfect the last 3 months or has it he would not be stupid enough to cheat on an assassin right
About that time she heard someone calling her name but it was too late if she turned around now she would kill someone for sure so she just kept running toward her apartment hoping he would not follow her
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posted by iheartwheaterly
Disclaimer-I am not affiliated with NCIS or CBS.
I do not have any part in creating in these characters, nor do I own them.
Anthony entered the building with less swagger and less spring in his step. Mondays were basically torture for him, it ended his weekend that was filled with beer and junk food. As soon as he placed down his gear, Ziva started to snicker.
"What?" he snapped.
She looked up from her computer screen.
"None of your business." she retorted hatefully.
McGee watched the bicker and realized the intensity in the bullpen. Tony stared intently at Ziva, and she ignored him....
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A/N: A bit of a small chapter, sorry. Ah... Enemies Foreign is airing in less then 48 hours! :)
Disclaimer: I do not own NCIS.
Song: Say When by The Fray.

"I think I'll take that coffee now."

Tony and Ziva walked along the streets just outside NCIS with the sun hanging low in the sky - among the dark grey clouds, both having half-filled coffee cups at hand. The growls of thunder became more dominant as...
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Disclaimer: I don't own NCIS or anything having to do with it except i watch it a lot and i own 4 seasons of DVDs. Enda story. Not a very happy ending ;( I also don't own the song, but i'm okay with that for right now.

Jason Derulo's Queen Of Hearts inspired this, kinda. listen to it, it's my current Tiva song!----god that list is gettin long:). as i said, i don't own it. sad, but true.

*****5:00 Monday Mornin'********

Ziva stared at him. Constantly. Whether it be in a silly photograph from a crime scene, his face-book page (he'd requested her so many times she didn't have room for anything else....
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posted by Ms_Montana
A/N: Just a short one-shot inspired by “False Witness”. I own nothing.

From hands and hearts

With another snowy evening in D.C, another day ended for Tony. But it was the first time in the last few days that he felt actually pretty good. Not the sort of good his was used – DiNozzo-good – but it was still a huge improvement. Unintentional Brenda Bittner had puzzled him; making him think about his entire life, the past years and all the One-Night-Stands he had had. Midlife crazy.
He was about to switch on TV, when someone knocked at his door. DiNozzo wondered; he hadn’t expected visitors...
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posted by mossheart1235
Ziva sat with her hands clasped, legs crossed, as she watched Abby get ready. "Tonight will be amazing, don't you think?" Abby squealed, slipping her earrings in.
"Abby, it will be, but I never thought I would see you wearing white."
"Me neither, Ziva." She turned to face her best friend and sighed."What do you think?"
"Oh, Abby, you look great!"
"Yeah, but is it too much?" Ziva suppressed a sigh. This was Abby's big day, and she should be worried.
"Honestly, my sister was more of a fashion expert than I was. Abby, you look amazing."
"You sure?"
Ziva smiled. "I am sure."

Abby's wedding was a dream...
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posted by MYK79
Ziva is happy they skipped the movie, even though she knows it only confirms what he fears. Tony was right! Since they moved back here, she had only left the house to visit her former employer, once, and to go with him to bring her daughter to school where she sat in the car, four out of the five times. Her anxiety was rebuilding with the growing of her belly. The first week she hadn’t let Tali out of her sight, or even out of the house. Occasionally both of them had companied Tony to visit his father in the nursing home. Now that Senior had recovered and Tali would soon be starting first...
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posted by iheartwheaterly
Well,this took a lot of thought. Comments are equal to happiness. This has a preview of the song Mockingbird by my favorite artist,Rob Thomas.DISCLAIMER-Don't own the characters or the music. I'm not going to write another chapter until there are at least 5 comments!
"Tony!" I exclaimed as I saw the most valuable person in my life fall to the ground.
I ran to his side,relieved that it was only his shoulder that was shot.
"I'm okay,Ziva." he breathed.
I wrapped my arms around him,with my gun in my left hand. As my hands joined at the back of his neck,I shot at the shooter,who stood saying....
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posted by earane
FanFiction everyone on this sitepage must off read/write them. A lot of you will also know about fanfiction.net
Now what my plan is, to make a list with reall good tiva fanfictions so that you do not have to search, because mostly fellow readers can point the best stories at you.
The idea is this, name the story+ the author in your comment and I'll put it on the list, but please don't put your own in the comments, let's stay objective.

My girl - Angel-death-dealer
The Knife - Broadway007
Blank - Prissy and Bregan
Captives - DiNUTZzo
Just One More - Aldea0402
Motherhood - Sophie Ranier
Me, My fake husband, and my crazy aunt - broken piece of the puzzle
added by Tivaforever487
Source: Meee
DISCLAIM-seriously? y'all get it by now. Don Belisarrio and I are TWO DIFFERENT PEOPLE! Therefore, i own NOTHING to do with NCIS except DVD s. Or anything else i mention in this article. so yeah, stop reading this and get down to what u actually clicked for.

don't get confused, the beginning is the same. this just has the middle and end of it :)

PROLOGUE: An older gray haired man entered, and immediately all eyes went on him. He was almost never here, but he was the most famous man in the building. Everybody knew he was here for one thing, and...
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added by Tivaforever487
Source: Meeee
This is my new Tiva fanfic. At the beginning of each chapter is the name of a song that the story contains. Hope you like it =)

Midnigth Bottle-Colbie Caillat

There he is, back from Mexico.
-Hey, McGoogle!!!-Tony says with his big smile.- Hi, Zi...-He looks to Ziva's desk and doesn't see her.-Where's our crazy ninja?
-She's not here.
-Really?... I didn't notice that McGeek!!!...
-No, I mean she's not here, in D.C.
Tony feels nervous.
-Oh... She's not in...
-Calm down Tony, she's not in Israel. She's New York, in a mission.
Tony takes a deep breath.
-What kind of mission?
-I don't know. You have to ask...
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i got a really good idea when i was riting this so here it is insted of making a long ending i decided for this to be the end of the first of the vs series yay dont hate me for the ending sorry

Ziva’s pov
Once we got the girl to the hospital the girl had stopped crying I thought that she had gone numb by that time so would I
Tony was feeling better and I was sitting in the back with him and the girl that I had found out was named magan is in the front with abby driving
I was in the back with tony and we are all forgiven
When we got out of...
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At the sight of Tony she hurled herself into his arms. He gladly took he in and started shhing and rubbing her back when she started to cry again. He picked her up bridal style and walked to his bed laid her gently down and held her and he could've swore she was whispering "Tony, how could you?"

Ziva's pov

I woke up in his arms. The man I love. The man I won't dare date because I am too afraid of what my father or Gibbs will do to him. The man who risked his life saving me in Somalia. The man who I had just had a nightmare about dieing in my arms. I woke up in the arms of Special Agent Tony...
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